Dr Femi Olan

femi.olan@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1702 328530
GB.3.17, Southend Campus
Femi Olan is a Senior lecturer ® (Associate Professor) at the Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE) of the Essex Business School (EBS). My research interests are in the following areas: digital entrepreneurship, knowledge management, performance management, and information technology with key focus in (1) the societal implications of technology, (2) the contribution of artificial intelligence to entrepreneurial resilience, and (3) emerging issues in digital entrepreneurship. My research has been published in world-leading and internationally excellent journals in the information systems and management disciplines. These include Information Systems Frontiers (AJG3, IF 6.191), Journal of Business Research (AJG3, IF 7.550), International Journal of Production Research (AJG3, IF 8.568) and Technological Forecasting & Social Change (AJG3, IF 8.593) among others. I am currently an Editor for Cogent Business & Management Journal (AJG 1*, IF 2.000) and Guest Editor for the (1) Annals of Operations Research (AJG 3*, IF 4.854) special Issue on Fake News, Misinformation and Supply Chain Disruptions, (2) Sustainability (IF 3.251) Special Issue on Sustainable Agriculture-Food Supply Chains: Innovation, Technologies, and (3) Decisions and Information Systems Frontiers (AJG 3*, IF 6.191) Special Issue on Information Management in Times of Crisis. I am a coordinating board member of the Euro Working Group – Decision Support Systems (EWG-DSS), member of the organising committee for annual conference of EWG-DSS International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST), and I have presented my research work at several international and UK conferences. I have undertaken high value projects funded by UK Higher Education Academy (HEA) and the European Commission. I supervise PhD students in the area of relevant to the Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy and also acted as an examiner for PhD students internally, externally and internationally.
PhD University of Plymouth,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Theories and Practice of Entrepreneurship (BE250)
Quantitative Analysis for Business (BE301)
Introduction to Business Analytics (BE223)
Professional and Academic Development (BE905)
Professional and Academic Development 2 (BE906)
Career Skills in Business (BE920)
Research Methods (BE955)
Comprehensive Business Plan (BE956)
International Marketing Plan (BE957)
International Business Plan (BE958)
Dissertation in Accounting (BE980)
Dissertation in Marketing (BE981)
Dissertation (BE982)
Dissertation (BE984)
Applied Project (BE986)
Dissertation (BE987)
Dissertation in Management (BE988)
Dissertation in Finance (BE989)
Current supervision
Publications (1)
Arakpogun, E., El Sahn, Z., Prime, K., Gerli, P. and Olan, F., (2020). Africa’s Resilience in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic: Let’s Talk about It!
Journal articles (32)
Olan, F., Papadopoulos, T., Spanaki, K. and Jayawickrama, U., (2025). Social Entrepreneurial Marketing and Innovation in B2B Services: Building Resilience with Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Information Systems Frontiers
Spanaki, K., Zamani, ED., Jayawickrama, U., Olan, F., Liu, S. and Pappas, IO., (2024). Information Management in Times of Crisis: the Role of Mindfulness and Digital Resilience for Individuals and Organisations. Information Systems Frontiers. 26 (2), 369-374
Olan, F., Troise, C., Damij, N. and Newbery, R., (2024). Guest editorial: Emerging issues in digital entrepreneurship – challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 30 (2/3), 233-237
Olan, F., Spanaki, K., Ahmed, W. and Zhao, G., (2024). Enabling explainable artificial intelligence capabilities in supply chain decision support making. Production Planning and Control, 1-12
Bandara, F., Jayawickrama, U., Subasinghage, M., Olan, F., Alamoudi, H. and Alharthi, M., (2024). Enhancing ERP Responsiveness Through Big Data Technologies: An Empirical Investigation.. Information Systems Frontiers. 26 (1), 251-275
Olan, F., Troise, C., Damij, N. and Newbery, R., (2024). Refocusing digital entrepreneurship: an updated overview of the field, emerging opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 30 (2/3), 238-257
Onjewu, AE., Nyuur, RB., Amankwah‐Amoah, J., Olan, F. and Godwin, ES., (2024). Foreign Ownership, Board of Directors, and Environmental Commitment in European International New Ventures. Thunderbird International Business Review. 66 (5), 491-503
Debrah, YA., Olabode, OE., Olan, F. and Nyuur, RB., (2024). The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Taking stock and looking ahead for international business research. Journal of International Management. 30 (2), 101120-101120
Zhao, G., Ye, C., Dennehy, D., Liu, S., Harfouche, A. and Olan, F., (2024). Analysis of barriers to adopting Industry 4.0 to achieve agri‐food supply chain sustainability: A group‐based fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Business Strategy and the Environment. 33 (8), 8559-8586
Onjewu, A-KE., Olan, F., Nyuur, RB-B-I., Paul, S. and Nguyen, HTT., (2023). The effect of government support on Bureaucracy, COVID-19 resilience and export intensity: Evidence from North Africa.. Journal of Business Research. 156, 113468-113468
Spanaki, K., Papadopoulos, T., Jayawickrama, U., Olan, F. and Liu, S., (2023). Editorial: fake news, misinformation, and supply chain disruptions: the role of emerging technologies. Annals of Operations Research. 327 (2), 601-604
Ahmed, W., Önkal, D., Das, R., Krishnan, S., Olan, F., Hardey, M. and Fenton, A., (2023). Developing Techniques to Support Technological Solutions to Disinformation by Analyzing Four Conspiracy Networks During COVID-19. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, 13327-13344
Olan, F., Nyuur, RB., Arakpogun, EO. and Elsahn, Z., (2023). AI: A knowledge sharing tool for improving employees’ performance. Journal of Decision Systems. 33 (4), 700-720
Cunningham, JA., Damij, N., Modic, D. and Olan, F., (2023). MSME technology adoption, entrepreneurial mindset and value creation: a configurational approach. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 48 (5), 1574-1598
Alkraiji, AI., Jayawickrama, U. and Olan, F., (2023). Taxonomy of critical success factors based on players and activities across ERP projects: the perspective of ERP vendors. International Journal of Business Information Systems. 43 (2), 186-215
Arakpogun, EO., Elsahn, Z., Nyuur, RB. and Olan, F., (2022). Corrigendum to “Threading the needle of the digital divide in Africa: The barriers and mitigations of infrastructure sharing”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 179, 121637-121637
Alkraiji, AI., Jayawickrama, U., Olan, F., Asaduzzaman, M., Subasinghage, M. and Gallage, S., (2022). The perspective of national ERP vendors in achieving ERP project success in government organisations: a case of Saudi Arabia. Enterprise Information Systems. 16 (1), 71-104
Olan, F., Liu, S., Suklan, J., Jayawickrama, U. and Arakpogun, EO., (2022). The role of Artificial Intelligence networks in sustainable supply chain finance for foodand drink industry. International Journal of Production Research. 60 (14), 4418-4433
Rodrigo, P., Arakpogun, EO., Vu, MC., Olan, F. and Djafarova, E., (2022). Can you be Mindful? The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Driven Interventions in Enhancing the Digital Resilience to Fake News on COVID-19.. Information Systems Frontiers. 26 (2), 501-521
Zhao, G., Olan, F., Liu, S., Hormazabal, JH., Lopez, C., Zubairu, N., Zhang, J. and Chen, X., (2022). Links Between Risk Source Identification and Resilience Capability Building in Agri-Food Supply Chains: A Comprehensive Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, 13362-13379
Olan, F., Jayawickrama, U., Arakpogun, EO., Suklan, J. and Liu, S., (2022). Fake news on Social Media: the Impact on Society.. Information Systems Frontiers. 26 (2), 443-458
Nakpodia, F. and Olan, F., (2022). Corporate governance reform in Nigeria: upstream and downstream interventions. Corporate Governance. 22 (5), 979-1003
Olan, F., Arakpogun, EO., Jayawickrama, U., Suklan, J. and Liu, S., (2022). Sustainable Supply Chain Finance and Supply Networks: The Role of Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, 13296-13311
Arakpogun, EO., Rodrigo, P. and Olan, F., (2022). "You Shall Not Pass" without a Jab: An Institutional Theory Perspective to COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Policies.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (21), 14105-14105
Olan, F., Ogiemwonyi Arakpogun, E., Suklan, J., Nakpodia, F., Damij, N. and Jayawickrama, U., (2022). Artificial intelligence and knowledge sharing: Contributing factors to organizational performance. Journal of Business Research. 145, 605-615
Olan, F., Suklan, J., Arakpogun, EO. and Robson, A., (2021). Advancing Consumer Behavior: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Knowledge Sharing. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, 13227-13239
Gerli, P., Arakpogun, EO., Elsahn, Z., Olan, F. and Prime, KS., (2021). Beyond contact-tracing: the public value of eHealth application in a pandemic. Government information quarterly. 38 (3), 101581-101581
Arakpogun, EO., Elsahn, Z., Prime, KS., Gerli, P. and Olan, F., (2020). Digital contact-tracing and pandemics: Institutional and technological preparedness in Africa. World Development. 136, 105105-105105
Nordin, A. and Areskoug-Josefsson, K., (2020). Effects of a Swedish master’s programme on quality improvement and leadership - A qualitative study on micro, meso and macro levels of the welfare sector. Cogent Business & Management. 7 (1), 1725308-1725308
Arakpogun, EO., Elsahn, Z., Nyuur, RB. and Olan, F., (2020). Threading the needle of the digital divide in Africa: The barriers and mitigations of infrastructure sharing. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 161, 120263-120263
Olan, F., Liu, S., Neaga, I., Chen, H. and Nakpodia, F., (2019). How cultural impact on knowledge sharing contributes to organizational performance: Using the fsQCA approach. Journal of Business Research. 94, 313-319
Olan, F., Liu, S., Neaga, I. and Alkhuraiji, A., (2016). How knowledge sharing and business process contribute to organizational performance: Using the fsQCA approach. Journal of Business Research. 69 (11), 5222-5227
Book chapters (4)
Alsharah, H., Olan, F. and Kummitha, R., (2024). Entrepreneurship and Ethics: A Critical Discussion. In: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer Nature Switzerland. 245- 250. 9783031652028
Cheung, ST., Jayawickrama, U., Olan, F. and Subasinghage, M., (2023). An Investigation on Cloud ERP Adoption Using Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theories: A Systematic Review. In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer Nature Switzerland. 235- 251. 9783031325335
Arakpogun, EO., Elsahn, Z., Olan, F. and Elsahn, F., (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer International Publishing. 375- 388. 9783030627959
Olan, F., Liu, S. and Neaga, I., (2015). The Contribution of Knowledge Sharing to Organizational Performance and Decision Making: A Literature Review. In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer International Publishing. 1- 12. 9783319215358
Conferences (1)
Zhao, G., Zhao, G., Zubairu, N., Chen, X., Olan, F., Dennehy, D. and Jones, P., (2024). Understanding Supply Chain Resilience as a Multi-level Framework: A Systematic Literature Review