Philip Nardone

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+44 (0) 1206 874282
ESA.3.23, Colchester Campus
Working in healthcare for over a decade, Philip has extensive knowledge and skills relating to Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy. Working as a MSK First Contact Practitioner (FCP) in Primary Care, within Mid Essex, Philip continues to utilise his skills in clinical practice. This provides valuable insight into the current healthcare landscape, informing his teaching. In addition to clinical work, Philip is the Alliance Clinical Lead for Basildon and Brentwood. Here, focus is on understanding and supporting local community needs, as well as coordinating services within the region. This includes ensuring the best use of local resources to drive and improve health outcomes. Philip also works as a MSK Steward for the Mid and South Essex Region. As part of a group of clinicians which includes physiotherapists, pain consultants, rheumatologists and surgeons, there is a focus to identify current MSK issues, and redesign pathways to ensure better use of shared resources; ultimately improving patient care. This work aligns with national objectives including ‘the triple aim.’ For the past year, Philip has also been working as the MSK First Contact Practitioner Ambassador, for the Mid and South Essex region. Working for the local training hub, Philip has assisted with recruitment and retention, including the training of FCPs in primary care. Additionally, educating primary care networks (PCN) about the role and how it can be implemented into their services, is a key aspect. This role has included networking at local, regional and national levels, to ensure a standardised approach to care is used, and that best practice is shared. Registered Chartered Physiotherapist (092214) Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (PH100110)
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science University of Brighton, (2006)
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Cardiff University, (2012)
University of Essex
MSK Lecturer, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences (SRES), University of Essex (24/4/2023 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Guided Injections (SE710)
Soft Tissue and Joint Injection Therapy (SE714)
Current Concepts in Upper Limb Rehabilitation (SE783)