Dr Aneela Malik

a.malik@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874200
EBS.3.34, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Academic support hours are by appointment only. You can book online meetings using the link: https://tinyurl.com/mrx46f8y. For face-to-face meetings or to schedule appointments outside of regular office hours, please drop me an email.
Over the years, Dr. Malik has taught consumer behaviour, brand management, and marketing strategy in undergraduate and graduate programmes. Dr. Malik's research mainly focuses on the understanding of consumer behaviour and brand management, with a particular emphasis on international & global branding and marketing communications. Her research articles have appeared in prestigious journals, such as Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Marketing Review, Electronic Markets, and Government Information Quarterly, among others.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Brand Management
Consumer Behaviour
International/Global Branding
Advertising and Marketing Communication
Ethical and Green Marketing
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour (BE519)
Consumer Behaviour (BE555)
Independent Study Project: Management/Marketing (BE938)
Journal articles (10)
Akram, MS., Malhotra, N., Goraya, MA., Shareef, M., Malik, A. and Lal, B., (2022). User engagement on global social networks: Examining the roles of perceived brand globalness, identification and global identity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 181, 121771-121771
Goraya, MAS., Zhu, J., Akram, MS., Shareef, MA., Malik, A. and Bhatti, ZA., (2022). The impact of channel integration on consumers’ channel preferences: Do showrooming and webrooming behaviors matter?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 65 (March), 102130-102130
Goraya, MAS., Jing, Z., Shareef, MA., Imran, M., Malik, A. and Akram, MS., (2021). An investigation of the drivers of social commerce and e-word-of-mouth intentions: Elucidating the role of social commerce in E-business. Electronic Markets. 31 (1), 181-195
Malik, A., Merunka, D., Akram, M., Barnes, B. and Chen, A., (2020). Self-Concept, Individual Characteristics and Counterfeit Consumption: Evidence from an Emerging Market. Psychology and Marketing. 37 (10), 1378-1395
Hidayat-ur-Rehman, I., Akram, MS., Malik, A., Mokhtar, SA., Bhatti, ZA. and Khan, MA., (2020). Exploring the Determinants of Digital Content Adoption By Academics: The Moderating Role of Environmental Concerns and Price Value. SAGE Open. 10 (2), 215824402093185-215824402093185
Akram, MS., Malik, A., Shareef, MA. and Goraya, MAS., (2019). Exploring the interrelationships between technological predictors and behavioral mediators in online tax filing: The moderating role of perceived risk. Government Information Quarterly. 36 (2), 237-251
Khan, MA., Ashraf, R. and Malik, A., (2019). Do identity-based perceptions lead to brand avoidance? A cross-national investigation. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 31 (4), 1095-1117
Akram, MS., Goraya, MAS., Malik, A. and Aljarallah, AM., (2018). Organizational Performance and Sustainability: Exploring the Roles of IT Capabilities and Knowledge Management Capabilities. Sustainability. 10 (10), 3816-3816
Shaikh, S., Malik, A., Akram, MS. and Chakrabarti, R., (2017). Do luxury brands successfully entice consumers? The role of bandwagon effect. International Marketing Review. 34 (4), 498-513
Malik, AA., Merunka, D. and Akram, MS., (2011). Perceived brand globalness in emerging markets and the moderating role of consumer ethnocentrism. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 6 (4), 291-303
Conferences (7)
Akram, MS. and Malik, A., (2012). Evaluating Citizens' Readiness to Embrace E-Government Services. Proceeding of 13th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2012), June 04 - 07, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
Malik, A. and Akram, MS., (2012). Consumers’ Perceptions about Counterfeit Brands Do Diverge: Evidence from Pakistan. Global Marketing Conference, July 19-22, COEX Seoul, Korea
Malik, A. and Akram, MS., (2011). Why Do Non-Deceptive Counterfeits Allure Consumers in Emerging Markets: A Qualitative Study, American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, August 5-7, San Francisco, California, USA
Akram, MS. and Malik, A., (2010). Adoption of E-Government in Emergent Economies. 15th Conference of the Association Information and Management (AIM). May 19- 21, La Rochelle, France
Akram, MS. and Malik, A., (2010). What Makes Consumers Adopt Online Shopping? A Framework of Decision-Making Process. IADIS International Conference of Information Systems. March 18-20, Porto, Portugal
Akram, MS. and Malik, A., (2010). Consumers’ Adoption of Online Shopping: Integrating TAM and D&M IS Success Model. 15th Conference of the Association Information and Management (AIM), May 19- 21, La Rochelle, France
Akram, MS. and Malik, A., (2009). Factors of Perceived Risk Affecting Consumers’ Online Purchase Intention. 25th Conference of Association Française du Marketing (AFM). May 13-15, London, United Kingdom
Other (1)
Akram, MS., Malhotra, N. and Malik, A., User engagement on global social networks: Examining the roles of perceived brand globalness, identification and global identity, Lectures, talks and seminars Management and Marketing Research Seminar Series, Essex Business School, June 29, 2022.
Grants and funding
An Innovate to Elevate (I2E) project to develop an international marketing strategy to facilitate Pager Power's entry/penetration into the Australian and New Zealand markets
Babergh and Mid Suffolk (Innovate to Elevate Programme)
Academic support hours:
Academic support hours are by appointment only. You can book online meetings using the link: https://tinyurl.com/mrx46f8y. For face-to-face meetings or to schedule appointments outside of regular office hours, please drop me an email.