Dr Nina Markl

nina.markl@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
I am a researcher working at the intersection of sociolinguistics, speech technologies and AI ethics. I am particularly interested in language variation and change and the impact of speech technologies on speech communities. More broadly, I am interested in understanding the socio-technical contexts and impacts of computing technologies, in particular machine learning and "artificial intelligence". I am a (socio)linguist and (somewhat skeptical) computer scientist by training, but have a strong interest in science and technology studies, sociology and political studies. In my work I try to bring different fields, and different researchers, into conversation. Within and outwith academia, I'm committed to collaboration to foster sustainable, anti-racist and supportive learning, working and living environments. I am a Research Fellow at the Institute for Analytics and Data Science and the Department for Language and Linguistics at the University of Essex. Before moving to England, I was a student and (part-time) tutor and research assistant at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. My PhD research was supervised by Dr Catherine Lai and Prof Lauren Hall-Lew at the UKRI CDT for NLP at the University of Edinburgh.
PhD University of Edinburgh,
MA (Hons) Linguistics University of Edinburgh,
University of Essex
Research Fellow, Institute for Analytics and Data Science & Department for Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (21/8/2023 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Forensic Linguistics (LG364)
Professional Development for Research Students (LG595)
MA Dissertation (LG981)
Publications (3)
Sanchez, A., Ross, A. and Markl, N., (2024). Beyond the binary: Limitations and possibilities of gender-related speech technology research
Ungless, EL., Markl, N. and Ross, B., (2024). Experiences of Censorship on TikTok Across Marginalised Identities
Markl, N. and McNulty, SJ., (2022). Language technology practitioners as language managers: arbitrating data bias and predictive bias in ASR
Journal articles (4)
Markl, N., (2023). “I can't see myself ever living any[w]ere else”: Variation in (HW) in Edinburgh English. Language Variation and Change. 35 (1), 79-105
Hall-Lew, L., Cowie, C., Lai, C., Markl, N., McNulty, SJ., Liu, S-JS., Llewellyn, C., Alex, B., Elliott, Z. and Klingler, A., (2022). The Lothian Diary Project: sociolinguistic methods during the COVID-19 lockdown. Linguistics Vanguard. 8 (s3), 321-330
Cowie, C., Hall-Lew, L., Elliott, Z., Klingler, A., Markl, N. and McNulty, SJ., (2022). Imagining the city in lockdown: Place in the COVID-19 self-recordings of the Lothian Diary Project. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 5, 945643-
Hall-Lew, L., Cowie, C., McNulty, SJ., Markl, N., Liu, S-JS., Lai, C., Llewellyn, C., Alex, B., Fang, N., Elliott, Z. and Klingler, A., (2021). The Lothian Diary Project: Investigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Edinburgh and Lothian Residents. Journal of Open Humanities Data. 7 (4), 1-5
Conferences (14)
Markl, N. and Lai, C., Everyone has an accent
Markl, N., Wallington, E., Klejch, O., Reitmaier, T., Bailey, G., Pearson, J., Jones, M., Robinson, S. and Bell, P., Automatic Transcription and (De)Standardisation
Ungless, EL., Markl, N. and Ross, B., Experiences of Censorship on TikTok Across Marginalised Identities
Sanchez, A., Ross, A. and Markl, N., Beyond the binary: Limitations and possibilities of gender-related speech technology research
Markl, N., Hall-Lew, L. and Lai, C., (2024). Language Technologies as If People Mattered: Centering Communities in Language Technology Development
Reitmaier, T., Raju, DK., Klejch, O., Wallington, E., Markl, N., Pearson, J., Jones, M., Bell, P. and Robinson, S., (2024). Cultivating Spoken Language Technologies for Unwritten Languages
Reitmaier, T., Wallington, E., Klejch, O., Kalarikalayil Raju, D., Markl, N., Nielsen, EE., Bailey, G., Pearson, J., Jones, M., Bell, P. and Robinson, S., (2024). UnMute Toolkit: Speech Interactions Designed With Minoritised Language Speakers
Reitmaier, T., Wallington, E., Klejch, O., Markl, N., Lam-Yee-Mui, L-M., Pearson, J., Jones, M., Bell, P. and Robinson, S., (2023). Situating Automatic Speech Recognition Development within Communities of Under-heard Language Speakers
Sanabria, R., Bogoychev, N., Markl, N., Carmantini, A., Klejch, O. and Bell, P., (2023). The Edinburgh International Accents of English Corpus: Towards the Democratization of English ASR
Markl, N., (2022). Language variation and algorithmic bias: understanding algorithmic bias in British English automatic speech recognition
Markl, N. and McNulty, SJ., (2022). Language technology practitioners as language managers: arbitrating data bias and predictive bias in ASR
Markl, N., (2022). Mind the data gap(s): Investigating power in speech and language datasets
Markl, N. and Lai, C., (2021). Context-sensitive evaluation of automatic speech recognition: considering user experience & language variation
Markl, N., Burchell, L., Hosking, T., Webber, B. and Chi, J., (2020). Querent Intent in Multi-Sentence Questions