Dr Callum Morgan

callum.morgan@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874508
ESA.3.32, Colchester Campus
I joined the School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences in October 2023 as a Lecturer in Coaching Pedagogy. My research draws upon dramaturgical, emotional and relational theorising to critically examine how coach educators, coaches, athletes and other stakeholders experience and participate in their everyday workplace practices, interactions and relationships. I place an emphasis on understanding the social processes and complexities that feature in the realities of collaborating with, educating and influencing others, including "what" sport employees do, "where", "when", "how", "with whom" and "why". I am particularly passionate about using in-situ research methods to explore the various impression management strategies that individuals and groups use within their respective workplace performances. My research activities seek to support the development of the wider sport workforce and influence positive changes in employee preparation policy.
PhD: Sociology of Sport Work Northumbria University, (2023)
MSc: Sport and Exercise Psychology Northumbria University, (2017)
MSc: Professional Practice in Sport Coaching Northumbria University, (2016)
BSc: Applied Sport Science with Coaching Northumbria University, (2015)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Coaching Pedagogy, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Other academic
Associate Lecturer in Sport Coaching, Department of Sport, Exercise, and Rehabilitation, Northumbria University (1/4/2018 - 1/7/2023)
Research Fellow, Department of Sport, Exercise, and Rehabilitation, Northumbria University (1/8/2021 - 1/7/2022)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Professional Skills and Development 1 (SE101)
Sport and Exercise Psychology (SE104)
Introduction to Coaching (SE107)
Professional Skills 2 (SE201)
Applied Pedagogical Principles of Sports Coaching (SE209)
Research Methods in Sport and Exercise (SE230)
Research Project (SE309)
Research Project (SE318)
Contemporary Issues and Perspectives in the Sport Pedagogy Landscape (SE333)
Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health (SE738)
Research Project (SE740)
Psychological Skills and Strategies (SE742)
Skill Acquisition and Expertise in Sport (SE762)
Coaching Practice Placement (SE765)
Journal articles (2)
Hall, E., Nichol, A., Morgan, C., McCutcheon, M. and Potrac, P., (2024). Understanding workplace collaboration in professional rugby coaching: A dramaturgical analysis. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 16 (4), 352-367
Nichol, AJ., Potrac, P., Hayes, PR., Boocock, E., Vickery, W., Morgan, C. and Hall, ET., (2023). Coaching in the shadows: critically examining the unintended (non)influence of pedagogical practice. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 28 (4), 362-379
Book chapters (4)
Potrac, P., Jones, R., Hall, E., Ives, B., Morgan, C. and Nelson, L., (2024). Interpretivism Exploring meaning making, intentional action, and group life in coaching research. In: Research Methods in Sports Coaching. Routledge. 65- 75
Potrac, P., Hall, E., McCutcheon, M., Morgan, C., Kelly, S., Horgan, P., Edwards, C., Corsby, C. and Nichol, A., (2022). Developing Politically Astute Football Coaches: An Evolving Framework for Coach Learning and Coaching Research. In: Coach Education in Football Contemporary Issues and Global Perspectives. Editors: Leeder, TM., . Taylor & Francis. 15- 28. 1003148786. 9781003148784
Potrac, P., Gearity, B., Nichol, A., Morgan, C. and Hall, E., (2021). Coaching Profession: Acting as a Coach. In: Coaching for Human Development and Performance in Sports. Editors: Resende, R. and Gomes, R., . Springer Nature. 125- 142. 3030639126. 9783030639129
Potrac, P., Ives, B., Gale, L., Nelson, L. and Morgan, C., (2021). Community Sport Coaching and Impression Management. In: Community Sport Coaching Policies and Practice. Editors: Ives, B., Potrac, P., Gale, L. and Nelson, L., . Taylor & Frances. 210- 223. 0367746786. 9780367746780
Conferences (3)
Taylor, J., Quick, S., Morgan, C. and Harkness-Armstrong, A., An investigation of coach behaviours and practice structures during male academy football training sessions
Morgan, C., Hall, E. and Potrac, P., “It’s like hiding in plain sight”: A critical examination of ‘team’ planning interactions in coach education work.
Morgan, C., Hall, E. and Potrac, P., I know it’s quite selfish, but…”: A critical examination of dramaturgical discipline, loyalty, and circumspection in coach education work.