Dr Neophytos Mitsigkas

nmitsi@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874836
4.344, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesday 1.30pm-3.30pm
I received my PhD in English Language Teaching and my MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the University of Essex. I also have a BA in English Language and Literature that I received by the University of Nicosia. I worked as an EFL and ESP Lecturer at the University of Nicosia and as a Teacher Trainer and course director for European Educational Institutes and Eramsus+ programmes. During my PhD studies, I taught Foundations of TEFL, Methodology of TEFL, and Literature in Language Teaching for students at an undergraduate level. I have also worked as an English Language Teacher in secondary schools and colleges. My main research interests are in the use of literature as a resource for language teaching purposes and in second/foreign language learning pedagogy.
BA University of Nicosia
MA University of Essex
PhD University of Essex
Other academic
BA TEFL Course Director, University of Essex, University of Essex, University of Essex (1/9/2018 - present)
CertTEFL Director, University of Essex, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/9/2017 - present)
ECDIS Director, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/9/2018 - present)
BA English Language and Literature Course Director, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Using literature in the language classroom.
Language Teacher Education
Reader Response Theory (Reception Theory) and the reading of literature
Stylistics and the study of literary texts
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Literature and Language Teaching (LG490)
Introduction to TEFL Methodology (LG665)
Initial Teaching Practice (LG666)
Theory and Practice in English Language Teaching (LG667)
General English Classes for Beginner Learners (SK502)
General English Classes for Intermediate Learners (SK504)
General English Classes for Advanced Learners (SK506)
Teaching Younger Learners (LG540)
Research Proposal (LG676)
Journal articles (2)
Mitsigkas, N., Michael, M., Christou, CG. and Ktoridou, D., (2017). Virtual worlds as a platform for learning: The case of the Transmission System Operator of Cyprus. IEEE, 1747-1754
Mitsigkas, N., (2015). Using Literature as a Key Determinant to Enhance Learners' motivation. Humanising Language Teaching. 17 (4)
Book chapters (1)
Mitsigkas, N., (2020). Using Literature for Language Skills Development and Increase of the Students’ Intercultural Awareness. In: Developments in Foreign Language Teaching Inspiring Teachers, Transforming Learners. Editors: Kourieos, S., . Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 118- 136. 1527560295. 9781527560291
Reports and Papers (1)
Mitsigkas, N., (2021). Four tips for learning language through Films and TV
Academic support hours:
Wednesday 1.30pm-3.30pm