Zoe Manning

zmann@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1702 328228
TF.2.30, Southend Campus
- The Southend Campus
Im the Southend Campus Manager at the University of Essex, supported by the Assistant Campus Manager Suzanne Harrison and the PA to the Campus Manager Sally Ovenden. The Assistant Campus Manager oversees the Reception team at the Southend Campus. The role of the Southend Campus Management team is to lead on co-ordinating all matters relating to the Professional Services at the Southend Campus, working closely with the Office of the Vice Chancellor, Professional Service sections and academic departments in Southend, to support the delivery of a cohesive service for students, staff and visitors to the campus. I have been in this role for over 10 years, previously working with externally funded projects at the Campus. I represent the Southend Campus on a number of University groups and committees including Professional Services Group, Student Experience Committee, Health and Safety Group, Capital Planning Group/Project Coordination Group, Space Management Group, Access Forum, Climate and Ecological Emergency Group, Essex Policy Group, Product Development Group etc. I am also one of two University Directors on the Board of Southend-on-Sea Forum Management Limited, the management company for the partnership for The Forum.
MSc Management (2005)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages and European Studies (1995)