Prof Karin Littau

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+44 (0) 1206 872629
5NW.5.13, Colchester Campus
BIOGRAPHY Karin Littau was appointed at the University of Essex in 1998, first as Lecturer and latterly as Professor of English and Comparative Literature. Before joining the Department, she held a post in the School of English at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Prior to that she taught at the University of Warwick, where she took an MA in English Literature and PhD in Comparative Literary Theory (funded by a University of Warwick Scholarship; and a British Academy Major State Studentship). She is a founding member of the Centre for Film and Screen Media, established at Essex in 2001, and was its Director from 2003-2008 and again from 2021-2024. Between 1998 and 2019 she served on the Executive Committee of the British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA). RESEARCH Her research interests are in literature and film, and encompass book and film history, reception, adaptation, and translation studies. She has published on the relations between print and screen media, and is especially interested in the role that media technologies have played in the history of reading, writing, and translation. Her work has drawn on (eco)materialism and media philosophy, and addressed, among others, authors Jane Austen, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Angela Carter, Kathy Acker, Anne Carson, and film directors David Cronenberg, Ridley Scott, G. W. Pabst, and the Lumière brothers. Recent publications are book chapters on eco-translation, natural history, and geomedia (2023), and on Modernist translation and visual culture (forthcoming). Her books include Theories of Reading: Books, Bodies, and Bibliomania (2006), which was supported by a British Academy Research Scheme award and has been published in Spanish (Manantial 2008) and Arabic (Shahrayar 2023); Cinematicity in Media History (2013 with Jeffrey Geiger); and A Companion to Translation Studies (2007 with Piotr Kuhiwczak). She has also co-guest-edited three special issues for the BCLA house journal Comparative Critical Studies: Inventions: Literature and Science (2005), Cinematicity (2009), and Migration (2014). She is currently working on two projects: a history of literature and film, which focuses on the ways in which literary writing has been reshaped by moving pictures and gives a revisionary account of literary history from the perspectives of film; and a media history of translation from antiquity to the deep future. Her work has been anthologised and translated into Spanish, Slovene, Turkish, and Arabic. It has appeared in the journals SubStance, MLN, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Forum for Modern Language Studies, Dedalus (Portuguese Comparative Literature Association), Primerjalna knjizevnost (Slovene Comparative Literature Association), Translation Studies, TTR (Canadian Association for Translation Studies), Theatre Research International; and in book collections such as History as a Translation of the Past (2023), Unsettling Translation (2022), Translation and World Literature (2018), Film Analysis. A Norton Reader (2013), New Takes in Film-Philosophy (2010), Crash Cultures: modernity, mediation and the material (2002), and Alien Identities: Exploring Differences in Film and Fiction (1999).
BA Trent
MA Warwick
PhD Warwick
University of Essex
Director of Research, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (2010 - 2015)
Appointed Member, University Research Committee, University of Essex (2014 - 2016)
Member, Humanities Faculty Research Group, University of Essex (2014 - 2015)
Chair, Departmental Research Committee, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (2010 - 2015)
Selection Panel Representative, Panel D, CHASE / AHRC Doctoral Studentships (2014 - 2015)
Deputy Director of Research, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (2015 - 2016)
Study Abroad Officer, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (2018 - 2018)
Ethics Officer, University of Essex (2018 - 2021)
Director, Centre for Film and Screen Media, University of Essex (2021 - 2024)
Other academic
Member, Executive Committee, British Comparative Literature Association (1998 - 2019)
Member Review Panel, Research Council for Culture and Society, Academy of Finland (2018 - 2019)
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, The Translator (Routledge) (2013 - present)
Referee, European Research Council (2023 - 2023)
Member Review Panel, Research Council of Finland: Arts and Literature Panel, Academy of Finland (2024 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
literature and film
comparative media, intermediality, transmedia
adaptation and translation
reception studies and the history of the book
technology and materialities of communication
interspecies communication and eco-translation
extinction studies and climate fiction
Conferences and presentations
[Keynote] "Waste Studies: Un/Natural Histories and Manufactured Landscapes", PGR Conference: Waste Studies
Keynote presentation, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 15/6/2023
[Keynote] “'Just Ask the Stones': Translation and Geomedia", International Conference: The Tangibility of Translation, University of Galway
Keynote presentation, University of Galway, Ireland, 30/9/2022
[Keynote] "From Papyrus to Pixels: Bookish Translations", International Conference: What’s the Matter in Translation / Traduction et Matérialité, University Montpellier
Keynote presentation, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France, 8/6/2022
[Plenary] "The Materialities of Reception: Anne Carson’s Catullus", Workshop: Translation and Classical Reception Studies, Herzog August Bibliothek / Centre for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University
Invited presentation, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany (Video Conference), 29/9/2020
[Respondent] "Engaging the Material Turn", Embodied Translations: Media and Technologies in Translation and Performance, Nida School of Translation Studies (in collaboration with the San Pellegrino University Foundation, Cardiff University, Texas Christian University)
Invited presentation, Misano Adriatico, Italy, 9/4/2019
[Keynote] "‘From Print to Pixels: The Many Futures of Reading", Readers and Reading in the Book: The Imaginary and the Material
Keynote presentation, Leeds Centre for Dante Studies, CompLab, and Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, 27/3/2019
[Keynote] "The Materialities of Translation-Art", Embodied Translations: Media and Technologies in Translation and Performance, Nida School of Translation Studies (in collaboration with the San Pellegrino University Foundation, Cardiff University, Texas Christian University)
Keynote presentation, Misano Adriatico, Italy, 2019
[Guest Speaker] "Filmic Translation and Transmediation", Bristol Seminar, Faculty of Arts.
Invited presentation, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 2015
[Plenary] "Mediality in Flux", Workshop: Media in Motion
in collaboration with Konstanz University, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2014
[Conference Paper] "Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Cinematic Imagination", Panel on Cinematicity in Media History, 53rd Annual Conference: Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Chicago, United States, 2013
[Plenary] "Translating between Media", Translating and Interpreting Across Media: Exploring the Relevance of (Inter)mediality for Language Pedagogy, Sponsored by The Higher Education Academy / AHRC.
Invited presentation, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, 2013
[Guest Speaker] "Myth and Translation", Translation Seminar, Centre for Co-Curricular Studies
Invited presentation, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, 2013
[Guest Speaker] "Reading in the Age of Edison", Departmental Seminar, Fachbereich Literaturwissenschaft
Invited presentation, Universität Konstanz, Germany, 2012
[Guest Speaker] "Subsequent Steps towards a Media History of the Book", Seminar Series - Landmarks in Book History: the Future of the Discipline, The Open University's Book History Research Group, and the Institute of English Studies, University of London.
Invited presentation, Open University / University of London, United Kingdom, 2012
[Invited Guest] Metanoia Workshop on "Theories of Reading. Books, Bodies, and Bibliomania", Series on Speculative Poetik, Sonderforschungsbereich 626 ‘Ästhetische Erfahrung im Zeichen der Entgrenzung der Künste’
Invited presentation, Peter Szondi Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 2012
[Conference Paper] Panel on "Embodied Reading", Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing (SHARP) Conference: The Book in Art & Science
Washington D.C., United States, 2011
[Plenary] "Darwin's Radio: Media and Cultural Change", Possible Worlds - A Day Conference in Honour of Dame Gillian Beer
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom, 2011
[Plenary] "The Movie-minded Reader", Interdisciplinary Workshop: Engaging with Film: Perspectives on Cinematic Literacy, Institute of Advanced Study
Invited presentation, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 2011
[Public Lecture] "History of Translation: from Scroll to Hypertext", City University London Events, in association with UCL and SOAS.
Invited presentation, City University London, United Kingdom, 2011
[Guest Speaker] "Translation and Book History", Reseach Seminars in Translation Studies
Invited presentation, University of Edinburgh/ Herriot Watt University, United Kingdom, 2011
[Jury-selected Guest and Speaker] "An Archaeology of Affect: Reading, History and Gender", Who Reads? 25th Vilenica International Literary Festival
Invited presentation, Lipica, Slovenia, Lipica, Slovenia, 2010
[Keynote] "Intermedial Translation", Symposium: Disordering the Disciplines: Translation and Interdisciplinarity
Keynote presentation, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, 2010
[Plenary] "Medea's Gift", International Congress: Women and Translation, Asociación de Estudios Históricos de la Mujer de la Universidad de Málaga
Invited presentation, University of Malaga, Spain, 2010
[Guest Speaker] "Cross-media Translation", Translation Studies Seminar, Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies
Invited presentation, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, 2009
[Guest Speaker] "Cross-media Histories - Why Book History matters to Film History, and vice versa", The History and Language of Print Culture Research Seminar
Invited presentation, University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2009
[Keynote] "The Physiology of Momentary Angels: Towards a Reception Aesthetics of Media", International Conference: Philosophy and Film/ Film and Philosophy
Keynote presentation, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2008
[Guest Speaker] "Summa Phantasmagoria", Symposium with Steven Connor on the occasion of the publication of Marina Warner's book Phantasmagoria. Spirit Visions, Metaphors, and Media into the Twenty-first Century, Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies and Department of Art History and Theory
Invited presentation, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2007
[Guest Speaker] "Anatomy of Reading", Departmental Seminar, Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2006
[Conference Paper] "Technological Aesthesis: The Impressing Inventions of Gutenberg and the Lumières", British Comparative Literature Association XIII International Conference, Literature and Science
University of Leeds, United Kingdom, 2004
[Guest Speaker] "Translation and Gender"
Invited presentation, Institute of Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2003
[Conference Paper] "The Physiology of Consumption", Unprincipled Passions: Emotion and Modernity
University of Southampton, United Kingdom, 2002
[Guest Speaker] "The Physiology of Reading’, Departmental Seminar, Department of Literature
Invited presentation, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2001
[Guest Speaker] "Schaulust: Physical Pleasure and Non-Narrative Cinema", Departmental Seminar, Department of Literature
Invited presentation, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2000
[Conference Paper] "Translating like/as a Woman", Conference: Gender and Translation
University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, 1999
[Guest Speaker] "Pandora’s Tongues", Gender Seminar
Invited presentation, Colchester, United Kingdom, 1999
[Conference Paper] "The Scattering of Languages", Paideia. XXth World Congress of Philosophy
Boston, United States, 1998
[Guest Speaker] "Angela Carter’s New Reading of Pabst’s Wedekind’s Lulu", Departmental Seminar, Department of Literature
Invited presentation, Colchester, United Kingdom, 1998
[Guest Speaker] "Adaptation and Rewriting", Doctoral Seminar, Comparative Literature
Invited presentation, University College London, United Kingdom, 1998
[Conference Paper] "The Power of Myth: Babel, Oedipus, Pandora", Conference on Translation and Power
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, 1997
[Guest Speaker] "Translation and Literary Theory", Seminar Series: Translation Studies
Invited presentation, Manchester Insitute of Science and Technology, 1997
[Conference Paper] "Derrida in Translation", Applied Derrida
University of Luton, United Kingdom, 1995
[Conference Paper] "Reading Thieving Theorizing", ESSE European Society for the Study of English
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1995
[Conference Paper] "Pandora’s Tongues", EST European Society for the Study of Translation, Translation as Intercultural Communication
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 1995
[Conference Paper] "Global Theory and Local Translation", ESSE European Society for the Study of English
Bordeaux, France, 1993
[Conference Paper] "Intertextuality and Translation: The Waste Land in French and German", XIII World Congress of FIT
Brighton, United Kingdom, 1993
[Guest Speaker] "Woman-handling the Text: Translating Barthes into Quebecois", Warwick Seminars in Comparative Studies: Translation the Cultural Turn
Invited presentation, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, 1993
[Guest Speaker] "The Other in Gadamer and Derrida", Critical Forum
Invited presentation, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 1993
[Conference Paper] "Towards a Postmodern Theory of Translation", Translation Studies - an Interdiscipline
University of Vienna, Austria, 1992
[Conference Paper] "Translation as Incursion: Moves Across and Beyond the Borders of Continental Thought", VI Triennial Conference of the British Comparative Literature Association: Across Europe
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, 1992
[Conference Paper] "The Text on Trial. What a Performance. Brecht and the Witch-hunt, Galileo and the Inquisition", Theatre and the Discourses of Power
University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 1991
[Guest Speaker] "Postmodernism and Performance", Cultural and Policy Studies Unit
Invited presentation, Bolton Institute of Higher Education, Bolton, United Kingdom, 1990
[Guest Speaker] "Performance/Text in the Domain of Translation", Philosophy-Literature Society
Invited presentation, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, 1990
[Guest Speaker] "The Transposition of the Figure of Sally Bowles from Novel to Play to the Film Cabaret", The Arts Graduate Forum
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, 1989
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Approaches to Film and Media (LT121)
Genre, Narrative and Film (LT206)
Extinction: Looking back at the End of the World (LT397)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/3/2019
Journal articles (28)
Littau, K., (2019). Afterword: Translation and the Histories and Geographies of the Book. Comparative Critical Studies. 16 (2-3), 365-374
Littau, K., (2018). Translation and Optical Media: Spirit-Channeling in Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Amodern. 8
Littau, K., (2017). Response by Littau to the responses to “Translation and the materialities of communication”. Translation Studies. 10 (1), 97-101
Littau, K., (2017). Okumanın Teorileri: Kitaplar, Bedenler ve Bibliyomani. Çevrimdışı İstanbul. Special Issue: Edebiyatta Okurun Rolü [The Role of Readers in Literature] (6), 40-44
Littau, K., (2016). Translation's Histories and Digital Futures. International Journal of Communication. 10, 907-928
Littau, K., (2016). Translation and the materialities of communication. Translation Studies. 9 (1), 82-96
Littau, K., (2015). "In the Beginning"... an Intermedial Babel. SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism. 44.3 (138), 112-127
Littau, K., (2015). “In the Beginning”… an Intermedial Babel. SubStance. 44 (3), 112-127
Bahun, S., Finburgh, C. and Littau, K., (2014). Guest Editors' Introduction to Comparative Critical Studies (special issue: Migration). Comparative Critical Studies. 11 (2-3), 145-160
Littau, K., (2012). The Dog and the Phonograph: Possible Futures in the Self-Development of Media. Comparative Critical Studies (e-CCS Online Supplement). 9 (3), 41-56
Littau, K., (2011). First steps towards a media history of translation. Translation Studies. 4 (3), 261-281
Littau, K., (2011). An archaeology of affect: Reading, history and gender. Primerjalna Knjizevnost. 34 (2), 193-203
Littau, K., (2011). Media, mythology and morphogenesis: Aliens™. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. 17 (1), 19-36
Littau, K., (2011). Artheologija afecta: branje, zgodovina in spol. PKn Primerjalna književnost. 34 (2), 51-61
Geiger, J. and Littau, K., (2009). Guest Editors' Introduction to Comparative Critical Studies (special issue: Cinematicity). Comparative Critical Studies. 6 (3), 287-295
Littau, K., (2009). Summa Phantasmagoria. Comparative Critical Studies. 6 (3), 403-409
Littau, K., (2005). Serial Translation: Angela Carter's New Reading of Pabst's Wedekind's Lulu. Comparative Critical Studies. 2 (1), 45-65
Falconer, R. and Littau, K., (2005). Editors' Introduction. Comparative Critical Studies. 2 (2), v-x
Littau, K., (2000). Pandora's Tongues. TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction: Etudes sur le Texte et Ses Transformations. 13 (1), 21-35
Littau, K., (1997). Translation in the Age of Postmodern Production: From Text to Intertext to Hypertext. Forum for Modern Language Studies. 33 (1), 81-96
Littau, K., (1996). Reading Thieving Theorizing: Philip Hensher's Other Lulus and Kathy Acker's The Selling of Lulu. Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada. 6, 37-50
GRANT, IH. and Littau, K., (1996). Deconstruction. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 6 (1), 33-44
Littau, K., (1995). Refractions of the Feminine: The Monstrous Transformations of Lulu. MLN. 110 (4), 888-912
GRANT, IH. and Littau, K., (1995). Deconstruction. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 5 (1), 36-63
LITTAU, K., (1994). Deconstruction. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 4 (1), 67-93
Littau, K., (1993). Deconstruction. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 3 (1), 70-86
Littau, K., (1993). Dagmar Kift Arbeiterkultur im gesellschaftlichen Konflikt: die Englische Music Hall im 19 Jahrhundert Essen: Klartext-Verlag, 1991. 240 p. ISBN 3-88474-154-3.. New Theatre Quarterly. 9 (35), 299-299
LITTAU, K., (1992). Hermeneutics. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 2 (1), 46-51
Books (8)
Littau, K., (2023). نظريات القراءة ؛ الأجساد والكتب والشغف بها [Theories of Reading. Books, Bodies, and Bibliomania]. Shahrayar. 9789922860053
Littau, K., Bahun, S. and Finburgh, C., (2014). Migration (Special Issue of Comparative Critical Studies). Edinburgh University Press
Littau, K. and Geiger, J., (2013). Cinematicity in media history. Edinburgh University Press. 9780748676125
Geiger, J. and Littau, K., (2009). Cinematicity (Special Issue of Comparative Critical Studies). Edinburgh University Press. 001750-0109
Littáu, K., (2008). Teorías de la lectura Libros, cuerpos y bibliomanía. Ediciones Manantial. 9875001236. 9789875001237
Littau, K. and Kuhiwczak, P., (2007). A Companion to Translation Studies. Multilingual Matters. 9781853599569
Littau, K., (2006). Theories of Reading: Books, Bodies, and Bibliomania. Polity. 0745616593. 9780745616599
Littau, K. and Falconer, R., (2005). Inventions: Literature and Science (Special Issue of Comparative Critical Studies). Edinburgh University Press
Book chapters (33)
Littau, K., (2023). “Just Ask the Stones”: Eco-Translation, Natural History, and Geomedia. In: History as a Translation of the Past: Case Studies from the West. Editors: Alonzi, L., . Bloomsbury. 167- 189. 9781350338210
Littau, K., (2022). Media, Materiality and the Possibility of Reception: Anne Carson’s Catullus. In: Unsettling Translation: Studies in Honour of Theo Hermans. Editors: Baker, M., . Taylor & Francis. 123- 139. 1000583767. 9781000583762
Littau, K., (2022). Una arqueología del afecto: lectura, historia y género. In: El placer de la lectura: Cuerpos, afectos, textos. Editors: Golubov, N., . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/CISAN. 17- 32. 9786073051965
Littau, K., (2018). Two Ages of World Literature. In: Translation and World Literature. Editors: Bassnett, S., . Routledge. 159- 174. 9781138641754
Littau, K., (2013). Reading in the Age of Edison: The Cinematicity of ‘The Yellow Wall-Paper’. In: Cinematicity in Media History. Editors: . Edinburgh University Press. 67- 87. 9780748676118
Geiger, J. and Littau, K., (2013). Introduction: Cinematicity and comparative media. In: Cinematicity in Media History. Editors: . Edinburgh University Press. 1- 18. 9780748676149
Littau, K., (2013). Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (1895-1897), Lumiere Brothers. In: Film Analysis: A Norton Reader (Second edition). Editors: Geiger, J. and Rutsky, RL., . W W Norton and Company. 18- 38. 9780393923247
Littau, K., (2011). The ghost is the machine: Media-philosophy and materialism. In: New Takes in Film-Philosophy. Editors: Carel, H. and Tuck, G., . Palgrave MacMillan. 154- 170. 9780230294851
Littau, K., (2010). Translation in the Age of Postmodern Production: From Text to Intertext to Hypertext. In: Critical Readings in Translation Studies. Editors: Baker, M., . Routledge. 435- 448. 0415469546. 9780415469548
Littau, K., (2009). Translation in the Age of Postmodern Production: From Text to Intertext to Hypertext. In: Translation Studies. 4 Vols. Editors: Baker, M., . Routledge. 0415469554. 9780415344227
Littau, K., (2007). Arrival of a Train at la Ciotat (1895-1897): Silent Films and Screaming Audiences. In: Film Analysis: A Norton Reader. Editors: Geiger, J. and Rutsky, RL., . Norton. 43- 62. 978-0-393-92324-7
Littau, K. and Kuhiwczak, P., (2007). Introduction. In: A Companion to Translation Studies. Editors: Littau, K. and Kuhiwczak, P., . Multilingual Matters. 1- 12. 978-1-85359-956-9
Littau, K. and Kuhiwczak, P., (2007). Introduction. In: A Companion to Translation Studies. Editors: Littau, K. and Kuhiwczak, P., . Multilingual Matters Limited. 1- 12. 1853599573. 9781853599576
Littau, K., (2002). Eye-Hunger: Physical Pleasure and Non-Narrative Cinema. In: Crash Cultures: modernity mediation and the material. Editors: Arthurs, J. and Grant, I., . Intellect Books / University of Chicago Press. 35- 51. 1-84150-071-2
Littau, K., (2001). Jacques Derrida. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Editors: Sim, S., . Routledge. 1136698329. 9781136698323
Littau, K., (2001). Paul de Man. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Editors: Sim, S., . Routledge. 1136698329. 9781136698323
Littau, K., (2001). Geoffrey Hartmann. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Editors: Sim, S., . Routledge. 1136698329. 9781136698323
Littau, K., (2001). J. Hillis Miller. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Editors: Sim, S., . Routledge. 1136698329. 9781136698323
Littau, K., (2001). Deconstruction. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Editors: Sim, S., . Routledge. 1136698329. 9781136698323
Littau, K., (2001). Difference. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Editors: Sim, S., . Routledge. 1136698329. 9781136698323
Littau, K., (2001). Différance. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Editors: Sim, S., . Routledge. 1136698329. 9781136698323
Littau, K., (2000). Hypertext and Translation. In: Encyclopedia of Literary Translation Into English. Editors: Classe, O., . Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. 1884964362. 9781884964367
Littau, K., (2000). Frank Wedekind, The Lulu Plays. In: Encyclopedia of Literary Translation Into English. Editors: Classe, O., . Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. 9781884964367
Littau, K., (1999). Adaptation, Teleportation and Mutation from Langelaan's to Cronenberg's The Fly. In: Alien Identities: Exploring Difference in Film and Fiction. Editors: Cartmell, D., Kaye, H., Hunter, IQ. and Whelehan, I., . Pluto/Chicago University Press. 141- 155. 9780745314051
Littau, K., (1998). Jacques Derrida. In: The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Editors: Sim, S., . Icon. 187416665X. 9781874166658
Littau, K., (1998). Paul de Man. In: The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Editors: Sim, S., . Icon. 187416665X. 9781874166658
Littau, K., (1998). Geoffrey Hartman. In: The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Editors: Sim, S., . Icon. 187416665X. 9781874166658
Littau, K., (1998). J. Hillis Miller. In: The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Editors: Sim, S., . Icon. 187416665X. 9781874166658
Littau, K., (1998). Deconstruction. In: The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Editors: Sim, S., . Icon. 187416665X. 9781874166658
Littau, K., (1998). Difference. In: The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Editors: Sim, S., . Icon. 187416665X. 9781874166658
Littau, K., (1998). Différance. In: The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Editors: Sim, S., . Icon. 187416665X. 9781874166658
Littau, K., (1996). Incommunication: Derrida in Translation. In: Applying: To Derrida. Editors: Brannigan, J., Robbins, R. and Wolfreys, J., . Macmillan. 107- 123. 9780333656624
LITTAU, K., (1993). INTERTEXTUALITY AND TRANSLATION - THE WASTE LAND IN FRENCH AND GERMAN. In: Translation - The Vital Link. Proceedings of the XIII World Congress of the International Federation of Translators, Vol. I. Editors: . Chameleon Press. 63- 69. 0-9522056-0-2. 9780952205623
Reports and Papers (1)
Littau, K., (1994). Theory and Disciplinary Purism, Council for College and University English Newsletter