Dr Virginie Mengin

v.mengin@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Presently, I am conducting my post-doctoral research at the University of Essex (Colchester, UK) in the group of Prof. Christine Raines. I have a solid background in plant biology, physiology and molecular biology. Over the past years I secured an excellent knowledge of carbon metabolism, photosynthesis, plant physiology and I developed strong bases on light signalling, and chronobiology. I am proficient in investigating central carbon metabolism, aspects of plant physiology, gene editing, molecular biology and how to use these tools in large scale phenotyping studies. I strongly believe in the importance of plant research for the future of sustainable and fair agriculture. I am driven towards synthetic biology and its multidisciplinary approach as it will allow me to use my knowledge and learn new skills that will strengthen my expertise in the pursuit of cutting-edge science to reach my goal.
Publications (2)
Krahmer, J., Abbas, A., Mengin, V., Ishihara, H., Moraes, TA., Krohn, N., Annunziata, M-G., Feil, R., Alseekh, S., Obata, T., Fernie, AR., Stitt, M. and Halliday, KJ., (2019). Phytochrome light receptors control metabolic flux, and their action during seedling development sets the trajectory for biomass production
Chew, YH., Seaton, DD., Mengin, V., Flis, A., Mugford, ST., George, GM., Moulin, M., Hume, A., Zeeman, SC., Fitzpatrick, TB., Smith, AM., Stitt, M. and Millar, AJ., (2017). The Arabidopsis Framework Model version 2 predicts the organism-level effects of circadian clock gene mis-regulation
Journal articles (19)
Avidan, O., Moraes, TA., Mengin, V., Feil, R., Rolland, F., Stitt, M. and Lunn, JE., (2023). In vivo protein kinase activity of SnRK1 fluctuates in Arabidopsis rosettes during light-dark cycles. Plant Physiology. 192 (1), 387-408
Alexandre Moraes, T., Mengin, V., Peixoto, B., Encke, B., Krohn, N., Höhne, M., Krause, U. and Stitt, M., (2022). The circadian clock mutantlhy cca1 elf3paces starch mobilization to dawn despite severely disrupted circadian clock function. Plant Physiology. 189 (4), 2332-2356
Blanco, NE., Gollan, PJ., Mengin, V., Nikkanen, L. and Fusari, CM., (2022). Editorial: A Novel Perspective for Photosystem I: An Emerging Hub for the Functional Integration of Photosynthesis and Metabolism. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 871623-
Chew, YH., Seaton, DD., Mengin, V., Flis, A., Mugford, ST., George, GM., Moulin, M., Hume, A., Zeeman, SC., Fitzpatrick, TB., Smith, AM., Stitt, M. and Millar, AJ., (2022). The Arabidopsis Framework Model version 2 predicts the organism-level effects of circadian clock gene mis-regulation. in silico Plants. 4 (2)
Peixoto, B., Moraes, TA., Mengin, V., Margalha, L., Vicente, R., Feil, R., Höhne, M., Sousa, AGG., Lilue, J., Stitt, M., Lunn, JE. and Baena-González, E., (2021). Impact of the SnRK1 protein kinase on sucrose homeostasis and the transcriptome during the diel cycle. Plant Physiology. 187 (3), 1357-1373
Krahmer, J., Abbas, A., Mengin, V., Ishihara, H., Romanowski, A., Furniss, JJ., Moraes, TA., Krohn, N., Annunziata, MG., Feil, R., Alseekh, S., Obata, T., Fernie, AR., Stitt, M. and Halliday, KJ., (2021). Phytochromes control metabolic flux, and their action at the seedling stage determines adult plant biomass. Journal of Experimental Botany. 72 (8), 3263-3278
Borghi, GL., Moraes, TA., Günther, M., Feil, R., Mengin, V., Lunn, JE., Stitt, M. and Arrivault, S., (2019). Relationship between irradiance and levels of Calvin–Benson cycle and other intermediates in the model eudicot Arabidopsis and the model monocot rice. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70 (20), 5809-5825
Belouah, I., Nazaret, C., Pétriacq, P., Prigent, S., Bénard, C., Mengin, V., Blein-Nicolas, M., Denton, AK., Balliau, T., Augé, S., Bouchez, O., Mazat, J-P., Stitt, M., Usadel, B., Zivy, M., Beauvoit, B., Gibon, Y. and Colombié, S., (2019). Modeling Protein Destiny in Developing Fruit. Plant Physiology. 180 (3), 1709-1724
Moraes, TA., Mengin, V., Annunziata, MG., Encke, B., Krohn, N., Höhne, M. and Stitt, M., (2019). Response of the Circadian Clock and Diel Starch Turnover to One Day of Low Light or Low CO2. Plant Physiology. 179 (4), 1457-1478
Flis, A., Mengin, V., Ivakov, AA., Mugford, ST., Hubberten, H., Encke, B., Krohn, N., Höhne, M., Feil, R., Hoefgen, R., Lunn, JE., Millar, AJ., Smith, AM., Sulpice, R. and Stitt, M., (2019). Multiple circadian clock outputs regulate diel turnover of carbon and nitrogen reserves. Plant, Cell & Environment. 42 (2), 549-573
Annunziata, MG., Apelt, F., Carillo, P., Krause, U., Feil, R., Mengin, V., Lauxmann, MA., Köhl, K., Nikoloski, Z., Stitt, M. and Lunn, JE., (2017). Getting back to nature: a reality check for experiments in controlled environments. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (16), 4463-4477
Arrivault, S., Obata, T., Szecówka, M., Mengin, V., Guenther, M., Hoehne, M., Fernie, AR. and Stitt, M., (2017). Metabolite pools and carbon flow during C4photosynthesis in maize:13CO2labeling kinetics and cell type fractionation. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (2), 283-298
Mengin, V., Pyl, E., Alexandre Moraes, T., Sulpice, R., Krohn, N., Encke, B. and Stitt, M., (2017). Photosynthate partitioning to starch in
Fernandez, O., Ishihara, H., George, GM., Mengin, V., Flis, A., Sumner, D., Arrivault, S., Feil, R., Lunn, JE., Zeeman, SC., Smith, AM. and Stitt, M., (2017). Leaf Starch Turnover Occurs in Long Days and in Falling Light at the End of the Day. Plant Physiology. 174 (4), 2199-2212
Flis, A., Fernández, AP., Zielinski, T., Mengin, V., Sulpice, R., Stratford, K., Hume, A., Pokhilko, A., Southern, MM., Seaton, DD., McWatters, HG., Stitt, M., Halliday, KJ. and Millar, AJ., (2015). Defining the robust behaviour of the plant clock gene circuit with absolute RNA timeseries and open infrastructure. Open Biology. 5 (10), 150042-150042
Colombié, S., Nazaret, C., Bénard, C., Biais, B., Mengin, V., Solé, M., Fouillen, L., Dieuaide‐Noubhani, M., Mazat, J., Beauvoit, B. and Gibon, Y., (2015). Modelling central metabolic fluxes by constraint‐based optimization reveals metabolic reprogramming of developing Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) fruit. The Plant Journal. 81 (1), 24-39
Chew, YH., Wenden, B., Flis, A., Mengin, V., Taylor, J., Davey, CL., Tindal, C., Thomas, H., Ougham, HJ., de Reffye, P., Stitt, M., Williams, M., Muetzelfeldt, R., Halliday, KJ. and Millar, AJ., (2014). Multiscale digital Arabidopsis predicts individual organ and whole-organism growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111 (39), E4127-E4136
la Cruz, AAD., Hilbert, G., Mengin, V., Rivière, C., Ollat, N., Vitrac, C., Bordenave, L., Decroocq, S., Delaunay, J., Mérillon, J., Monti, J., Gomès, E. and Richard, T., (2013). Anthocyanin Phytochemical Profiles and Anti‐oxidant Activities of Vitis candicans and Vitis doaniana. Phytochemical Analysis. 24 (5), 446-452
Acevedo De la Cruz, A., Hilbert, G., Rivière, C., Mengin, V., Ollat, N., Bordenave, L., Decroocq, S., Delaunay, J-C., Delrot, S., Mérillon, J-M., Monti, J-P., Gomès, E. and Richard, T., (2012). Anthocyanin identification and composition of wild Vitis spp. accessions by using LC–MS and LC–NMR. Analytica Chimica Acta. 732, 145-152