
Professor Dominic Micklewright

Dean of Undergraduate Education - Professor (R)
School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences
Professor Dominic Micklewright
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    +44 (0) 1206 872869

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    VC SUITE/5S.5.08, Colchester Campus



Leadership: Professor Dominic Micklewright has over a decade of senior leadership experience that includes his current appointment as Dean of Undergraduate Education at the University of Essex, and previous roles as the Dean of Partnerships (2013-21), Associate Dean for University of Essex Online (2011-13, 0.4 FTE), Director of Sport & Exercise Science (2011-13, 0.6 FTE), and Director of Postgraduate Education (2008-2011). Micklewright has fulfilled several board level appointments as a non-executive director at Wivenhoe House Hotel Ltd (2013-2020) and the British Association of Sports and Exercise Sciences (2009-2011). He has educational governance experience as a member of the University’s Council (2016-21) and as a school governor at St Benedict’s Catholic College in Colchester (2008-11 & 2021-current). He is an experienced committee chair, having led numerous partnership management and education quality boards. He has been a long-standing member of University Senate (2007-11, 2013-21), Education Committee (2013-21), and Research Committee (2016-21). Micklewright’s leadership achievements are best summarized as improving opportunity, fairness, experience, and outcomes in higher education, for instance through significant growth and quality of online degrees, transnational education, international pathways, articulation agreements, and vocational degrees related to the Edge Hotel School and degree apprenticeships. Education: Micklewright has eighteen years scholarly experience in higher education, teaching subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels including sports psychology, exercise rehabilitation, cognition, research methods and statistics. He has experience of curriculum development at institutional, programme, and modular levels. Micklewright is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and holds a postgraduate certificate in Higher Education Practice and is a recipient of both the University of Essex ‘Excellence in Teaching Award’ and the student nominated ‘Apple for the Teacher Award’. For many years Micklewright has supported the professional development of educators at Essex through mentoring or by supporting and assessing candidates for Higher Education Academy fellowship. He has led numerous innovations and education initiatives including personal development planning, e-portfolios, technology enhanced learning, online assessment, learner analytics, online and blended-learning degrees, vocational degrees, transnational education, degree apprenticeships, and internationalisation. Micklewright is an experienced quality assurance reviewer of higher education having carried out numerous external examining positions during the past 15 years at universities throughout the UK and internationally. He has also chaired over a hundred institutional validations, new course approvals, and periodic reviews locally at the University of Essex and with international education partners. Micklewright has published and presented his work on education initiatives widely around the world, some being recognized through PIE and THE awards and nominations. He is an invited advisory board member for Konstanz University in Germany and Amity Group in India. Research: Micklewright is well-known internationally having authored numerous refereed journal articles and book chapters on perception, fatigue and decision-making in the regulation and performance of endurance exercise. He currently has a H-index of 28 and an i-10 index of 48. Micklewright has delivered keynote and invited symposia research presentations at major international conferences. He is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and a fellow of both the American College of Sports Medicine and the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. He has fulfilled three editorships for the highly ranked journal PLoS One, Frontiers in Physiology, and for The Sport & Exercise Scientist. Micklewright is regularly invited to examine PhD students at other universities around the world and has, himself, supervised twelve research students to successful completion and over a hundred undergraduate and masters research projects. Between 2008 and 2014, Micklewright founded and led the Sport, Performance and Fatigue Research Unit at the University of Essex, overseeing a significant increase in research outputs and impact that contributed to the University’s first Research Excellence Framework UoA 24 submission. He is currently the Head of the Human Performance Research Group in the School of Sport, Rehabilitation, and Exercise Sciences.


  • BSc (Hons) Psychology 2/1 Open University, (1999)

  • MSc Sport & Exercise Science with Distinction University of Essex, (2001)

  • PhD Sport Psychology University of Essex, (2006)


University of Essex

  • Dean of Partnerships, University of Essex, University of Essex (1/9/2013 - 30/6/2021)

  • Associate Dean of University of Essex Online, University of Essex, University of Essex (1/9/2011 - 1/9/2013)

  • Director, Sports & Exercise Science, University of Essex (1/9/2011 - 1/9/2013)

  • Executive Director, Wivenhoe House Hotel Limited, University of Essex (1/9/2013 - present)

  • Executive Director and Chair of the Division of Sport & Performance, British Association of Sports & Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/9/2009 - 1/9/2018)

  • Founder and Director of the Sport, Performance and Fatigue Research Unit,, University of Essex (1/9/2008 - 1/9/2012)

  • Professor, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (2015 - present)

Other academic

  • External Examiner, Sport & Exercise Science, Canterbury Christ Church University (1/9/2017 - 31/8/2019)

  • External Examiner, Sport & Exercise Science, Northumbria University (1/9/2015 - 31/8/2019)

  • Periodic Review External Member Sports & Exercise Science, University of Kent, (1/9/2015 - 1/9/2015)

  • Periodic Review External Member Postgraduate Research Degrees, Brunel University London (1/9/2014 - 1/9/2014)

  • External Examiner, MRes Sports Science, Edge Hill University (1/9/2012 - 1/9/2015)

  • External Examiner, Sport & Exercise Science, Manchester Metropolitan University (1/9/2012 - 1/9/2016)

  • External Examiner, BSc Applied Science, Otago Polytechnic (1/9/2011 - 1/9/2014)

  • External Examiner, BSc Applied Science, Teesside University (1/9/2011 - 1/9/2014)

  • Validation Panel Member, MSc Sport & Exercise Science, University of Brighton (1/1/2010 - 31/12/2010)

  • Assessor, Certificate in Higher Education Practice, University of Essex (1/9/2009 - 1/9/2011)

  • External Examiner, BSc Sport & Exercise Psychology, University of Bedfordshire (1/9/2008 - 1/9/2012)

  • External Examiner, BSc Applied Science, CPIT, Christchurch, (1/9/2008 - 1/9/2011)

  • Internal Panel Member, Periodic review, aught postgraduate degrees, Department of Health & Human Sciences, University of Essex (1/9/2007 - 1/9/2007)

  • Member if Learning and Teaching Committee, University of Essex (1/9/2006 - 1/9/2007)

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Christopher John Mcmanus
Christopher John Mcmanus
Thesis title: Compression Under Pressure: Physiological and Methodological Factors Influencing the Effect of Compression Garments on Running Economy.
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/9/2020
Theodoros Papasavvas
Theodoros Papasavvas
Thesis title: Association Between Depression and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in General Population and Patients with Heart Disease
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/1/2020
John-James Wooller
John-James Wooller
Thesis title: Exteroceptive Influences on Total Mood Disturbance and Perceived Stress During Green Exercise
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/7/2019
Manhal Nabeel Boya Boya
Manhal Nabeel Boya Boya
Thesis title: Visual Information Acquisition, Decision-Making, Pacing and Performance During Time Trial Cycling
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/2/2018
Abdulaziz Ali A Al Salman
Abdulaziz Ali A Al Salman
Thesis title: The Development of a Psychophysiological Scale of Fatigue
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/9/2014
Camilla Shanti Chinnasamy
Camilla Shanti Chinnasamy
Thesis title: The Development of Athletic Pacing in School-Children: Cognitive and Perceptual Influences
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/6/2014
David Anthony Parry
David Anthony Parry
Thesis title: Perceptual Influences on Effort Regulation and Pacing in Athletes
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/11/2013
Michelle Amanda Jermy
Michelle Amanda Jermy
Thesis title: Patient Choice and Adherence in Community Based Cardiac Rehabilitation
Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 13/5/2013
Laura Northeast
Laura Northeast
Thesis title: The Development of a New Questionnaire to Measure the Likelihood of Adherence to Cardiac Rehabilitation
Degree subject: Sports Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 6/10/2010


Journal articles (63)

Micklewright, D., Papadopoulou, E., Parry, D., Hew-Butler, T., Tam, N. and Noakes, T., Perceived exertion influences pacing among ultramarathon runners but post-race mood change is associated with performance expectancy. South African Journal of Sports Medicine. 21 (4)

McManus, C., Jones, B., Rogerson, M., Butson, J., Micklewright, D., Sandercock, G. and Swartz, A., (2024). The effects of 7-week participation in football on personal well-being among male asylum seekers in a UK hotel. Heliyon. 10 (17), e36992-e36992

Micklewright, D., Liew, BXW. and Kennett, S., (2023). Redirected Attention and Impaired Recognition Memory during Exhaustive Cycling Has Implications for Information Processing Models of Effort-Regulation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (10), 5905-5905

Meijen, C., Brick, NE., McCormick, A., Lane, AM., Marchant, DC., Marcora, SM., Micklewright, D. and Robinson, DT., (2023). Psychological strategies to resist slowing down or stopping during endurance activity: An expert opinion paper. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review. 18 (1), 4-37

Girardi, M., Gattoni, C., Sponza, L., Marcora, SM. and Micklewright, D., (2022). Performance prediction, pacing profile and running pattern of elite 1-h track running events. Sport Sciences for Health. 18 (4), 1457-1474

Smith, SA., Micklewright, D., Winter, SL. and Mauger, AR., (2021). Muscle pain from an intramuscular injection of hypertonic saline increases variability in knee extensor torque reproduction.. Journal of Applied Physiology. 130 (1), 57-68

Brownstein, CG., Rimaud, D., Singh, B., Fruleux-Santos, L-A., Sorg, M., Micklewright, D. and Millet, GY., (2021). French Translation and Validation of the Rating-of-Fatigue Scale. Sports Medicine - Open. 7 (1)

Smith, SA., Micklewright, D., Winter, SL. and Mauger, AR., (2020). Muscle pain induced by hypertonic saline in the knee extensors decreases single-limb isometric time to task failure. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 120 (9), 2047-2058

Konings, MJ., Foulsham, T., Micklewright, D. and Hettinga, FJ., (2020). Athlete-Opponent Interdependency Alters Pacing and Information-seeking Behavior. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 52 (1), 153-160

Venhorst, A., Micklewright, DP. and Noakes, TD., (2018). The Psychophysiological Determinants of Pacing Behaviour and Performance During Prolonged Endurance Exercise: A Performance Level and Competition Outcome Comparison. Sports Medicine. 48 (10), 2387-2400

Venhorst, A., Micklewright, DP. and Noakes, TD., (2018). The Psychophysiological Regulation of Pacing Behaviour and Performance Fatigability During Long-Distance Running with Locomotor Muscle Fatigue and Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly Trained Runners. Sports Medicine - Open. 4 (1), 29-

Venhorst, A., Micklewright, DP. and Noakes, TD., (2018). Modelling perception-action coupling in the phenomenological experience of “hitting the wall” during long-distance running with exercise-induced muscle damage in highly trained runners. Sports Medicine - Open. 4 (1), 30-

Wooller, JJ., Rogerson, M., Barton, J., Micklewright, D. and Gladwell, V., (2018). Can Simulated Green Exercise Improve Recovery From Acute Mental Stress?. Frontiers in Psychology. 9 (NOV), 2167-

Venhorst, A., Micklewright, D. and Noakes, TD., (2018). Modelling the process of falling behind and its psychophysiological consequences. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52 (23), 1523-1528

Venhorst, A., Micklewright, D. and Noakes, TD., (2018). Perceived Fatigability: Utility of a Three-Dimensional Dynamical Systems Framework to Better Understand the Psychophysiological Regulation of Goal-Directed Exercise Behaviour. Sports Medicine. 48 (11), 2479-2495

Venhorst, A., Micklewright, D. and Noakes, TD., (2018). Towards a three-dimensional framework of centrally regulated and goal-directed exercise behaviour: a narrative review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52 (15), 957-966

Brownstein, CG., Ball, D., Micklewright, D. and Gibson, NV., (2018). The Effect of Maturation on Performance During Repeated Sprints With Self-Selected Versus Standardized Recovery Intervals in Youth Footballers. Pediatric Exercise Science. 30 (4), 500-505

Micklewright, D., Kegerreis, S., Raglin, J. and Hettinga, F., (2017). Will the Conscious–Subconscious Pacing Quagmire Help Elucidate the Mechanisms of Self-Paced Exercise? New Opportunities in Dual Process Theory and Process Tracing Methods. Sports Medicine. 47 (7), 1231-1239

Micklewright, D., St Clair Gibson, A., Gladwell, V. and Al Salman, A., (2017). Development and Validity of the Rating-of-Fatigue Scale. Sports Medicine. 47 (11), 2375-2393

Boya, M., Foulsham, T., Hettinga, F., Parry, D., Williams, E., Jones, H., Sparks, A., Marchant, D., Ellison, P., Bridge, C., McNaughton, L. and Micklewright, D., (2017). Information Acquisition Differences between Experienced and Novice Time Trial Cyclists. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise. 49 (9), 1884-1898

Papasavvas, T., Alhashemi, M. and Micklewright, DP., (2017). Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Exercise Capacity in Patients With Heart Disease: A META-ANALYSIS. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 37 (4), 239-249

Hettinga, FJ., Renfree, A., Pageaux, B., Jones, HS., Corbett, J., Micklewright, D. and Mauger, AR., (2017). Editorial: Regulation of endurance performance: New frontiers. Frontiers in Physiology. 8 (SEP), 727-

Wooller, JJ., Barton, J., Gladwell, VF. and Micklewright, D., (2016). Occlusion of sight, sound and smell during Green Exercise influences mood, perceived exertion and heart rate. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 26 (3), 267-280

Noorbergen, OS., Konings, MJ., Micklewright, D., Elferink-Gemser, MT. and Hettinga, FJ., (2016). Pacing Behavior and Tactical Positioning in 500- and 1000-m Short-Track Speed Skating. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 11 (6), 742-748

Papasavvas, T., Bonow, RO., Alhashemi, M. and Micklewright, D., (2016). Depression Symptom Severity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Healthy and Depressed Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine. 46 (2), 219-230

Papasavvas, T., Al-Amin, H., Ghabrash, HF. and Micklewright, DP., (2016). Translation and validation of the Cardiac Depression Scale to Arabic. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 22, 60-66

Micklewright, D., Northeast, L., Parker, P., Jermy, M., Hardcastle, J., Davison, R., Sandercock, G. and Shearman, J., (2016). The Cardiac Rehabilitation Inventory. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 31 (2), 175-185

Viana, BF., Pires, FO., Inoue, A., Micklewright, DP. and Santos, TM., (2016). Correlates of Mood and RPE During Multi-Lap Off-Road Cycling. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 41 (1), 1-7

Micklewright, DP., Beedie, CJ. and Hettinga, FJ., (2016). Commentaries on Viewpoint: A role for the prefrontal cortex in exercise tolerance and termination. Exteroception is an important factor in exercise tolerance. Journal Of Applied Physiology. 120 (4), 467-469

MICKLEWRIGHT, D., PARRY, D., ROBINSON, T., DEACON, G., RENFREE, A., GIBSON, ASC. and MATTHEWS, WJ., (2015). Risk Perception Influences Athletic Pacing Strategy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 47 (5), 1026-1037

Cohen, D., Ogunleye, AA., Taylor, M., Voss, C., Micklewright, D. and Sandercock, GRH., (2014). Association between habitual school travel and muscular fitness in youth. Preventive Medicine. 67, 216-220

Renfree, A., Martin, L., Micklewright, D. and St Clair Gibson, A., (2014). Application of Decision-Making Theory to the Regulation of Muscular Work Rate during Self-Paced Competitive Endurance Activity. Sports Medicine. 44 (2), 147-158

PARRY, D. and MICKLEWRIGHT, D., (2014). Optic Flow Influences Perceived Exertion and Distance Estimation but not Running Pace. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 46 (8), 1658-1665

WILLIAMS, EL., JONES, HS., SPARKS, S., MARCHANT, DC., MICKLEWRIGHT, D. and MCNAUGHTON, LR., (2014). Deception Studies Manipulating Centrally Acting Performance Modifiers. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 46 (7), 1441-1451

CHINNASAMY, C., ST CLAIR GIBSON, A. and MICKLEWRIGHT, D., (2013). Effect of Spatial and Temporal Cues on Athletic Pacing in Schoolchildren. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 45 (2), 395-402

St Clair Gibson, A., De Koning, JJ., Thompson, KG., Roberts, WO., Micklewright, D., Raglin, J. and Foster, C., (2013). Crawling to the Finish Line: Why do Endurance Runners Collapse?. Sports Medicine. 43 (6), 413-424

Aitchison, C., Turner, LA., Ansley, L., Thompson, KG., Micklewright, D. and Gibson, ASC., (2013). Inner Dialogue and its Relationship to Perceived Exertion during Different Running Intensities. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 117 (1), 11-30

Jones, HS., Williams, EL., Bridge, CA., Marchant, D., Midgley, AW., Micklewright, D. and Mc Naughton, LR., (2013). Physiological and Psychological Effects of Deception on Pacing Strategy and Performance: A Review. Sports Medicine. 43 (12), 1243-1257

MAHER, MS., VOSS, C., OGUNLEYE, AA., MICKLEWRIGHT, D. and SANDERCOCK, GRH., (2012). Recreational Cycling and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in English Youth. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 44 (3), 474-480

Akers, A., Barton, J., Cossey, R., Gainsford, P., Griffin, M. and Micklewright, D., (2012). Visual Color Perception in Green Exercise: Positive Effects on Mood and Perceived Exertion. Environmental Science & Technology. 46 (16), 8661-8666

Winchester, R., Turner, LA., Thomas, K., Ansley, L., Thompson, KG., Micklewright, D. and Gibson, ASC., (2012). Observer Effects on the Rating of Perceived Exertion and Affect during Exercise in Recreationally Active Males. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 115 (1), 213-227

MICKLEWRIGHT, D., ANGUS, C., SUDDABY, J., ST CLAIR GIBSON, A., SANDERCOCK, G. and CHINNASAMY, C., (2012). Pacing Strategy in Schoolchildren Differs with Age and Cognitive Development. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 44 (2), 362-369

Parry, D., Chinnasamy, C. and Micklewright, D., (2012). Optic Flow Influences Perceived Exertion During Cycling. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 34 (4), 444-456

Griffin, M., Whatling, A. and Micklewright, DP., (2012). High-Pressure Matches Do Not Influence Home-Field Advantage: A 30-Year Retrospective Analysis of English Professional Football. Athletic Insight. 4 (3), 265-278

Wittekind, AL., Micklewright, D. and Beneke, R., (2011). Teleoanticipation in all-out short-duration cycling. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 45 (2), 114-119

Parry, D., Chinnasamy, C., Papadopoulou, E., Noakes, T. and Micklewright, D., (2011). Cognition and performance: anxiety, mood and perceived exertion among Ironman triathletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 45 (14), 1088-1094

Wolframm, IA. and Micklewright, D., (2011). The effect of a mental training program on state anxiety and competitive dressage performance. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 6 (5), 267-275

Micklewright, D., Papadopoulou, E., Swart, J. and Noakes, T., (2010). Previous experience influences pacing during 20 km time trial cycling. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 44 (13), 952-960

Micklewright, D., Pearsall, L., Sellens, M. and Billam, N., (2010). Changes in approaches to learning among undergraduate sports science students following a programme of weekly online assessments. The Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport and Tourism. 9 (2), 141-155

Wolframm, IA., Shearman, J. and Micklewright, D., (2010). A Preliminary Investigation into Pre-Competitive Mood States of Advanced and Novice Equestrian Dressage Riders. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 22 (3), 333-342

Micklewright, D. and Parry, D., (2010). The Central Governor Model Cannot be Adequately Tested by Observing its Components in Isolation. Sports Medicine. 40 (1), 91-92

Gibson, ASC., Longstaff, F., Aitchison, C., Thompson, K., Micklewright, DP. and Ansley, L., (2010). The Relationship Between Self Talk And Perceived Exertion During Running Trials Of Different Intensities. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise. 42 (5, 1), creators-Micklewright=3ADominic_P=3A=3A

Wolframm, IA. and Micklewright, D., (2010). Pre-competitive arousal, perception of equine temperament and riding performance: do they interact?. Comparative Exercise Physiology. 7 (01), 27-36

Wolframm, IA. and Micklewright, D., (2010). Effects of trait anxiety and direction of pre-competitive arousal on performance in the equestrian disciplines of dressage, showjumping and eventing. Comparative Exercise Physiology. 7 (04), 185-191

Amann, M. and Secher, NH., (2010). Last Word on Point:Counterpoint: Afferent feedback from fatigued locomotor muscles is an important determinant of endurance exercise performance. Journal of Applied Physiology. 108 (2), 469-469

Micklewright, D., (2009). The effect of soft tissue release on delayed onset muscle soreness: A pilot study. Physical Therapy in Sport. 10 (1), 19-24

Micklewright, D. and Papapdopoulou, E., (2008). A New Squash Specific Incremental Field Test. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 29 (09), 758-763

Micklewright, DP. and Papapdopoulou, E., (2008). A new squash specific incremental field test. International Journal Of Sports Medicine. 29 (9), 758-763

Wolframm, IA. and Micklewright, D., (2008). Pre-competitive levels of arousal and self-confidence among elite and non-elite equestrian riders. Comparative Exercise Physiology. 5 (3-4), 153-153

Micklewright, D., Alkhatib, A. and Beneke, R., (2006). Mechanically versus electro-magnetically braked cycle ergometer: performance and energy cost of the Wingate Anaerobic Test. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 96 (6), 748-751

Micklewright, D., Sellens, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2006). Blood lactate removal using combined massage and active recovery. Biology of Sport. 23 (4), 315-325

Micklewright, D., Griffin, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2005). Mood State Response to Massage and Subsequent Exercise Performance. The Sport Psychologist. 19 (3), 234-250

Micklewright, DP., Beneke, R., Gladwell, V. and Sellens, MH., (2003). BLOOD LACTATE REMOVAL USING COMBINED MASSAGE AND ACTIVE RECOVERY. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 35 (Supplement 1), S317-S317

Book chapters (1)

Griffin, M., Whatling, A. and Micklewright, D., (2013). High-pressure matches do not influence home-field advantage: A 30-year retrospective analysis of English professional football. In: Athletic Insight's Writings of 2012. 269- 282. 9781626181205

Conferences (16)

Viana, BF., Ramalho Oliveira, BR., Santos, TM., Pinheiro, FA., Cerqueira, LS., Inoue, A., Micklewright, D., Mauger, A. and Pires, FO., (2018). Psychophysiological And Pacing Strategy Responses To A Sprint Exercise Performed With Different Exercise Expectations.

Boya, M. and Micklewright, D., (2016). Feedback Restricted to a Single Source of Preferred Performance Information Improves Cycling Time Trial Pacing and Performance


Al Salman, A., Gibson, ASC. and Micklewright, D., (2013). The Rating of Fatigue Scale (ROF)

Gibson, ASC., Longstaff, F., Aitchison, C., Thompson, K., Micklewright, D. and Ansley, L., (2010). The Relationship Between Self Talk And Perceived Exertion During Running Trials Of Different Intensities

Shearman, J., Beneke, R. and Micklewright, D., (2008). Wearing American Football Protective Equipment Has A Diminishing Effect On Agility, Balance and Coordination

Northeast, L., Shearman, J., Hardcastle, J., Parker, P. and Micklewright, D., (2008). The Likelihood of Adherence to Cardiac Rehabilitation Questionnaire (LACR-Q)

Papapdopoulou, E., Micklewright, D., Hew-Butler, T., Tam, N. and Noakes, TD., (2008). Ratings Of Perceived Exertion During An Ultra-marathon Race

Wolframm, I. and Micklewright, D., (2008). Personality Compatibility Between Elite Equestrian Riders And Their Horses

Micklewright, D., (2008). Differences In Oxygen Uptake Between Expert And Novice Masseurs While Performing Effleurage, Pétrissage And Tapôtement

Wolframm, IA., Shearman, J., Micklewright, D. and Beneke, R., (2006). The Effect of Rider Mood on Equine Dressage Performance

Beneke, R., Leithauser, RM., Micklewright, D. and Jumah, MD., (2006). Teleoanticipation - Strategic Concept or Immediate Feed Forward/Feed Backward Control?

Micklewright, D., Griffin, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2006). Assessing the Reliability of Experimental Massage Techniques Using a Kistler Force Plate

Micklewright, D., Griffin, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2005). The Effect Of Selected Massaged Techniques On Mood State

Papadopoulou, E., Sellens, M., Hodges, S., Lerthauser, RM., Micklewright, D. and Beneke, R., (2005). Dose Response Of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines And Cytokine-inhibiting Reactions In Long Distance Running

Micklewright, D., Alkhatib, A. and Beneke, R., (2004). Device generated differences in human anaerobic performance

+44 (0) 1206 872869


VC SUITE/5S.5.08, Colchester Campus

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