Conferences and presentations
2018 Copenhagen, Denmark, 13th Annual Ethnography Symposium: Key theme: “(Il)legitimacy.” Presentation: “‘The end of an era’: music & transitions of The 1975”, 29-31 August; hosted by Copenhagen Business School.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 30/8/2018
2018 Chicago, USA, Academy of Management Annual Conference, PDW: “Not Another Survey”: Unconventional Methodology in Organization and Management Research.” Presentation and facilitation on: “Netnography”, 11 August, Sheraton Grand Chicago.
Chicago, United States, 11/8/2018
2018 Co-Chair, The 13th Annual University of Liverpool Ethnography Symposium. Key theme: “(Il)legitimacy”. Hosted by Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 29-31 August.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018
2017 Member of the Organising Committee of the 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium. Key theme: Politics and Ethnography in an Age of Uncertainty. Hosted at the University of Manchester Business School, 29 August 1 September.
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2017
2016 Bristol (24-26 August) The 11th Annual University of Liverpool Management School Ethnography Symposium. Key theme: Engaging with the challenge: Impacts on Ethnography and of Ethnography. Paper presented: A view from the top: an autoethnographic account of board dynamics, University of the West of England, Bristol Business School.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2016
2016 Mykonos (19-21 May) 11th Organization Studies Summer Workshop & Special Issue on Spirituality, Symbolism, and Storytelling. Paper Presented: All too human: on hope and utopia in projects. Mykonos, Greece.
Mykonos, Greece, 2016
2016 Albuquerque, USA, (22-24 March) Qualitative Research in Management and Organization Conference (QRM). Key theme: Dialogue, Disruption and Inclusion. Paper presented: Identities and the ethno-narrative approach: Exploring the voices of Afghan migrants in Pakistan, with M. Junaid. University of New Mexico.
Ranchos de Taos, United States, 2016
2016 Co-Chair, The 11th Annual University of Liverpool Management School Ethnography Symposium. Key theme: Engaging with the challenge: Impacts on Ethnography and of Ethnography. Hosted at the University of the West of England, Bristol Business School, 24-26 August.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2016
Co-Chair, The 10th Anniversary University of Liverpool Management School Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: Reflection in Action. Liverpool, 25-28 August 2015. University of Liverpool Management School.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2015
2014 Keele (24-26 June) 8th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Work and Organization. General Stream. Paper presented: All Males Are The Same: Exploring Female Employees' Lived Experience of Workplace Harassment in The Pakistani Banking Sector, with S. Abbas. Keele University, UK.
Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom, 2014
Co-Chair, The 9th Annual University of Liverpool Management School Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: Ethnography and Liminality. Ipswich, 27-29 August 2014. University Campus Suffolk.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2014
2013 Amsterdam (28-30 August) The 8th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: The Politics of Meaning-making/Meaning-breaking. Paper presented Letting go is hard to do: ethnographic selves in the face of endings with M. Rowe and G. Pearson. VU Amsterdam.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2013
2013 Mykonos (23-25 May) 8th Organization Studies Summer Workshop on Organization Studies and the Day-to-Day Life of Cultures and Communities.? Paper presented: Responsibilities and sensibilities: Project teams and the ethical imagination of being professional.
Mykonos, Greece, 2013
2012 Barcelona (11-14 July) 30th SCOS Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism. Organizing Through Displacement, Travel and Movement:Transience, Transitions and Transformations.Paper presented: Travelling, trading, and storytelling: Entrepreneurial life history narratives of Afghan migrants in Pakistan with M. Junaid.
Barcelona, Spain, 2012
Co-Chair, The 7th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School and Keele University Institute for Public Policy and Management Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: Ethnographic Horizons in Times of Turbulence. Liverpool, 29-31 August 2012. University of Liverpool Management School.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2012
2011 Cardiff (5-7 Sep) The 6th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School and Keele University Institute for Public Policy and Management Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: Theory, Form, and Practice. Paper to be presented: Organizational Innovation as a Process of Professional Knowledge Creation and Sharing in the NHS: A Case Study in an Audiology Department, with L. Grimmett.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2011
2011 Cardiff (5-7 Sep) The 6th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School and Keele University Institute for Public Policy and Management Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: Theory, Form, and Practice. Paper to be presented: The emergence of a new organisational identity within integrated public service delivery: a case study of the identity construction of The Childrens Workforce within a Local Authority, with J. Ladner.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2011
2011 Gothenburg (6-9 July) 27th EGOS Colloquium Reassembling Organizations Sub-theme 21: Constellations of Past, Present, and Future. Paper presented: Recovering Utopia: on hope and human longings in projects.
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011
Member of the Organising Committee for the The 6th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School and Keele University Institute for Public Policy and Management Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: Theory, Form, and Practice. Cardiff, 5-7 September 2011. Cardiff Business School.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2011
Ideator and organiser of the Essex Futures conference supported by the Vice-Chancellor Convivium Global Citizenship and Collaboration, 5 May 2011, Southend Campus.
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2011
London (2010) The 5th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School and Keele University Institute for Public Policy and Management Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Paper presented: Emotions in the Boardroom: The Case of a NHS Foundation Trust, with H. Manzoor. Queen Mary College, University of London, 1-3 September.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2010
Montreal (2010) Critical Management Studies Organization Workshop on Redemption. Paper presented: All too human: on hope and utopia in visions of the future. Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), 4-5 August.
Montreal, Canada, 2010
Lille (2010) 28th SCOS Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism. Key Theme: Vision. Paper presented: Worlds to come: On projects and utopia. IAE Business School/ Institut d'Aministration des Enterprises de Lille, 7-10 July.
Lille, France, 2010
London (2010) 14th Annual European Business Ethics Network (UK) Conference. Ethics in Crisis: A Call for Alternatives. Paper to be presented: Responsibility as sensibility: The ethical imagination of being professional. Queen Mary, University of London, April 7-9.
London, United Kingdom, 2010
Bristol (2010) 5th Making Projects Critical Workshop. Paper presented: The Projects of Utopia: Engaging with imagination and the un-workable.
Bristol, United Kingdom, 2010
Conference stream convenor: Identity and Ethnography: dimensions, transitions, expressions. The 5th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School and Keele University Institute for Public Policy and Management Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Key theme: Work, Organisations and Ethnography. Queen Mary College, University of London (1-3 September, 2010).
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2010
Copenhagen (2009). Aesthetics & Organization Workshop Series: Looking. Paper presented: On worlds to come: re-viewing the role of utopia in project work.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009
Bristol (2009) Poetics and Poetry in Organisations, Emotions, Management and Enterprise (POEME). Paper presented: Poetics of Identity, with M. Junaid, 25-26 September, Bristol Centre of Leadership and Organisational Ethics (BCLOE), Bristol Business School, University of the West of England.
Bristol, United Kingdom, 2009
Liverpool (2009) 4th Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Practice, Politics, and Ethics in Ethnographic Research. Paper presented Travelling, trading, and storytelling: narratives of entrepreneurial selves of Afghan migrants in Pakistan, with M. Junaid, 24- 25 August, Liverpool Management School.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2009
Copenhagen/Malmo (2009) 27th SCOS Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism. Paper presented Being professional: On responsibility and the struggles to belong, July, 8-11.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009
Liverpool (2009) EURAM. Renaissance and Renewal in Management Studies. Track 11: Gender, equality and diversity in management. Paper presented: Running to standstill: On social space and difference as a practice of belonging, May 11-14.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2009
Banff, Alberta, Canada 2008 (September, 9-12) Art of Management Conference. Paper presented: Senses of place: On belonging as situated imagination. September, 9-12.
Banff, Canada, 2008
Liverpool (2008) 3rd Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences: The Value of Ethnography in Social and Management Science Teaching and Research. Paper presented: Responsibilities and Sensibilities: On the ethical imagination of being professional. September, 3-5.
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2008
Amsterdam (2008) 24th EGOS Colloquium. Upsetting Organizations. Standing Working Group 6: Practice-based studies of knowledge and innovation in workplaces. Paper presented: On being professional: Responsibility, identity, and the work of imagination.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008
Stockholm (2008) EIASM Workshop Making Projects Critical. Paper presented: Project strategy revisited: On facing risks as enacted team improvisation. 31st March-1st April.
Stockholm, Sweden, 2008
Co-convener of the stream The Power of Place for the Art of Management Conference. Banff, Canada (September, 2008).
Banff, Canada, 2008
Keele (2007) 2nd Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences. Ethnographic Futures: Voice, Politics and Representation. Paper presented: Senses of place: Belonging as a situated imagination in project teams. 6-7th September, Keele University.
Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom, 2007
Manchester (2006, December) EIASM Workshop Making Project Critical: Beyond Project Rationality. Paper presented: A situated imagination: The performance of belonging and ethics in project work. Manchester Business School.
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2006
Bergen (2006, July) 22nd EGOS Colloquium (The European Group for Organisational Studies). Overall theme: The Organizing society. Sub-theme: Organised Selves, Organising Others: Philosophy and Identity in a Just Society. Paper presented: Struggling to fit in: Situated imagination and the construction of belonging.
Bergen, Norway, 2006
Essex University (2006, April) Essex Management Centre. Conference: Polyphony and dialogism as ways of organizing. Paper presented: Senses of place: The performance of belonging as situated imagination.
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2006
Berlin (2005, June) 21th EGOS Colloquium. Overall theme: Unlocking Organizations. Sub-theme: Unlocking Strategizing: A practice perspective. Paper presented: Impromptu: Project strategy as enacted team narrative of improvisation.
Berlin, Germany, 2005
Varese (2005, July) XVIIth CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIF (National Conference of AIF, the Italian Association of Trainers). Overall theme: The generation of value. How to develop values for the knowledge society. Sub-theme: Individual and Group. Workshop presentation on an organisational climate survey research the city council of Bolzano/Bozen.
Istanbul (2005, May) XII EAWOP- European Congress of Work & Organisational Psychology. General theme: Convenience in Organizations and Society. Paper presented: Participating in knowledge practices: The enacted narrative of an inter-organisational ICT project team. In the symposia (proposal submitted) on Knowledge-as-participation, jointly with L. Garcia.
Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
Bristol (2004, December) 2ndWorkshop on Making Projects Critical: Projectification and its Discontents. St. Matthias Campus, University of West England. Paper presented: Projects as emergent space: shifting boundaries of a multiple horizon:
Bristol, United Kingdom, 2004
Ljubljana, Slovenia (2004, July) 20 EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organisational Studies). Overall theme: The Organisation as a Set of Relationships. Sub-theme: The importance of the object in the workplace. Paper presented: The contested object: projects as emergent space.
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2004
Greenwich University, London (2004, August) Fourth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change. Overall theme: Knowledge and the value of intangibles . Paper presented: Good Relationships, No Sense of Belonging: Organisational Climate and Cultural Change in the City Council, jointly with L. Bergamo.
London, United Kingdom, 2004
Copenhagen (2003, July) 19th EGOS Colloquium. Overall theme: Organisational Analysis Informing Social and Global Development. Session on practice-based theorising, knowing and change in organisations. Paper presented: Teaming-in-action: knowledge creation and sharing in project teams, jointly with L. Garcia-Lorenzo. Penang (2003, August) The Management Conference, 2003. Third International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations. Overall theme: Knowledge Management. Paper presented: Teaming-In-Action: Stories of Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Project Teams, jointly with L. Garcia-Lorenzo.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003