
Lukas Mayr

Department of Economics
 Lukas Mayr
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874262

  • Location

    5B.129, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Tuesday, 14:00-15:45 (by email appointment)



  • PhD European University Institute,

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Macroeconomics (Intermediate) (EC201)

  • Advanced Macroeconomics (EC994)


Journal articles (5)

Mayr, L., Taxing Capital in the Presence of Trickle-Down Effects. Journal of the European Economic Association

Galassi, G., Koll, D. and Mayr, L., (2024). The Intergenerational Correlation of Employment: Mothers as Role Models?. Labour Economics. 90, 102596-102596

Ábrahám, Á., de Sousa, JB., Marimon, R. and Mayr, L., (2023). On the design of a European Unemployment Insurance System. European Economic Review. 156, 104469-104469

Ábrahám, Á., Gottardi, P., Hubmer, J. and Mayr, L., (2023). Tax Wedges, Financial Frictions and Misallocation. Journal of Public Economics. 227, 105000-105000

Kindermann, F., Mayr, L. and Sachs, D., (2020). Inheritance Taxation and Wealth Effects on the Labor Supply of Heirs. Journal of Public Economics. 191, 104127-104127

Reports and Papers (5)

Mayr, L., (2021). Taxing Capital in the Presence of Trickle Down Effects: A Sufficient Statistics Approach

Kindermann, F., Mayr, L. and Sachs, D., (2020). Inheritance taxation and wealth effects on the labor supply of heirs

Kindermann, F., Mayr, L. and Sachs, D., (2019). Inheritance Taxation and Wealth Effects on the Labor Supply of Heirs

Galassi, G., Koll, D. and Mayr, L., (2019). The Intergenerational Correlation of Employment: Is there a Role for Work Culture?

Kindermann, F., Mayr, L. and Sachs, D., (2018). Inheritance Taxation and Wealth Effects on the Labor Supply of Heirs

+44 (0) 1206 874262


5B.129, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Tuesday, 14:00-15:45 (by email appointment)