Dr Akitaka Matsuo

a.matsuo@essex.ac.uk -
5.423, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Tuesdays from 3 to 5 pm. Appointment Only.
I am a Lecturer in the Department of Government at University of Essex. Prior to my current position, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Institute for Analytics and Data Science (IADS). Before joining IADS, I was a Research Fellow in Data Science in Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics and Political Science. I earned my Ph.D in political science at Rice University in 2012. For more information, please visit my website https://amatsuo.net
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Quantitative Methods (GV903)
Data for Social Data Science (GV918)
Advanced Quantitative Political Analysis (GV300)
Journal articles (7)
Matsuo, A., Suzuki, M. and Uji, A., (2023). Ideas for macroeconomic surveillance: A comparative text analysis of country reports by global and regional financial organizations. Review of International Political Economy. 30 (6), 2357-2381
Matsuo, A., Han, O. and Matsumura, N., (2023). The Social Media Audience of Diplomatic Crisis. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 26 (3), 922-939
Matsuo, A. and Lee, S., (2018). Multi-dimensional Policy Preferences in the 2015 British General Election: A Conjoint Analysis. Electoral Studies. 55, 89-98
Lee, S. and Matsuo, A., (2018). Decomposing political knowledge: What is confidence in knowledge and why it matters. Electoral Studies. 51, 1-13
Benoit, K., Watanabe, K., Wang, H., Nulty, P., Obeng, A., Müller, S. and Matsuo, A., (2018). quanteda: An R package for the quantitative analysis of textual data. Journal of Open Source Software. 3 (30), 774-774
Amador Diaz Lopez, JC., Collignon-Delmar, S., Benoit, K. and Matsuo, A., (2017). Predicting the Brexit Vote by Tracking and Classifying Public Opinion Using Twitter Data. Statistics, Politics and Policy. 8 (1), 85-104
Fukumoto, K. and Matsuo, A., (2015). The Effects of Election Proximity on Participatory Shirking: The Staggered‐Term Chamber as a Laboratory. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 40 (4), 599-625
Grants and funding
To use the latest data science and machine learning techniques to intelligently automate our Internal Audit processes and develop a new AI-driven analysis service as a premium product within our range.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
AI chatbot for surgeries
InvictIQ (a venture by Sprint Consultancy Services Limited)
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Academic support hours:
Tuesdays from 3 to 5 pm. Appointment Only.