Prof Phillip Mullineaux

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Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
1981 PhD University of Wales (Swansea) Thesis title: The relationship between photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation in the cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa (Gloeothece) CCAP sp 1430/3. 1981-1983 MRC Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh 1983-1986 Agrigenetics-Funded SSO at John Innes Institute 1986-1989 Complemented SSO (BBSRC) post John Innes Institute 1989-2000 Complemented post: Project Leader (band 4) John Innes Centre 2000-2004 Associate Head of Dept. of Disease and Stress Biology, John Innes Centre 1st June 2004-present. Professor of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Essex. 1st August 2008 - 31st July 2011 Director of Research, School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex 1st August 2014 -31st July 2017 Director of Research , School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex 1st August 2017 -31st July 2020 Head of School of Life Sciences, University of Essex. Member of American Society of Plant Biology, Society for Experimental Biology and Society of Free Radical Research Referee for Nature, Science, PNAS, Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany, Physiologia Plantarum, New Phytologist, Plant Molecular Biology As a consequence of living in a constantly changing environment, from which they cannot move, plants have to have sophisticated means of monitoring and responding to changes in their environment. A major aspect of my research is focused on defining the signalling pathways that initiate these responses. An important consequence of such studies is to understand how signalling translates into altered physiological functions of the plants such that they become acclimated to their new conditions. One particular challenge is to translate what we learn in the laboratory to the response of the plant in the field or in its natural habitat. Particularly pertinent are questions about the functioning of signalling networks when the plant is challenged with multiple and fluctuating changes in the environment. In order to begin to understand this we are beginning to work with experimental systems that challenge the plant sequentially or simultaneously with more than one stress. Analysis of the genes that are altered in their expression and the signalling pathways that regulate them are then compared with plants challenged conventionally with a single stress.The final challenge is to move or research from the laboratory to thefield Our initial studies have concentrated on the response of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) to a sudden increase in light intensity. This is a continual problem that plants face, and as a consequence they often absorb more light energy than they can use for photosynthesis. To get around this problem, plants dissipate excess light energy (known as excitation energy) using a variety of processes. Some of these processes (such as the water-water cycle and photorespiration) generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are removed by a network of lower molecular weight antioxidants (eg. glutathione and ascorbate) and enzymes (such as superoxide dismutases and ascorbate peroxidases). If the production of ROS exceeds the capacity of the antioxidant network to deal with them, then cells suffer oxidative damage, which is often manifested as bleaching, paling or bronzing of leaves. Therefore a key part of how plants acclimate to such conditions is to adjust the functioning of their antioxidant network to suit their situation. The signal for making these adjustments is the ROS themselves and separate signalling routes controlled by the thiol antioxidant glutathione. An important part of acclimation to a changed environment may include the setting of thresholds for when such defences are deployed. The Mullineaux laboratory moved from the John Innes Centre to the University of Essex on 1st June 2004 and this has provided additional opportunities to initiate research into the genes underlying and influencing water productivity, i.e. the amount of lifetime water consumed as a function of its harvestable product. This work has led to patent filingon the role of a transcription factor in this response. Funding by BBSRC in the SABR initiative has allows us, in collaboration with the Universities of Exeter and Warwick, to begin to develop a Systems Biology approach leading to aholistic view of how signalling pathways integrate and are coordinated to elicit a response at the whole plant level to high light.
BSc (Biochemistry) Class 1 University of Wales 1978
PhD (Biochemistry) University of Wales 1981
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Coordination of stress defence signalling and development by heat shock transcription factors
Plants must coordinate gene expression to balance growth and stress defence, which includes enhancement of disease resistance, tolerance to drought stress as well as being classically associated with adaptation to high temperatures. Arabidopsis HSFA1b most likely exerts its effects by re-configuring an extensive transcription regulatory network at the onset of stress. To understand how HSFA1b achieves this, we surveyed its genome-wide targets (ChIP-seq) and its impact on the transcriptome (RNA-seq) under non-stress (NS), heat stress (HS) in wild type and HSFA1b over-expressing plants under NS. 952 differentially expressed HSFA1b-targeted genes were identified of which, at least 85 are development-associated and were bound predominantly under NS. A further 1780 genes were differentially expressed but not bound by HSFA1b of which 281 were classified as having development-associated functions. These genes are indirectly regulated through a hierarchical network of 27 transcription factors (TFs). Furthermore, we identified 480 natural antisense non-coding RNA (cisNAT) genes bound by HSFA1b, defining a further mode of indirect regulation. Finally, HSFA1b-targeted genomic features not only harboured heat shock elements, but also MADS box, LEAFY and G-Box promoter motifs. This revealed that HSFA1b is one of 8 TFs that target a common group of stress-defence and developmental genes. We propose that HSFA1b transduces environmental cues to many stress tolerance and developmental genes to allow plants to continually adjust their growth and development in a varying environment.
Drought responsive gene expression in legumes and Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
Identification of novel genes and processes from C3 desert plants that can be exploited for biotechnological applications
Systems biology led modelling of high light responses in Arabidopsis
Dynamic acclimation to increased light intensities is characterised by increased photosynthetic capacity leading to increase plant productivity or fitness. Using time series transcrptomics data from plant responding to an increase in light intensity, we have observed the beginnings at the molecular level of dynamic acclimation, several days before it is manifest as increased photosynthetic capacity. The initiation of acclimation is controlled by a photoreceptor and activates a network of transcription factors which are central to the acclimation process. These geens provide the means for articifically being able to increase photosynthetic capcity tapping in on the plant's intrinsic capacity to do this. For details of the genes involved contact Phil Mullineaux, who will be happy to discuss this with you. The datasets are available on GEO and a paper is being prepared for publication.
Development of genetic probes based on GFP for non-invasive detection and quantification of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in subcellular compartments
Fluorescent protein biosensors are showing great promise in allowing the real time, spatial and quantitative detection of specific small molecules in living cells. We are using these biosensors to communicate with cancer cells to investigate signalling events in different sub-cellular compartments. We aim to use this knowledge to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer cells and use this for therapeutic gain.
Conferences and presentations
Distinct accumulation of H2O2 and organic peroxides during high lightinduced photooxidative stress: Evidence for spatial peroxide specificity in chloroplasttonucleus signal transduction?
Invited presentation, 3rd FEBS workshop on Plant Organellar Signalling, Hotel Zora Conference Centre, Primosten, Croatia, 21/9/2021
Photosynthesis-dependent H2O2 transfer from chloroplasts to nuclei provides a high-light signalling mechanism
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Potsdam Colloquium - Symposium on Oxidative and Abiotic Stress in Plants, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 13/11/2018
Photosynthesis-dependent H2O2 transfer from chloroplasts to nuclei provides a high-light signalling mechanism.
Invited presentation, INSERM Conference Jacques-Monod Conference on Retrograde signalling from endosymbiotic organelles, INSERM Conference Jacques-Monod Conference on Retrograde signalling from endosymbiotic organelles, Roscoff, France, 17/10/2018
Invited Key International Speaker
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Advanced Workshop for PhD and postdoctoral scientists on “Hot Topics on stress tolerance, phenomics, genomics and metagenomics in plants"., Argentinian Society of Plant Physiology, 7/3/2016
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/12/2022

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/3/2019

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/2/2016

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/8/2015

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2015

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 9/7/2013
Publications (1)
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Reeder, B., Brooke, GN., Hough, MA., Laissue, PP. and Mullineaux, PM., (2024). A novel glutathione peroxidase-based biosensor disentangles differential subcellular accumulation of H2O2 and lipid hydroperoxides
Journal articles (144)
Collado-Arenal, AM., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Mullineaux, PM., Olmedilla, A., Romero-Puertas, MC. and Sandalio, LM., (2024). Cadmium exposure induced light/dark- and time-dependent redox changes at subcellular level in Arabidopsis plants. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 477, 135164-135164
Stamford, JD., Stevens, J., Mullineaux, PM. and Lawson, T., (2023). LED Lighting: A Grower’s Guide to Light Spectra. HortScience. 58 (2), 180-196
Holness, S., Bechtold, U., Mullineaux, P., Serino, G. and Vittorioso, P., (2023). Highlight Induced Transcriptional Priming against a Subsequent Drought Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24 (7), 6608-6608
Breeze, E. and Mullineaux, PM., (2022). The Passage of H₂O₂ from Chloroplasts to Their Associated Nucleus during Retrograde Signalling: Reflections on the Role of the Nuclear Envelope.. Plants. 11 (4), 552-552
Mackenzie, SA. and Mullineaux, PM., (2022). Plant environmental sensing relies on specialized plastids.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73 (21), 7155-7164
Alvarez‐Fernandez, R., Penfold, CA., Galvez‐Valdivieso, G., Exposito‐Rodriguez, M., Stallard, EJ., Bowden, L., Moore, JD., Mead, A., Davey, PA., Matthews, JSA., Beynon, J., Buchanan‐Wollaston, V., Wild, DL., Lawson, T., Bechtold, U., Denby, KJ. and Mullineaux, PM., (2021). Time series transcriptomics reveals a BBX32-directed control of acclimation to high light in mature Arabidopsis leaves. The Plant Journal. 107 (5), 1363-1386
Alghamdi, RA., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Mullineaux, PM., Brooke, GN. and Laissue, PP., (2021). Assessing Phototoxicity in a Mammalian Cell Line: How Low Levels of Blue Light Affect Motility in PC3 Cells.. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 9, 738786-
Mullineaux, P., Exposito Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., Smirnoff, N. and Park, E., (2020). Spatial chloroplast-to-nucleus signalling involving plastid-nuclear complexes and stromules. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 375 (1801), 20190405-20190405
Calero-Muñoz, N., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Collado-Arenal, AM., Rodríguez-Serrano, M., Laureano-Marín, AM., Santamaría, ME., Gotor, C., Díaz, I., Mullineaux, PM., Romero-Puertas, MC., Olmedilla, A. and Sandalio, LM., (2019). Cadmium induces reactive oxygen species-dependent pexophagy in Arabidopsis leaves.. Plant, Cell and Environment. 42 (9), 2696-2714
Mullineaux, PM., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP. and Smirnoff, N., (2018). ROS-dependent signaling pathways in plants and algae exposed to high light: Comparisons with other eukaryotes. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 122, 52-64
Bechtold, U., Ferguson, JN. and Mullineaux, PM., (2018). To defend or to grow: Lessons from Arabidopsis C24. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69 (11), 2809-2821
Albihlal, WS., Irabonosi, O., Blein, T., Persad, R., Chernukhin, I., Crespi, M., Bechtold, U. and Mullineaux, PM., (2018). Arabidopsis HEAT SHOCK TRANSCRIPTION FACTORA1b regulates multiple developmental genes under benign and stress conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69 (11), 2847-2862
Dickinson, E., Rusilowicz, MJ., Dickinson, M., Charlton, AJ., Bechtold, U., Mullineaux, PM. and Wilson, J., (2018). Integrating transcriptomic techniques and k-means clustering in metabolomics to identify markers of abiotic and biotic stress in Medicago truncatula. Metabolomics. 14 (10), 126-
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., Yvon-Durocher, G., Smirnoff, N. and Mullineaux, PM., (2017). Photosynthesis-dependent H₂O₂ transfer from chloroplasts to nuclei provides a high-light signalling mechanism. Nature Communications. 8 (1), 49-
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., López-Calcagno, PE., Mullineaux, PM., Raines, CA. and Simkin, AJ., (2017). Development of pGEMINI, a Plant Gateway Destination Vector Allowing the Simultaneous Integration of Two cDNA via a Single LR-Clonase Reaction. Plants. 6 (4), 55-55
Bechtold, U., Penfold, CA., Jenkins, DJ., Legaie, R., Moore, JD., Lawson, T., Matthews, JSA., Vialet-Chabrand, SRM., Baxter, L., Subramaniam, S., Hickman, R., Florance, H., Sambles, C., Salmon, DL., Feil, R., Bowden, L., Hill, C., Baker, NR., Lunn, JE., Finkenstädt, B., Mead, A., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Beynon, J., Rand, DA., Wild, DL., Denby, KJ., Ott, S., Smirnoff, N. and Mullineaux, PM., (2016). Time-series transcriptomics reveals that AGAMOUS-LIKE22 affects primary metabolism and developmental processes in drought-stressed arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 28 (2), 345-366
Lawson, T., Davey, PA., Yates, SA., Bechtold, U., Baeshen, M., Baeshen, N., Mutwakil, MZ., Sabir, J., Baker, NR. and Mullineaux, PM., (2014). C₃ photosynthesis in the desert plant Rhazya stricta is fully functional at high temperatures and light intensities. New Phytologist. 201 (3), 862-873
Yates, SA., Chernukhin, I., Alvarez-Fernandez, R., Bechtold, U., Baeshen, M., Baeshen, N., Mutwakil, MZ., Sabir, J., Lawson, T. and Mullineaux, PM., (2014). The temporal foliar transcriptome of the perennial C3 desert plant Rhazya stricta in its natural environment. BMC Plant Biology. 14 (1), 2-
Gorecka, M., Alvarez-Fernandez, R., Slattery, K., McAusland, L., Davey, PA., Karpinski, S., Lawson, T. and Mullineaux, PM., (2014). Abscisic acid signalling determines susceptibility of bundle sheath cells to photoinhibition in high light-exposed Arabidopsis leaves. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 369 (1640), 20130234-20130234
Ryan, AC., Hewitt, CN., Possell, M., Vickers, CE., Purnell, A., Mullineaux, PM., Davies, WJ. and Dodd, IC., (2014). Isoprene emission protects photosynthesis but reduces plant productivity during drought in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. New Phytologist. 201 (1), 205-216
Bechtold, U., Albihlal, WS., Lawson, T., Fryer, MJ., Sparrow, PAC., Richard, F., Persad, R., Bowden, L., Hickman, R., Martin, C., Beynon, JL., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Baker, NR., Morison, JIL., Schöffl, F., Ott, S. and Mullineaux, PM., (2013). Arabidopsis HEAT SHOCK TRANSCRIPTION FACTORA1b overexpression enhances water productivity, resistance to drought, and infection. Journal of Experimental Botany. 64 (11), 3467-3481
Bermúdez, MÁ., Galmés, J., Moreno, I., Mullineaux, PM., Gotor, C. and Romero, LC., (2012). Photosynthetic Adaptation to Length of Day Is Dependent on S-Sulfocysteine Synthase Activity in the Thylakoid Lumen . Plant Physiology. 160 (1), 274-288
VICKERS, CE., POSSELL, M., LAOTHAWORNKITKUL, J., RYAN, AC., HEWITT, CN. and MULLINEAUX, PM., (2011). Isoprene synthesis in plants: lessons from a transgenic tobacco model. Plant, Cell & Environment. 34 (6), 1043-1053
Miozzi, L., Catoni, M., Fiorilli, V., Mullineaux, PM., Accotto, GP. and Lanfranco, L., (2011). Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Limits Foliar Transcriptional Responses to Viral Infection and Favors Long-Term Virus Accumulation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions®. 24 (12), 1562-1572
Carvalho, LC., Vilela, BJ., Mullineaux, PM. and Amâncio, S., (2011). Comparative Transcriptomic Profiling of Vitis vinifera Under High Light Using a Custom-Made Array and the Affymetrix GeneChip. Molecular Plant. 4 (6), 1038-1051
BECHTOLD, U., LAWSON, T., MEJIA‐CARRANZA, J., MEYER, RC., BROWN, IR., ALTMANN, T., TON, J. and MULLINEAUX, PM., (2010). Constitutive salicylic acid defences do not compromise seed yield, drought tolerance and water productivity in the Arabidopsis accession C24. Plant, Cell & Environment. 33 (11), 1959-1973
Possell, M., Ryan, A., Vickers, CE., Mullineaux, PM. and Hewitt, CN., (2010). Effects of fosmidomycin on plant photosynthesis as measured by gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence. Photosynthesis Research. 104 (1), 49-59
Galvez‐Valdivieso, G. and Mullineaux, PM., (2010). The role of reactive oxygen species in signalling from chloroplasts to the nucleus. Physiologia Plantarum. 138 (4), 430-439
Mullineaux, PM. and Baker, NR., (2010). Oxidative Stress: Antagonistic Signaling for Acclimation or Cell Death?. Plant Physiology. 154 (2), 521-525
ESCOBAR, C., GARCÍA, A., ARISTIZÁBAL, F., PORTILLO, M., HERREROS, E., MUNOZ‐MARTÍN, MA., GRUNDLER, F., MULLINEAUX, PM. and FENOLL, C., (2010). Activation of geminivirus V‐sense promoters in roots is restricted to nematode feeding sites. Molecular Plant Pathology. 11 (3), 409-417
Vickers, CE., Possell, M., Nicholas Hewitt, C. and Mullineaux, PM., (2010). Genetic structure and regulation of isoprene synthase in Poplar (Populus spp.). Plant Molecular Biology. 73 (4-5), 547-558
Bechtold, U., Rabbani, N., Mullineaux, PM. and Thornalley, PJ., (2009). Quantitative measurement of specific biomarkers for protein oxidation, nitration and glycation in Arabidopsis leaves. The Plant Journal. 59 (4), 661-671
Galvez-Valdivieso, G., Fryer, MJ., Lawson, T., Slattery, K., Truman, W., Smirnoff, N., Asami, T., Davies, WJ., Jones, AM., Baker, NR. and Mullineaux, PM., (2009). The High Light Response inArabidopsisInvolves ABA Signaling between Vascular and Bundle Sheath Cells. The Plant Cell. 21 (7), 2143-2162
Driever, SM., Fryer, MJ., Mullineaux, PM. and Baker, NR., (2009). Imaging of Reactive Oxygen Species In vivo. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 479, 109-116
VICKERS, CE., POSSELL, M., COJOCARIU, CI., VELIKOVA, VB., LAOTHAWORNKITKUL, J., RYAN, A., MULLINEAUX, PM. and NICHOLAS HEWITT, C., (2009). Isoprene synthesis protects transgenic tobacco plants from oxidative stress. Plant, Cell & Environment. 32 (5), 520-531
Chang, CCC., Ślesak, I., Jordá, L., Sotnikov, A., Melzer, M., Miszalski, Z., Mullineaux, PM., Parker, JE., Karpińska, B. and Karpiński, S., (2009). Arabidopsis Chloroplastic Glutathione Peroxidases Play a Role in Cross Talk between Photooxidative Stress and Immune Responses . Plant Physiology. 150 (2), 670-683
Bechtold, U., Richard, O., Zamboni, A., Gapper, C., Geisler, M., Pogson, B., Karpinski, S. and Mullineaux, PM., (2008). Impact of chloroplastic- and extracellular-sourced ROS on high light-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 59 (2), 121-133
Charlton, AJ., Donarski, JA., Harrison, M., Jones, SA., Godward, J., Oehlschlager, S., Arques, JL., Ambrose, M., Chinoy, C., Mullineaux, PM. and Domoney, C., (2008). Responses of the pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaf metabolome to drought stress assessed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Metabolomics. 4 (4), 312-327
Illingworth, CJR., Parkes, KE., Snell, CR., Mullineaux, PM. and Reynolds, CA., (2008). Criteria for confirming sequence periodicity identified by Fourier transform analysis: Application to GCR2, a candidate plant GPCR?. Biophysical Chemistry. 133 (1-3), 28-35
Morison, JIL., Baker, NR., Mullineaux, PM. and Davies, WJ., (2008). Improving water use in crop production. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363 (1491), 639-658
LAOTHAWORNKITKUL, J., PAUL, ND., VICKERS, CE., POSSELL, M., TAYLOR, JE., MULLINEAUX, PM. and HEWITT, CN., (2008). Isoprene emissions influence herbivore feeding decisions. Plant, Cell & Environment. 31 (10), 1410-1415
Laothawornkitkul, J., Paul, ND., Vickers, CE., Possell, M., Mullineaux, PM., Hewitt, CN. and Taylor, JE., (2008). The role of isoprene in insect herbivory. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 3 (12), 1141-1142
Mühlenbock, P., Szechyńska-Hebda, M., Płaszczyca, M., Baudo, M., Mateo, A., Mullineaux, PM., Parker, JE., Karpińska, B. and Karpiński, S., (2008). Chloroplast Signaling andLESION SIMULATING DISEASE1Regulate Crosstalk between Light Acclimation and Immunity inArabidopsis . The Plant Cell. 20 (9), 2339-2356
(2008). Correction. The Plant Cell. 20 (12), 3480-3480
OVERMYER, K., KOLLIST, H., TUOMINEN, H., BETZ, C., LANGEBARTELS, C., WINGSLE, G., KANGASJÄRVI, S., BRADER, G., MULLINEAUX, P. and KANGASJÄRVI, J., (2008). Complex phenotypic profiles leading to ozone sensitivity in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. Plant, Cell & Environment. 31 (9), 1237-1249
Vohra, S., Chintapalli, SV., Illingworth, CJR., Reeves, PJ., Mullineaux, PM., Clark, HSX., Dean, MK., Upton, GJG. and Reynolds, CA., (2007). Computational studies of Family A and Family B GPCRs. Biochemical Society Transactions. 35 (4), 749-754
Vickers, CE., Schenk, PM., Li, D., Mullineaux, PM. and Gresshoff, PM., (2007). pGFPGUSPlus, a new binary vector for gene expression studies and optimising transformation systems in plants. Biotechnology Letters. 29 (11), 1793-1796
Flors, C., (2006). Imaging the production of singlet oxygen in vivo using a new fluorescent sensor, Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green(R). Journal of Experimental Botany. 57 (8), 1725-1734
Mullineaux, PM., Karpinski, S. and Baker, NR., (2006). Spatial Dependence for Hydrogen Peroxide-Directed Signaling in Light-Stressed Plants. Plant Physiology. 141 (2), 346-350
Volkov, RA., Panchuk, II., Mullineaux, PM. and Schöffl, F., (2006). Heat stress-induced H2O2 is required for effective expression of heat shock genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology. 61 (4-5), 733-746
ROSSEL, JB., WALTER, PB., HENDRICKSON, L., CHOW, WS., POOLE, A., MULLINEAUX, PM. and POGSON, BJ., (2006). A mutation affecting ASCORBATE PEROXIDASE 2 gene expression reveals a link between responses to high light and drought tolerance. Plant, Cell & Environment. 29 (2), 269-281
Carvalho, LC., Vilela, BJ., Vidigal, P., Mullineaux, PM. and Amâncio, S., (2006). Activation of the Ascorbate‐Glutathione Cycle Is an Early Response of Micropropagated Vitis vinifera L. Explants Transferred to ex Vitro. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 167 (4), 759-770
Hernandez, JA., Escobar, C., Creissen, G. and Mullineaux, PM., (2006). Antioxidant enzyme induction in pea plants under high irradiance. Biologia plantarum. 50 (3), 395-399
BECHTOLD, U., KARPINSKI, S. and MULLINEAUX, PM., (2005). The influence of the light environment and photosynthesis on oxidative signalling responses in plant–biotrophic pathogen interactions. Plant, Cell & Environment. 28 (8), 1046-1055
Mullineaux, PM. and Rausch, T., (2005). Glutathione, photosynthesis and the redox regulation of stress-responsive gene expression. Photosynthesis Research. 86 (3), 459-474
Carvalho, LC., Vidigal, P., Vilela, B., Mullineaux, P. and Amâncio, S., (2005). MONITORING THE RESPONSE OF GRAPEVINE PLANTLETS TO EXCESS LIGHT BY REAL-TIME PCR. Acta Horticulturae. 689 (689), 177-182
Ball, L., Accotto, G-P., Bechtold, U., Creissen, G., Funck, D., Jimenez, A., Kular, B., Leyland, N., Mejia-Carranza, J., Reynolds, H., Karpinski, S. and Mullineaux, PM., (2004). Evidence for a Direct Link between Glutathione Biosynthesis and Stress Defense Gene Expression in Arabidopsis[W]. The Plant Cell. 16 (9), 2448-2462
Chang, CC., Ball, L., Fryer, MJ., Baker, NR., Karpinski, S. and Mullineaux, PM., (2004). Induction of ASCORBATE PEROXIDASE 2 expression in wounded Arabidopsis leaves does not involve known wound‐signalling pathways but is associated with changes in photosynthesis. The Plant Journal. 38 (3), 499-511
Mateo, A., Mühlenbock, P., Rustérucci, C., Chang, CC-C., Miszalski, Z., Karpinska, B., Parker, JE., Mullineaux, PM. and Karpinski, S., (2004). LESION SIMULATING DISEASE 1 Is Required for Acclimation to Conditions That Promote Excess Excitation Energy . Plant Physiology. 136 (1), 2818-2830
Bechtold, U., Murphy, DJ. and Mullineaux, PM., (2004). Arabidopsis Peptide Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase2 Prevents Cellular Oxidative Damage in Long Nights[W]. The Plant Cell. 16 (4), 908-919
Charlton, A., Allnutt, T., Holmes, S., Chisholm, J., Bean, S., Ellis, N., Mullineaux, P. and Oehlschlager, S., (2004). NMR profiling of transgenic peas. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2 (1), 27-35
Asai, N., Matsuyama, T., Tamaoki, M., Nakajima, N., Kubo, A., Aono, M., Kato, T., Tabata, S., Shirano, Y., Shibata, D., Hayashi, H., Mullineaux, PM. and Saji, H., (2004). Compensation for lack of a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase in an Arabidopsis mutant by activation of multiple antioxidative systems. Plant Science. 166 (6), 1547-1554
Hernández, JA., Escobar, C., Creissen, G. and Mullineaux, PM., (2004). Role of hydrogen peroxide and the redox state of ascorbate in the induction of antioxidant enzymes in pea leaves under excess light stress. Functional Plant Biology. 31 (4), 359-359
Fryer, MJ., Ball, L., Oxborough, K., Karpinski, S., Mullineaux, PM. and Baker, NR., (2003). Control of Ascorbate Peroxidase 2 expression by hydrogen peroxide and leaf water status during excess light stress reveals a functional organisation of Arabidopsis leaves. The Plant Journal. 33 (4), 691-705
Muñoz-Martín, A., Collin, S., Herreros, E., Mullineaux, PM., Fernández-Lobato, M. and Fenoll, C., (2003). Regulation of MSV and WDV virion-sense promoters by WDV nonstructural proteins: a role for their retinoblastoma protein-binding motifs. Virology. 306 (2), 313-323
Escobar, C., Hernández, LE., Jiménez, A., Creissen, G., Ruiz, MT. and Mullineaux, PM., (2003). Transient expression of Arabidopsis thaliana ascorbate peroxidase 3 in Nicotiana benthamiana plants infected with recombinant potato virus X. Plant Cell Reports. 21 (7), 699-704
Karpinski, S., Gabrys, H., Mateo, A., Karpinska, B. and Mullineaux, PM., (2003). Light perception in plant disease defence signalling. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 6 (4), 390-396
Fryer, MJ., (2002). Imaging of photo-oxidative stress responses in leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany. 53 (372), 1249-1254
Cleary, SP., Tan, F-C., Nakrieko, K-A., Thompson, SJ., Mullineaux, PM., Creissen, GP., von Stedingk, E., Glaser, E., Smith, AG. and Robinson, C., (2002). Isolated Plant Mitochondria Import Chloroplast Precursor Proteinsin Vitro with the Same Efficiency as Chloroplasts. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277 (7), 5562-5569
Mullineaux, P. and Karpinski, S., (2002). Signal transduction in response to excess light: getting out of the chloroplast. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 5 (1), 43-48
Jimenez, A., Creissen, G., Kular, B., Firmin, J., Robinson, S., Verhoeyen, M. and Mullineaux, P., (2002). Changes in oxidative processes and components of the antioxidant system during tomato fruit ripening. Planta. 214 (5), 751-758
Stevens, RG., Creissen, GP. and Mullineaux, PM., (2000). Characterisation of pea cytosolic glutathione reductase expressed in transgenic tobacco. Planta. 211 (4), 537-545
Pastori, GM., Mullineaux, PM. and Foyer, CH., (2000). Post-Transcriptional Regulation Prevents Accumulation of Glutathione Reductase Protein and Activity in the Bundle Sheath Cells of Maize. Plant Physiology. 122 (3), 667-676
Hellens, RP., Edwards, EA., Leyland, NR., Bean, S. and Mullineaux, PM., (2000). pGreen: A versatile and flexible binary Ti vector for Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation. Plant Molecular Biology. 42 (6), 819-832
Dry, I., Krake, L., Mullineaux, P. and Rezaian, A., (2000). Regulation of Tomato Leaf Curl Viral Gene Expression in Host Tissues. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions®. 13 (5), 529-537
Mullineaux, P., Ball, L., Escobar, C., Karpinska, B., Creissen, G. and Karpinski, S., (2000). Are diverse signalling pathways integrated in the regulation of Arabidopsis antioxidant defence gene expression in response to excess excitation energy?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 355 (1402), 1531-1540
Hernández, JA., Jiménez, A., Mullineaux, P. and Sevilia, F., (2000). Tolerance of pea (Pisum sativum L.) to long‐term salt stress is associated with induction of antioxidant defences. Plant, Cell & Environment. 23 (8), 853-862
Hellens, R., Mullineaux, P. and Klee, H., (2000). Technical Focus:A guide to Agrobacterium binary Ti vectors. Trends in Plant Science. 5 (10), 446-451
Mullineaux, P. and Yamasaki, H., (2000). Nitrite-dependent nitric oxide production pathway:: implications for involvement of active nitrogen species in photoinhibition in vivo -: Discussion. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 355 (1402), 1488-1488
Gooding, P., (1999). Plant cell-directed control of virion sense gene expression in wheat dwarf virus. Nucleic Acids Research. 27 (7), 1709-1718
Creissen, G., Firmin, J., Fryer, M., Kular, B., Leyland, N., Reynolds, H., Pastori, G., Wellburn, F., Baker, N., Wellburn, A. and Mullineaux, P., (1999). Elevated Glutathione Biosynthetic Capacity in the Chloroplasts of Transgenic Tobacco Plants Paradoxically Causes Increased Oxidative Stress. The Plant Cell. 11 (7), 1277-1291
Karpinski, S., Reynolds, H., Karpinska, B., Wingsle, G., Creissen, G. and Mullineaux, P., (1999). Systemic Signaling and Acclimation in Response to Excess Excitation Energy in Arabidopsis. Science. 284 (5414), 654-657
Mullineaux, PM., Karpinski, S., Jiménez, A., Cleary, SP., Robinson, C. and Creissen, GP., (1998). Identification of cDNAS encoding plastid‐targeted glutathione peroxidase. The Plant Journal. 13 (3), 375-379
Foyer, CH. and Mullineaux, PM., (1998). The presence of dehydroascorbate and dehydroascorbate reductase in plant tissues. FEBS Letters. 425 (3), 528-529
Karpinski, S., Escobar, C., Karpinska, B., Creissen, G. and Mullineaux, PM., (1997). Photosynthetic electron transport regulates the expression of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase genes in Arabidopsis during excess light stress.. The Plant Cell. 9 (4), 627-640
Stevens, RG., Creissen, GP. and Mullineaux, PM., (1997). Cloning and characterisation of a cytosolic glutathione reductase cDNA from pea (Pisum sativum L.) and its expression in response to stress. Plant Molecular Biology. 35 (5), 641-654
Bean, SJ., Gooding, PS., Mullincaux, PM. and Davies, DR., (1997). A simple system for pea transformation. Plant Cell Reports. 16 (8), 513-519
Bean, SJ., Gooding, PS., Mullineaux, PM. and Davies, DR., (1997). A simple system for pea transformation. Plant Cell Reports. 16 (8), 513-519
Mullineaux, PM. and Creissen, GP., (1996). Opportunities for the genetic manipulation of antioxidants in plant foods. Biochemical Society Transactions. 24 (3), 829-835
COLLIN, S., FERNÁNDEZ-LOBATO, M., GOODING, PS., MULLINEAUX, PM. and FENOLL, C., (1996). The Two Nonstructural Proteins from Wheat Dwarf Virus Involved in Viral Gene Expression and Replication Are Retinoblastoma-Binding Proteins. Virology. 219 (1), 324-329
Mullineaux, P., Enard, C., Hellens, R. and Creissen, G., (1996). Characterisation of a glutathione reductase gene and its genetic locus from pea (Pisum sativum L.). Planta. 200 (2), 186-194
Santos, M., Gousseau, H., Lister, C., Foyer, C., Creissen, G. and Mullineaux, P., (1996). Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase from Arabidopsis thaliana L. is encoded by a small multigene family. Planta. 198 (1), 64-69
Barnes, JD., Percy, KE., Paul, ND., Jones, P., McLaughlin, CK., Mullineaux, PM., Creissen, G. and Wellburn, AR., (1996). The influence of UV-B radiation on the physicochemical nature of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacumL.) leaf surfaces. Journal of Experimental Botany. 47 (1), 99-109
Barnes, JD., Percy, KE., Paul, ND., Jones, P., McLaughlin, CK., Mullineaux, PM., Creissen, G. and Wellburn, AR., (1996). The influence of UV-B radiation on the physicochemical nature of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf surfaces. Journal of Experimental Botany. 47 (294), 99-109
Creissen, G. and Mullineaux, P., (1995). Cloning and characterisation of glutathione reductase cDNAs and identification of two genes encoding the tobacco enzyme. Planta. 197 (2), 422-425
Broadbent, P., Creissen, GP., Kular, B., Wellburn, AR. and Mullineaux, PM., (1995). Oxidative stress responses in transgenic tobacco containing altered levels of glutathione reductase activity. The Plant Journal. 8 (2), 247-255
Creissen, G., Reynolds, H., Xue, Y. and Mullineaux, P., (1995). Simultaneous targeting of pea glutathione reductase and of a bacterial fusion protein to chloroplasts and mitochondria in transgenic tobacco. The Plant Journal. 8 (2), 167-175
Broadbent, P., Creissen, G., Wellburn, FAM., Mullineaux, PM. and Wellburn, AR., (1994). Biochemical effects of tropospheric ozone in transgenic plants. Biochemical Society Transactions. 22 (4), 1020-1025
Forster, C., Arthur, E., Crespi, S., Hobbs, SLA., Mullineaux, P. and Casey, R., (1994). Isolation of a pea (Pisum sativum) seed lipoxygenase promoter by inverse polymerase chain reaction and characterization of its expression in transgenic tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology. 26 (1), 235-248
Chen, DF., Dale, PJ., Heslop‐Harrison, JS., Snape, JW., Harwood, W., Bean, S. and Mullineaux, PM., (1994). Stability of transgenes and presence of N6 methyladenine DNA in transformed wheat cells. The Plant Journal. 5 (3), 429-436
Accotto, G-P., Mullineaux, PM., Brown, SC. and Marie, D., (1993). Digitaria Streak Geminivirus Replicative Forms Are Abundant in S-Phase Nuclei of Infected Cells. Virology. 195 (1), 257-259
Rigden, JE., Dry, IB., Mullineaux, PM. and Rezaian, MA., (1993). Mutagenesis of the Virion-Sense Open Reading Frames of Tomato Leaf Curl Geminivirus. Virology. 193 (2), 1001-1005
Dry, IB., Rigden, JE., Krake, LR., Mullineaux, PM. and Rezaian, MA., (1993). Nucleotide sequence and genome organization of tomato leaf curl geminivirus. Journal of General Virology. 74 (1), 147-151
Mullineaux, PM., Rigden, JE., Dry, IB., Krake, LR. and Rezaian, MA., (1993). Mapping of the Polycistronic RNAs of Tomato Leaf Curl Geminivirus. Virology. 193 (1), 414-423
Davies, DR., Hamilton, J. and Mullineaux, P., (1993). Transformation of peas. Plant Cell Reports. 12 (3), 180-183
Hassan, MA., Swartz, HJ., Inamine, G. and Mullineaux, P., (1993). Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of severalRubus genotypes and recovery of transformed plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 33 (1), 9-17
Edwards, EA., Enard, C., Creissen, G. and Mullineaux, P., (1993). Synthesis and properties of glutathione reductase in stressed peas. Planta. 192 (1), 137-143
Hofer, JM., Dekker, EL., Reynolds, HV., Woolston, CJ., Cox, BS. and Mullineaux, PM., (1992). Coordinate regulation of replication and virion sense gene expression in wheat dwarf virus.. The Plant Cell. 4 (2), 213-223
Guerineau, F., Lucy, A. and Mullineaux, P., (1992). Effect of two consensus sequences preceding the translation initiator codon on gene expression in plant protoplasts. Plant Molecular Biology. 18 (4), 815-818
Creissen, G., Edwards, EA., Enard, C., Wellburn, A. and Mullineaux, P., (1992). Molecular characterization of glutathione reductase cDNAs from pea (Pisum sativum L.). The Plant Journal. 2 (1), 129-131
Creissen, G., Edwards, EA., Enard, C., Wellburn, A. and Mullineaux, P., (1992). Molecular characterization of glutathione reductase cDNAs from pea (Pisum sativum L.). The Plant Journal. 2 (1), 129-131
Dekker, EL., Woolston, CJ., Xue, Y., Cox, B. and Mullineaux, PM., (1991). Transcript mapping reveals different expression strategies for the bicistronic RNAs of the geminivirus wheat dwarf virus. Nucleic Acids Research. 19 (15), 4075-4081
Guerineau, F., Brooks, L. and Mullineaux, P., (1991). Effect of deletions in the cauliflower mosaic virus polyadenylation sequence on the choice of the polyadenylation sites in tobacco protoplasts. Molecular and General Genetics MGG. 226-226 (1-2), 141-144
Mullineaux, PM., Guerineau, F. and Accotto, G-P., (1990). Processing of complementary sense RNAs ofDigitariastreak virus in its host and in transgenic tobacco. Nucleic Acids Research. 18 (24), 7259-7265
Kunert, KJ., Cresswell, CF., Schmidt, A., Mullineaux, PM. and Foyer, CH., (1990). Variations in the activity of glutathione reductase and the cellular glutathione content in relation to sensitivity to methylviologen in Escherichia coli. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 282 (2), 233-238
Edwards, EA., Rawsthorne, S. and Mullineaux, P., (1990). Subcellular distribution of multiple forms of glutathione reductase in leaves of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Planta. 180 (2), 278-284
Guerineau, F., Brooks, L., Meadows, J., Lucy, A., Robinson, C. and Mullineaux, P., (1990). Sulfonamide resistance gene for plant transformation. Plant Molecular Biology. 15 (1), 127-136
Creissen, G., Smith, C., Francis, R., Reynolds, H. and Mullineaux, P., (1990). Agrobacterium ? and microprojectile ? mediated viral DNA delivery into barley microspore-derived cultures. Plant Cell Reports. 8 (11), 680-683
Guerineau, F., Brooks, L. and Mullineaux, P., (1990). Expression of the sulfonamide resistance gene from plasmid R46. Plasmid. 23 (1), 35-41
Accotto, GP., Donson, J. and Mullineaux, PM., (1989). Mapping of Digitaria streak virus transcripts reveals different RNA species from the same transcription unit.. The EMBO Journal. 8 (4), 1033-1039
Woolston, CJ., Reynolds, HV., Stacey, NJ. and Mullineaux, PM., (1989). Replication of wheat dwarf virus DNA in protoplasts and analysis of coat protein mutants in protoplasts and plants. Nucleic Acids Research. 17 (15), 6029-6041
Guerineau, F. and Mullineaux, P., (1989). Nucleotide sequence of the sulfonamide resistance gene from plasmid R46. Nucleic Acids Research. 17 (11), 4370-4370
Dale, PJ., Marks, MS., Brown, MM., Woolston, CJ., Gunn, HV., Mullineaux, PM., Lewis, DM., Kemp, JM., Chen, DF., Gilmour, DM. and Flavell, RB., (1989). Agroinfection of wheat: Inoculation of in vitro grown seedlings and embryos. Plant Science. 63 (2), 237-245
Woolston, CJ., Barker, R., Gunn, H., Boulton, MI. and Mullineaux, PM., (1988). Agroinfection and nucleotide sequence of cloned wheat dwarf virus DNA. Plant Molecular Biology. 11 (1), 35-43
Mullineaux, PM., Boulton, MI., Bowyer, P., van der Vlugt, R., Marks, M., Donson, J. and Davies, JW., (1988). Detection of a non-structural protein of M r 11 000 encoded by the virion DNA of maize streak virus. Plant Molecular Biology. 11 (1), 57-66
Donson, J., Gunn, HV., Woolston, CJ., Pinner, MS., Boulton, MI., Mullineaux, PM. and Davies, JW., (1988). Agrobacterium-mediated infectivity of cloned digitaria streak virus DNA. Virology. 162 (1), 248-250
Guerineau, F., Woolston, S., Brooks, L. and Mullineaux, P., (1988). An expression cassette for targeting foreign proteins into chloroplasts. Nucleic Acids Research. 16 (23), 11380-11380
Harker, CL., Mullineaux, PM., Bryant, JA. and Maule, AJ., (1987). Detection of CaMV gene I and gene VI protein products in vivo using antisera raised to COOH-terminal ?-galactosidase fusion proteins. Plant Molecular Biology. 8 (3), 275-287
Donson, J., Accotto, GP., Boulton, MI., Mullineaux, PM. and Davies, JW., (1987). The nucleotide sequence of a geminivirus from Digitaria sanguinalis. Virology. 161 (1), 160-169
Davies, JW., Stanley, J., Donson, J., Mullineaux, PM. and Boulton, MI., (1987). Structure and replication of geminivirus genomes. Journal of Cell Science. 1987 (Supplement_7), 95-107
Morris-Krsinich, BAM., Mullineaux, PM., Donson, J., Boulton, MI., Markham, PG., Short, MN. and Davies, JW., (1985). Bidirectional transcription of maize streak virus DNA and identification of the coat protein gene. Nucleic Acids Research. 13 (20), 7237-7256
Mullineaux, PM., Donson, J., Stanley, J., Boulton, MI., Morris-Krsinich, BAM., Markham, PG. and Davies, JW., (1985). Computer analysis identifies sequence homologies between potential gene products of Maize Streak Virus and those of Cassava Latent Virus and Tomato Golden Mosaic Virus. Plant Molecular Biology. 5 (2), 125-131
Mullineaux, P. and Willetts, N., (1985). Promoters in the Transfer Region of Plasmid F. Basic life sciences. 30, 605-614
Mullineaux, PM., Donson, J., Morris-Krsinich, BA., Boulton, MI. and Davies, JW., (1984). The nucleotide sequence of maize streak virus DNA.. The EMBO Journal. 3 (13), 3063-3068
Donson, J., Morris-Krsinich, BA., Mullineaux, PM., Boulton, MI. and Davies, JW., (1984). A putative primer for second-strand DNA synthesis of maize streak virus is virion-associated.. The EMBO Journal. 3 (13), 3069-3073
Mullineaux, PM., Chaplin, AE. and Gallon, JR., (1983). Synthesis of Nitrogenase in the Cyanobacterium Gloeothece (Gloeocapsa) sp. CCAP 1430/3. Microbiology. 129 (6), 1689-1696
Thomas, JH., Mullineaux, PM., Cronshaw, AD., Chaplin, AE. and Gallon, JR., (1982). The Effects of Structural Analogues of Amino Acids on Ammonium Assimilation and Acetylene Reduction (Nitrogen Fixation) in Gloeocapsa (Gloeothece) sp. CCAP 1430/3. Microbiology. 128 (4), 885-893
Millineaux, PM., Gallon, JR. and Chaplin, AE., (1981). Acetylene reduction (nitrogen fixation) by cyanobacteria grown under alternating light-dark cycles. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 10 (3), 245-247
Mullineaux, PM., Chaplin, AE. and Gallon, JR., (1980). Effects of a light to dark transition on carbon reserves, nitrogen fixation and ATP concentrations in cultures of Gleocapsa (Gloeothece) sp. 1430/3. Journal of General Microbiology. 120 (1), 227-232
MULLINEAUX, PM., CHAPLIN, AE. and GALLON, JR., (1979). The Short-Term Effect of Transfer from Light to Darkness on Acetylene Reduction (Nitrogen Fixation) by Cultures of Gloeocapsa sp. 1430/3. Biochemical Society Transactions. 7 (6), 1295-1297
Book chapters (3)
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., Littlejohn, GR., Smirnoff, N. and Mullineaux, PM., (2013). The Use of HyPer to Examine Spatial and Temporal Changes in H₂O₂ in High Light-Exposed Plants. In: Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 527). Editors: Cadenas, E. and Packer, L., . Elsevier. 185- 201. 9780124058828
Mullineaux, PM. and Lawson, T., (2009). Measuring redox changes in vivo in leaves: prospects and technical challenges.. In: Redox-Mediated Signal Transduction: Methods and Protocols. Humana Press. 65- 75. 978-1617378027
Guerineau, F. and Mullineaux, P., (1993). PLANT TRANSFORMATION AND EXPRESSION VECTORS. In: Plant Molecular Biology Labfax. Elsevier. 121- 147. 9780080917535
Conferences (25)
Bechtold, U. and Mullineaux, P., Identification of genes important for heat and drought tolerance in desert species
Carvalho, L., Vilela, B., Mullineaux, PM. and Amancio, S., (2007). The role of peroxiredoxins in the response of grapevine to light stress
Mullineaux, P., Baker, N., Bechtold, U., Fryer, M. and Davies, W., (2007). Spatial dependence for H2O2-directed signalling in Arabidopsis leaves
Vohra, S., Chintapalli, SV., Illingworth, CJR., Reeves, PJ., Mullineaux, PM., Clark, HSX., Dean, MK., Upton, GJG. and Reynolds, CA., (2007). Computational studies of Family A and Family B GPCRs
Mullineaux, P., (2007). Spatial dependence for H2O2-directed signalling in Arabidopsis leaves subject to high light.
Cojocariu, C., Vickers, C., Velikova, V., Hewitt, N. and Mullineaux, P., (2007). Isoprene-induced protection in tobacco plants exposed to elevated ozone concentration
Mateo, A., (2006). Controlled levels of salicylic acid are required for optimal photosynthesis and redox homeostasis
Baker, NR., Fryer, MJ., Morison, JIL., Davies, WJ. and Mullineaux, PM., (2005). Interactive roles for light, reactive oxygen species and leaf water status in signalling responses for gene expression during photo-oxidative stress
Funck, D., Matheo, A., Mullineaux, P. and Karpinski, S., (2004). EXCESS LIGHT SENSITIVITY OF ARABIDOPSIS MUTANT cpr6-1
Bechtold, U., Leyland, NR. and Mullineaux, PM., (2003). Does elevated foliar glutathione alter responses to biotic and abiotic stress?
Mullineaux, P., Ball, L., Karpinski, B., Fryer, M., Leyland, N., Baker, N. and Karpinski, S., (2003). Foliar responses to excess light stress in Arabidopsis mediated by the antioxidant glutathione.
Mullineaux, P., Ball, L., Karpinski, B., Fryer, M., Leyland, N., Baker, N. and Karpinski, S., (2003). Foliar responses to excess light stress and pathogens in Arabidopsis mediated by the antioxidant glutathione
Asai, N., Matsuyama, T., Tamaoki, M., Nakajima, N., Kubo, A., Aono, M., Kato, T., Tabata, S., Shirano, Y., Shibata, D., Hayashi, H., Mullineaux, PM. and Saji, H., (2002). Characterization of an Arabidopsis mutant deficient in a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase APX1
Pastori, G., Foyer, CH. and Mullineaux, P., (2000). Low temperature‐induced changes in the distribution of H2O2 and antioxidants between the bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of maize leaves
Hellens, R., Joyce, N. and Mullineaux, P., (1999). A new and versatile Agrobacterium-based plant transformation vector
Mullineaux, P. and Creissen, G., (1999). Manipulating oxidative stress responses using transgenic plants: Successes and dangers
Lea, PJ., Wellburn, FAM., Wellburn, AR., Creissen, GP. and Mullineaux, PM., (1998). Use of transgenic plants in the assessment of responses to atmospheric pollutants
Wellburn, FAM., Creissen, GP., Lake, JA., Mullineaux, PM. and Wellburn, AR., (1998). Tolerance to atmospheric ozone in transgenic tobacco over‐expressing glutathione synthetase in plastids
Karpinski, S., Karpinska, B., Reynolds, H., Creissen, G., Wingsle, G. and Mullineaux, P., (1998). Systemic sensing of light in plants; A key regulatory role of photosynthetic electron transport
Wellburn, AR., Wellburn, FAM., Creissen, GP. and Mullineaux, PM., (1997). Responses and consequences arising from the over-expression of glutathione levels in transgenic tobacco.
Creissen, G., Broadbent, P., Stevens, R., Wellburn, AR. and Mullineaux, P., (1996). Manipulation of glutathione metabolism in transgenic plants
Harwood, WA., Bean, SJ., Chen, DF., Mullineaux, PM. and Snape, JW., (1995). Transformation studies in Hordeum vulgare using a highly regenerable microspore system
Creissen, GP., Broadbent, P., Kular, B., Reynolds, H., Wellburn, AR. and Mullineaux, PM., (1994). Manipulation of glutathione reductase in transgenic plants: implications for plants' responses to environmental stress
Mullineaux, P., Creissen, G., Broadbent, P., Reynolds, H., Kular, B. and Wellburn, A., (1994). Elucidation of the role of glutathione reductase using transgenic plants
Reports and Papers (1)
Alvarez-Fernandez, R., Penfold, CA., Galvez-Valdivieso, G., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Stallard, EJ., Bowden, L., Moore, JD., Mead, A., Davey, PA., Matthews, JSA., Beynon, J., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Wild, DL., Lawson, T., Bechtold, U., Denby, K. and Mullineaux, PM., (2020). Time series transcriptomics reveals a BBX32-directed control of dynamic acclimation to high light in mature Arabidopsis leaves
Grants and funding
Genomics led improvement of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in mustard rape for economic and environmental sustainability
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Innovation Voucher Contract Research project
Redag Crop Protection Limited
Bioimaging of dehydroascorbate and (phospho)lipid hydroperoxides: The development of fluorescent protein biosensors
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Development of plant-based hydrogen peroxide YFP nanosensors
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Environmental meta-genomics and biotechnology of Rhazya
King Abdulaziz University
European Commission
Exploitation of Transcription Factor from Arabidopsis
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Academic support hours: