Dr Christopher McManus

cmcman@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874475
ESA.3.14, Colchester Campus
Dr Chris McManus currently is a Lecturer in the School of Sports Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences and Director of the Human Performance Unit (HPU) (http://www.humanperformanceunit.co.uk/) at the University of Essex. In these roles, he is responsible for designing and delivering courses in sports nutrition, exercise physiology, and exercise testing. He also conducts research, secures external research funding, and oversees the HPU commercial activities, which involve providing sports science and nutrition services to external clients. Dr McManus holds a PhD in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Essex, where his research focused on the impact of compression garments on running economy and the use of near-infrared spectroscopy. He also has an MA in Sport Management from London Metropolitan University and a BSc in Sports and Exercise Science from the University of Essex. His research work has been published in several academic journals. In addition to his academic roles, Dr McManus has provided consultancy services to various organizations. He has worked with brands such as SKINS compression clothing, offering advice on brand claims, product development, and research direction. He also served as a Sports Scientist for Lucozade Sport, where he engaged in online communication, delivered seminars and workshops, and was a key speaker at the Virgin London Marathon Expo. His consultancy projects have involved work with GB Basketball, ExoFitness, and Oxygen Boost. Dr Chris McManus also holds significant roles and accreditations that further highlight his expertise in the field. He is a British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist, a recognition that underscores his professional competence in sports and exercise science. In addition to this, he serves as a Supervisor and Reviewer for the BASES Supervised Experience Accreditation pathway, guiding aspiring professionals through their accreditation journey. In line with his research interests, particularly in the use of Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning, Dr McManus is the Department Ionising Radiation Protection Supervisor (DIRPS) at the University of Essex. This role involves overseeing the safe and effective use of ionising radiation, ensuring that all procedures comply with regulatory standards and that the department maintains a high level of safety when conducting research involving radiation. This role is integral to his research and teaching, allowing him to apply and share his expertise in a practical and impactful manner.
PhD University of Essex, (2020)
MA Sports Management London Metropolitan University, (2008)
BSc Sports and Exercise Science University of Essex, (2006)
University of Essex
Lecturer, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (3/9/2018 - present)
Director of Human Performance Unit, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/9/2018 - present)
Manager of Human Performance Unit, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/11/2013 - 1/9/2018)
Exercise Physiologist / Sports Nutritionist (Human Performance Unit), School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/9/2011 - 1/10/2013)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Sports Performance
The effect of different factors on sports performance, such as the use of compression tights during running and the impact of diet on athletic performance
Physiological Assessment Tools
Tools for physiological assessment, such as the application of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in sports and the comparison of different NIRS muscle oximeters
Dietary interventions
How dietary interventions can enhance sports performance, such as investigating dietary intake in obese and non-obese individuals
Asylum seeker and migrant populations: Physical activity interventions
Blood flow restriction training
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Principles of Nutrition and Metabolism (SE103)
Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition (SE224)
Research Project (SE309)
Research Project (SE318)
Preparation for Professional Practice (SE342)
Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health (SE738)
Research Project (SE740)
Preparation for Professional Practice (SE759)
Research Project (SE777)
Dietary and Body Composition Assessment (SE779)
Sports Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids (SE780)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 13/12/2023

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/1/2023

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 5/9/2022

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 5/7/2022
Journal articles (18)
Brogan, SP., Evans, DW., Howe, L., McManus, C., Mei, Q. and Liew, BXW., (2025). The relationship between fear of movement and ankle biomechanical strategies in a 180° change of direction task. Gait & Posture. 118, 39-44
McManus, C., Butson, J., Rogerson, M., Waterworth, S., Jones, B., Cooper, C. and Sandercock, G., (2024). The influence of full leg-length compression tights during treadmill running at race speed. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 19 (1), 401-409
Jones, B., Waterworth, S., Tallent, J., Rogerson, M., Morton, C., Moran, J., Southall-Edwards, R., Cooper, C. and McManus, C., (2024). Influence of cold-water immersion on lower limb muscle oxygen consumption, as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy.. Journal of Athletic Training. 59 (3), 317-324
Liew, BXW., Zhu, X., Zhai, X., McErlain-Naylor, SA. and McManus, C., (2024). Association between fat and fat-free body mass indices on shock attenuation during running.. Journal of Biomechanics. 165, 112025-112025
Rogerson, M., Knight, D., Scherer, R., Jones, B., McManus, C., Waterworth, S., Murray, K. and Hope, E., (2024). Meta-analysis of the effects of VAR on goals scored and home advantage in football. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
McManus, C., Jones, B., Rogerson, M., Butson, J., Micklewright, D., Sandercock, G. and Swartz, A., (2024). The effects of 7-week participation in football on personal well-being among male asylum seekers in a UK hotel. Heliyon. 10 (17), e36992-e36992
Chung, HC., Keiller, DR., Waterworth, SP., McManus, CJ., Roberts, JD. and Gordon, DA., (2024). Genotypic Variations Associated with Changes in Body Mass in Response to Endurance Training. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1-11
McManus, C., Cooper, C. and Sandercock, G., (2023). The influence of compression tights on running economy varies by relative intensity. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 18 (3), 793-800
Neal, BS., McManus, CJ., Bradley, WJ., Leaney, SF., Murray, K. and Clark, NC., (2023). The feasibility, safety, and efficacy of lower limb garment-integrated blood flow restriction training in healthy adults.. Physical Therapy in Sport. 60, 9-16
Ross, M., Wilson, M., Reed, K., Waterworth, S. and McManus, C., (2023). Acute Consumption of New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract Has No Effect on Cycling Performance in Normobaric Hypoxia with Trained Cyclists. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition. 6 (1)
Butson, J., McManus, C., Waterworth, S., Cooper, C. and Jones, B., (2023). Application of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in the physiological assessment of sprint triathlon. Asian Exercise and Sport Science Journal. 7 (1), 64-71
Waterworth, S., Kerr, C., McManus, C., Chung, H., Shaw, B., Shaw, I. and Sandercock, G., (2023). Four-year longitudinal associations of physical activity, waist circumference, and blood pressure in UK adolescents.. Pediatric Research. 95 (3), 736-743
Waterworth, S., Kerr, C., McManus, C., Costello, R. and Sandercock, GRH., (2022). Obese individuals do not underreport dietary intake to a greater extent than nonobese individuals when data are allometrically-scaled. American Journal of Human Biology. 34 (7), e23743-
McManus, C., Venkatraman, PD. and Sandercock, G., (2020). The measurement of interface pressure applied by sports compression garments: A comparative study of two portable devices. Measurement. 156, 107592-107592
Mcmanus, CJ., Cooper, CE. and Collison, J., (2018). Performance comparison of the MOXY and PortaMon near-infrared spectroscopy muscle oximeters at rest and during exercise. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 23 (1), 1-1
Reed, KE., White, AL., Logothetis, S., McManus, CJ. and Sandercock, G., (2017). The effects of lower-body compression garments on walking performance and perceived exertion in adults with CVD risk factors. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 20 (4), 386-390
McManus, CJ., Murray, KA. and Parry, DA., (2017). Applied Sports Nutrition Support, Dietary Intake and Body Composition Changes of a Female Athlete Completing 26 Marathons in 26 Days: A Case Study.. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 16 (1), 112-116
Reed, KE., White, AL., Logothetis, S., McManus, CJ. and Sandercock, GRH., (2017). The effects of lower-body compression garments on walking performance and perceived exertion in adults with CVD risk factors. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT. 20 (4), 386-390
Conferences (1)
Teale, J. and McManus, C., (2022). Beyond the second ventilatory threshold: respiratory compensation point and third ventilatory threshold.
Thesis dissertation (1)
McManus, CJ., (2020). Compression under pressure: physiological and methodological factors influencing the effect of compression garments on running economy
Grants and funding
Refugee football: a pilot study exploring wellbeing benefits to validate and enhance Changing Lives� key services.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
The validation of a novel epigenetic clock using a salivatory DNA methylation test within humans.
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
Validation of saliva DNA test kits for personalised exercise and nutritional advice based on genotypes: A feasibility study
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
The effects of partial limb occlusion applied using garment-integrated blood flow restriction on recovery following an exercise induced muscle damage protocol
Hytro Limited
Sustainable material sports bra testing
Bamboo Limited
Deeper insights into player-tracking data. A service for sport teams
University of Essex
Physical activity and mental health/wellbeing in asylum seekers from Afghanistan
UK Research and Innovation
Proof-of-principle investigation of a wireless heart rate mobile device
CloudTag Active Ltd
T2 Study
CloudTag Active Ltd
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