
Dr Jichun Li

Visiting Fellow
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Jichun Li
  • Email

  • Location

    Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Tuesday: 13:00-14:00; Zoom Meeting ID: 964 1583 9471 Wednesday: 09:30-10:30; Zoom Meeting ID: 931 0455 6860



I am currently Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at Computing and Complex BioSystems (ICOS) research group, School of Computing, Newcastle University. I am also a visiting fellow at University of Essex. I received my Ph.D. degree from Department of Informatics, King’s College London (top 20 world university), U.K. And then he took postdoctoral positions at Durham University, Newcastle University, Brunel University London @TWI. I joined University of Essex as a lecturer between 2020-2022. He is a Fellow of HE and a member of IEEE and IET. .I am a Fellow of HE and a member of IEEE and IET. At Newcastle, I am seeking to carry out world-leading research at the interface of computing science, robotics, automation, and complex biological systems (e.g. in biology, chemistry, physics) as well as synthetic ones (e.g. in biological engineering, health care, robotics and software engineering). My research outputs have been published in high-impact computer science journals and international conferences, including IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,ICRA and IROS. He has led (PI/Co-I) or participated as PDRA a number of projects funded by EU, EPSRC, InnovateUK and industries which are worth about £27 millions. I am always looking for excellent and highly-motivated PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and visiting researchers who are interested in bio-informatics, AI, robotics and automation, nano-biotechnology, BCI, medical devices, sensors and Bio-Manufacturing. We are accepting PhD applications all year round. Please contact me via :


  • PhD King's College London, University of London,

  • MEng China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), (2003)

  • BSc China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), (2000)


University of Essex

  • Visiting Fellow, CSEE, University of Essex (15/4/2020 - present)

  • Lecturer, CSEE, University of Essex (23/3/2020 - 14/4/2022)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Applied Machine Learning

Industrial applications of Machine Learning

Open to supervise

Bespoke robotics/automation

Bespoke robotics for bioscience, chemical and medical applications

Open to supervise

Artificial Intelligence

Neural Networks, ZNN,

Sensor and system integration

tactile sensor, vision sensor, image processing, fibre optic sensor

Open to supervise

Biomedical instrumentation/device

Smart device and instrumentation for medical applications

Conferences and presentations

Session Chair

Invited presentation, The 3rd IEEE/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, Beijing, China, 20/7/2015

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Zilu Wang
Zilu Wang
Thesis title: Eeg Based Analysis and Decoding of Multiple Actions in Separate Lower Limbs for Brain Computer Interfacing
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/2/2025


Journal articles (30)

Tang, W., Cai, H., Xiao, L., He, Y., Li, L., Zuo, Q. and Li, J., (2025). A Predefined-Time Adaptive Zeroing Neural Network for Solving Time-Varying Linear Equations and Its Application to UR5 Robot. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 36 (3), 4703-4712

Xiao, L., Jia, L., Dai, J., Cao, Y., Li, Y., Zhu, Q., Li, J. and Liu, M., (2024). Design and Analysis of a Novel Distributed Gradient Neural Network for Solving Consensus Problems in a Predefined Time. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 35 (3), 3478-3487

Xiao, L., Li, X., Cao, P., He, Y., Tang, W., Li, J. and Wang, Y., (2024). A Dynamic-Varying Parameter Enhanced ZNN Model for Solving Time-Varying Complex-Valued Tensor Inversion With Its Application to Image Encryption. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 35 (10), 13681-13690

Dai, J., Luo, L., Xiao, L., Jia, L., Cao, P., Li, J., Krasnogor, N. and Wang, Y., (2024). Modified Noise-Immune Fuzzy Neural Network for Solving the Quadratic Programming With Equality Constraint Problem. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 35 (11), 15825-15833

Cao, P., Xiao, L., He, Y. and Li, J., (2024). A Dynamic Gain Fixed-Time Robust ZNN Model for Time-Variant Equality Constrained Quaternion Least Squares Problem With Applications to Multiagent Systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 35 (12), 18394-18403

Li, L., Mei, S., Ma, W., Liu, X., Li, J. and Wen, G., (2024). An Adaptive Point Cloud Registration Algorithm Based on Cross Optimization of Local Feature Point Normal and Global Surface. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 21 (4), 6434-6447

Zhou, Y., Xia, H., Yu, D., Cheng, J. and Li, J., (2024). Outlier detection method based on high-density iteration. Information Sciences. 662, 120286-120286

Xiao, L., Luo, J., Li, J., Jia, L. and Li, J., (2024). Fixed-Time Consensus for Multiagent Systems Under Switching Topology: A Distributed Zeroing Neural Network-Based Method. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine. 10 (3), 44-55

Long, J., Zhang, L., Wen, M., Li, J. and Wang, K., (2024). Computation and Communication Cooperation for Molecular Microvascular Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 28 (9), 2021-2025

Xia, H., Zhou, Y., Li, J., Yue, X. and Li, J., (2024). Outlier detection method based on improved DPC algorithm and centrifugal factor. Information Sciences. 682, 121255-121255

Xiao, L., Wang, D., Luo, L., Dai, J., Yan, X. and Li, J., (2024). A Double Integral Noise-Tolerant Fuzzy ZNN Model for TVSME Applied to the Synchronization of Chua's Circuit Chaotic System. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 32 (11), 6214-6223

Zhang, C., Li, M., Wu, Z., Zhao, C-G., Yuan, H., Xie, J., Xu, G., Li, J. and Luo, S., (2024). A Haptic Feedback Sleeve for a Flight Video Game. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 1-9

Xiao, L., Huang, W., Li, X., Sun, F., Liao, Q., Jia, L., Li, J. and Liu, S., (2023). ZNNs With a Varying-Parameter Design Formula for Dynamic Sylvester Quaternion Matrix Equation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 34 (12), 9981-9991

Li, M., Chen, J., He, B., He, G., Zhao, C-G., Yuan, H., Xie, J., Xu, G. and Li, J., (2023). Stimulation enhancement effect of the combination of exoskeleton-assisted hand rehabilitation and fingertip haptic stimulation. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17

Xiao, L., Zhang, Y., Dai, J., Li, J. and Li, W., (2021). New Noise-Tolerant ZNN Models With Predefined-Time Convergence for Time-Variant Sylvester Equation Solving. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 51 (6), 3629-3640

Dai, J., Li, Y., Xiao, L., Jia, L., Liao, Q. and Li, J., (2021). Comprehensive study on complex-valued ZNN models activated by novel nonlinear functions for dynamic complex linear equations. Information Sciences. 561, 101-114

Hu, Z., Xiao, L., Li, K., Li, K. and Li, J., (2021). Performance analysis of nonlinear activated zeroing neural networks for time-varying matrix pseudoinversion with application. Applied Soft Computing. 98, 106735-106735

Xiao, L., Dai, J., Lu, R., Li, S., Li, J. and Wang, S., (2020). Design and Comprehensive Analysis of a Noise-Tolerant ZNN Model With Limited-Time Convergence for Time-Dependent Nonlinear Minimization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 31 (12), 5339-5348

Xiao, L., Zhang, Y., Zuo, Q., Dai, J., Li, J. and Tang, W., (2020). A Noise-Tolerant Zeroing Neural Network for Time-Dependent Complex Matrix Inversion Under Various Kinds of Noises. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 16 (6), 3757-3766

Zeng, Y., Xiao, L., Li, K., Li, J., Li, K. and Jian, Z., (2020). Design and analysis of three nonlinearly activated ZNN models for solving time-varying linear matrix inequalities in finite time. Neurocomputing. 390, 78-87

Zhang, X., Cao, Y., Peng, L., Li, J., Ahmad, N. and Yu, S., (2020). Mobile Charging as a Service: A Reservation-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 17 (4), 1976-1988

Hu, Z., Li, K., Li, K., Li, J. and Xiao, L., (2020). Zeroing neural network with comprehensive performance and its applications to time-varying Lyapunov equation and perturbed robotic tracking. Neurocomputing. 418, 79-90

Xiong, Y., Shapaval, V., Kohler, A., Li, J. and From, PJ., (2019). A Fully Automated Robot for the Preparation of Fungal Samples for FTIR Spectroscopy Using Deep Learning. IEEE Access. 7, 132763-132774

Yao, Y., Sun, Y., Phillips, C., Cao, Y. and Li, J., (2019). Exploiting Delay Budget Flexibility for Efficient Group Delivery in the Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 6 (4), 6593-6605

Xiao, L., Zhang, Y., Dai, J., Chen, K., Yang, S., Li, W., Liao, B., Ding, L. and Li, J., (2019). A new noise-tolerant and predefined-time ZNN model for time-dependent matrix inversion. Neural Networks. 117, 124-134

Jin, J., Xiao, L., Lu, M. and Li, J., (2019). Design and Analysis of Two FTRNN Models With Application to Time-Varying Sylvester Equation. IEEE Access. 7, 58945-58950

Ding, L., Xiao, L., Zhou, K., Lan, Y., Zhang, Y. and Li, J., (2019). An Improved Complex-Valued Recurrent Neural Network Model for Time-Varying Complex-Valued Sylvester Equation. IEEE Access. 7, 19291-19302

Li, J., Liu, H., Brown, M., Kumar, P., Challacombe, BJ., Chandra, A., Rottenberg, G., Seneviratne, LD., Althoefer, K. and Dasgupta, P., (2017). Ex vivo study of prostate cancer localization using rolling mechanical imaging towards minimally invasive surgery. Medical Engineering & Physics. 43, 112-117

Liu, H., Li, J., Song, X., Seneviratne, LD. and Althoefer, K., (2011). Rolling Indentation Probe for Tissue Abnormality Identification During Minimally Invasive Surgery. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 27 (3), 450-460

Zbyszewski, D., Challacombe, B., Li, J., Seneviratne, L., Althoefer, K., Dasgupta, P. and Murphy, D., (2010). A Comparative Study Between an Improved Novel Air-Cushion Sensor and a Wheeled Probe for Minimally Invasive Surgery. Journal of Endourology. 24 (7), 1155-1159

Book chapters (2)

Luo, J., Xiao, L., Tan, P., Li, J., Yao, W. and Li, J., (2024). Anti-interference Zeroing Neural Network Model for Time-Varying Tensor Square Root Finding. In: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Nature Singapore. 113- 124. 9789819981250

Li, J., Shapaval, V., Kohler, A., Talintyre, R., Schmitt, J., Stone, R., Gallant, AJ. and Zeze, DA., (2016). A Modular Liquid Sample Handling Robot for High-Throughput Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. In: Mechanisms and Machine Science. Springer International Publishing. 769- 778. 9783319233260

Conferences (11)

Adie, J., Chin, CS., Li, J. and See, S., (2024). GAIA-Chem: A Framework for Global AI-Accelerated Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling

Luo, J., Li, J., Holderbaum, W. and Li, J., (2024). A Novel Approach for Solving the Time-Varying Complex-Valued Linear Matrix Inequality Based on Fuzzy-Parameter Zeroing Neural Network

Ng, CK., Long, J., Tang, M., Li, J. and Quan, M., (2024). Exploring AI-Driven Drug Repurposing Strategies Targeting ErbB Signalling Pathway for Brain Cancer Therapy

Tang, M., Yang, X., Luo, J., Long, J., Li, J. and Li, J., (2024). FASEDenseNet: A Module Embedded Convolutional Neural Network for Scalp EEG based Epilepsy Prediction

Wang, Z., Li, J., Daly, I. and Li, J., (2022). Machine Learning for Multi-Action Classification of Lower Limbs for BCI

Li, J., Zirjakova, J., Yao, W., Althoefer, K., Dasgupta, P. and Seneviratne, LD., (2012). A Passive Robotic Platform for Three-Dimensional Scanning of Ex Vivo Soft Tissue

Li, J., Liu, H., Althoefer, K. and Seneviratne, LD., (2012). A stiffness probe for soft tissue abnormality identification during laparoscopic surgery

Jichun Li, Hongbin Liu, Althoefer, K. and Seneviratne, LD., (2012). A stiffness probe based on force and vision sensing for soft tissue diagnosis

Li, M., Liu, H., Li, J., Seneviratne, LD. and Althoefer, K., (2012). Tissue stiffness simulation and abnormality localization using pseudo-haptic feedback

Hongbin Liu, Jichun Li, Qi-ian Poon, Seneviratne, LD. and Althoefer, K., (2010). Miniaturized force-indentation depth sensor for tissue abnormality identification during laparoscopic surgery

Li, J., Wang, D., Li, J., Rao, J., Li, B., Wu, L., Zhang, M., Liu, Y. and Guo, H., (2005). A novel parallel laser driver circuit with adaptive bandwidth



Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Tuesday: 13:00-14:00; Zoom Meeting ID: 964 1583 9471 Wednesday: 09:30-10:30; Zoom Meeting ID: 931 0455 6860