Michel Mason

mmasonb@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873897
5.414, Colchester Campus
- Education for Sustainability
- Key competencies for sustainability
- Academic skills
- Sustainable Essex Awards
- Embedding sustainability into curricular
I have had a varied career as I have worked in the film and radio industries, taught media in the UK, and English language in Asia-Pacific countries. I worked in film post-production at a time when both analogue and digital formats were being used in filmmaking, I was also training new entrants. It was at this time that I also attained my MA in Film Studies. Eventually I transitioned into teaching about the industry and later became Head of Media Studies in an FE college in Essex. I taught on a range of Humanities and Media Arts subjects including Film Studies, Media and Communications, Media Law, Video Production, Radio Production, and Media Sociology. I was also a freelance radio short documentary-maker for BBC Radio 4. In 2001 I moved to New Zealand and commenced working in the field of English language teaching. As part of my work I taught ESOL, EFL, EAP, and ESP in various Asia-Pacific countries. I eventually became Vice Principal (Operations) and Principal of two English language academies. In addition I was a English Language curriculum designer and international student advisor for the NZ Qualifications Authority. I have been an Academic Skills Tutor at UoE since 2014. My particular research interests lie in two distinct areas: embedding sustainability into education practice; the kinds of education, teaching and learning required to provide future generations with sustainability literacy; and non-traditional student achievement - the academic challenges which students from low participation neighbourhoods face. I am currently researching embedding education for sustainability into TEFL and TESOL teacher-training curricula. For more information please look at my profile on: LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelmason ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michel_Mason
Certificate in Leading for Learning for Equity and Sustainability in Initial Teacher Education Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (Liverpool Hope University) (2021)
Certificate in Learning for Equity and Sustainability in Initial Teacher Education Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (Liverpool Hope University) (2021)
MA TESOL University of Essex (2020)
PG Diploma in Visual Arts Unitec Institute of Technology NZ (2013)
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) University of Auckland (NZ) (2004)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education Thames Polytechnic (1992)
MA Film Studies Polytechnic of Central London (1990)
BA (Hons) Literature and Sociology University of Essex (1988)
Research and professional activities
Education for Sustainable Development: Building the capacity for embedding sustainable development into training teachers of English as a foreign language (TEFL) and as a second language (TESOL).
The role of teacher-training, the development of the education of practising teachers, and the design of instructional materials continue to be at the forefront of discussions about the practicalities of designing a framework for embedding education for sustainable development into the teacher-training curricula. The aim of this project is to explore whether the sustainability development goals can be embedded into BA TEFL and MA TESOL programmes.
Supervisor: Dr Christina Gkonou
Research interests
Embedding the SDGs into TEFL and TESOL: A pilot study
Conference Title: Education as a Pedagogy of Hope and Possibility: The role of teacher education in leading change, Liverpool Hope University / TEESNet
The Multiplier Effect: Embedding the SDGs for transformative sustainable education
Conference Title: The Fierce Urgency of Now: Navigating paradoxes in sustainability education, Canterbury Christ Church and University of Plymouth
Lecturers’ perceptions of student writers: Implications for academic literacy and EAP
Conference Title: Innovation, Exploration and Transformation, University of Leeds
Perspectives on academic writing: L1 and L2 students’ experience within Healthcare and Hospitality Foundation degree programmes
Conference Title: Academic Literacies: Same or Different?, University of Essex
Reflections on Welcome Week: The challenges mature students face when learning and making sense of academic conventions
Conference Title: Academic Literacies: Same or Different?, University of Essex