Raihana Mohammed

rmohama@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872684
2S2.3.26, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Tuesday 12:00-13:00 Wednesday 12:00-13:00
Raihana is a lecturer in the nursing division at the School of Health Social Care. She is the Lead for International Learning and Working and the lead for the private voluntary and independent sector for the nursing division. Raihana was part of a project sponsored by HEE to enhance the clinical learning experience of students. From this project, a report was written with recommendations that can be implemented to enhance the clinical learning experience of students. Raihana has a clinical background in the emergency assessment unit and joined the University of Essex in 2016, and has a research interest in simulation, interprofessional learning and working, clinical learning enhancement, technology-enhanced learning, and pedagogical research.
BSc Herbal Medicine Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, (2005)
MSc Adult Nursing University of Essex, (2015)
University of Essex
Private Voluntary Independent Sector Coordinator, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (1/1/2017 - present)
Lecturer in practice management, School of health and social care, University of Essex (2018 - 2018)
Practice Educator, School of health and social care, University of Essex (1/1/2016 - 1/1/2018)
Lecturer, University of Essex (2018 - present)
Lead for Interprofessional Learning and Working, University of Essex (2020 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer, University of Essex (2016 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Person-Centred Care 1 (HS184)
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours Portfolio 1 (HS705)
Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Portfolio 2 (HS708)
Person-Centred Care 2 (HS187)
Academic support hours:
Tuesday 12:00-13:00 Wednesday 12:00-13:00