Colin Moore

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 876351
5S.4.17, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesdays 10-12
Colin joined the School of Law at Essex as a Lecturer in Law in 2018, having previously held an Associate Lecturer post at the University of Kent, between 2003 and 2018. He is a trustee and Membership Secretary of the Social Legal Studies Association (SLSA), and is committed to furthering socially-contextual legal research, particularly in areas where legal doctrinal research has been the traditional focus. Colin's primary research area focuses on corporate governance using doctrinal, social theory, and economics methodologies. He has a particular interest in the application of systems theory and cybernetics to questions of corporate governance, as well as fiduciary law and theory. Colin's secondary research area is historical, focusing on the early twentieth century generally, with a specific focus on crime and policing in the inter-war years. He is also interested in the history of women police. Colin is happy to supervise PhD students in the areas of corporate law, fiduciary law, law and social theory, crime and/or policing history, and women's legal history. Please contact Colin via email in the first instance.
University of Essex
Lecturer in Law, School of Law, University of Essex (9/2018 - present)
Other academic
Associate Lecturer, Kent Law School, University of Kent (9/2003 - 8/2018)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Corporate Governance
Corporate Social Responsibility
Conferences and presentations
Social and Legal Barriers to a Socially-Focussed Corporate Purpose: A Luhmannian Systems Analysis
Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Ulster University, Derry, 26/4/2023
Corporate Regulatory Reform: Luhmann, Autopoiesis, and Beyond
Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual conference, University of York, 27/4/2022
The Corporate Polyphony: A Luhmannian Reimagination of Capitalist Organisations from a Socio-legal Perspective
Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Cardiff University, 28/4/2021
Cut the Bullshit! Legitimate Expectations Between the Corporation and Stakeholders
SLSA Conference 2019, Leeds, United Kingdom, 27/3/2019
Policemen as Criminal Prosecutors during the Inter-War Years: Practical and Procedural Issues, Middle Class Motoring Offenders, and Austerity
SLSA Annual Conference 2018, Bristol, United Kingdom, 3/2018
Criminal Prosecutions in the Inter-War Years – Practical, Procedural, and Legal Questions
SLS Annual Conference 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 9/2017
Police Reform and Modernisation in the Inter-War Years
SLSA Annual Conference, 2017, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 3/2017
Police Reform and Modernisation in the Inter-War Years
British Crime Historians 5, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 9/2016
Company Directors as Fiduciaries - Practical and Theoretical Challenges
Invited presentation, Law and Society Association. Annual Conference 2016, New Orleans, United States, 6/2016
Private Corporations and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Harnessing the Power of Corporate Social Responsibility
SLSA, Annual Conference 2016, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 3/2016
Let’s Give Corporate Social Responsibility Some Teeth: Stakeholders, Derivative Claims and Unfair Prejudice
SLS Annual Conference, 2015, York, United Kingdom, 9/2015
Corporate Culture Vultures: Art, Culture and Heritage Goals for Limited Companies
SLSA Annual Conference, 2015, Coventry, United Kingdom, 3/2015
Obligations in the Shade: The Application of Fiduciary Directors’ Duties to Shadow Directors
SLS Annual Conference, 2014, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 9/2014
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Essex Law Key Skills (LW100)
Criminal Law (LW104)
Company Law (LW225)
Justice (LW234)
Contemporary Issues in Commercial and Business Law (LW663)
Academic Skills in International Law (LW949)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/7/2024
Journal articles (3)
Moore, C., (2025). Social and Legal Barriers to a Socially-Focussed Corporate Purpose: A Luhmannian Systems Analysis. European Company and Financial Law Review
Moore, CR., (2016). Obligations in the shade: the application of fiduciary directors' duties to shadow directors. Legal Studies. 36 (02), 326-353
Moore, CR. and Rubin, G., (2014). Civilian Detective Doctrine in the 1930s and its Transmission to the Military Police in 1940-42. Law, Crime & History. 4 (3)
Book chapters (3)
Moore, C., (2026). Sustainability, Strategic Ignorance, and Corporate Regulation. In: Research Handbook on Corporate Sustainability. Editors: Pillay, RG. and Hoekstra, J., . Edward Elgar Publishing
Rubin, G. and Moore, CR., (2018). Emergency Legal Powers in Britain in World War One: “Corporatist” Law or a Government that “Bluffed with Confidence”?. In: La Grande Guerre et son droit. Editors: Deroussin, D., . LGDJ. 323- 360. 978-2-275-06052-1
Moore, C., (2018). Committee on the Employment of Women on Police Duties, 1920. In: Women's Legal Landmarks Celebrating the history of women and law in the UK and Ireland. Bloomsbury Publishing. 153- 159. 1782259783. 9781782259787
Reports and Papers (3)
Moore, C., Corporate Social Responsibility, Legitimate Expectations, and Systems-Theory
Moore, CR., Social and Legal Barriers to a Socially-Focussed Corporate Purpose: A Luhmannian Systems Analysis
Moore, CR., A New Social Corporate Purpose: Stakeholders, Legitimate Expectations and Unfair Prejudice
Academic support hours:
Wednesdays 10-12