
Professor Nelson Cortes

Head of School - Professor (R)
School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences
Professor Nelson Cortes



Nelson Cortes is an internationally recognized leader in biomechanics and healthy ageing research across the lifespan and served as the co-executive director of a major research and community outreach laboratory. His work is characterized by a systematic and efficient approach, multistakeholder engagement, and multidisciplinary collaboration. Professor Cortes was appointed as a Full Professor at a Very High Research Activity University (R1: Carnegie Mellon ranking), ranked 47th as Young University, and 251-300th University World Ranking in the Times of Higher Education prior to being appointed Full Professor at the University of Essex. His research focuses on developing and implementing novel interventions to delay diseases onset and progression, decrease pain, and improve quality of life across the lifespan. Professor Cortes's research has been funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), private sports organizations (i.e., Lacrosse foundation), and private foundations (i.e., Potomac Health Foundation). He has secured over $6 Million in external funding with a 23% success rate. He has served on numerous funding agencies' review panels (i.e., NIH, CMDRP, DoD), and has authored over 90 publications in high-impact peer-reviewed journals. He has collaborations and funding across the globe focusing on applied biomechanical for health research. He has worked with students, leadership, and organizations in numerous countries disseminating knowledge on health research and research improvement practices. He has directed nearly 12 doctoral dissertations and served on several additional doctoral and master dissertation committees. Professor Cortes has received numerous awards in recognition of his research, and more importantly his mentoring of students and staff including being awarded a prestigious Distinguished Mentorship Award.


  • Ph.D. Old Dominion University,

  • Master of Science Old Dominion University,

  • Bachelor of Science Universidade Lusófona,


University of Essex

  • Head of School, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (8/2023 - present)

  • Professor, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/2022 - present)

Other academic

  • Affiliate Professor, Bioengineering, George Mason University (1/8/2015 - present)

  • Professor, School of Kinesiology, George Mason University (1/5/2021 - 1/1/2022)

  • Affiliate Professor, Institute for BioHealth Innovation, George Mason University (1/8/2020 - 1/1/2022)

  • Co-Director, SMART Lab (22/8/2016 - 9/1/2022)

  • Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology, George Mason University (1/8/2015 - 1/5/2021)

  • Assistant Professor, School of Recreation and Tourism, George Mason University (1/8/2010 - 1/5/2015)

  • Assistant Professor, Escola Superior de Educação de Almeida Garrett (3/9/2001 - 31/7/2003)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Biofeedback for Knee Osteoarthritis

Key words: Biomechanics
Open to supervise

Autonomy of Feedback Frequency

Key words: Feedback
Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Professional Skills and Development 1 (SE101)

  • Sport and Exercise Psychology (SE104)

  • Research Methods in Sport and Exercise (SE230)

  • Research Project (SE309)

  • Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health (SE738)

  • Research Project (SE777)


Journal articles (105)

Stamatis, A., Adams, J., Martin, J., Smith, ML., Milani, I., Caswell, SV., Cortes, N. and Boolani, A., Physical Activity, Sitting Time, and Feelings of Energy and Fatigue During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Grit Make a Difference?. Health Behavior Research. 5 (3)

Boolani, A., Martin, J., Jansen, E., Cortes, N., Caswell, S., Lackman, J., Drewson, S. and Smith, ML., Associations of essential worker status, sex, lifestyle behaviors, and moods: Findings from a sample of working adults in the United States during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Behavior Research. 6 (4)

Konishi, M., Clark, N., McDonald, D., Takemura, M. and Cortes, N., (2025). Acute effects of unplanned and planned hop-landing training on neurocognitive function and knee biomechanics. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 13 (1), 23259671241302326-

Deng, F., Razaviasfali, SM., Birn-Jeffery, A., Cortes, N. and Neal, BS., (2025). What Prognostic Indicators and Treatment Mechanisms Exist for Efficacious Treatments in People With Patellofemoral Pain? A Secondary Meta-Regression With an Updated Search. JOSPT Open. 3 (2), 1-33

Vaz, JR., Cortes, N., Gomes, JS., Reis, JF. and Stergiou, N., (2024). Stride-to-stride variability is altered when running to isochronous visual cueing but remains unaltered with fractal cueing. Sport Biomechanics. 23 (12), 3628-3640

Vaz, JR., CORTES, N., Gomes, JS., Jordão, S. and Stergiou, N., (2024). Stride-to-stride fluctuations and temporal patterns of muscle activity exhibit similar responses during walking to variable visual cues. Journal of Biomechanics. 164, 111972-111972

Benjaminse, A., Nijmeijer, EM., Gokeler, A., Broekhaar, DC. and Cortes, N., (2024). Motivation Unraveled: Giving Choice to Football Players to Improve Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 38 (12), e735-e743

Prebble, M., Wei, Q., Martin, J., Eddo, O., Lindsey, B. and Cortes, N., (2023). Simulated Tibiofemoral Joint Reaction Forces for Three Previously Studied Gait Modifications in Healthy Controls. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 145 (4), 041004-

Poretti, K., Ghoddosi, N., Martin, J., Eddo, O., Cortes, N. and Clark, N., (2023). The nature of rehabilitation programs to improve musculoskeletal, biomechanical, functional, and patient-reported outcomes in athletes with ACL reconstruction: A scoping review. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 16 (3), 390-395

Estep, A., Morrison, S., Caswell, SV., Ambegaonkar, JP., Vaz, JR. and Cortes, N., (2023). Multifactorial Exercise Intervention Decreases Falls Risk in High-risk and Low-risk Older Adults. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 16 (3), 414-419

Brewer, I., Zimmerman, J., Fyock-Martin, M., Cortes, N. and Martin, J., (2023). Does Reactive Neuromuscular Training Increase Gluteal Musculature Activation During Squatting Movements? A Critically Appraised Topic. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. 28 (2), 57-62

Dhokai, N., Matto, H., Ihara, ES., Tompkins, CJ., Caswell, SV., Cortes, N., Davis, R., Coogan, SM., Fauntroy, VN., Glass, E., Lee, JM., Baraniecki-Zwil, G. and Ambegaonkar, JP., (2023). Community arts engagement supports perceptions of personal growth in older adults. Journal of Aging Studies. 66, 101142-101142

Nijmeijer, EM., Elferink-Gemser, MT., McCrory, S., Cortes, N. and Benjaminse, A., (2023). How to improve movement execution in sidestep cutting? Involve me and I will learn. Human Movement Science. 90, 103115-103115

Sax van der Weyden, MN., Kearney, JW., Cortes, N., Fernandes, O. and Martin, JR., (2023). Common law enforcement load carriage systems have limited acute effects on postural stability and muscle activity. Applied Ergonomics. 113, 104091-104091

Liew, BXW., Rügamer, D., Mei, Q., Altai, Z., Zhu, X., Zhai, X. and Cortes, N., (2023). Smooth and accurate predictions of joint contact force time-series in gait using over parameterised deep neural networks. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 11, 1208711-

Kearney, JW., Sax van der Weyden, MN., Cortes, N., Fernandes, O. and Martin, JR., (2023). Effect of the Law Enforcement Duty Belt on Muscle Activation during Hip Hinging Movements in Young, Healthy Adults. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 8 (3), 9-9

Jordão, S., Stergiou, N., Brandão, R., Pezarat-Correia, P., Oliveira, R., Cortes, N. and Vaz, JR., (2023). Muscle activity variability patterns and stride to stride fluctuations of older adults are positively correlated during walking. Scientific Reports. 13 (1), 20721-

Kelshaw, PM., Cook, NE., Terry, DP., Cortes, N., Iverson, GL. and Caswell, SV., (2022). Interpreting change on the Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 25 (6), 492-498

Jordão, S., Cortes, N., Gomes, J., Brandão, R., Santos, P., Pezarat-Correia, P., Oliveira, R. and Vaz, JR., (2022). Synchronization performance affects gait variability measures during cued walking. Gait and Posture. 96, 351-356

Zimmerman, J., Brewer, I., Fyock-Martin, M., Cortes, N. and Martin, J., (2022). What Are the Acute Effects of Reactive Neuromuscular Training on Frontal Plane Knee Kinematics During Squatting Movements? A Critically Appraised Topic. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. 27 (4), 170-175

Ambegaonkar, JP., Matto, H., Ihara, ES., Tompkins, C., Caswell, SV., Cortes, N., Davis, R., Coogan, SM., Fauntroy, VN., Glass, E., Lee, J., Baraniecki-Zwil, G. and Dhokai, N., (2022). Dance, Music, and Social Conversation Program Participation Positively Affects Physical and Mental Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science. 26 (4), 255-264

McKone, NJ., Martin, JR., Mondal, S., Sur, S., Milani, I., Cortes, N., Caswell, SV. and Boolani, A., (2022). Factors Influencing Motivation to Perform Mental and Physical Tasks During the Initial Lockdown Period of the COVID-19.. International Journal of Exercise Science. 15 (5), 1600-1615

Eddo, O., Vaz, JR., Ludwick, J., Lindsey, B., Martin, J., Caswell, S. and Cortes, N., (2021). Increased Trunk Kinetics Observed During Dose-Specific Trunk Lean Gait Modification. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 37 (5), 425-431

Lindsey, BW., Boolani, A., Merrigan, JJ., Cortes, N., Caswell, SV. and Martin, JR., (2021). Relationship Between Employment Status, Reported Physical Activity, and Sitting Time During COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 18 (3), 325-328

Lindsey, B., Bruce, S., Eddo, O., Caswell, S. and Cortes, N., (2021). Relationship between kinematic gait parameters during three gait modifications designed to reduce peak knee abduction moment. The Knee. 28, 229-239

Boolani, A., Bahr, B., Milani, I., Caswell, S., Cortes, N., Smith, ML. and Martin, J., (2021). Physical activity is not associated with feelings of mental energy and fatigue after being sedentary for 8 hours or more. Mental Health and Physical Activity. 21, 100418-100418

Matto, HC., Ihara, ES., Tompkins, C., McNeil, K., Lopez-Piper, A., Eber, M., Dhokai, N., Davis, R., Cortes, N., Caswell, SV., Coogan, SM., Fauntroy, V., Glass, E., Baraniecki-Zwil, G. and Ambegaonkar, JP., (2021). A Novel Participant-Empowered Pedagogical Approach to Engage and Retain Control Group Participants in Arts-Based Randomized Controlled Trials. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services. 102 (4), 529-537

Pin, E., Petricoin, EF., Cortes, N., Bowman, TG., Andersson, E., Uhlén, M., Nilsson, P. and Caswell, SV., (2021). Immunoglobulin A Autoreactivity toward Brain Enriched and Apoptosis-Regulating Proteins in Saliva of Athletes after Acute Concussion and Subconcussive Impacts. Journal of Neurotrauma. 38 (17), 2373-2383

Meyer, J., Herring, M., McDowell, C., Lansing, J., Brower, C., Schuch, F., Smith, L., Tully, M., Martin, J., Caswell, S., Cortes, N. and Boolani, A., (2021). Corrigendum to “Joint prevalence of physical activity and sitting time during COVID-19 among US adults in April 2020” [Prev. Med. Rep. 20 (2020) 101256]. Preventive Medicine Reports. 22, 101354-101354

Lindsey, BW., Xu, J., Chiasson, D., Shull, P. and Cortes, N., (2021). Feasibility of Wearable Haptic Biofeedback Training for Reducing the Knee Abduction Moment During Overground Walking. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 143 (4), 044501-

Lindsey, BW., Shookster, DE., Martin, JR. and Cortes, NN., (2021). Predictive Accuracy of the Nelson Equation via BodPod Compared to Commonly Used Equations to Estimate Resting Metabolic Rate in Adults.. International Journal of Exercise Science. 14 (2), 1166-1177

Totosy de Zepetnek, JO., Martin, J., Cortes, N., Caswell, S. and Boolani, A., (2021). Influence of grit on lifestyle factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of adults in the United States.. Personality and Individual Differences. 175, 110705-110705

Caswell, SV., Kelshaw, PM., Lincoln, AE., Herman, DC., Hepburn, LH., Vincent, HK., Dunn, RE. and Cortes, N., (2020). The Effects of Headgear in High School Girls’ Lacrosse. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 8 (12), 2325967120969685-

Meyer, J., Herring, M., McDowell, C., Lansing, J., Brower, C., Schuch, F., Smith, L., Tully, M., Martin, J., Caswell, S., Cortes, N. and Boolani, A., (2020). Joint prevalence of physical activity and sitting time during COVID-19 among US adults in April 2020. Preventive Medicine Reports. 20, 101256-101256

Azevedo, AM., Oliveira, R., Vaz, JR. and Cortes, N., (2020). Oxford foot model kinematics in landings: A comparison between professional dancers and non-dancers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 23 (4), 347-352

Eddo, OO., Lindsey, BW., Caswell, SV., Prebble, M. and Cortes, N., (2020). Unintended Changes in Contralateral Limb as a Result of Acute Gait Modification. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 36 (1), 13-19

Fyock, M., Cortes, N., Hulse, A. and Martin, J., (2020). Gait Retraining With Real-Time Visual Feedback to Treat Patellofemoral Pain in Adult Recreational Runners: A Critically Appraised Topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 29 (5), 675-679

Kettlety, S., Lindsey, B., Eddo, O., Prebble, M., Caswell, S. and Cortes, N., (2020). Changes in hip mechanics during gait modification to reduce knee abduction moment. Journal of Biomechanics. 99, 109509-109509

Lindsey, B., Eddo, O., Caswell, SV., Prebble, M. and Cortes, N., (2020). Reductions in peak knee abduction moment in three previously studied gait modification strategies. The Knee. 27 (1), 102-110

Coogan, SM., Schock, CS., Hansen‐Honeycutt, J., Caswell, S., Cortes, N. and Ambegaonkar, JP., (2020). FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT SCREEN™ (FMS™) SCORES DO NOT PREDICT OVERALL OR LOWER EXTREMITY INJURY RISK IN COLLEGIATE DANCERS. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 15 (6), 1029-1035

Shookster, D., Lindsey, B., Cortes, N. and Martin, JR., (2020). Accuracy of commonly used age-predicted maximal heart rate equations. International Journal of Exercise Science. 13 (7), 1242-1250

Azevedo, AM., Oliveira, R., Vaz, JR. and Cortes, N., (2019). Foot modeling affects ankle sagittal plane kinematics during jump-landing. Journal of Biomechanics. 96, 109337-109337

Pope, J., Helwig, K., Morrison, S., Estep, A., Caswell, S., Ambegaonkar, J. and Cortes, N., (2019). Multifactorial exercise and dance-based interventions are effective in reducing falls risk in community-dwelling older adults: A comparison study. Gait & Posture. 70, 370-375

Barber Foss, KD., Yuan, W., Diekfuss, JA., Leach, J., Meehan, W., DiCesare, CA., Solomon, G., Schneider, DK., MacDonald, J., Dudley, J., Cortes, N., Galloway, R., Halstead, M., Walker, G. and Myer, GD., (2019). Relative Head Impact Exposure and Brain White Matter Alterations After a Single Season of Competitive Football: A Pilot Comparison of Youth Versus High School Football. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 29 (6), 442-450

Kelshaw, PM., Gould, TE., Jesunathadas, M., Cortes, N., Caswell, A., Edwards, ED. and Caswell, SV., (2019). Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Pristine and Used Headgear for Girls’ Lacrosse. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 35 (4), 297-302

Caswell, SV., Kelshaw, P., Lincoln, AE., Hepburn, L., Dunn, R. and Cortes, N., (2019). Game-Related Impacts in High School Boys’ Lacrosse. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 7 (4), 232596711983558-232596711983558

Kerr, ZY., Cortes, N., Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, AM., Prebble, M., Romm, K. and Caswell, SV., (2019). The Epidemiology of Injuries in Middle School Football, 2015-2017: The Advancing Healthcare Initiatives for Underserved Students Project. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 47 (4), 933-941

AZEVEDO, AM., OLIVEIRA, R., VAZ, JR. and CORTES, N., (2019). Professional Dancers Distinct Biomechanical Pattern during Multidirectional Landings. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 51 (3), 539-547

Antoniak, G., Biswas, T., Cortes, N., Sikdar, S., Chun, C. and Bhandawat, V., (2019). Spring-loaded inverted pendulum goes through two contraction-extension cycles during the single support phase of walking. Biology Open. 8 (6), bio043695-

Estep, A., Morrison, S., Caswell, S., Ambegaonkar, J. and Cortes, N., (2018). Differences in pattern of variability for lower extremity kinematics between walking and running. Gait & Posture. 60, 111-115

Popovic, T., Caswell, SV., Benjaminse, A., Siragy, T., Ambegaonkar, J. and Cortes, N., (2018). Implicit video feedback produces positive changes in landing mechanics. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics. 5 (1), 12-

Romm, KE., Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, AM., Parham, C., Cortes, NE., Kerr, Z., Broshek, DK. and Caswell, SV., (2018). Schoolteachers' and Administrators' Perceptions of Concussion Management and Implementation of Return‐to‐Learn Guideline. Journal of School Health. 88 (11), 813-820

Romm, KE., Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, AM., Parham, C., Cortes, NE., Kerr, Z., Broshek, DK. and Caswell, SV., (2018). Schoolteachers' and Administrators' Perceptions of Concussion Management and Implementation of Return‐to‐Learn Guideline. Journal of School Health. 88 (11), 813-820

Kelshaw, P., Cortes, N., Caswell, A. and Caswell, SV., (2018). Isometric Cervical Muscle Strength Does Not Affect Head Impact Kinematics in High School Boys’ Lacrosse. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. 23 (6), 234-238

Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, SV. and Cortes, N., (2018). Lower Extremity Horizontal Work, But Not Vertical Power, Predicts Balance Performance in Female Collegiate Dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. 22 (2), 75-80

Onate, JA., Starkel, C., Clifton, DR., Best, TM., Borchers, J., Chaudhari, A., Comstock, RD., Cortes, N., Grooms, DR., Hertel, J., Hewett, TE., Miller, MM., Pan, X., Schussler, E. and Van Lunen, BL., (2018). Normative Functional Performance Values in High School Athletes: The Functional Pre-Participation Evaluation Project. Journal of Athletic Training. 53 (1), 35-42

Ambegaonkar, JP., Schock, CS., Caswell, SV., Cortes, N., Hansen-Honeycutt, J. and Wyon, MA., (2018). Lower Extremity Horizontal Work But Not Vertical Power Predicts Lower Extremity Injury in Female Collegiate Dancers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 32 (7), 2018-2024

Eddo, O., Lindsey, B., Caswell, SV. and Cortes, N., (2017). Current Evidence of Gait Modification with Real-time Biofeedback to Alter Kinetic, Temporospatial, and Function-Related Outcomes: A Review. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science. 5 (3), 35-35

Greska, EK., Cortes, N., Ringleb, SI., Onate, JA. and Van Lunen, BL., (2017). Biomechanical differences related to leg dominance were not found during a cutting task. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 27 (11), 1328-1336

Kerr, ZY., Cortes, N., Caswell, AM., Ambegaonkar, JP., Hallsmith, KR., Milbert, AF. and Caswell, SV., (2017). Concussion Rates in U.S. Middle School Athletes, 2015–2016 School Year. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 53 (6), 914-918

Caswell, SV., Lincoln, AE., Stone, H., Kelshaw, P., Putukian, M., Hepburn, L., Higgins, M. and Cortes, N., (2017). Characterizing Verified Head Impacts in High School Girls’ Lacrosse. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 45 (14), 3374-3381

Cortes, N., Lincoln, AE., Myer, GD., Hepburn, L., Higgins, M., Putukian, M. and Caswell, SV., (2017). Video Analysis Verification of Head Impact Events Measured by Wearable Sensors. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 45 (10), 2379-2387

Dallinga, J., Benjaminse, A., Gokeler, A., Cortes, N., Otten, E. and Lemmink, K., (2017). Innovative Video Feedback on Jump Landing Improves Landing Technique in Males. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 38 (02), 150-158

James, J., Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, SV., Onate, J. and Cortes, N., (2016). Analyses of Landing Mechanics in Division I Athletes Using the Landing Error Scoring System. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 8 (2), 182-186

Kollock, RO., Cortes, N., Greska, EK. and Onate, J., (2016). Peak Torque as an Indicator of Rapid Torque Production during Screening Examinations. Journal of Sports Science. 4 (5)

Caswell, SV., Ausborn, A., Diao, G., Johnson, DC., Johnson, TS., Atkins, R., Ambegaonkar, JP. and Cortes, N., (2016). Anthropometrics, Physical Performance, and Injury Characteristics of Youth American Football. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 4 (8), 232596711666225-232596711666225

Ambegaonkar, JP., Cortes, N., Caswell, SV., Ambegaonkar, GP. and Wyon, M., (2016). LOWER EXTREMITY HYPERMOBILITY, BUT NOT CORE MUSCLE ENDURANCE INFLUENCES BALANCE IN FEMALE COLLEGIATE DANCERS.. International journal of sports physical therapy. 11 (2), 220-229

Caswell, SV., Cortes, N., Chabolla, M., Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, AM. and Brenner, JS., (2015). State-Specific Differences in School Sports Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Policies. Pediatrics. 135 (1), 26-32

Cordeiro, N., Cortes, N., Fernandes, O., Diniz, A. and Pezarat-Correia, P., (2015). Dynamic knee stability and ballistic knee movement after ACL reconstruction: an application on instep soccer kick. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 23 (4), 1100-1106

Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, AM., Kenworthy, KL., Cortes, N. and Caswell, SV., (2014). Lumbar Lordosis in Female Collegiate Dancers and Gymnasts. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 29 (4), 189-192

Ambegaonkar, JP., Mettinger, LM., Caswell, SV., Burtt, A. and Cortes, N., (2014). Relationships between core endurance, hip strength, and balance in collegiate female athletes.. International journal of sports physical therapy. 9 (5), 604-616

Caswell, SV., York, M., Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, AM. and Cortes, N., (2014). Neck Strengthening Recommendations for Concussion Risk Reduction in Youth Sport. Int J Athl Ther Train. 19 (6), 22-27

Cortes, N., Greska, E., Ambegaonkar, JP., Kollock, RO., Caswell, SV. and Onate, JA., (2014). Knee kinematics is altered post-fatigue while performing a crossover task. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 22 (9), 2202-2208

Cortes, N., Onate, J. and Morrison, S., (2014). Differential effects of fatigue on movement variability. Gait & Posture. 39 (3), 888-893

Cortes, N., Porter, LD., Ambegaonkar, JP. and Caswell, SV., (2014). Postural Stability Does Not Differ Among Female Sports with High Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 29 (4), 216-220

Morrison, S., Cortes, N., Newell, KM. and Kerr, G., (2014). The pattern of coupling dynamics between postural motion, isotonic hand movements and physiological tremor. Neuroscience Letters. 580, 41-46

Sikdar, S., Wei, Q. and Cortes, N., (2014). Dynamic Ultrasound Imaging Applications to Quantify Musculoskeletal Function. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 42 (3), 126-135

Ambegaonkar, JP., Caswell, SV., Winchester, JB., Shimokochi, Y., Cortes, N. and Caswell, AM., (2013). Balance Comparisons Between Female Dancers and Active Nondancers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 84 (1), 24-29

Cortes, N., Greska, E., Kollock, R., Ambegaonkar, J. and Onate, JA., (2013). Changes in Lower Extremity Biomechanics Due to a Short-Term Fatigue Protocol. Journal of Athletic Training. 48 (3), 306-313

Cortes, N. and Onate, JA., (2013). Clinical Assessment of Drop-Jump Landing for Determination of Risk for Knee Injury. Int J Athl Ther Train. 18 (3), 10-13

Eranki, A., Cortes, N., Ferencek, ZG. and Sikdar, S., (2013). Dynamic musculoskeletal imaging using a USB-based ultrasound probe for point-of-care applications. Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies (PHT). 2013 (1), 18-21

Etnoyer, J., Cortes, N., Ringleb, SI., Van Lunen, BL. and Onate, JA., (2013). Instruction and Jump-Landing Kinematics in College-Aged Female Athletes Over Time. Journal of Athletic Training. 48 (2), 161-171

Morrison, S., Cortes, N., Newell, KM., Silburn, PA. and Kerr, G., (2013). Variability, regularity and coupling measures distinguish PD tremor from voluntary 5Hz tremor. Neuroscience Letters. 534 (1), 69-74

Eranki, A., Cortes, N., Ferenček, ZG. and Sikdar, S., (2013). A Novel Application of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging. Journal of Visualized Experiments (79), e50595-

Grieco, CR., Cortes, N., Greska, EK., Lucci, S. and Onate, JA., (2012). Effects of a Combined Resistance-Plyometric Training Program on Muscular Strength, Running Economy, and V[Combining Dot Above]O2peak in Division I Female Soccer Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26 (9), 2570-2576

Quammen, D., Cortes, N., Van Lunen, BL., Lucci, S., Ringleb, SI. and Onate, J., (2012). Two Different Fatigue Protocols and Lower Extremity Motion Patterns During a Stop-Jump Task. Journal of Athletic Training. 47 (1), 32-41

Bowles, C., Ambegaonkar, JP., Cortes, N. and Caswell, SV., (2012). Footwear for Distance Runners: The Minimalism Trend. Int J Athl Ther Train. 17 (6), 14-18

Cortes, N., Morrison, S., Van Lunen, BL. and Onate, JA., (2012). Landing technique affects knee loading and position during athletic tasks. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 15 (2), 175-181

Cortes, N., Quammen, D., Lucci, S., Greska, E. and Onate, J., (2012). A functional agility short-term fatigue protocol changes lower extremity mechanics. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (8), 797-805

Greska, EK., Cortes, N., Van Lunen, BL. and Oñate, JA., (2012). A Feedback Inclusive Neuromuscular Training Program Alters Frontal Plane Kinematics. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26 (6), 1609-1619

Quammen, D., Cortes, N., Van Lunen, B., Lucci, S., Ringleb, S. and Onate, J., (2012). The effects of two different fatigue protocols on lower extremity motion patterns during a stop-jump task. J Athl Train. 47 (1), 32-41

Rickman, AM., Ambegaonkar, JP. and Cortes, N., (2012). Core Stability: Implications for Dance Injuries. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 27 (3), 159-164

Cortes, N., Blount, E., Ringleb, S. and Onate, JA., (2011). Soccer-specific video simulation for improving movement assessment. Sports Biomechanics. 10 (1), 22-34

Ambegaonkar, JP., Redmond, CJ., Winter, C., Cortes, N., Ambegaonkar, SJ., Thompson, B. and Guyer, SM., (2011). Ankle Stabilizers Affect Agility but Not Vertical Jump or Dynamic Balance Performance. Foot & Ankle Specialist. 4 (6), 354-360

Cortes, N., Blount, E., Ringleb, S. and Onate, JA., (2011). Soccer-specific video simulation for improving movement assessment.. Sports Biomech. 10 (1), 12-24

Cortes, N., Greska, E., Kollock, R. and Onate, J., (2011). Sequential fatigue progressively alters lower extremity biomechanics. Br J Sports Med. 45 (4), 340-341

Cortes, N., Onate, J. and Van Lunen, B., (2011). Pivot task increases knee frontal plane loading compared with sidestep and drop-jump. Journal of Sports Sciences. 29 (1), 83-92

Jones, MT., Parker, BM. and Cortes, N., (2011). The Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Training and Conventional Strength Training on Performance Measures in Female Athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25 (9), 2434-2441

Lucci, S., Cortes, N., Van Lunen, B., Ringleb, S. and Onate, J., (2011). Knee and hip sagittal and transverse plane changes after two fatigue protocols. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 14 (5), 453-459

McCann, R., Cortes, N., Van Lunen, B., Greska, E., Ringleb, S. and Onate, J., (2011). Neuromuscular Changes Following an Injury Prevention Program for ACL Injuries. Int J Athl Ther Train. 16 (4), 16-20

Van Lunen, B., Cortes, N., Andrus, T., Walker, M., Pasquale, M. and Onate, J., (2011). Immediate Effects of a Heel-Pain Orthosis and an Augmented Low-Dye Taping on Plantar Pressures and Pain in Subjects With Plantar Fasciitis. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 21 (6), 474-479

VencesBrito, AM., Rodrigues Ferreira, MA., Cortes, N., Fernandes, O. and Pezarat-Correia, P., (2011). Kinematic and electromyographic analyses of a karate punch. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 21 (6), 1023-1029

Nordsiden, L., Van Lunen, BL., Walker, ML., Cortes, N., Pasquale, M. and Onate, JA., (2010). The Effect of 3 Foot Pads on Plantar Pressure of Pes Planus Foot Type. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 19 (1), 71-85

Onate, J., Cortes, N., Welch, C. and Van Lunen, B., (2010). Expert Versus Novice Interrater Reliability and Criterion Validity of the Landing Error Scoring System. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 19 (1), 41-56

Cortes, N., Onate, J., Abrantes, J., Gagen, L., Dowling, E. and Van Lunen, B., (2007). Effects of Gender and Foot-Landing Techniques on Lower Extremity Kinematics during Drop-Jump Landings. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 23 (4), 289-299

Book chapters (3)

Fernandes, OJ., Gonçalves, B., Martin, J. and Cortes, N., (2021). Effects of body mass index on segment coordination and joint variability in running. In: New Studies on Anthropometry. 201- 213

Caswell, SV., Cortes, N., Mitchell, K., Liotta, L. and Petricoin, EF., (2015). Development of Nanoparticle-Enabled Protein Biomarker Discovery: Implementation for Saliva-Based Traumatic Brain Injury Detection. In: Advances in Salivary Diagnostics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 121- 129. 9783662453988

Onate, JA. and Cortes, N., (2012). Gender Effect of Fatigue on Lower Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics During Athletic Tasks. In: ACL Injuries in the Female Athlete. Causes, Impacts, and Conditioning Programs. Editors: Noyes, FR. and Barber-Westin, SD., . Springer. 221- 234. 1-4471-4269-1. 9783642325915

Conferences (23)

Giles, G., Harris, C., Toczko, M., Martin, J., Cortes, N. and Lindsey, B., Effect of Fitness Level on the Accuracy of Maximal Oxygen Uptake Predictive Equations

Poretti, K., Shull, P., Cortes, N. and Lindsey, B., Effects of Single and Multi- Parameter Gait Modifications on Non-Modified Limb Kinetics and Kinematics

Konishi, M., Clark, N., Takemura, M. and Cortes, N., Effect of anticipation and sex on trunk and knee biomechanics during side-step cutting: Implications for noncontact ACL injury

Konishi, M., Clark, N., Takemura, M. and Cortes, N., Acute Effects of Unplanned and Planned Hop-Landing Training on Decision-Making and Side-Step Cutting Knee Biomechanics

Estep, A., Van der Weyden, MS., Kearney, J., Cortes, N., Fernandes, O. and Martin, JR., (2023). Postural Stability And Sleep Quality In Healthy, Young Adults With Body-worn Load Carriage

Hacherl, S., Kelshaw, PM., Herman, D., Lincoln, A., Caswell, A., Cortes, N., Martin, J., Ambegaonkar, J. and Caswell, SV., (2023). Time Of Season And Concussion Incidence For Sex-comparable Middle School Sports

Caswell, SV., Hacherl, S., Kelshaw, PM., Lincoln, AE., Caswell, A., Cortes, N., Martin, J., Ambegaonkar, J. and Herman, DC., (2023). Time Of Season And Concussion Incidence For Middle School Collision Sports

Azevedo, AM., Wei, Q., Oliveira, R., Vaz, JR. and Cortes, N., (2019). Effect of Two Different Pose Estimation Approaches on Lower Extremity Biomechanics in Professional Dancers

Caswell, SV., Kelshaw, P., Diao, G., Ambegaonkar, J., Atkins, R., Johnson, D., Johnson, T. and Cortes, N., (2016). Head and Neck Circumference Not Risk Factors For Game Concussions Among Youth American Football Players

Cortes, N., Greska, E., Ambegaonkar, J., Caswell, S. and Onate, J., (2014). A 10-week Neuromuscular Training Changes Trunk Flexion During Unanticipated Sidestep Cutting Tasks.

Caswell, SV., Ausborn, AA., Ambegaonkar, JP., Greska, E. and Cortes, N., (2014). Epidemiology Of Anthropometric, Physical Performance And Injury Characteristics Among Youth Football Players

Schussler, E., Chaudhari, AM., Cortes, N., Best, TM., Borchers, JR., Grooms, D., Miller, MM., Starkel, C., Cerne, J. and Onate, JA., (2014). iLESS Visual Estimation is a Valid Measure of Knee Valgus During Drop Vertical Jump

Onate, J., Chaudhari, A., Borchers, J., Hewett, T., Pan, J., Comstock, D., Cortes, N., Van Lunen, B., Hertel, J., Grooms, D., Miller, M., Schussler, E., Starkel, C. and Best, TM., (2014). Comparison of High School vs. Collegiate Athletes Single Leg Balance and Single Leg Hop Characteristics

Chabolla, MC., Caswell, AM., Ambegaonkar, JP., Cortes, N. and Caswell, SV., (2013). Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Forms and Implementation Policies Differ Across United States High School Athletic Associations

Greska, EK., Cortes, N., Onate, JA., Grieco, CR., Ringleb, S. and Van Lunen, B., (2013). Physical Performance Adaptations Following a Lower Extremity Injury Prevention Program in Female Collegiate Soccer Players

Kollock, R., Cortes, N., Greska, E. and Onate, J., (2013). Off-season Training Program Increases Hip Abductor Rate of Torque Development in Female Collegiate Soccer Athletes

Cortes, N., Morrison, S. and Onate, J., (2013). Fatigue Increases Variability of Joint Angles and Forces during a Side-Step Cutting Task

Rickman, A., Cortes, N., Greska, E., Ambegaonkar, JP. and Onate, J., (2012). Knee Biomechanics Of A Crossover Task Following A Neuromuscular Training Program

Greska, E., Cortes, N., Ringleb, S., Spear, A., Jordan, A. and Van Lunen, B., (2012). Hip and Knee Mechanics During a Sidestep Cutting Task Unaffected by Limb Dominance

Cortes, N., Morrison, S., Van Lunen, B., Greska, E. and Onate, J., (2012). Knee Position And Loading Is Influenced By Foot-Landing Technique

Thompson, AG., Grieco, C., Swain, D., Onate, J. and Cortes, N., (2012). Heart Rate Variability and Maximal Oxygen Consumption in Healthy College Students

Miller, MM., Hertel, J., Van Lunen, B., Cortes, N., Schroeder, M., Grooms, D. and Onate, J., (2012). Strength Ratios of Hip Musculature in Male and Female Collegiate Soccer Players

Eranki, A., Cortes, N., Ferencek, ZG., Kim, JJ. and Sikdar, S., (2012). Real-time measurement of rectus femoris muscle kinematics during drop jump using ultrasound imaging: A preliminary study

Grants and funding


Sustainable material sports bra testing

Bamboo Limited

MRC/FNR Returning Safely to high-impact activities after JOINT replacements (SafeJOINTs)

Medical Research Council

Royal Ballet PhD Studentship

Royal Ballet School

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