María Miranda Rivera

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 876367
2S2.3.03, Colchester Campus
MSc Speech and Language Therapy University of Essex, (2017)
MSc Language and the Brain University of Essex, (2015)
BSc Cellular and Molecular Biology Universidad de Puerto Rico, (2014)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Speech and Language Therapy, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (5/8/2019 - present)
MSc Speech and Language Therapy Programme Lead, University of Essex (5/10/2020 - 13/10/2023)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Prevention of speech, language, communication and swallowing difficulties
Palliative and end of life care
Practice-based learning in health education
Health education in higher education
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Anatomy & Physiology for Speech & Language Therapy (HS133)
Dysphagia (HS233)
Practice Placement 2 (HS234)
Practice Placement 3 (HS332)
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 1 (HS831)
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 1 (HS836)
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 3 (HS838)
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 4 (HS839)
Typical Development Across the Lifespan (HS135)
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 2 (HS837)
Foundation Studies 2 - Pathology for Speech and Language Therapy (HS835)
Occupational performance and process (HS893)
Dysphagia 2 (HS333)
Introduction to Speech and Language Therapy (HS235)
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 4 (HS834)