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Dr Manuela Nocker

Senior Lecturer
EBS - Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE)
Dr Manuela Nocker


Manuela is a Senior Lecturer in Organisation and Sustainability, and teaches Organisation Studies; Business Ethics as well as Research Methodology. She has held two mandates as Undergraduate Programme Director overseeing all courses in the Management Science and Entrepreneurship Group (2012 - July 2019) and is the module leader of capstone projects across all programmes. Manuela is the representative for the PRME programme on Principles of Responsible Management Education at Essex Business School. She also is the institutional representative and liaison across departments for the UNAI Academic Impact scheme and engages in the UN Global Compact initiative, endorsed at university-level to promote sustainability and ethical principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption ( She has been an editor of the Journal of Organizational Ethnography in its first decade (2012 to 2022): She has been a Senate member at this University and a member of public boards in South Tyrol/Italy at institutions in the areas of education, research and innovation. She has been Vice-President of the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen (2014-18) and its university council member (2010-14). Manuela has worked as careers adviser, trainer and management consultant prior to becoming an academic at EBS in 2006 (Southend Campus). PhD supervisions Seven completed PhD supervisions (as first supervisor): Dr Muhammad Junaid (on entrepreneurial identity of Afghan migrants in Pakistan); Dr Humera Manzoor (on boards and public governance in UK-NHS Foundation Trusts); Dr Sammar Abbas (on organisational commitment as a gendered practice in banks in Pakistan); Dr Linda Grimmett (on organisational innovation in the NHS); Dr Kay Maddox-Danes (on female managers' professional identity in higher education); Dr Jane Ladner (on organisational identity in a local authority institution). Dr Hiva Raifei (on the study of emotions in project teams). Invited presentations Invited key note speaker at the 8th International Dialogue on Labour Law (IAD). Speech on Intergenerational Collaboration and Lifelong Learning. Free University of Bozen-Bolzano/ Italy. 10 November 2016. Panel speaker for the local initiative within Britains Climate Week to curb carbon footprint, jointly organised by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and the University of Essex Business School for supporting small businesses regarding sustainability and knowledge sharing for innovation. Southend-on-Sea, 4th March 2014. Invited panel speaker for the event Organisations shape people; people shape organisations of the regional Association of Supervision and Coaching Professionals South Tyrol/ Italy: New challenges for coaching and supervision professionals in the current economic environment, Bozen-Bolzano, Sparkasse Academy (January, 2012). Invited presentation in the Research Workshop Constructing the Organisation: Identity, Narrative, Imagination and Structure. Paper presented: Being professional: on belonging as a situated imagination in the management of projects. Essex Business School, Management Group, Colchester Campus (11 June 2010). Invited research seminar presentation Project Strategy Revisited: On facing risks as enacted narrative of team improvisation Bristol Business School, University of the West of England. Bristol (December, 2009) Invited speaker, Future-proofing Your Business: Retaining Knowledge and Promoting Innovation during the Economic Downturn, University College Suffolk, Ipswich. Topic presented: Changing times, changing cultures: creating cultural practices for organisational innovation and knowledge creation (7th May, 2009). Projects 2014-17 Co-investigator for the British Council Knowledge Economy Partnership Programme UK- Pakistan Introducing Entrepreneurship education in Pakistan: an interdisciplinary perspective on value creation, together with M. Junaid (University of Peshawar). UK Coordinator of the British Council Researcher Links Workshop on entrepreneurship research, with Dr Muhammad Junaid. Islamabad/ Pakistan, March 2014. For further details: Chair of Quadrangle for module design and curriculum development of Strategies and Organisation for the ESF-Project SMEs in a Multi-cultural Milieu E&I Group, EBS, in partnership with Budapest Business School (2007-2009). Academic coordinator of the ESF-funded postgraduate certificate programme Women in the Creative Industries. E&I Group, EBS (Summer 2008). Editorial roles Editor of the Journal of Organizational Ethnography (JOE) by Emerald Publishing. Honours 2014-17 British Council award winner for the Knowledge Economy Partnership Programme UK- Pakistan Introducing Entrepreneurship education in Pakistan: an interdisciplinary perspective on value creation, with M. Junaid. Elected member of Senate (Oct. 2011-15), University of Essex. Member of the university council at the trilingual Free University of Bozen-Bolzano/ Italy (2010-18); Vice-President (2014- February 2018), appointed by the Government of South Tyrol. British Council award winner with Dr Muhammad Junaid - Researcher Links Workshop (2013 - March 2014). The LSE annual research scholarship awards (1999-2003).


  • PhD in Organisational Psychology (The London School of Economics and Political Science)

  • BSc in Work and Organisational Psychology (University of Padua/ Italy);