Dr Kholoud Mohsen

kmohsen@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1702 328261
GB.316, Southend Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 10:00 – 12:00 Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00
Dr Mohsen is a lecturer in marketing and international business in Essex Business School, University of Essex. She got a PhD in Management Studies from King's College London, University of London. Dr Mohsen obtained her first degree in computer science from the American University in Cairo (AUC). She also got MBA from Maastricht School of Management with a focus in marketing management. Prior to joining Essex Business School, she worked in different organisations in Egypt and Yemen. Her research interests are in the areas of intra-firm integration mechanisms and their influence on marketing performance, international marketing strategies of emerging market firms, innovations and creativity in entrepreneurial firms. Her research is published in leading peer reviewed academic journals including Journal of Business Research, Journal of Small Business Management, Information Technology and People, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Innovations in Education and Teaching International. She is passionate about providing a transformative education to students and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice (PG CHEP).
PhD in Management Studies King's College London, (2011)
MBA Maastricht School of Management, (2002)
BSc Computer Science American University in Cairo, (1996)
University of Essex
Associate Director of Education - SOE group, Essex Business Schoo, University of Essex (1/10/2021 - present)
Undergraduate Programme Director, Essex Business School - Southend, University of Essex (6/1/2016 - 5/9/2018)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Intra-firm integration mechanisms and their influence on marketing performance (effectiveness, adaptiveness, efficiency and creativity)
The international marketing strategies of emerging market firms
Drivers of market pioneering
Emerging markets MNEs
Set-Theortic research in Business
Conferences and presentations
Financial Management Capabilities and Succession Success: The Moderating Role of Fintech
The British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 6/12/2023
Entrepreneurial readiness and women’s entrepreneurial behaviors: The moderating role of religious context
The British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 5/9/2023
Digital Entrepreneurship: Empowering Women in Conflict Zones
Global Marketing Conference,, Seoul, South Korea, 22/7/2023
The educational value of using simulation games in the classroom
SRHE Annual Research Conference, Celtic Manor, NewPort, United Kingdom, 5/12/2018
Organising for marketing creativity: A set-theoretic approach
European Marketing Academy Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 24/5/2017
Does cross-functional coordination support adaptive capability in highly uncertain business environments? (With Eng, Teck Yong), European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2015, Luven, Belgium.
Luven, Belgium, 2015
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Principles of Marketing (BE500)
International Marketing Strategy and Planning (BE552)
Journal articles (5)
Eng, T-Y., Mohsen, K. and Wu, L-C., (2023). Wireless information technology competency and transformational leadership in supply chain management: implications for innovative capability. Information Technology and People. 36 (3), 969-995
Mohsen, K., Saeed, S., Raza, A., Omar, S. and Muffatto, M., (2021). Does Using Latest Technologies Impact New Venture Innovation? A Contingency-Based View of Institutional Environments. Journal of Small Business Management. Online (4), 852-886
Omar, S., Mohsen, K., Tsimonis, G., Oozeerally, A. and Hsu, J-H., (2021). M-commerce: The nexus between mobile shopping service quality and loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 60, 102468-102468
Mohsen, K., Abdollahi, S. and Omar, S., (2019). Evaluating the educational value of simulation games: Learners’ perspective. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 56 (4), 517-528
Mohsen, K. and Eng, T., (2016). The antecedents of cross-functional coordination and their implications for marketing adaptiveness. Journal of Business Research. 69 (12), 5946-5955
Conferences (3)
Mohsen, K., Saeed, S. and Ali, R., Entrepreneurial readiness and women’s entrepreneurial behaviors: The moderating role of religious context
Albkhetan, I., Karim, S. and Mohsen, K., Financial Management Capabilities and Succession Success: The Moderating Role of Fintech
Mohsen, K., Kim, YA., Karim, S. and Eng, T-Y., (2023). Digital Entrepreneurship: Empowering Women in War Zone, Global Marketing Conference 2023, Seoul, South Korea, July 2023.
Reports and Papers (1)
Mohsen, K. and Eng, T., (2013). Enhancing Inter functional coordination and marketing performance: utilization of the motivation/ability/opportunity framework
Grants and funding
We Are The Minories KTP 23_24 R6, 18 months. Project Title :To develop a data led and long-term strategic plan for We are the Minories (WATM), with associated staff development and custodianship to maintain the plan, to ensure WATM's sustainable and prosperous future via targeted income generating activities.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Levelling Up Essex Challenge Lab
Essex County Council
Accelerating Women�s Enterprise
European Commission
Academic support hours:
Monday 10:00 – 12:00 Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00