Professor Friederike Mengel

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873417
5B.313, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
via e mail
University of Alicante 2008.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
(Evolutionary) Game Theory
Learning and Categorization
Models of (Bounded) Rationality
Social Networks
Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Family and health economics
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Behavioural Economics II: Games and Markets (EC914)
Cognitive Psychology and Economics (EC956)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2025

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/10/2024

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 22/7/2023

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/5/2022

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/5/2021

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/3/2021

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/3/2021

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2018

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 30/6/2016
Publications (2)
Delavande, A., Ganguli, JV. and Mengel, F., (2022). Uncertainty Attitudes, Subjective Expectations and Decisions under Uncertainty
Grimm, V., Mengel, F. and Schmidt, M., (2020). Extensions of the SEIR Model for the Analysis of Tailored Social Distancing and Tracing Approaches to Cope with COVID-19
Journal articles (37)
Gibbs, M., Mengel, F. and Siemroth, C., (2024). Employee Innovation During Office Work, Work from Home and Hybrid Work. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), 17117-
Duell, D., Mengel, F., Weidenholzer, S. and Mohlin, E., (2024). Cooperation through collective punishment and participation. Political Science Research and Methods. 12 (3), 494-520
Gibbs, M., Mengel, F. and Siemroth, C., (2023). Work from Home and Productivity: Evidence from Personnel and Analytics Data on Information Technology Professionals. Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics. 1 (1), 7-41
Mengel, F. and Weidenholzer, E., (2023). Preferences for Redistribution. Journal of Economic Surveys. 37 (5), 1660-1677
Campos-Mercade, P. and Mengel, F., (2023). Non-Bayesian Statistical Discrimination. Management Science. 70 (4), 2549-2567
Mengel, F. and Peeters, R., (2022). Do Markets Encourage Risk Seeking Behavior?. The European Journal of Finance. 28 (13-15), 1474-1480
Mengel, F., Orlandi, L. and Weidenholzer, S., (2022). Match length realization and cooperation in indefinitely repeated games. Journal of Economic Theory. 200, 105416-105416
Mengel, F., (2021). Gender Bias in Opinion Aggregation. International Economic Review. 62 (3), 1055-1080
Grimm, V., Mengel, F. and Schmidt, M., (2021). Extensions of the SEIR model for the analysis of tailored social distancing and tracing approaches to cope with COVID-19. Scientific Reports. 11 (1), 4214-
Albertazzi, A., Mengel, F. and Peeters, R., (2021). Benchmarking information aggregation in experimental markets. Economic Inquiry. 59 (4), 1500-1516
Grimm, V. and Mengel, F., (2020). Experiments on Belief Formation in Networks. Journal of the European Economic Association. 18 (1), 49-82
Drago, F., Mengel, F. and Traxler, C., (2020). Compliance Behavior in Networks: Evidence from a Field Experiment. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 12 (2), 96-133
Mengel, F., (2020). Gender differences in networking. The Economic Journal. 130 (630), 1842-1873
Mengel, F., Sauermann, J. and Zölitz, U., (2019). Gender Bias in Teaching Evaluations. Journal of the European Economic Association. 17 (2), 535-566
Kovářík, J., Mengel, F. and Romero, JG., (2018). Learning in Network Games. Quantitative Economics. 9 (1), 85-139
Mengel, F., (2018). Risk and Temptation: A Meta Study on Prisoner's Dilemma Games. Economic Journal. 128 (616), 3182-3209
Gächter, S., Mengel, F., Tsakas, E. and Vostroknutov, A., (2017). Growth and inequality in public good provision. Journal of Public Economics. 150, 1-13
Mengel, F. and Rivas, J., (2017). Common value elections with private information and informative priors: Theory and experiments. Games and Economic Behavior. 104, 190-221
Calo-Blanco, A., Kovářík, J., Mengel, F. and Romero, JG., (2017). Natural disasters and indicators of social cohesion. PLoS ONE. 12 (6), e0176885-e0176885
Mengel, F., Tsakas, E. and Vostroknutov, A., (2016). Past experience of uncertainty affects risk aversion. Experimental Economics. 19 (1), 151-176
Chen, Y. and Mengel, F., (2016). Social identity and discrimination: Introduction to the special issue. European Economic Review. 90, 1-3
Currarini, S. and Mengel, F., (2016). Identity, homophily and in-group bias. European Economic Review. 90 (37), 40-55
Mengel, F., (2014). Learning by (limited) forward looking players. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 108, 59-77
Mengel, F. and Sciubba, E., (2014). Extrapolation and structural similarity in games. Economics Letters. 125 (3), 381-385
Mengel, F., (2012). Learning across games. Games and Economic Behavior. 74 (2), 601-619
Mengel, F., (2012). On the evolution of coarse categories. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 307, 117-124
Grimm, V. and Mengel, F., (2012). An experiment on learning in a multiple games environment. Journal of Economic Theory. 147 (6), 2220-2259
Horváth, G., Kovářík, J. and Mengel, F., (2012). Limited memory can be beneficial for the evolution of cooperation. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 300, 193-205
Mengel, F. and Rivas, J., (2012). An Axiomatization of Learning Rules when Counterfactuals are not Observed. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. 12 (1), 1-19
Grimm, V. and Mengel, F., (2011). Let me sleep on it: Delay reduces rejection rates in ultimatum games. Economics Letters. 111 (2), 113-115
Fosco, C. and Mengel, F., (2011). Cooperation through imitation and exclusion in networks. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 35 (5), 641-658
Grimm, V. and Mengel, F., (2011). Matching technology and the choice of punishment institutions in a prisoner’s dilemma game. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 78 (3), 333-348
Mengel, F. and Peeters, R., (2011). Strategic behavior in repeated voluntary contribution experiments. Journal of Public Economics. 95 (1), 143-148
Grimm, V. and Mengel, F., (2009). Cooperation in viscous populations--Experimental evidence. Games and Economic Behavior. 66 (1), 202-220
Mengel, F., (2009). Conformism and cooperation in a local interaction model. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 19 (3), 397-415
Mengel, F., (2008). Matching structure and the cultural transmission of social norms. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 67 (3-4), 608-623
Mengel, F., (2007). The evolution of function-valued traits for conditional cooperation. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 245 (3), 564-575
Book chapters (1)
Grimm, V., Mengel, F., Ponti, G. and Viianto, LA., (2009). Investment incentives in auctions: an experiment. In: Experiments and Competition Policy. Cambridge University Press. 267- 300. 9780521493420
Reports and Papers (10)
Gibbs, M., Mengel, F. and Siemroth, C., Work from Home & Productivity: Evidence from Personnel & Analytics Data on it Professionals
Ganguli, J., Mengel, F. and Delavande, A., Uncertainty Attitudes, Subjective Expectations and Decisions under Uncertainty
Gibbs, M., Mengel, F. and Siemroth, C., (2024). Employee innovation during office work, work from home and hybrid work
Ganguli, J. and Mengel, F., (2024). Social influence and mititgation
Mengel, F. and Ganguli, JV., (2024). Social Influence and Mitigation
Gibbs, M., Mengel, F. and Siemroth, C., (2022). Work from Home and Productivity: Evidence from Personnel and Analytics Data on Information Technology Professionals
Gibbs, M., Mengel, F. and Siemroth, C., (2021). Work from Home & Productivity: Evidence from Personnel & Analytics Data on IT Professionals
Gibbs, M., Mengel, F. and Siemroth, C., (2021). Work from Home & Productivity: Evidence from Personnel & Analytics Data on IT Professionals
Albertazzi, A., Lown, P. and Mengel, F., (2021). Personal Relative Position, Attribution and Social Trust
Mengel, F., Weidenholzer, S. and Orlandi, L., (2021). Match Length Realization and Cooperation in Indefinitely Repeated Games
Scholarly Editions (1)
Mengel, F., Mohlin, E. and Weidenholzer, S., (2018). Collective Incentives and Cooperation in Teams with Imperfect Monitoring
Grants and funding
Prize: Economics
Leverhulme Trust
Incentives for whistleblowing
British Academy
Homophily and (Over) - Confidence
British Academy
Opinion Dynamics
European Research Council
Early years interaction and strategic behaviour in economic games
The British Academy
Academic support hours:
via e mail