Yuchen Li

yl22501@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
- Lacanian psychoanalysis
- Post-Lacanian psychoanalysis
- Poststructuralist feminism
- Schizoanalysis
- Feminist-new materialism
- Capitalism
My research project aims to explore the bodys potential to revolt against the capitalist reality through the path of artistic creativity and feminist relationality. Meanwhile, I conduct my musical-art practice under the music project titled World Coda. I was awarded Sigmund Freud Memorial Prize and Paul Ford Prize for my MA academic performance and MA dissertation. The latter was a post-Lacanian-psychoanalytic-informed ethnography with musical artists, aiming to explore the alternative states of subjectivity with a feminist interest. In my first year of postgraduate research, I have presented fragments of my PhD project at Midland Conference of Critical Thoughts and APCS&APS Joint Conference. My presentations respectively focused on a poststructuralist-feminist critique on Cartesian subjectivity situated in scenarios of art production and a psychosocial analysis on the political-empty signifier through the Lacanian concept of trauma. I'm eager to know colleagues with interest in art, critical theory, and similar theoretical approaches.
B.BA Marketing and Business Administration University of Toronto (2022)
M.A Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex (2023)