
Dr Hulkar Mamayusupova

Graduate Laboratory Assistant
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Visiting Fellow
School of Life Sciences
Dr Hulkar Mamayusupova



  • PhD University of Essex, (2014)

  • MPhil University of Essex, (2009)

  • BSc (Hons) Biochemistry Hartwick College, (2004)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Molecular Signal Processing

Cells (prokaryotic/eukaryotic) utilise signalling pathways to process information at the molecular level. I have investigated and supported the research of theoretical nanoscale devices that operates based on this cellular signalling mechanisms using bacteria and neurons. Currently, I am interested in investigating how cells process molecular information leading to different states (e.g. healthy and unhealthy) to create computational models that support in vitro experimentation studies. This investigation requires the understanding and analysis of biological data (retrieved from databanks) to generate mathematical and computational models using MATLAB/Python.

Open to supervise


Journal articles (1)

Secchi, A., Mamayusupova, H., Sami, S., Maidment, I., Coulton, S., Myint, PK. and Fox, C., (2022). A novel Artificial Intelligence-based tool to assess anticholinergic burden: a survey. Age and Ageing. 51 (8)

Reports and Papers (2)

Thorn, G., Clarkson, C., Rademacher, A., Mamayusupova, H., Schotta, G., Rippe, K. and Teif, V., (2021). DNA sequence-dependent formation of heterochromatin nanodomains

Clarkson, CT., Deeks, EA., Samarista, R., Mamayusupova, H., Zhurkin, VB. and Teif, VB., (2019). CTCF-dependent chromatin boundaries formed by asymmetric nucleosome arrays with decreased linker length



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