Sandra Moog

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+44 (0) 1206 873492
EBS.3.94, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 10:30-12 Thursdays 2-3:30 by appointment only, please email for appointment
Sandra Moog has been a Lecturer in Management and Sustainability at the University of Essex since 2008. Previously, she taught in the Sociology Department and in the Interdisciplinary Centre for Environment and Society at the University of Essex. She holds degrees in Sociology and Political Science from the University of Chicago and the University of California at Berkeley. She is the author of a number of books and articles on international environmental politics and transnational civic activism; on the comparative bases of environmental movement organisation in Europe, North and South America; and on the role of NGOs and corporations in processes of environmental governance.
MA University of California at Berkeley,
BA University of Chicago,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
international environmental politics and transnational civic activism (focus: forest issues/ the Amazon)
globalization, sustainable development and environmental justice
the role of NGOs and corporations in processes of environmental governance
ideas of nature within the contemporary environmental movement
Conferences and presentations
The Politics of Multi-stakeholder Governance Forums: The Case of the Forest Stewardship Council, (with Steffen Boehm and Andre Spicer) presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Denver, August 17-20, 2012.
Denver, United States, 2012
The Politics of Multi-stakeholder Governance Forums: The Case of the Forest Stewardship Council, (with Steffen Boehm and Andre Spicer) presented at the International Sociological Association Forum in Buenos Aires, August 1-4, 2012.
International Sociological Association Forum, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012
Governance without Government? Eco-labelling, Voluntary Corporate Standards and the Historical Struggle for Sustainable Development with Steffen Boehm at The Foundations of Sustainability, conference organised by the Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Loughborough University, September 27-29, 2010.
Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2010
The Forest for the Trees? The Forest Stewardship Council at 15: State, Corporate, Civil Society Balance in Emerging Global Environmental Governance Regimes, with Steffen Boehm at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington DC, April 14-18, 2010.
Washington D.C., United States, 2010
Who's Representing the Rainforest? The Rise of the Transnational Eco-regional Biodiversity Agenda, the Waning Influence of the Organized Indigenous Movement, and the Future of the Amazon, (invited paper), with Sonja Pieck at the Politics of Presence conference, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), Cambridge University, October 23-23, 2009.
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2009
What if We Cant Get Back? Rethinking Nature for a Post-retrospective Ecology, presented to the BSA Critical Realism Study Group, London, June 5, 2009.
London, United Kingdom, 2009
Competing Entanglements in the Struggle to Save the Amazon: The Shifting Terrain of Transnational Civil Society, with Sonja Pieck at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA), Boston, August 1-4, 2008.
Exporting Different Institutional Logics into the Amazon? American and German Efforts to Protect the Ecosystems and Traditional Peoples of the Amazon Basin, Association for Research on Non-profit Organisations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Philadelphia, November 20-22, 2008.
Philadelphia, United States, 2008
Exporting Associational Logics into the Amazon? American and German Efforts to Protect the Ecosystems and Traditional Peoples of the Amazon Basin, presented to the 8th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTAR), Barcelona, July 9-12, 2008.
Barcelona, Spain, 2008
Beyond the Great Divide: A Critique of Recent Efforts to Transcend the Nature/Culture Binary in the Work of Radical Ecologists and Bruno Latour, British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference, Social Worlds, Natural Worlds, University of Warwick, Coventry, England, March 28, 2008.
Coventry, United Kingdom, 2008
Competing Entanglements: Thoughts on the Geography of Transnational Space, with Sonja Pieck, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), San Francisco, April 18, 2007.
San Francisco, United States, 2007
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Managing for Ethics and Sustainability (BE423)
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (BE467)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/2/2017
Journal articles (3)
Moog, S., Spicer, A. and Boehm, S., (2015). The Politics of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: The Crisis of the Forest Stewardship Council. Journal of Business Ethics. 128 (3), 469-493
Böhm, S., Misoczky, MC. and Moog, S., (2012). Greening Capitalism? A Marxist Critique of Carbon Markets. Organization Studies. 33 (11), 1617-1638
Pieck, SK. and Moog, SA., (2009). Competing entanglements in the struggle to save the Amazon: The shifting terrain of transnational civil society. Political Geography. 28 (7), 416-425
Books (1)
Stones, R. and Moog, S., (2008). Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs. Essays in Honour of Ted Benton. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230201156
Book chapters (3)
Moog, S., (2009). Exporting Associational Logics into the Amazon? American and German Efforts to Protect the Ecosystems and Traditional Peoples of the Amazon Basin. In: Globalization, Philantropy and Civil Society: Projecting Institutional Logics Abroad. Editors: Hammack, DC. and Heydemann, S., . University of Indiana Press. 258- 291. 978-0253353030
Stones, R. and Moog, S., (2008). Ecological Politics for the 21st Century: Where Does Nature Fit In?. In: Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs. Essays in Honour of Ted Benton. Editors: Stones, R. and Moog, S., . Palgrave Macmillan. 149- 169. 9780230201156
Stones, R. and Moog, S., (2008). Intricate Webs: Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs in the Writings of Ted Benton. In: Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs. Essays in Honour of Ted Benton. Editors: Stones, R. and Moog, S., . Palgrave Macmillan. 1- 43. 9780230201156
Academic support hours:
Monday 10:30-12 Thursdays 2-3:30 by appointment only, please email for appointment