Dr Sergio Lo Iacono

sloiac@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872693
5A.313, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By appointment
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Experimental Sociology
Quantitative Methods
Research questions of interest: How do different natural disasters (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic, earthquakes, droughts, etc.) affect social trust in the short- and long-term? How do trusting and trustworthy environments promote the provision of public goods? Do strong ties (e.g., family ties) hinder the emergence of social trust? Does community social embeddedness promote generalized trust?
Sustainable Development and Climate Change
Research questions of interest: How can we encourage sustainable behaviors? Which interventions could bridge the attitude-behavior gap? Which mitigation strategies would work more efficiently across different communities?
Migration, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers
Research questions of interest: Why do people justify the use of violence against migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers? Which groups are more vulnerable? What factors may moderate or limit such justifications of violence?
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Career Development and Making a Difference (SC199)
Quantitative Research: Crime and Inequality Across the Life Course (SC208)
Modelling Crime and Society (SC385)
Current supervision
Publications (1)
Wu, J., Számadó, S., Barclay, P., Beersma, B., Dores Cruz, TD., Lo Iacono, S., Nieper, AS., Peters, KO., Przepiorka, W., Tiokhin, L. and van Lange, P., (2021). Honesty and Dishonesty in Gossip Strategies: A Fitness Interdependence Analysis
Journal articles (14)
Demireva, N. and Iacono, SL., (2024). Gambling outlets as agents of local area disorganization: Crime and local institutions, the case of the UK. Acta Sociologica
Lo Iacono, S., Sonmez, B. and Fairbrother, M., (2024). The effect of trusting contexts in social dilemmas with collective and individual solutions.. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), 26048-
Lo Iacono, S., Przepiorka, W., Buskens, V., Corten, R., van Assen, M. and van de Rijt, A., (2023). The competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions revisited: A multilab replication.. PNAS Nexus. 2 (5), pgad091-
Ermisch, J., Gambetta, D., Lo Iacono, S. and Sonmez, B., (2023). Trust and Strength of Family Ties: New Experimental Evidence. Social Psychology Quarterly. 86 (2), 195-207
Sonmez, B. and Lo Iacono, S., (2022). Other-Regarding Behaviors and Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 8, 1-14
Lo Iacono, S. and Daniel Dores Cruz, T., (2022). Hostile media perception affects news bias, but not news sharing intentions.. Royal Society Open Science. 9 (4), 211504-
Wu, J., Számadó, S., Barclay, P., Beersma, B., Dores Cruz, TD., Lo Iacono, S., Nieper, AS., Peters, K., Przepiorka, W., Tiokhin, L. and Van Lange, PAM., (2021). Honesty and dishonesty in gossip strategies: a fitness interdependence analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 376 (1838), 20200300-
Lo Iacono, S. and Sonmez, B., (2021). The Effect of Trusting and Trustworthy Environments on the Provision of Public Goods. European Sociological Review. 37 (1), 155-168
Lo Iacono, S., Przepiorka, W., Buskens, V., Corten, R. and van de Rijt, A., (2021). COVID-19 vulnerability and perceived norm violations predict loss of social trust: A pre-post study. Social Science and Medicine. 291, 114513-114513
SANCHEZ PARRA, T. and LO IACONO, S., (2020). (Re)Productive Discourses: Media Coverage of Children Born of War in Colombia. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 39 (1), 22-36
Lo Iacono, S., (2019). Law-breaking, fairness, and generalized trust: The mediating role of trust in institutions. PLOS ONE. 14 (8), e0220160-e0220160
Lo Iacono, S. and Quaranta, M., (2019). Contextual Economic Conditions, Institutions and Social Trust: Trends and Cross-National Differences in Europe, 2002-2017. Polis
Lo Iacono, S., (2018). Does community social embeddedness promote generalized trust? An experimental test of the spillover effect. Social Science Research. 73, 126-145
Demireva, N. and Lo Iacono, S., (2018). Returns to Foreign and Host Country Qualifications: Evidence from the US on the Labour Market Placement of Migrants and the Second Generation. Social Inclusion. 6 (3), 142-152
Books (1)
Barradas de Freitas, R. and Lo Iacono, S., (2021). Trust Matters Cross-Disciplinary Essays. Hart Publishing. 9781509935253
Book chapters (1)
Lo Iacono, S. and Testori, M., (2021). Who are We Trusting? A Category-Based Formalisation of Trust. In: Trust Matters Cross-Disciplinary Essays. Editors: Barradas de Freitas, R. and Lo Iacono, S., . Hart Publishing. 35- 54. 978-1-50993-525-3
Thesis dissertation (1)
Lo Iacono, S., (2017). On the Determinants of Generalised Trust: An Investigation of the Institution-Centred and Society-Centred Perspectives
Academic support hours:
By appointment