
Prof Ian Maynard

Emeritus Professor
School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences
Prof Ian Maynard



Professor Ian Maynard, Ph.D., C.Psychol., F.BASES., F.AASP., F.BPsS. I taught Physical Education for seven years before completing a Masters Degree in Sport Psychology at the University of Victoria (B.C., Canada). I completed my doctorate with the Psychology Department of the University of Southampton. I lectured in Sport Psychology and Physical Education at the University of Chichester from 1987 to 1999 and took up the position of ‘Professor of Sport Psychology’ at Sheffield Hallam University’s Centre for Sport and Exercise Science in April 1999 and took over as the Director of the Research Centre in 2004. I was appointed the ‘Founding Professor of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science’ at the University of Essex in August 2017. I became an accredited Sports Psychologist in 1988 with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES). I attended the Barcelona (Sailing) and Athens Olympics (Sailing, Boxing & Diving), the Victoria (Cycling) (1994) and Manchester (Bowls & Diving) (2002) Commonwealth Games and have been a consultant at World Championships in eight different sports. I was the Director of the RYA (Sailing) World Class Performance Sport Science Support Programme and have acted as consultant to the All England Women's Lacrosse Association, the England Bowls Team (Commonwealth Games 2002 & 2006), the Great Britain Diving Squad, British Swimming, Richmond Rugby Football Club, Professional Game Match Officials Ltd (English Elite Soccer Referees), the English Golf Union and the Amateur Boxing Association of England and many international performers in a variety of other sports. I served for four years as the Executive Secretary of BASES until September 2001 and chaired the BASES Sport Science Special Committee from January 1996 until September 2000. I was chair of the Psychology Section within BASES from September 2002 until September 2004 and sat on the Accreditation and Fellowship committee as the Psychology Section representative from 2004 to 2007. I was elected a Fellow of BASES in 2004 and was given the BASES 'Applied Practitioner of the Year' award in 2005. I have chartered status with the British Psychological Society (BPS) and have served as the Chair of the Board of Assessors within the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology (DSEP) from 2007 to 2010. I became Chair of DSEP from June 2010 until May 2013 and also currently sit on both the division's Executive and Training Committees. I was also made a Fellow of the BPS in 2015. I am also a British Olympic Association registered Sport Psychologist. I have served on the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Performance Enhancement/Intervention Committee since 2002, was Director of Studies to Dr. Owen Thomas winner of the AASP PhD Dissertation of the year award 2004, Dr. Peter Olusoga winner in 2012 and Dr. Liam Slack winner in 2014. I was elected a Fellow of AASP in 2007 and given the 'Distinguished Professional Practice Award' in 2015. I was the Editor of The Sport Psychologist from 2005 until 2012 and completed five years (2001-2006) as the Associate Editor (Performance Enhancement) for the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. I am also the current Editor of Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. I also sit on the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the English Institute of Sport (EIS). The TAG is responsible for the strategic direction and also monitors the operational management of the EIS. I am interested in most aspects of applied Sport and Exercise Psychology and this is where my current research aspirations can be found (I have over 130 peer-reviewed publications). I have played Rugby Union, Soccer and Cricket to county level, played first class Rugby Union for Saracens RFC and from 1995 to 1999 coached the Sussex County Senior Rugby Union team. I am married to Rachel and have two children, Chloe and Jack.


  • PhD University of Southampton, (1996)


University of Essex

  • Head of School, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/8/2017 - present)

Other academic

  • Head of Research Centre, Centre for Sport and Exercise Science, Sheffield Hallam University (1/4/1999 - 31/8/2017)

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Marie Esther Winter
Marie Esther Winter
Thesis title: Exploring Evidence-Informed Decision-Making in Applied Sport Psychology
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2023
William Richard Low
William Richard Low
Thesis title: Pressure Training in Sport: Factors to Enhance Design and Delivery of Applied Interventions
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/8/2022
Catherine Elizabeth Lutz
Catherine Elizabeth Lutz
Thesis title: An Exploration Into Pre-Game Speeches and Their Influence on Psychological and Performance Outcomes in Basketball
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/8/2022
Ryan Gregory Bailey
Ryan Gregory Bailey
Degree subject: Occasional Study: Sport and Exercise Science (Research)
Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 6/10/2021


Journal articles (76)

Low, W., Freeman, P., Butt, J., Stoker, M. and Maynard, I., (2023). The Role and Creation of Pressure in Training: Perspectives of Athletes and Sport Psychologists. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 35 (4), 710-730

Mills, A., Butt, J. and Maynard, I., (2023). Introducing an Integrated Model of Talent Development: From Research to Practice. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 14 (2), 121-130

Low, WR., Stoker, M., Butt, J. and Maynard, I., (2023). Pressure Training: From Research to Applied Practice. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 15 (1), 3-18

Winter, M., Freeman, P., Griffin, M., Soundy, A. and Maynard, I., (2023). Exploring the Processes of Evidence-Informed Decision-Making in Applied Sport Psychology. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 36 (3), 499-518

Low, W., Butt, J., Freeman, P., Stoker, M. and Maynard, I., (2022). Effective Delivery of Pressure Training: Perspectives of Athletes and Sport Psychologists. Sport Psychologist. 36 (3), 162-170

Low, W., Freeman, P., Sandercock, G., Winter, M., Butt, J. and Maynard, I., (2021). Pressure Training for Performance Domains: A Meta-Analysis. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. 0 (1), 149-163

Mack, R., Breckon, J., Butt, J. and Maynard, I., (2021). Practitioners' use of motivational interviewing in sport: A qualitative enquiry. Sport Psychologist. 35 (1), 72-82

Stoker, M., Maynard, I., Butt, J., Hays, K. and Hughes, P., (2019). The Effect of Manipulating Individual Consequences and Training Demands on Experiences of Pressure With Elite Disability Shooters. Sport Psychologist. 33 (3), 221-227

Eubank, M., Holder, T., Lowry, R., Manley, A., Maynard, I., McCormick, A., Smith, J., Thelwell, R., Woodman, T. and Lafferty, M., (2019). All roads lead to Rome but Rome wasn't built in a day: Advice on QSEP navigation from the 'Roman Gods' of assessment.. Sport and Exercise Psycholgy Review. 15 (2), 21-31

Mack, R., Breckon, J., Butt, J. and Maynard, I., (2017). Exploring the Understanding and Application of Motivational Interviewing in Applied Sport Psychology. The Sport Psychologist. 31 (4), 396-409

Hodgson, L., Butt, J. and Maynard, I., (2017). Exploring the psychological attributes underpinning elite sports coaching. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 12 (4), 439-451

Stoker, M., Maynard, I., Butt, J., Hays, K., Lindsay, P. and Norenberg, DA., (2017). The Effect of Manipulating Training Demands and Consequences on Experiences of Pressure in Elite Netball. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 29 (4), 434-448

Stone, JA., Maynard, IW., North, JS., Panchuk, D. and Davids, K., (2017). Temporal and spatial occlusion of advanced visual information constrains movement (re)organization in one-handed catching behaviors. Acta Psychologica. 174, 80-88

Ludlam, KE., Bawden, M., Butt, J., Lindsay, P. and Maynard, IW., (2017). Perceptions of Engaging With a Super-Strengths Approach in Elite Sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 29 (3), 251-269

Bennett, J. and Maynard, I., (2017). Performance blocks in sport: Recommendations for treatment and implications for sport psychology practitioners. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 8 (1), 60-68

Bennett, J., Bickley, J., Vernon, T., Olusoga, P. and Maynard, I., (2017). Preliminary Evidence for the Treatment of Performance Blocks in Sport: The Efficacy of EMDR With Graded Exposure. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. 11 (2), 96-110

Stoker, M., Lindsay, P., Butt, J., Bawden, M. and Maynard, IW., (2016). Elite coaches' experiences of creating pressure training environments. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 47 (3), 262-281

Flint, SW., Scaife, R., Kesterton, S., Humphreys, L., Copeland, R., Crank, H., Breckon, J., Maynard, I. and Carter, A., (2016). Sheffield Hallam Staff Wellness service: Four-year follow-up of the impact on health indicators. Perspectives in Public Health. 136 (5), 295-301

Foster, D., Maynard, I., Butt, J. and Hays, K., (2016). Delivery of Psychological Skills Training to Youngsters. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 28 (1), 62-77

Ludlam, KE., Butt, J., Bawden, M., Lindsay, P. and Maynard, IW., (2016). A Strengths-Based Consultancy Approach in Elite Sport: Exploring Super-Strengths. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 28 (2), 216-233

Stoker, M., Lindsay, P., Butt, J., Bawden, M. and Maynard, IW., (2016). Elite coaches' experiences of creating pressure training environments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY. 47 (3), 262-281

Bennett, J, Hays, K, Lindsay, P, Maynard, I, Olusoga, P and Maynard, IW., (2016). Yips and lost move syndrome; assessing impact and exploring levels of perfectionism, rumination and reinvestment.. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review. 12 (1), 14-27

Slack, LA., Maynard, IW., Butt, J. and Olusoga, P., (2015). An Evaluation of a Mental Toughness Education and Training Program for Early-Career English Football League Referees. The Sport Psychologist. 29 (3), 237-257

Stone, JA., Maynard, IW., North, JS., Panchuk, D. and Davids, K., (2015). Emergent perception–action couplings regulate postural adjustments during performance of externally-timed dynamic interceptive actions. Psychological Research. 79 (5), 829-843

Beaumont, C., Maynard, IW. and Butt, J., (2015). Effective Ways to Develop and Maintain Robust Sport-Confidence: Strategies Advocated by Sport Psychology Consultants. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 27 (3), 301-318

Stone, JA., Maynard, IW., North, JS., Panchuk, D. and Davids, K., (2015). (De)synchronization of advanced visual information and ball flight characteristics constrains emergent information–movement couplings during one-handed catching. Experimental Brain Research. 233 (2), 449-458

Bennett, J., Hays, K., Lindsay, P., Olusoga, P. and Maynard, IW., (2015). Yips and lost move syndrome: exploring psychological symptoms, similarities, and implications for treatment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY. 46 (1), 61-82

Stone, JA., Panchuk, D., Davids, K., North, JS., Fairweather, I. and Maynard, IW., (2014). An integrated ball projection technology for the study of dynamic interceptive actions. Behavior Research Methods. 46 (4), 984-991

Mills, A., Butt, J., Maynard, I. and Harwood, C., (2014). Examining the Development Environments of Elite English Football Academies: The Players' Perspective. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 9 (6), 1457-1472

Mills, A., Butt, J., Maynard, I. and Harwood, C., (2014). Toward an Understanding of Optimal Development Environments Within Elite English Soccer Academies. Sport Psychologist. 28 (2), 137-150

Maynard, IW., Olusoga, P., Butt, J. and Hays, K., (2014). Coaching Under Pressure: mental skills training for sports coaches. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review. 10, 31-44

Maynard, IW., Slack, L., Butt, J. and Olusoga, P., (2014). Understanding mental toughness in elite football officiating: Perceptions of English premier league referees. Sport and Exercise Psychlogy Review. 10, 4-24

Slack, LA., Maynard, IW., Butt, J. and Olusoga, P., (2013). Factors Underpinning Football Officiating Excellence: Perceptions of English Premier League Referees. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 25 (3), 298-315

Roberts, R., Rotheram, M., Maynard, I., Thomas, O. and Woodman, T., (2013). Perfectionism and the ‘Yips’: An Initial Investigation. The Sport Psychologist. 27 (1), 53-61

Rotheram, M., Maynard, I., Thomas, O., Bawden, M. and Francis, L., (2012). Preliminary Evidence for the Treatment of Type I ‘Yips’: The Efficacy of the Emotional Freedom Techniques. The Sport Psychologist. 26 (4), 551-570

Mills, A., Butt, J., Maynard, I. and Harwood, C., (2012). Identifying factors perceived to influence the development of elite youth football academy players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (15), 1593-1604

Olusoga, P., Maynard, I., Hays, K. and Butt, J., (2012). Coaching under pressure: A study of Olympic coaches. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (3), 229-239

Hays, K., Thomas, O., Maynard, I. and Butt, J., (2010). The Role of Confidence Profiling in Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Sport. The Sport Psychologist. 24 (3), 393-414

Hays, K., Thomas, O., Butt, J. and Maynard, I., (2010). The Development of Confidence Profiling for Sport. The Sport Psychologist. 24 (3), 373-392

Olusoga, P., Butt, J., Maynard, I. and Hays, K., (2010). Stress and Coping: A Study of World Class Coaches. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 22 (3), 274-293

Maynard, IW. and Brady, A., (2010). Debate: At an elite level the role of the sport psychologist is entirely about performance enhancement. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review. 6, 59-66

Olusoga, P., Butt, J., Hays, K. and Maynard, I., (2009). Stress in Elite Sports Coaching: Identifying Stressors. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 21 (4), 442-459

Hays, K., Thomas, O., Maynard, I. and Bawden, M., (2009). The role of confidence in world-class sport performance. Journal of Sports Sciences. 27 (11), 1185-1199

Gould, D. and Maynard, I., (2009). Psychological preparation for the Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Sciences. 27 (13), 1393-1408

Maynard, I., (2009). A Note from the Editor. The Sport Psychologist. 23 (1), 1-2

Lindsay, P., Breckon, JD., Thomas, O. and Maynard, IW., (2007). In Pursuit of Congruence: A Personal Reflection on Methods and Philosophy in Applied Practice. The Sport Psychologist. 21 (3), 335-352

Thomas, O., Hanton, S. and Maynard, I., (2007). Anxiety Responses and Psychological Skill Use During the Time Leading up to Competition: Theory to Practice I. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 19 (4), 379-397

Thomas, O., Maynard, I. and Hanton, S., (2007). Intervening with Athletes During the Time Leading up to Competition: Theory to Practice II. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 19 (4), 398-418

Hays, K., Maynard, I., Thomas, O. and Bawden, M., (2007). Sources and Types of Confidence Identified by World Class Sport Performers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 19 (4), 434-456

Lindsay, P., Maynard, I. and Thomas, O., (2005). Effects of Hypnosis on Flow States and Cycling Performance. The Sport Psychologist. 19 (2), 164-177

Maynard, IW., (2005). A Note from the Editor. The Sport Psychologist. 19 (3), 233-233

Thomas, O., Maynard, I. and Hanton, S., (2004). Temporal Aspects of Competitive Anxiety and Self-Confidence as a Function of Anxiety Perceptions. The Sport Psychologist. 18 (2), 172-187

Hanton, S., Thomas, O. and Maynard, I., (2004). Competitive anxiety responses in the week leading up to competition: the role of intensity, direction and frequency dimensions. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 5 (2), 169-181

Thelwell, RC. and Maynard, IW., (2003). The effects of a mental skills package on ‘repeatable good performance’ in cricketers. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 4 (4), 377-396

Daley, AJ. and Maynard, IW., (2003). Preferred exercise mode and affective responses in physically active adults. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 4 (4), 347-356

Pates, J., Karageorghis, CI., Fryer, R. and Maynard, I., (2003). Effects of asynchronous music on flow states and shooting performance among netball players. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 4 (4), 415-427

Pates, J., Cummings, A. and Maynard, I., (2002). The Effects of Hypnosis on Flow States and Three-Point Shooting Performance in Bastketball Players. The Sport Psychologist. 16 (1), 34-47

Thelwell, RC. and Maynard, IW., (2002). A triangulation of findings of three studies investigating repeatable good performance in professional cricketers. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 33 (3), 247-268

Pates, J., Oliver, R. and Maynard, I., (2001). The Effects of Hypnosis on Flow States and Golf-Putting Performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 13 (4), 341-354

Bawden, M. and Maynard, I., (2001). Towards an understanding of the personal experience of the 'yips' in cricketers. Journal of Sports Sciences. 19 (12), 937-953

Pates, J., Maynar, I. and Westbury, T., (2001). An Investigation into the Effects of Hypnosis on Basketball Performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 13 (1), 84-102

Pates, J. and Maynard, I., (2000). Effects of Hypnosis on Flow States and Golf Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 91 (3_suppl), 1057-1075

Greenlees, I., Graydon, J. and Maynard, I., (2000). The impact of individual efficacy beliefs on group goal selection and group goal commitment. Journal of Sports Sciences. 18 (6), 451-459

Thelwell, RC. and Maynard, IW., (2000). Professional Cricketers' Perceptions of the Importance of Antecedents Influencing Repeatable Good Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 90 (2), 649-658

GREENLEES, IA., GRAYDON, JK. and MAYNARD, IW., (1999). The impact of collective efficacy beliefs on effort and persistence in a group task. Journal of Sports Sciences. 17 (2), 151-158

Filby, WCD., Maynard, IW. and Graydon, JK., (1999). The effect of multiple-goal strategies on performance outcomes in training and competition. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 11 (2), 230-246

Greenlees, IA., Nunn, RL., Graydon, JK. and Maynard, IW., (1999). The Relationship between Collective Efficacy and Precompetitive Affect in Rugby Players: Testing Bandura's Model of Collective Efficacy. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 89 (2), 431-440

Thelwell, RC. and Maynard, IW., (1998). Anxiety-Performance Relationships in Cricketers: Testing the Zone of Optimal Functioning Hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 87 (2), 675-689

Maynard, IW., Hemmings, B., Greenlees, IA., Warwick-evans, L. and Stanton, N., (1998). Stress management in sport: A comparison of unimodal and multimodal interventions. Anxiety, Stress & Coping. 11 (3), 225-246

Maynard, IW., MacDonald, AL. and Warwick-Evans, L., (1997). Anxiety in novice rock climbers: A further test of the matching hypothesis in a field setting. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 28 (1), 67-78

Maynard, IW. and McKiddie, B., (1997). Perceived competence of school children in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 3 (3), 324-339

Maynard, IW., Smith, M. and Warwick-Evans, L., (1995). The effects of a cognitive intervention strategy on competative state anxiety and performance in semi-professional soccer players. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 17 (4), 428-446

Maynard, IW., Hemmings, B. and Warwick-Evans, L., (1995). The Effect of a somatic Stress Management Intervention Strategy on Semi-professional soccer players. The Sport Psychologist. 9 (1), 51-64

Maynard, IW. and Cotton, PCJ., (1993). An Investigation of Two Stress-Management Techniques in a Field Setting. The Sport Psychologist. 7 (4), 375-387

Maynard, IW. and Howe, BL., (1989). Attentional Styles in Rugby Players. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 69 (1), 283-289

Maynard, IW. and Howe, B., (1987). The Interrelations of trait and state anxiety with game performance of rugby players. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 64 (2), 599-602

Book chapters (1)

Maynard, I., (2005). The Sport Psychology of Olympic Sailing and Windsurfing. In: The Sport Psychologist's Handbook: A Guide for Sport-Specific Performance Enhancement. Wiley. 457- 477. 9780470863558

Conferences (16)

Stone, JA., Panchuk, D., Davids, K., North, JS. and Maynard, I., (2014). Integrating Advanced Visual Information with Ball Projection Technology Constrains Dynamic Interceptive Actions

Thomas, O., Hanton, S. and Maynard, I., (2003). A temporal approach to the dimensions of competitive anxiety

Daley, AJ. and Maynard, I., (2003). Affect and choice of exercise mode during and after acute exercise

Thomas, O., Maynard, I. and Hanton, S., (2003). Further validity testing of a short-form assessment instrument of competitive state anxiety

Thomas, O., Maynard, I. and Pates, J., (2003). Temporal aspects of competitive anxiety and self-confidence as a function of anxiety perceptions

Pates, J., Karageorghis, CI., Fryer, R. and Maynard, I., (2003). Effects of asynchronous music on flow states and shooting performance among netball players

Thomas, OM. and Maynard, IW., (2002). Competitive trait anxiety intensities and perceptions in male and female team and individual sport athletes

Thelwell, RC., Maynard, IW. and Graydon, JK., (2002). The effects of a mental skills package on repeatable good performance in cricketers II: a single-individual analysis approach

Thelwell, RC., Maynard, IW. and Graydon, JK., (2002). The effects of a mental skills package on repeatable good performance in cricketers I: a group analysis

Bawden, MAK., Maynard, IW., Graydon, JK. and Chell, BJ., (2000). The effects of manipulated stress and self-consciousness on golf-putting performance

Greenlees, IA., Graydon, JK. and Maynard, IW., (2000). The impact of collective efficacy beliefs on team-referent attributions

Filby, WCD., Maynard, IW. and Graydon, JK., (2000). The effect of different goal-setting experiences on bench-press performance

Thelwell, RC. and Maynard, IW., (2000). A consensus analysis of elite cricketers' perceptions of factors influencing repeatable good performance

Thelwell, RC. and Maynard, IW., (2000). A triangulation of findings investigating repeatable good performance in elite cricket

Filby, WCD., Maynard, IW. and Graydon, JK., (2000). Multiple-goal strategies: Processes, performances and outcomes in training and competition

Maynard, IW. and MacDonald, A., (1991). An enquiry into the Matching Hypothesis using the Applied Relaxation Stress Management Technique on Novice Rock Climbers

Thesis dissertation (1)

Winter, ME., Freeman, P., Griffin, M., Soundy, A. and Maynard, I., (2024). Exploring the processes of evidence-informed decision-making in applied sport psychology



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