Dr James Muldoon

james.muldoon@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873541
EBS.2.64A, Colchester Campus
Journal articles (14)
Muldoon, J., Sedacca, N. and Apostolidis, P., (2025). Matchmakers: placement agencies and digital platforms in the UK childcare market. Work in the Global Economy. 5 (1), 6-26
Muldoon, J., Apostolidis, P., Hatzisavvidou, S., Machin, A. and Tønder, L., (2025). New materialism and the politics of climate action: a critical dialogue. Contemporary Political Theory
Muldoon, J. and Booth, D., (2024). Socialist democracy: Rosa Luxemburg’s challenge to democratic theory. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 50 (2), 369-390
Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Wu, B. and Graham, M., (2024). A Typology of AI Data Work. Big Data and Society. 11 (1)
Fischli, R. and Muldoon, J., (2024). Empowering Digital Democracy. Perspectives on Politics. 22 (3), 819-835
Bonhomme, M. and Muldoon, J., (2024). Racism and Food-Delivery Platforms: Shaping Migrants’ Work Experiences and Future Expectations in the United Kingdom and Chile. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-24
Muldoon, J. and Sun, P., (2024). The Global Gig Economy: How Transport Platform Companies Adapt to Regulatory Challenges - A Comparative Analysis of Six Countries. Industrial Law Journal. 53 (3), 481-504
Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Graham, M. and Ustek, F., (2023). The Poverty of Ethical AI: Impact Sourcing and AI Supply Chains. AI and Society: the journal of human-centered systems and machine intelligence
Muldoon, J. and Wu, B., (2023). Artificial Intelligence in the Colonial Matrix of Power. Philosophy and Technology. 36 (4)
Muldoon, J. and Apostolidis, P., (2023). ‘Neither work nor leisure’: Motivations of microworkers in the United Kingdom on three digital platforms. New Media and Society. 27 (2), 1-23
Muldoon, J., (2022). A socialist republican theory of freedom and government. European Journal of Political Theory. 21 (1), 47-67
Muldoon, J. and Raekstad, P., (2022). Algorithmic domination in the gig economy. European Journal of Political Theory. 22 (4), 587-607
Muldoon, J., (2022). Data-owning democracy or digital socialism?. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 1-22
Muldoon, J. and Rye, D., (2020). Conceptualising party-driven movements. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 22 (3), 485-504
Books (1)
Muldoon, J., Graham, M. and Cant, C., (2024). Feeding the Machine The Hidden Human Labour Powering AI. Canongate Books. 1837261822. 9781837261826
Grants and funding
The Climate Crisis and Democratic Reform
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Platforms without Borders: Examining Migrant Labour on Global On-Demand Labour Platforms
Economic and Social Research Council