Professor Shane Martin

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Professor Shane Martin holds the Anthony King Chair in Comparative Government here at the University of Essex where he also serves as Dean of Postgraduate Research and Education. In the latter role, Shane oversees the development and implementation of the university's postgraduate research strategies. Between August 2019 and December 2022, Professor Martin served as Head of the Department of Government, where he led the department in providing outstanding teaching and research opportunities to students and staff. An accomplished leader within the academy, Professor Martin's roles at the university include serving as an ex-officio member of University Senate and an elected member of University Council. Professor Martin's research is focused on legislative organisation, with a particular emphasis on comparative politics and how electoral incentives shape representatives' preferences, the internal structures of parliaments, executive oversight, and the production of public policy. He is a recipient of several awards, including a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship. He is an experienced educator and has taught at several institutions such as the University of Leicester, Dublin City University, the Pennsylvania State University, and the University of California, San Diego. Professor Martin currently serves on the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research (2024-2030),
University of Essex
Dean of Postgraduate Research and Education, University of Essex (1/1/2023 - present)
Anthony King Chair in Comparative Government, University of Essex (1/11/2018 - present)
Head of Department, Government, University of Essex (1/8/2019 - 31/12/2022)
Deputy Head of Department, Government, University of Essex (1/9/2017 - 31/7/2019)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Legislative Politics
Comparative European Politics
Public Policy
Irish Politics
Current research
The Evolution of Parliamentarism
Parliament and Coalition Government in Britain
Parliamentary Incumbency
Legislative Committees
Bargaining in Legislatures
Political Dynasties and Cabinet Ministers
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Research Design (GV976)
Political Institutions (GV992)
Professional Development Seminar (GV994)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/1/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/10/2020
Journal articles (29)
Martin, S., McClean, CT. and Strøm, KW., (2024). Legislative Resources, Corruption, and Incumbency. British Journal of Political Science. 54 (2), 526-535
Farrell, DM., Field, L. and Martin, S., (2024). Parliamentarians and the covid-19 pandemic: insights from an executive-dominated, constituency-oriented legislature. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 1-27
Aaskoven, L. and Martin, S., (2023). Parliamentary Control of the Executive and the Duration of Government Formation. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 49 (3), 695-720
Huwyler, O. and Martin, S., (2022). Interest Group Tactics and Legislative Behaviour: How the Mode of Communication Matters. Journal of European Public Policy. 29 (8), 1268-1287
Richard, W. and Martin, S., (2022). Divide to Conquer? Strategic Opposition and Coalition Government. Party Politics. 28 (6), 999-1011
Martin, S., Taylor-Robinson, MM. and Crewe, E., (2022). The Past of Parliamentary and Legislative Studies. Parliamentary Affairs. 75 (4), 727-739
Taylor-Robinson, MM., Crewe, E. and Martin, S., (2022). The Present of Parliamentary and Legislative Studies. Parliamentary Affairs. 75 (4), 740-753
Crewe, E., Taylor-Robinson, MM. and Martin, S., (2022). The Future of Parliamentary and Legislative Studies. Parliamentary Affairs. 75 (4), 754-766
Cheibub, JA., Martin, S. and Rasch, BE., (2021). Investiture Rules and Formation of Minority Governments in European Parliamentary Democracies. Party Politics. 27 (2), 351-362
Lynch, C. and Martin, S., (2020). Can Parliaments be Strengthened? A Case Study of Pre-Legislative Scrutiny. Irish Political Studies. 35 (1), 138-157
Martin, SG. and Mickler, TA., (2019). Committee Assignments: Theories, Causes, and Consequences. Parliamentary Affairs. 72 (1), 77-98
Martin, S. and Whitaker, R., (2019). Beyond Committees: Parliamentary Oversight of Coalition Government in Britain. West European Politics. 42 (7), 1464-1486
Martin, S., (2018). Bargaining in Legislatures, Portfolio Allocation, and the Electoral Costs of Governing. West European Politics. 41 (5), 1166-1190
Smith, DM. and Martin, S., (2017). Political Dynasties and the Selection of Cabinet Ministers. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 42 (1), 131-165
André, A., Depauw, S. and Martin, S., (2016). The classification of electoral systems: Bringing legislators back in. Electoral Studies. 42, 42-53
Martin, S., (2016). Policy, Office and Votes: The Electoral Value of Ministerial Office. British Journal of Political Science. 46 (02), 281-296
André, A., Depauw, S. and Martin, S., (2016). "Trust Is Good, Control Is Better": Multiparty Government and Legislative Organization. Political Research Quarterly. 69 (1), 108-120
Cheibub, JA., Martin, S. and Rasch, BE., (2015). Government Selection and Executive Powers: Constitutional Design in Parliamentary Democracies. West European Politics. 38 (5), 969-996
MacCarthaigh, M. and Martin, S., (2015). Bicameralism in the Republic of Ireland: The Seanad Abolition Referendum. Irish Political Studies. 30 (1), 121-131
Andre, A., Depauw, S. and Martin, S., (2015). Electoral Systems and Legislators' Constituency Effort: The Mediating Effect of Electoral Vulnerability. Comparative Political Studies. 48 (4), 464-496
Martin, S., (2014). Why electoral systems don't always matter: The impact of 'mega-seats' on legislative behaviour in Ireland. Party Politics. 20 (3), 467-479
Martin, SG., (2013). Is All Politics Local? The Role-Orientation of Irish Parliamentarians toward Foreign Policy. Irish Political Studies. 28 (1), 114-129
Rozenberg, O. and Martin, S., (2011). Questioning Parliamentary Questions. The Journal of Legislative Studies. 17 (3), 394-404
Martin, S., (2011). Parliamentary Questions, the Behaviour of Legislators, and the Function of Legislatures: An Introduction. The Journal of Legislative Studies. 17 (3), 259-270
Martin, S., (2011). Using Parliamentary Questions to Measure Constituency Focus: An Application to the Irish Case. Political Studies. 59 (2), 472-488
MARTIN, S., (2011). Electoral Institutions, the Personal Vote, and Legislative Organization. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 36 (3), 339-361
Martin, S., (2010). Electoral Rewards for Personal Vote Cultivation under PR-STV. West European Politics. 33 (2), 369-380
Martin, S., (2009). The Congressional Representation of Muslim-American Constituents. Politics and Religion. 2 (2), 230-246
Martin, S., (2008). Two Houses: Legislative Studies and the Atlantic Divide. PS: Political Science and Politics. 41 (03), 557-565
Books (5)
Martin, S. and Strøm, KW., (2023). Legislative Assemblies: Voters, Members, and Leaders. Oxford University Press. 0198890826. 9780198890843
Field, BN. and Martin, S., (2022). Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University Press (OUP). 019287165X. 9780192871657
Rasch, BE., Martin, S. and Cheibub, JA., (2015). Parliaments and Government Formation: Unpacking Investiture Rules. Oxford University Press (OUP). 9780198747017
Martin, S., Saalfeld, T. and Strøm, KW., (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Oxford University Press (OUP). 9780199653010
Martin, S. and Rozenberg, O., (2014). The Roles and Function of Parliamentary Questions. Routledge. 1135746605. 9781135746605
Book chapters (17)
O'Malley, E. and Martin, S., (2023). The government and the Taoiseach. In: Politics in the Republic of Ireland. Routledge. 283- 311
Field, BN. and Martin, S., (2022). The Politics of Minority Government. In: Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University PressOxford. 3- 18. 019287165X
Field, BN. and Martin, S., (2022). TheHow,Why, andHow Wellof Minority Governments. In: Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University PressOxford. 19- 38. 019287165X
Field, BN. and Martin, S., (2022). Comparative Conclusions on Minority Governments. In: Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University PressOxford. 325- 344. 019287165X
Martin, S., (2021). The Political Executive. In: The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics. Oxford University Press. 349- C21.P87. 9780198823834
O'Malley, E. and Martin, SG., (2018). The Government and the Taoiseach. In: Politics in the Republic of Ireland. Editors: Coakley, J. and Gallagher, M., . Routledge. 243- 269. 1317312694. 9781317312697
Martin, SG., (2018). Electoral Systems and Legislative Organization. In: The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems. Editors: Herron, ES., Pekkanen, RJ. and Shugart, MS., . Oxford University Press. 302- 320. 9780190258658
Bucur, C., Cheibub, JA., Martin, S. and Rasch, BE., (2018). Constitution Making and Legislative Involvement in Government Formation. In: Constituent Assemblies. Cambridge University Press. 186- 206
Martin, S., (2017). Electoral systems and legislative organization. In: The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems. 303- 319
Martin, SG., (2016). Parliamentary Questions and Open Government. In: Parliaments in the Open Government Era. Editors: Bouhadana, I., Gilles, W. and Nguyên-Duy, I., . Imodev. 43- 67. 979-10-90809-08-6
Martin, S., (2015). Government Formation in Ireland. In: Parliaments and Government Formation. Editors: Rasch, BE., Martin, S. and Cheibub, JA., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 121- 135. 9780198747017
Rasch, BE., Martin, S. and Cheibub, JA., (2015). Investiture Rules and Government Formation. In: Parliaments and Government Formation. Editors: Rasch, BE., Martin, S. and Cheibub, JA., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 3- 26. 9780198747017
Martin, SG., (2015). Investiture Rules Unpacked. In: Parliaments and Government Formation: Unpacking Investiture Rules. Editors: Rasch, BE., Martin, S. and Cheibub, JA., . Oxford University Press. 331- 356. 0191064068. 9780191064067
Martin, S., Saalfeld, T. and Strøm, KW., (2014). Introduction. In: The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Editors: Martin, S., Saalfeld, T. and Strøm, KW., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 1- 24. 9780199653010
Martin, S., (2014). Committees. In: The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Editors: Martin, S., Saalfeld, T. and Strøm, KW., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 352- 370. 9780199653010
Martin, S. and Rasch, BE., (2013). Political Parties and Constitutional Change. In: Party Governance and Party Democracy. Springer New York. 205- 229. 9781461465874
(2008). Intra-Party Politics and Coalition Governments. In: Intra-Party Politics and Coalition Governments. Editors: Giannetti, D. and Benoit, K., . Routledge. 103- 120
Other (1)
Field, BN. and Martin, S., (2019).Minority Governments,Oxford University Press
Grants and funding
Trust is Good, Control is Better: Parliament and the Coalition Government, 2010-15
The British Academy