
Professor Camille Cronin

School of Health and Social Care
Professor Camille Cronin
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1702 328277

  • Location

    GB.2.60, Southend Campus

  • Academic support hours

    HS517 Degree Nurse Apprenticeships



Camille Cronin is Professor of Nursing in the School of Health and Social Care. Camille has a clinical background in adult nursing; with experience in clinical practice, clinical and academic research, healthcare management, further education and higher education. Camille is a dynamic and innovative educator and researcher having held various posts in the School and teaching roles across programmes in foundation, undergraduate, postgraduate and research supervision for professional and doctoral students. Camille’s doctorate used case study research to examine learning in the workplace and this has underpinned much of her dedication to the healthcare workforce, adult learners and the development of apprenticeships in healthcare. Camille's coaching and leadership skills have been developed through her current role. She has been a Dementia Friend and member of the Southend Dementia Action Alliance. She is a member of the International Dementia and Culture Collaborative (IDCC). Camille has practised as a General Practice Nurse and participated in the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme. Her research interests include using a range of research methodologies with emphasis on qualitative approaches, working collaboratively and making research accessible to all. Other interests include lifelong learning, education and pedagogy, workplace learning, workforce issues related to skill mix and recruitment and retention, dementia and culture, oral health and supporting learning in the workplace. Camille is co-leading an international group of nurse researchers looking at menopause in the workplace involving universities from Finland, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Denmark. The group Digital Therapeutics for Menopause has a newsletter and site at @digitaltherapeutics4menopause and also found in the Digital Mental Health Research Group: Camille has also been working locally in partnership with other organisations and Suffolk and North East Essex (SNEE) ICB on the Women's Health Hub Insight and Oversight Group which is leading a co-produced and co-design approach to developing women's health services in the area. During Covid Camille took on a senior role in the school as Director of Research and Impact, and served an extended term. Camille is also leading on a project team on Fundamentals in Care with a focus on dementia in partnership with ESNEFT. This is an exciting clinical piece of work undertaking a participatory approach to research in practice and engaging our local stakeholders. After a term of Impact leave, Camille took the school leadership role of Director of Partnerships In January 2025. Current projects include person-centred learning framework, digital interventions, menopause in the workplace and women’s health, nursing students learning experiences and fundamentals in dementia care.


  • PhD Nursing Studies University of Essex,

  • MEd Lifelong Learning Open University,

  • MSc Nursing Buckinghamshire New University,

  • BSc Nursing Buckinghamshire New University,

  • DipHE Adult Nursing University of Essex,


University of Essex

  • Professor in Nursing, School of Health & Social Care, University of Essex (4/10/2021 - present)

  • Director of Research, University of Essex (1/9/2020 - present)

  • Senior Lecturer, University of Essex (1/1/2016 - 3/10/2021)

  • Lecturer, University of Essex (1/1/2006 - 1/1/2015)

  • Teaching Fellow, University of Essex (1/1/2005 - 1/1/2006)

Other academic

  • External Examiner, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Keele (1/9/2020 - present)

  • Workplace Coach, University of Essex (1/1/2017 - present)

  • Academic Member, International Dementia Cultural Collaboration (1/1/2016 - present)

  • External Examiner, University of Central Lancashire (1/1/2016 - 7/1/2019)

  • Nurse Leader, Phi Mu Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International (6/1/2023 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Menopause in the workplace

Understanding the discomfort and how this is constructed in the workplace.

Key words: menopause
Open to supervise

Dementia - Fundamentals in Care

Dementia - Fundamentals in Care a project with ESNEFT

Key words: Dementia
Open to supervise

Education for Nurses and AHPs

Learning in the healthcare landscape and being a reflexive practitioner

Key words: pedagogy
Open to supervise

Current research

Dementia - Fundamentals in Care

Dementia - Fundamentals in Care a project with ESNEFT

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • The Therapeutic Practitioner (HS189)

  • Service Improvement Project (HS195)

  • The Therapeutic Practitioner (HS245)

  • Service Improvement Project (HS246)

  • Fundamentals of Lifesciences (HS183)

  • Person-Centred Care 2 (HS187)

Previous supervision

Clare Ruth Slater-Robins
Clare Ruth Slater-Robins
Thesis title: Exploring Parents Experience of Child Health Reviews with Health Visitors Using Video Consultations: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach.
Degree subject: Public Health (Health Visiting)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 28/2/2025
Harkirat Virdi
Harkirat Virdi
Thesis title: An Exploration of Psychological Practitioners’ Awareness and Knowledge of the Menopause, and Their Experiences of Working Clinically with Menopausal Clients
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/1/2025
Michelle Clare Lewington
Michelle Clare Lewington
Degree subject: Health Care Education
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 15/9/2023
Timothy Giles Goodchild
Timothy Giles Goodchild
Thesis title: Logics of Technology Enhanced Learning in the Context of Nurse Education
Degree subject: Health Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/1/2021


Journal articles (37)

Cronin, C., Donevant, S., Hughes, K., Kaunonen, M., Marcussen, J. and Wilson, R., (2025). Amplifying Women's Voices in Menopause Research: The Importance of Inclusive Perspectives. Health Expectations. 28 (1), e70163-

Cronin, C., Donevant, S., Hughes, K., Kaunonen, M., Marcussen, J. and Wilson, R., (2025). Reply to: Amplifying Women's Voices in Menopause Research: The Importance of Inclusive Perspectives [Letter]. Health Expectations. 28 (1), e70189-

Cronin, C., (2024). Embracing a digital mindset: navigating the landscape of digital health and AI. Journal of Research in Nursing. 29 (2), 93-96

Cronin, C., (2024). Exploring the application and significance of case study research in nursing. Nurse Researcher. 32 (4), 8-15

Asiamah, N., Cronin, C., Abbott, JE. and Smith, S., (2024). Interactions of depression, anxiety, and sleep quality with menopausal symptoms on job satisfaction among middle‑aged health workers in England: a STROBE‑based analysis. Human Resources for Health. 24 (1), 64-

Asiamah, N., Aladenola, OB., Cronin, C., Sepp, L. and O’Callaghan, K., (2024). Effects of physical activity on menopausal symptoms, psychosomatic factors and well-being among working women in England: A path analysis. Women's Health. 20 (1), 17455057241290370-

Marrow, RK., Cronin, C., Ashby, V., Currid, T. and Alexander, M., (2024). A Patient and Public Engagement Project to Inform Dementia Care in a UK Hospital Trust.. Health Expectations. 27 (5), e70024-

Cronin, C., Bidwell, G., Carey, J., Donevant, S., Hughes, K-A., Kaunonen, M., Marcussen, J. and Wilson, R., (2023). Exploring digital interventions to facilitate coping and discomfort for nurses experiencing the menopause in the workplace: An international qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 00 (10), 3760-3775

Cronin, C., Abbott, J., Asiamah, N. and Smyth, S., (2023). Menopause at work—An organisation-based case study. Nursing Open. 11 (1)

Cronin, C., (2022). Commentary: Adopting mobile health applications by nurses: a scoping review. Journal of Research in Nursing. 27 (5), 492-493

Cronin, C., (2022). Special Collection Editorial: The digital movement in nursing. Journal of Research in Nursing. 27 (5), 411-420

Cronin, C. and Ojo, O., (2021). Nursing students’ experiences of, and socialisation in, dementia care in the acute hospital.. Nursing Older People. 33 (4), 27-33

O'Shea, L. and Cronin, C., (2021). Delivering the annual immunisation update to primary care staff via live online learning. Primary Health Care. 31 (6), 19-24

Cronin, C., Hungerford, C. and Wilson, RL., (2020). Using Digital Health Technologies to Manage the Psychosocial Symptoms of Menopause in the Workplace: A Narrative Literature Review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 42 (6), 541-548

Ojo, O., Brooke, J. and Cronin, C., (2020). The Development and Evaluation of an Analytical Framework to Explore Student Nurses' Cultural Beliefs of Dementia.. The Journal of Nursing Research : JNR. 28 (2), 81-81

Cronin, C., (2020). Commentary: Singing as a health-promoting activity in elderly care: a qualitative, longitudinal study in Norway. Journal of Research in Nursing. 25 (5), 419-420

Cronin, C. and Hawthorne, C., (2019). ‘Poetry in motion’ a place in the classroom: Using poetry to develop writing confidence and reflective skills. Nurse Education Today. 76, 73-77

Cronin, C. and Hawthorne, C., (2019). Developing academic literacy: A team-teaching approach between the School of Health and Human Sciences and the Talent Development Centre.. Proceedings of the 2017 BALEAP Conference: Addressing the state of the union: Working together = learning together.

Cronin, C., (2019). Commentary: Family experiences as a caregiver for patients with Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study. Journal of Research in Nursing. 24 (5), 328-329

Brooke, J., Cronin, C., Stiell, M., Ojo, O., Belcina, MT., Smajlović, SK. and Slark, J., (2019). Nursing students' cultural beliefs and understanding of dementia: A phenomenological study across three continents. Nurse Education Today. 77, 6-11

Cronin, C. and Brooke, J., (2019). Using the Relating to Older People Evaluation tool to measure ageism in higher education. Nursing Older People. 31 (3), 29-38

Cronin, C. and Brooke, J., (2019). Using the Relating to Older People Evaluation tool to measure ageism in higher education. . Nursing older people

Cronin, C. and Purcell, P., (2018). Working with patients and the public to develop dementia friendly oral health tools. Annual Clinical Journal of Dental Health (7), 16-21

Cronin, C., (2017). Understanding the needs of women with adenomyosis through social media. Journal Nursing and Women’s Health

Cronin, C., (2015). Making a difference through research. Nurse Researcher. 23 (1), 45-45

Cronin, C., (2014). Using case study research as a rigorous form of inquiry. Nurse Researcher. 21 (5), 19-27

Cronin, C., (2014). Workplace learning – a healthcare perspective. Education + Training. 56 (4), 329-342

Cronin, C., (2007). Keeping cool. Emergency Nurse. 15 (4), 7-7

Cronin, C., (2007). Achieving full potential. Emergency Nurse. 15 (3), 8-9

Cronin, G. and Cronin, C., (2006). Why does A&E attract newly qualified registered nurses?. Accident and Emergency Nursing. 14 (2), 71-77

Cronin, C., (2003). First‐time mothers – identifying their needs, perceptions and experiences. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 12 (2), 260-267

Cronin, C. and McCarthy, G., (2003). First-time mothers - identifying their needs, perceptions and experiences. (vol 12, pg 260, 2003). JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING. 12 (5), 790-790

(2003). Corrigendum. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 12 (5), 790-790

Hart, DJ., Cronin, C., Daniels, M., Worthy, T., Doyle, DV. and Spector, TD., (2002). The relationship of bone density and fracture to incident and progressive radiographic osteoarthritis of the knee: The Chingford study. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 46 (1), 92-99

Cronin, C., (2001). How do nurses deal with their emotions on a burn unit? Hermeneutic inquiry. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 7 (5), 342-348

Cronin, C., (2001). How do nurses deal with their emotions on a burn unit? A hermeneutic inquiry. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 10 (2), 301-302

DAVIES, J., (1991). Keeping cool. Nature. 351 (6329), 685-685

Book chapters (1)

Cronin, C., (2017). Case Study Research : A Methodology for Nursing. In: Nursing Research Using Case Studies. Editors: De Chesnay, M., . Springer Publishing Company. 978-0-8261-3192-8

Conferences (8)

Cronin, C. and Wilson, R., Explore, Build and Connect”: A person-centred learning framework for nursing and mental health topics within the flipped classroom.

Cronin, C., Bidwell, G., Carey, J., Donevant, S., Hughes, K-A., Kaunonen, M., Marcussen, J. and Wilson, R., Menopause in the nursing workplace: an international collaborative project. Preliminary Findings

Cronin, C., Wilson, R. and Hungerford, C., Digital therapeutics to support women in menopause: A narrative review.

Okolo, I. and Cronin, C., Pre-registrant nurses’ experiences of the extended placement during the COVID-19 pandemic

Cronin, C. and Okolo, I.,

Wilson, R., Cronin, C., Donevant, S., Hughes, K-A., Kaunonen, M. and Marcussen, J., (2023). Digital health proof of concept and prototype: Tailored response to supporting women nurses during menopause

Cronin, C. and Purcell, P., (2016). Wives perspectives of managing mouth care at home.

Hart, DJ., Daniels, M., Cronin, C., Worthy, T., Doyle, DV. and Spector, TD., (2001). A longitudinal study of the relationship of fracture and incident and progressive knee osteoarthritis: the Chingford study

Reports and Papers (3)

Cronin, C., Currid, T., Marrow, R. and Ashby, V., (2023). DemFoCAS Interim Phase 1 Report

Cronin, C., Abbott, J., Asiamah, N. and Smyth, S., (2022). Menopause in the workplace - an organisation-based case study

Abdel-Jawadova, J., Asiamah, N., Cronin, C. and Boydell, V., (2022). A Rapid Review on the Success Factors for Mobilising Personalised Care with Frail Older Adults

Media (4)

Cronin, C., October is menopause awareness month. Image

Cronin, C., The Menopause: Talk, Track, Treat. Image

Cronin, C., Menopause in the workplace. Video

Cronin, C., Pandemic Times. Image

Grants and funding


Prospective match-funded SHSC studentship costings

Suffolk and North Essex Integrated Care Service

Women�s Health in the Workplace for REF 2029 - Impact Leave

University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)


Menopause in the Workplace Presentation

Havens Hospices


Mid and South East Health Care Partnership - Systematic Review

Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust


To explore how nurses manage menopause in the workplace and investigate digital health solutions to facilitate coping and alleviate discomfort

Burdett Trust for Nursing

To explore how nurses manage menopause in the workplace and investigate digital health solutions to facilitate coping and alleviate discomfort

Burdett Trust for Nursing

+44 (0) 1702 328277


GB.2.60, Southend Campus

Academic support hours:

HS517 Degree Nurse Apprenticeships