
Dr Louise Nash

Senior Lecturer
EBS - Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management
Dr Louise Nash
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872316

  • Location

    EBS.3.21, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911



I am currently Director of Postgraduate Research. I joined academia after a career in management. My academic research interest is in people’s lived experiences at work, with a particular focus on the importance of place and the spatial and temporal rhythms of everyday working life. I also research the experience of neuro-diverse individuals in the workplace, gender in the workplace, and have a strong interest in visual and embodied research methods. I welcome inquiries from potential PhD students on a variety of topics, including but not exclusively: * The spatial aspects of working life, especially place and its relationship to work, and the importance of rhythm to working life * Inclusion and belonging in the workplace, particularly with reference to gender and to neuro-diversity * The culture, aesthetics and symbolism of organisational life * Exploring and developing sensory and embodied methods for exploring working life * Qualitative explorations of working within the financial sector


  • BA (Hons) Modern Languages (University of Southampton)

  • PG Dip Public Relations and Communications (London College of Communication)

  • PhD Management (University of Essex)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Organisational space, place, aesthetics and materiality

Open to supervise

The lived experience of work in business clusters

Open to supervise

The use of embodied methodologies in organisational research

Open to supervise

Challenges faced by neurodivergent employees in the workplace

Open to supervise

Current research

Lived experiences of working in the City of London, with particular reference to rhythms and performativity

Comparative research of the City of London and Wall Street, NY

The challenges faced by neurodivergent employees in the workplace

Conferences and presentations

Stories, stigma and organizational research

Symposium on Walter Benjamin, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge UK, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 9/5/2024

Eurythmia and Arrythmia: Understanding gender through rhythm inthe City of London

RSG-IGB Conference 2022, 30/8/2022

The Craft of Belonging at Work: Inclusion and Exclusion in the City of london

Critical Management Studies Conference 2019, Critical Management Studies, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 28/6/2019

Nash, L: 'Reading, Wandering and Sensing: Using literary traditions of walking as a method of organizational research'. EGOS Colloquium. Copenhagen, July 2017

Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017

Nash, L: Eurthymia and arrhythmia: understanding gender through rhythm in the City of London. Annual Heather Höpfl CWOS seminar on Gender Culture and Organisation. Essex, October 2017

United Kingdom, 2017

Nash, L: Place, Performativity and Position: Gender and Socio-Materiality in the Powerhouse, Gender, Work and Organization conference. Keele, June/July 2016

Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom, 2016

Nash, L: Place, Performativity and Position in the Powerhouse: Management, Marketing and Organisation Group PhD Conference. Essex, May 2016

United Kingdom, 2016

Nash, L: (Male) Members Only: Gender and Materiality in the City of London, Professor Heather Höpfl Memorial conference. Essex, September 2015

United Kingdom, 2015

Nash, L: From Sexy/Greedy to Naughty/Needy: Masculinities in the City of London, Quadrangular Conference. Lancaster, September 2015

Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2015

Nash, L: In and Out of Place in the City of London: Gender, Position and Socio-Materiality in the Square Mile, Gendered Inclusion in Contemporary Organisations: ESRC Funded Seminar Series 2015-2018, Researching Gendered Inclusion: Interdisciplinary Methodologies. Essex, June 2016

United Kingdom, 2015

Nash, L: From sexy/greedy to naughty/needy: the City of London in/as crisis, Reflexive and Creative Methodologies. Lund, May 2015

Lund, Germany, 2015

Nash, L: Streetwalking: Researching the City of London as a Place in/of Crisis, Management, Marketing and Organisation Group PhD Conference. Essex, May 2015

United Kingdom, 2015

Nash, L., Tyler, M: Beware the Cracks in the Pavement: Manifestations of the Uncanny in the Square Mile, EGOS Colloquium. Rotterdam, June 2014

Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2014

Nash, L: The City of London: researching a very particular place, Centre for Work, Organisation and Society seminar series. Essex, September 2014

United Kingdom, 2014

Nash, L: A Socio-Material Analysis of the City of London, Management, Marketing and Organisation Group PhD Conference. Essex, May 2014

United Kingdom, 2014

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Strategic Management and Senior Leadership in Health and Social Care (BE783)

  • Leading with Impact (BE875)

  • Research Evaluation (BE950)

Previous supervision

Deborah Hamer-Acquaah
Deborah Hamer-Acquaah
Thesis title: Fathers on the Frontline: How UK Police Officers Experience Involved Fatherhood
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/2/2025
Magdalena Oldziejewska
Magdalena Oldziejewska
Thesis title: The Art of Herstory Keeping: The Feminist Library’S Materialities and Organisational Practices
Degree subject: Human Resource Management and Organisation Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/3/2024
Hesamoddin Dehghan Nayeri
Hesamoddin Dehghan Nayeri
Thesis title: The Festival of Nowruz and Consumer Identity Politics: An Ethnographic Case Study of Persian Consumers in the UK
Degree subject: Management
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2023


Journal articles (5)

Nash, S., (2024). Media Review: Gendering Place and Affect. Organization Studies

Nash, L. and Lyon, D., (2023). Work, boredom and rhythm in the time of COVID-19. The Sociological Review. 71 (3), 642-659

Nash, L., (2022). There and Back Again: Neuro-diverse employees, liminality and negative capability. Work, Employment and Society. 38 (1), 262-278

Nash, L., (2020). Performing Place: A Rhythmanalysis of the City of London. Organization Studies. 41 (3), 301-321

Nash, L., (2018). Gendered places: Place, performativity and flânerie in the City of London. Gender, Work and Organization. 25 (6), 601-620

Books (1)

Nash, L., (2022). The Lived Experience of Work and City Rhythms A Rhythmanalysis of London’s Square Mile. Emerald Publishing Limited. 1839827599. 9781839827594

Book chapters (2)

Nash, L., (2021). Eurythmia and Arrythmia: Understanding Gendered Performances Through Rhythm in The City of London. In: Rhythmanalysis: Place, Mobility, Disruption and Performance. Editors: Lyon, D., . Emerald. 47- 62. 9781839099731

Nash, L., (2018). City rhythms: Walking and sensing place through Rhythmanalysis. In: Organizational space and beyond: The significance of Henri Lefebvre for organizational studies. Editors: Dale, K., Kingma, SF. and Wasserman, V., . Routledge. 161- 188. 978-1138236400

Thesis dissertation (1)

Nash, L., (2017). Members Only: Place and Performativity in the City of London

Grants and funding


Neurodivergent workers and well-being: Socialization and meaningful relationships in the workplace

British Academy


Keynote address and discussion on neurodiversity in the workplace


+44 (0) 1206 872316


EBS.3.21, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911

More about me