Dr Beatriz De Paiva

bdepaiva@essex.ac.uk -
4.211, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesday 1-2pm Friday 2-3pm
Beatriz de Paiva graduated in Portuguese and German studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Bacharelado and Licenciaturas) and took her Masters in Contemporary German Literature. She gained her PhD in Pragmatics in a second language (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh). Postgraduate supervision: MA supervision: Pragmatics in translation. PhD supervision: interlanguage/intercultural pragmatics. 2013-2016 External examiner at Birkbeck, University of London. 2014 Executive Dean Fund Social Sciences, awarded to the project Can L2 pragmatics be taught? Conventional request expressions in Brazilian Portuguese. 2010-2013 External Examiner at Kings College, London.
Bacharelado/Licenciaturas/Mestrado (Rio de Janeiro)
Diploma Applied Linguistics and TESOL (Leicester)
PhD (Edinburgh)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Intercultural and Interlanguage Pragmatics (pragmatic aspects of conversational interactions between native and non-native speakers)
Pragmatics in language teaching
Pragmatics in translation
Conferences and presentations
2016 'Pragmatics and Language Teaching: the case of conventionalized requests in Brazilian Portuguese' invited speaker at the conference 'Practice and Theoretical Insights on Language Teaching', Cambridge University, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages.
Brazil, 2016
2016 'Teletandem Project and Transculturality' at 'Frameworks for Collaboration and Multilingualism', LLAS conference at Warwick University.
Coventry, United Kingdom, 2016
2015 'Instruction in second language pragmatics: another piece of the jigsaw', IPRA, International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.
Antwerp, Belgium, 2015
2014 Foreign language enhancement through art in higher education: the FLETA project, e-learning symposium, LLAS, Southampton.
Southampton, United Kingdom, 2014
2010 Methodologies in ILP, SociolinguistEssex, Sociolinguistics Conference, Essex University.
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2010
2007 New theoretical frameworks for Interlanguage Pragmatics? The case of requests in Brazilian Portuguese IPRA, International Pragmatics Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2007
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/10/2021

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/3/2020

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 30/9/2015
Book chapters (2)
de Paiva, B., (2010). Theoretical and methodological approaches in interlanguage pragmatics. In: Pragmatics across Languages and Cultures. Editors: Trosborg, A., . Mouton de Gruyter. 261- 286. 978-3-11-021443-7
de Paiva, B., (2007). Integrating Relevance: An Evaluation of Theoretical Accounts for the Acquisition of Pragmatic Abilities in a Second Language. In: Cross-Cultural Pragmatics and Interlanguage English. Editors: Kraft, B. and Geluykens, R., . Lincom GmbH. 91- 104. 9783895867767
Reports and Papers (1)
de Paiva, B., (2004). Exploring the Relationships between Theories of Second Language Acquisition and Relevance Theory
Grants and funding
Developing employability skills through language learning: a pilot project with adult learners in the Colchester area
British Academy
Academic support hours:
Wednesday 1-2pm Friday 2-3pm