Dr Emily Murray

emily.murray@essex.ac.uk -
CH.G.6, Colchester Campus
PhD University of Michigan, (2008)
MSc Michigan State University, (2002)
BA University of Florida, (2000)
University of Essex
Director and Reader, University of Essex, School of Health and Social Care (2/10/2023 - present)
Other academic
Senior Research Fellow, University College London, University College London (3/3/2014 - 30/9/2023)
Honorary Associate Professor, University College London, University College London (1/10/2023 - present)
Deputy Department Graduate Tutor for Research Students, University College London, University College London Qatar (1/5/2023 - 30/9/2023)
Research Fellow in Medical Statistics/Epidemiology, St George's, University of London (1/5/2013 - 30/9/2014)
Post Doctoral Fellow in Lifecourse Epidemiology, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health (1/9/2008 - 30/9/2011)
Teaching and supervision
Publications (8)
Batty, GD., Kivimäki, M., Almquist, YB., Eriksson, JG., Gissler, M., Gnanamanickam, ES., Hamer, M., Jackisch, J., Juon, H-S., Keski-Säntti, M., Li, C., Mikkola, TM., Murray, E., Sacker, A., Segal, L. and Frank, P., (2024). Cardiovascular Disease Events in Adults with a History of State Care in Childhood: Pooling of Unpublished Results from 9 Cohort Studies
Sacker, A., Lacey, RE., Maughan, B. and Murray, ET., (2023). Is foster caring associated with an earlier transition to adulthood for caregivers’ own children? ONS Longitudinal Study
Murray, ET., Keating, A., Cameron, CL., Benchekroun, R., Whewall, S., Booker, C. and Jivraj, S., (2023). Residence in a Coastal communities in adolescence and health in young adulthood: an 11-year follow-up of English UKHLS youth questionnaire respondents.
Murray, ET., Head, J., Shelton, N., Beach, B. and Norman, P., (2022). Linking the health of older people in places with labour market outcomes for all: does it matter how we measure health?
Raderman, W., Rogers, NT. and Murray, ET., (2021). Variations in housing affordability and health relationships by measurement and sub-population assessment
Murray, ET., Shelton, N., Norman, P. and Head, J., (2021). Measuring the health of people in places: a scoping review of OECD member countries
Sacker, A., Murray, ET., Maughan, B. and Lacey, R., (2021). Non-parental care in childhood and adult outcomes: double whammy for minority children?
Devkota, HR., Clarke, A., Murray, E., Kett, M. and Groce, N., (2021). Disability, Caste and Intersectionality: Does Co-Existence of Disability and Caste Compound Marginalization for Women Seeking Maternal Healthcare in Southern Nepal?
Journal articles (45)
Sacker, A., Murray, ET., Maughan, B. and Lacey, RE., (2024). Social care in childhood and adult outcomes: double whammy for minority children?. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 15 (2), 139-162
Batty, GD., Kivimäki, M., Almquist, YB., Eriksson, JG., Gissler, M., Gnanamanickam, ES., Hamer, M., Jackisch, J., Juon, H-S., Keski-Säntti, M., Li, C., Mikkola, TM., Murray, E., Sacker, A., Segal, L. and Frank, P., (2024). Cardiovascular disease in adults with a history of out-of-home care during childhood: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. 43, 100984-100984
Sacker, A., Lacey, R., Maughan, B. and Murray, E., (2024). Is foster caring associated with an earlier transition to adulthood for caregivers’ own children? ONS Longitudinal Study. Adoption & Fostering. 48 (2), 184-202
Head, J., Norman, P., Shelton, N., Beach, B. and Murray, ET., (2024). Does the health of local populations modify occupational differences in employment rates of older workers? Findings from the ONS Longitudinal Study 2001–2011. Health & Place. 90, 103376-103376
Murray, ET., Keating, A., Cameron, C., Benchekroun, R., Whewall, S., Booker, C. and Jivraj, S., (2024). Residence in coastal communities in adolescence and health in young adulthood: An 11-year follow-up of English UKHLS youth questionnaire respondents.. Health and Place. 87, 103239-103239
Bakolis, I., Murray, ET., Hardy, R., Hatch, SL. and Richards, M., (2023). Area disadvantage and mental health over the life course: a 69-year prospective birth cohort study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 58 (5), 735-744
Desjardins, MR., Murray, ET., Baranyi, G., Hobbs, M. and Curtis, S., (2023). Improving longitudinal research in geospatial health: An agenda.. Health and Place. 80, 102994-102994
Murray, ET., Head, J., Shelton, N., Beach, B. and Norman, P., (2022). Does it matter how we measure the health of older people in places for associations with labour market outcomes? A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 22 (1), 2252-
Sacker, A., Lacey, RE., Maughan, B. and Murray, ET., (2022). Out-of-home care in childhood and socio-economic functioning in adulthood: ONS Longitudinal study 1971–2011. Children and Youth Services Review. 132, 106300-106300
Ribeiro, AI., Gullón, P. and Murray, ET., (2022). Neighbourhood Influences on Population Health: Time to Unpack the Black Box. Public Health Reviews. 43
Norman, P., Exeter, D., Shelton, N., Head, J. and Murray, E., (2022). (Un-) healthy ageing: Geographic inequalities in disability-free life expectancy in England and Wales.. Health and Place. 76, 102820-102820
Saadi, JP., Carr, E., Fleischmann, M., Murray, E., Head, J., Steptoe, A., Hackett, RA., Xue, B. and Cadar, D., (2021). The role of loneliness in the development of depressive symptoms among partnered dementia caregivers: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging. European Psychiatry. 64 (1), e28-
Murray, ET., Nicholas, O., Norman, P. and Jivraj, S., (2021). Life Course Neighborhood Deprivation Effects on Body Mass Index: Quantifying the Importance of Selective Migration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18 (16), 8339-8339
Jivraj, S., Nicholas, O., Murray, ET. and Norman, P., (2021). Life Course Neighbourhood Deprivation and Self-Rated Health: Does It Matter Where You Lived in Adolescence and Do Neighbourhood Effects Build Up over Life?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18 (19), 10311-10311
Murray, ET., Shelton, N., Norman, P. and Head, J., (2021). Measuring the health of people in places: A scoping review of OECD member countries. Health & Place. 73, 102731-102731
Devkota, HR., Clarke, A., Murray, E., Kett, M. and Groce, N., (2021). Disability, Caste, and Intersectionality: Does Co-Existence of Disability and Caste Compound Marginalization for Women Seeking Maternal Healthcare in Southern Nepal?. Disabilities. 1 (3), 218-232
Murray, ET., Lacey, R., Maughan, B. and Sacker, A., (2020). Non-parental care in childhood and health up to 30 years later: ONS Longitudinal Study 1971–2011. European Journal of Public Health. 30 (6), 1121-1127
Jivraj, S., Murray, ET., Norman, P. and Nicholas, O., (2020). The impact of life course exposures to neighbourhood deprivation on health and well-being: a review of the long-term neighbourhood effects literature. European Journal of Public Health. 30 (5), 922-928
Murray, ET., Lacey, R., Maughan, B. and Sacker, A., (2020). Association of childhood out-of-home care status with all-cause mortality up to 42-years later: Office of National Statistics Longitudinal Study. BMC Public Health. 20 (1), 735-
Murray, ET., Carr, E., Zaninotto, P., Head, J., Xue, B., Stansfeld, S., Beach, B. and Shelton, N., (2019). Inequalities in time from stopping paid work to death: findings from the ONS Longitudinal Study, 2001–2011. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 73 (12), 1101-1107
Jivraj, S., Norman, P., Nicholas, O. and Murray, ET., (2019). Are there sensitive neighbourhood effect periods during the life course on midlife health and wellbeing?. Health & Place. 57, 147-156
Murray, ET., Zaninotto, P., Fleischmann, M., Stafford, M., Carr, E., Shelton, N., Stansfeld, S., Kuh, D. and Head, J., (2019). Linking local labour market conditions across the life course to retirement age: Pathways of health, employment status, occupational class and educational achievement, using 60 years of the 1946 British Birth Cohort. Social Science & Medicine. 226, 113-122
Stafford, M., Lacey, R., Murray, E., Carr, E., Fleischmann, M., Stansfeld, S., Xue, B., Zaninotto, P., Head, J., Kuh, D. and McMunn, A., (2019). Work–family life course patterns and work participation in later life. European Journal of Ageing. 16 (1), 83-94
Shelton, N., Head, J., Carr, E., Zaninotto, P., Hagger‐Johnson, G. and Murray, E., (2019). Gender differences and individual, household, and workplace characteristics: Regional geographies of extended working lives. Population, Space and Place. 25 (2), e2213-
Devkota, HR., Murray, E., Kett, M. and Groce, N., (2018). Are maternal healthcare services accessible to vulnerable group? A study among women with disabilities in rural Nepal. PLOS ONE. 13 (7), e0200370-e0200370
Stansfeld, SA., Carr, E., Smuk, M., Clark, C., Murray, E., Shelton, N. and Head, J., (2018). Mid-life psychosocial work environment as a predictor of work exit by age 50. PLOS ONE. 13 (4), e0195495-e0195495
Elhakeem, A., Murray, ET., Cooper, R., Kuh, D., Whincup, P. and Hardy, R., (2018). Leisure-time physical activity across adulthood and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease at age 60–64: A prospective cohort study. Atherosclerosis. 269, 279-287
Carr, E., Murray, ET., Zaninotto, P., Cadar, D., Head, J., Stansfeld, S. and Stafford, M., (2018). The Association Between Informal Caregiving and Exit From Employment Among Older Workers: Prospective Findings From the UK Household Longitudinal Study. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 73 (7), gbw156-gbw156
Carr, E., Fleischmann, M., Goldberg, M., Kuh, D., Murray, ET., Stafford, M., Stansfeld, S., Vahtera, J., Xue, B., Zaninotto, P., Zins, M. and Head, J., (2018). Occupational and educational inequalities in exit from employment at older ages: evidence from seven prospective cohorts. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 75 (5), 369-377
Devkota, HR., Clarke, A., Murray, E. and Groce, N., (2017). Do experiences and perceptions about quality of care differ among social groups in Nepal? : A study of maternal healthcare experiences of women with and without disabilities, and Dalit and non-Dalit women. PLOS ONE. 12 (12), e0188554-e0188554
Devkota, HR., Murray, E., Kett, M. and Groce, N., (2017). Healthcare provider’s attitude towards disability and experience of women with disabilities in the use of maternal healthcare service in rural Nepal. Reproductive Health. 14 (1), 79-
Hagger-Johnson, G., Carr, E., Murray, E., Stansfeld, S., Shelton, N., Stafford, M. and Head, J., (2017). Association between midlife health behaviours and transitions out of employment from midlife to early old age: Whitehall II cohort study. BMC Public Health. 17 (1), 82-
Stafford, M., Cooper, R., Cadar, D., Carr, E., Murray, E., Richards, M., Stansfeld, S., Zaninotto, P., Head, J. and Kuh, D., (2017). Physical and cognitive capability in mid-adulthood as determinants of retirement and extended working life in a British cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 43 (1), 15-23
Murray, ET., Jones, R., Thomas, C., Ghosh, AK., Sattar, N., Deanfield, J., Hardy, R., Kuh, D., Hughes, AD. and Whincup, P., (2016). Life Course Socioeconomic Position: Associations with Cardiac Structure and Function at Age 60-64 Years in the 1946 British Birth Cohort. PLOS ONE. 11 (3), e0152691-e0152691
Murray, ET., Head, J., Shelton, N., Hagger-Johnson, G., Stansfeld, S., Zaninotto, P. and Stafford, M., (2016). Local area unemployment, individual health and workforce exit: ONS Longitudinal Study. The European Journal of Public Health. 26 (3), 463-469
Jones, R., Hardy, R., Sattar, N., Deanfield, JE., Hughes, A., Kuh, D., Murray, ET., Whincup, PH. and Thomas, C., (2015). Novel coronary heart disease risk factors at 60–64 years and life course socioeconomic position: The 1946 British birth cohort. Atherosclerosis. 238 (1), 70-76
Murray, ET., Hardy, R., Hughes, A., Wills, A., Sattar, N., Deanfield, J., Kuh, D. and Whincup, P., (2015). Overweight across the life course and adipokines, inflammatory and endothelial markers at age 60–64 years: evidence from the 1946 birth cohort. International Journal of Obesity. 39 (6), 1010-1018
Alfred, T., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Cooper, R., Hardy, R., Cooper, C., Deary, IJ., Elliott, J., Gunnell, D., Harris, SE., Kivimaki, M., Kumari, M., Martin, RM., Power, C., Sayer, AA., Starr, JM., Kuh, D. and Day, INM., (2014). Associations between APOE and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol genotypes and cognitive and physical capability: the HALCyon programme. AGE. 36 (4), 9673-
Murray, ET., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Tilling, K., Southall, H., Aucott, P., Kuh, D. and Hardy, R., (2013). Area Deprivation Across the Life Course and Physical Capability in Midlife: Findings From the 1946 British Birth Cohort. American Journal of Epidemiology. 178 (3), 441-450
Gardner, MP., Martin-Ruiz, C., Cooper, R., Hardy, R., Sayer, AA., Cooper, C., Deary, IJ., Gallacher, J., Harris, SE., Shiels, PG., Starr, JM., Kuh, D., von Zglinicki, T. and Ben-Shlomo, Y., (2013). Telomere Length and Physical Performance at Older Ages: An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE. 8 (7), e69526-e69526
Strand, BH., Murray, ET., Guralnik, J., Hardy, R. and Kuh, D., (2012). Childhood social class and adult adiposity and blood-pressure trajectories 36–53 years: gender-specific results from a British birth cohort. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 66 (6), 512-518
Murray, ET., Southall, H., Aucott, P., Tilling, K., Kuh, D., Hardy, R. and Ben-Shlomo, Y., (2012). Challenges in examining area effects across the life course on physical capability in mid-life: Findings from the 1946 British Birth Cohort. Health & Place. 18 (2), 366-374
Murray, ET., Hardy, R., Strand, BH., Cooper, R., Guralnik, JM. and Kuh, D., (2011). Gender and Life Course Occupational Social Class Differences in Trajectories of Functional Limitations in Midlife: Findings From the 1946 British Birth Cohort. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 66A (12), 1350-1359
Murray, ET., Mishra, GD., Kuh, D., Guralnik, J., Black, S. and Hardy, R., (2011). Life Course Models of Socioeconomic Position and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: 1946 Birth Cohort. Annals of Epidemiology. 21 (8), 589-597
Murray, ET., Diez Roux, AV., Carnethon, M., Lutsey, PL., Ni, H. and O'Meara, ES., (2010). Trajectories of Neighborhood Poverty and Associations With Subclinical Atherosclerosis and Associated Risk Factors: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. American Journal of Epidemiology. 171 (10), 1099-1108
Conferences (1)
Murray, ET., Shelton, N., Norman, P. and Head, J., (2021). P37 Measuring the health of people in places: a scoping review of OECD member countries
Grants and funding
NIHR Mental Health Research Leader Award - University of Essex
National Institute for Health Research
Coastal youth: exploring the impact of coastal towns on young people's life chances
Economic and Social Research Council