
Dr Christian McMillan

Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
Dr Christian McMillan



Senior Research Officer 'One World': Logical and ethical implications of holism (AHRC)


  • PhD Depth psychology/Philosophy The University of Essex, (2013)


University of Essex

  • Senior Research Officer, Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, The University of Essex (1/6/2016 - 1/6/2018)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

The history of Analytical Psychology

Key words: Jung, Deleuze, Bergson, vitalism, holism

German Romantic philosophy

Kant and Post-Kantian thought

Deleuze and Deleuze Studies

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • The Unconscious: Analytical Psychology, Culture and Society - Jung (PA209)

  • Advanced Jungian and Post-Jungian Approaches (PA402)

  • Jung in Contexts: Historical, Philosophical, Cultural (PA972)

  • Key Concepts in Jungian and Post-Jungian Analytical Psychology (PA973)

  • Selected Applications of Analytical Psychology (PA974)


Journal articles (1)

McMillan, C., (2018). Jung and Deleuze: Enchanted Openings to the Other: A Philosophical Contribution. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 10 (3), 184-198

Books (2)

Main, R., Henderson, D. and McMillan, C., (2021). Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole. Routledge. 036742875X. 9780367428754

McMillan, C., Main, R. and Henderson, D., (2019). Holism: Possibilities and Problems. Routledge. 9780367424817

Book chapters (6)

MCMILLAN, K., (2022). Regression, Nekyia, and involution in the thought of Jung and Deleuze. In: The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic Katábasis and Depth Psychology. Editors: Bishop, P., Gardner, L. and Dawson, T., . Taylor & Francis. 1000656616. 9781000656619

MCMILLAN, K., (2021). The ‘image of thought’ and the State- form in Jung’s ‘The undiscovered self’ and Deleuze and Guattari’s ‘Treatise on nomadology’. In: Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole. Editors: Main, R. and Henderson, D., . Routledge

MCMILLAN, K., (2020). The ‘image of thought’ and the State- form in Jung’s ‘The undiscovered self’ and Deleuze and Guattari’s ‘Treatise on nomadology’. In: Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole. Editors: Main, R. and Henderson, D., . Routledge

MCMILLAN, K., (2019). Jung, Literature, and Aesthetics. In: Jung and Philosophy. Editors: Mills, J., . Routledge. 0429537352. 9780429537356

MCMILLAN, K., (2019). Kant's influence on Jung's vitalism in the Zofinga Lectures. In: Holism Possibilities and Problems. Editors: Main, R. and Henderson, D., . Routledge. 1000768287. 9781000768282

Mcmillan, KHC., (2012). Archetypal Intuition: Beyond the human (A theory of archetype not a theory of knowledge). In: Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. Editors: Henderson, D., . Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 38- 66. 144383811X. 9781443838115

Thesis dissertation (1)

Mcmillan, KHC., (2018). The 'image of thought' in Jung's 'whole Self': A critical study



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More about me
'One World': Logical and ethical implications of Holism: