
Professor Rekha Rao-Nicholson

EBS - Management and Marketing
Professor Rekha Rao-Nicholson
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873450

  • Location

    EBS.3.6, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Wednesday 9-10 Thursday 1-3



Rekha Rao-Nicholson is a Professor of Management at the University of Essex. She has a Bachelors’ degree in Electronics & Telecommunication, a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering and a doctorate degree in Economics and Management. Her PhD thesis investigated the role of business strategy in firm performance. She has also been involved in several projects as a junior researcher, namely, PRIN 2006, Azioni Italia-Spagna, Programma Vigoni Italia-Germania, and DIME – EU project. Whilst, pursuing her post-doctoral research at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Imperial College, she looked at the development of several successful public-private partnerships in India. She has also studied successful cross-border acquisitions by several emerging economy companies; and the creation of value in project-based businesses in India. Prior to joining Essex Business School, she was a Senior Lecturer in International Business at Newcastle University London, a Senior Lecturer – International Management at Bristol Business School and a Lecturer in International Management at the University of Bath. She has had numerous grants, including from funding councils like SPARC (India), BA-Leverhulme, Royal Economic Society, and ESRC. Prior to academia, she was in the industry for several years and has worked in both large MNCs as well as startups, including companies like Metaware Spa (Italy), Finmeccanica/Marconi Mobile (Italy) and Siemens (India). She also worked as a consultant on projects related to business development in emerging markets and IPR management. Her research interests are – Internationalisation strategy, Strategy in emerging economies, Emerging-market MNCs, Leadership and M&As integration, Management and Economics of Innovation in developed and developing countries, including IPR management, Crisis and Strategy. Currently, she is interested in linkages between institutional factors, firm strategy (including sustainability, SDGs) and performance in developed and emerging markets like India, China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, ASEAN nations, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Latin America, and Africa from the comparative perspective. She welcomes PhD applications in these areas.


  • PhD Scuola Superiore di Sant'Anna,

  • MEngg Scuola Superiore di Sant'Anna,

  • BEngg University of Mumbai,


University of Essex

  • Director of Internationalisation and Partnerships, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/5/2023 - present)

  • Programme Director of MSc Management, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/1/2020 - 30/4/2023)

Other academic

  • Professor of Management, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/9/2019 - present)

  • Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University London (1/9/2016 - 31/8/2019)

  • Senior Lecturer, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England (1/9/2014 - 31/8/2016)

  • Lecturer, School of Management, University of Bath (1/9/2009 - 31/8/2014)

  • Post Doctoral Fellow, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London (10/3/2008 - 31/8/2009)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Strategy in emerging economies and emerging-market MNCs

Open to supervise

Management and economics of innovation in developed and developing countries

Open to supervise

Economic development and sustainability

Open to supervise

M&As - Leadership and performance

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Payam Tahmasbi
Payam Tahmasbi
Thesis title: Investigation in the Relationship Between Competition, Quality, Price, Market Share, and Financial Efficiency in the Poultry Industry
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/10/2024
Israa Walied Hussein Ibrahim Kishk
Israa Walied Hussein Ibrahim Kishk
Thesis title: The Impact of Ownership Structure on Firm Performance: A Comparative Multi-Country Analysis
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/1/2024
Di Mao
Di Mao
Thesis title: Effects of Transformational Leadership and Tmt Heterogeneity on M&A Integration and Performance in China
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2021


Journal articles (54)

Rao-Nicholson, R., Thein, HH. and Zhong, Y., (2024). A Thematic Analysis of Links between Multinational Enterprises’ Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals in Myanmar. Journal of International Business Policy. 7 (2), 203-223

Mao, D., Rao-Nicholson, R., Zhang, C. and Wang, Y., (2024). Leveraging brand-specific transformational leadership as corporate brand identity for M&A performance in an emerging market. Industrial Marketing Management. 120, 15-28

Qiu, X. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2024). Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Development: Case Studies of Infrastructure Development in India. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. 35 (2), 277-301

Nicholson, RR. and Svystunova, L., (2024). Mind the gap: impact of formal institutional distance and human rights differences between the host and home countries on emerging market multinationals' choice of ownership strategy. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. 18 (6), 702-732

Merchant, H., Rao-Nicholson, R. and Iheikhena, EG., (2023). A Multi-dimensional Analysis of the Subjective Well-Being of Self-Initiated Expatriates: The Case of Nigerian Expatriates in Germany. Thunderbird International Business Review. 65 (1), 117-130

Liou, R-S., Rao-Nicholson, R. and Shang, Y., (2023). Stakeholder Salience: Corporate Responses during a Public Health Crisis. Journal of Management and Organization, 1-19

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Mohyuddin, S., (2023). The role of transformational leadership and institutional entrepreneurship in organizational change in Indian public organizations. Asian Business and Management. 23 (2), 213-236

Su, Y., Rao-Nicholson, R., Fan, D. and Li, R., (2022). Are Returns to R&D in the Global Services Industry Impervious to Business Environment Turbulence?. Academy of Management Discoveries. 8 (2), 252-273

Jacob, D., Svystunova, L. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2022). MNE post-entry institutional strategies in emerging markets: An organizational field position perspective. European Management Review. 19 (1), 53-74

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Svystunova, L., (2022). Bridging the void: how institutional entrepreneurship can overcome institutional voids in Indian public organisations. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management. 27 (1), 51-76

Shang, Y., Liou, R. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2022). What to Say and How to Say it? Corporate Strategic Communication through Social Media during the Pandemic. International Journal of Strategic Communication. 16 (4), 633-648

Khan, Z., Rao-Nicholson, R., Akhtar, P. and He, S., (2021). Cross-border mergers and acquisitions of emerging economies' multinational enterprises — The mediating role of socialization integration mechanisms for successful integration. Human Resource Management Review. 31 (3), 100578-100578

Liou, R. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2021). Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development Goals: A Foreign Subsidiary Perspective on Tackling Wicked Problems. Journal of International Business Policy. Online (1), 1-16

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Cai, C., (2020). The effects of ownership identity on corporate diversification strategy of Chinese companies in foreign markets. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 37 (1), 91-126

Rao-Nicholson, R., Khan, Z., Akhtar, P. and Tarba, SY., (2020). The contingent role of distributed leadership in the relationship between HR practices and organizational ambidexterity in the cross-border M&As of emerging market multinationals. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 31 (2), 232-253

Khan, Z., Lew, YK. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2020). The role of dynamic capabilities in global strategy of emerging economies’ multinationals. International Studies of Management & Organization. 50 (1), 1-4

Rao-Nicholson, R., Carr, C. and Smith, S., (2020). Cross-Cultural Leadership Adjustment: A Strategic Analysis of Expatriate Leadership at a British Multinational Enterprise. Thunderbird International Business Review. 62 (6), 675-687

Fan, D., Rao-Nicholson, R. and Su, Y., (2020). When tough get going: Performance of R&D in the adverse economic conditions. Long Range Planning. 53 (3), 101867-101867

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Svystunova, L., (2020). Assessing the role of host country human rights protection on multinational enterprises' choice of investment strategy. Management International Review. 60 (2), 177-209

Khan, Z., Wood, G., Tarba, SY., Rao-Nicholson, R. and He, S., (2019). Human Resource Management in Chinese Multinationals in the UK: The Interplay of Institutions, Culture and Strategic Choice. Human Resource Management. 58 (5), 473-487

Liou, R. and Rao‐Nicholson, R., (2019). Corporate name change: Investigating South African multinational corporations' postacquisition performance. Thunderbird International Business Review. 61 (6), 929-941

Liou, RS. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2019). Age Matters: The Contingency of Economic Distance and Economic Freedom in Emerging Market Firm’s Cross-Border M&A Performance. Management International Review. 59 (3), 355-386

Rao-Nicholson, R., Khan, Z. and Akhtar, P., (2019). Nature of technology and location effects on firm performance in the US medical device industry. Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 28 (5), 498-517

Rao‐Nicholson, R., Khan, Z. and Marinova, S., (2019). Balancing social and political strategies in emerging markets: Evidence from India. Business Ethics: A European Review. 28 (1), 56-70

Su, Y., Fan, D. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2019). Internationalization of Chinese banking and financial institutions: a fuzzy-set analysis of the leader-TMT dynamics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 30 (14), 2137-2165

Khan, Z., Rao-Nicholson, R., Akhtar, P., Tarba, SY., Ahammad, MF. and Vorley, T., (2019). The role of HR practices in developing employee resilience: a case study from the Pakistani telecommunications sector. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 30 (8), 1342-1369

Tarba, SY., Cooper, SCL., Ahammad, MF., Khan, Z. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2019). Resilience in Organizations: An Editorial. Applied Psychology. 68 (4), 579-582

Jacob, D., Svystunova, L. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2019). An Organizational Field Position Lens on MNCs’ Post-Entry Strategies in Emerging Markets. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2019 (1), 18025-18025

Ayton, J. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2018). Cross-border arbitrage and acquirers’ returns in the Eurozone crisis. Journal of Economics and Business. 95 (C), 87-102

Khan, Z., Rao-Nicholson, R. and Tarba, SY., (2018). Global networks as a mode of balance for exploratory innovations in a late liberalizing economy. Journal of World Business. 53 (3), 392-402

Rao-Nicholson, R., Rodgers, P. and Khan, Z., (2018). Bridging the gap between domain of research and locus of impact. Journal of Management Development. 37 (4), 341-352

Liou, R-S., Rao-Nicholson, R. and Sarpong, D., (2018). What is in a name? Cross-national distances and subsidiary’s corporate visual identity change in emerging-market firms’ cross-border acquisitions. International Marketing Review. 35 (2), 301-319

Akhtar, P., Khan, Z., Frynas, JG., Tse, YK. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2018). Essential Micro-foundations for Contemporary Business Operations: Top Management Tangible Competencies, Relationship-based Business Networks and Environmental Sustainability. British Journal of Management. 29 (1), 43-62

Bi, J., Sarpong, D., Botchie, D. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2017). From imitation to innovation: The discursive processes of knowledge creation in the Chinese space industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 120 (C), 261-270

Liou, RS. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2017). Out of Africa: The role of institutional distance and host-home colonial tie in South African Firms’ post-acquisition performance in developed economies. International Business Review. 26 (6), 1184-1195

Rao-Nicholson, R., Vorley, T. and Khan, Z., (2017). Social innovation in emerging economies: A national systems of innovation based approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 121, 228-237

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Khan, Z., (2017). Standardization versus adaptation of global marketing strategies in emerging market cross-border acquisitions. International Marketing Review. 34 (1), 138-158

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Ayton, JS., (2016). Euphoria in financial markets: How Indian companies generate value in their cross-border acquisitions. Research in International Business and Finance. 38 (C), 494-508

Lew, YK., Khan, Z., Rao-Nicholson, R. and He, S., (2016). Internationalisation process of Chinese SMEs: the role of business and ethnic-group-based social networks. Int. J. of Multinational Corporation Strategy. 1 (3/4), 247-268

Rao-Nicholson, R., Khan, Z. and Stokes, P., (2016). Making great minds think alike: Emerging market multinational firms’ leadership effects on targets’ employee psychological safety after cross-border mergers and acquisitions. International Business Review. 25 (1), 103-113

Akhtar, P., Tse, YK., Khan, Z. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2016). Data-driven and adaptive leadership contributing to sustainability: global agri-food supply chains connected with emerging markets. International Journal of Production Economics. 181 (PB), 392-401

Rao-Nicholson, R., Salaber, J. and Cao, TH., (2016). Long-term performance of mergers and acquisitions in ASEAN countries. Research in International Business and Finance. 36 (C), 373-387

Rao-Nicholson, R., Khan, Z., Akhtar, P. and Merchant, H., (2016). The impact of leadership on organizational ambidexterity and employee psychological safety in the global acquisitions of emerging market multinationals. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 27 (20), 2461-2487

Rao‐Nicholson, R. and Salaber, J., (2016). Impact of the Financial Crisis on Cross‐Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Concentration in the Global Banking Industry. Thunderbird International Business Review. 58 (2), 161-173

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Salaber, J., (2015). Impact of the Financial Crisis on Banking Acquisitions: A Look at Shareholder Wealth. International Journal of the Economics of Business. 22 (1), 87-117

George, G., Rao-Nicholson, R., Corbishley, C. and Bansal, R., (2015). Institutional entrepreneurship, governance, and poverty: Insights from emergency medical response servicesin India. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 32 (1), 39-65

Nicholson, RR. and Salaber, J., (2013). The motives and performance of cross-border acquirers from emerging economies: Comparison between Chinese and Indian firms. International Business Review. 22 (6), 963-980

Coad, A. and Rao, R., (2011). The firm-level employment effects of innovations in high-tech US manufacturing industries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 21 (2), 255-283

Coad, A., Rao, R. and Tamagni, F., (2011). Growth processes of Italian manufacturing firms. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 22 (1), 54-70

Coad, A. and Rao, R., (2010). Firm growth and R&D expenditure. Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 19 (2), 127-145

Coad, A. and Rao, R., (2010). R&D and firm growth rate variance. Economics Bulletin. 30 (1), 702-708

Coad, A. and Rao, R., (2008). Innovation and firm growth in high-tech sectors: A quantile regression approach. Research Policy. 37 (4), 633-648

Kristinsson, K. and Rao, R., (2008). Interactive Learning or Technology Transfer as a Way to Catch‐Up? Analysing the Wind Energy Industry in Denmark and India. Industry & Innovation. 15 (3), 297-320

Coad, A. and Rao, R., (2006). Innovation and market value: A quantile regression analysis. Economics Bulletin. 15 (1)

Book chapters (4)

Ünlü, H. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2024). Social Innovation. In: InternationalEncyclopediaofBusinessManagement. Elsevier. 9780443157851

Souza-Piao, R., Rao-Nicholson, R., Yakovleva, N. and Vazquez Brust, D., (2023). Fighting Hunger and Educating Farmers with Regenerative Agriculture in Maputo’s Green Horticultural Belt. In: Greening of Industry Networks Studies. Springer International Publishing. 111- 128. 9783031254352

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Liou, R-S., (2022). The Cultural Mosaic of Corporate Social Responsibility: MNEs’ Role in Attaining Sustainable Development Goals. In: Handbook of International Business Research. Editors: Merchant, H., . Springer International Publishing. 345- 359. 9783031060021

Rao-Nicholson, R. and Liou, R., (2022). The Cultural Mosaic of Corporate Social Responsibility: MNEs’ Role in Attaining Sustainable Development Goals. In: The New Frontiers of International Business Development, Evolving Topics, and Implications for Practice. Editors: Merchant, H., . Springer Nature. 3031060032. 9783031060038

Conferences (2)

Akhtar, P., Khan, Z., Rao‐Nicholson, R. and Zhang, M., (2019). Building relationship innovation in global collaborative partnerships: big data analytics and traditional organizational powers

Olie, R. and Rao-Nicholson, R., (2018). Examining the Role of Institutions in Strategic Leadership Structures using Configurational Analysis

Reports and Papers (1)

Efretuei, E., Rao-Nicholson, R. and Mao, D., (2022). Disclosure Attributes, IFRS and Business Acquisitions: Evidence from Emerging- Market Multinationals’ Cross-Border Acquisitions

Grants and funding


South-South collaboration in agriculture for sustainable development addressing climate change challenges

University of Essex (Research England - ODA)


Reimagining Food Systems for Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Social Justice

Economic and Social Research Council

The impacts of Brexit on UK international trade with EU and non-EU countries: A firm-level analysis

British Academy


Improving NGO-Hospital links to deliver affordable healthcare to underprivileged sections of the society in India

University of Essex (GCRF)


An examination of Chinese acquisitions in the UK: does governance structure of the acquirers and targets explain the target identity change?

British Academy

An examination of Chinese acquisitions in the UK: does governance structure of the acquirers and targets explain the target identity change?

British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 873450


EBS.3.6, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Wednesday 9-10 Thursday 1-3

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