Dr Emmanuelle Lemaire

e.lemaire@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874746
4SB.6.10, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday : 4 - 5 pm
Emmanuelle Lemaire joined the University of Essex in September 2019. Her current research focuses on compensation schemes and their interplay with the tort system, artificial intelligence and civil liability, and the compensation of damage resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. She is affiliated with the GRERCA (Groupe de Recherche Européen de la Responsabilité Civile et de l'Assurance) and with the British Association of Comparative Law (BACL). Emmanuelle was previously a Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas where she taught at their French and Mauritian campuses (Law of Persons, Introduction to Law, Contract Law, Tort Law, Legal Skills, Research and Methods) and worked as a research assistant in the Institute of Comparative Law of the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. Emmanuelle studied law at the University of Maine (France), the University of Leeds (UK) and the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas (France). She completed a fully-funded PhD at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas in Comparative Tort Law, examining how the French and the English legal systems approached issues of compensation in the context of serial health risks. A summary of her doctoral research can be found on the following website: https://british-association-comparative-law.org/2020/11/20/serial-health-risks-and-civil-liability-a-comparative-study-of-french-and-english-law-by-emmanuelle-lemaire/ She is more generally interested in Comparative Law, Medical Negligence, Tort Law, Systems of Compensation, etc.
Qualifiée aux fonctions de maître de conférences Conseil National des Universités, (2021)
Doctorat de droit (PhD) University of Paris II Panthéon Assas, (2020)
Master 2 de droit (European Comparative Law) University of Paris II Panthéon Assas, (2012)
Master 1 de droit (General Private Law) University of Paris II Panthéon Assas, (2011)
Licence de droit (third year completed at the University of Leeds, UK) University of Maine, (2010)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Comparative Law, Tort Law, French Law, English Law
Conferences and presentations
The difficult road to compensation for victims of the Covid-19 vaccine in England and Wales
Invited presentation, Issues in the field of civil liability, Madrid, Spain, 24/4/2023
Les responsabilités civiles liées à la vaccination contre la Covid-19
Invited presentation, Crise sanitaire et responsabilité civile, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 21/4/2023
L'indemnisation spécifique des victimes de la vaccination contre la Covid-19 en droit anglais: le Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme
Invited presentation, Covid-19 et droit de l'indemnisation: la prise en charge des dommages liés à la crise sanitaire, Tokyo, Japan, 19/11/2022
Responsabilité civile et intelligence artificielle
Invited presentation, Annual Meeting of the GRERCA (Groupe de recherche européen de la responsabilité civile et de l'assurance), Lyon, France, 15/10/2021
Compensation Schemes and the Tort System in the Context of Public Health Scandals
SLS conference, 31/8/2021
Medical Liability applied to COVID-19 Patients: A view of English Law
Invited presentation, COVID-19 and the Compensation of Victims : A Comparative View of the French and the Japanese Legal Systems., Lyon, France, 1/7/2021
Symposium on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Dutch Chapter of the Henri Capitant Association
Symposium Henri Capitant, Leiden, Netherlands, 21/9/2017
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
French Private Law I (LW112)
Tort Law (LW201)
Journal articles (8)
Lemaire, E., L'indemnisation spécifique des dommages liés à la vaccination contre la Covid-19 en droit anglais: le Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme. Les Cahiers Louis Josserand. 3
Lemaire, E., UNTITLED
Lemaire, E., (2022). La responsabilité des médecins appliquée au traitement des malades de la Covid-19: regards de droit anglais. Cahiers Louis Josserand (1)
Lemaire, E., (2022). La responsabilité des producteurs de vaccins contre la Covid-19 : regards de droit anglais. Les Cahiers Louis Josserand (1)
Lemaire, E., (2019). Causal presumptions and defective products in EU Law. Journal of Professional Negligence. 35 (2), 95-111
Castermans, AG., Dankers-Hagenaarrs, D., Dejean de la Batie, A., Borghetti, J-S., De Cabarrus, C., Alogna, I., Beumers, T., Cormier, M., De Graaff, R., Lemaire, E., Leveneur-Azémar, M., Moron-Puech, B., Nuninga, T., Vancoppernolle, T. and Veldt, G., (2017). Regards comparatistes sur la réforme de la responsabilité civile: le rapprochement des responsabilités contractuelle et délictuelle dans l’avant-projet de réforme, abordé sous l’angle du droit compare. Revue internationale de droit compare. 69 (1), 7-44
Lemaire, E., (2016). The Fear of Future Illness: An Analytical Comparison of English and French Law. Journal of European Tort Law. 7 (1), 27-57
Lemaire, E., (2013). Le vaccin anti-hépatite B, ou l'histoire d'une machine toujours en marche.... Les Petites Affiches. 217, 18-18
Books (2)
Lemaire, E., (2021). Risques sanitaires sériels et responsabilité civile: étude comparée des droits français et anglais. L'Harmattan. 978-2-343-23287-4
Blanc-Jouvan, G., (2015). Exercices corrigés de droit des obligations. 236561065X. 9782365610650
Book chapters (2)
Lemaire, E., (2024). Les responsabilités civiles liées à la vaccination contre la Covid-19. Rapport de droit anglais. In: La crise sanitaire: la responsabilité et l'assurance. Recueil des travaux du Groupe de Recherche Européen sur la Responsabilité civile et l'Assurance.. Editors: Lete, J., . Bruylant. 237- 266. 9782802774327
Lemaire, E., (2022). La nécessité de créer un nouveau régime? Vers la reconnaissance d'une nouvelle personnalité juridique? Rapport de droit anglais. In: Responsabilité civile et intelligence artificielle. Editors: Gout, O., . Larcier-Bruylant. 553- 566. 9782802771906
Other (1)
Lemaire, E., (2022).'Marie Dugué. L’intérêt protégé en droit de la responsabilité civile (LGDJ, Paris 2019, Bibliothèque de droit privé, vol 588) XV + 482 pp. ISBN 978-2-275-06043-9. €58 (paperback)' (Book Review). Journal of European Tort Law. 13(1),De Gruyter
Academic support hours:
Monday : 4 - 5 pm