Professor Susan Oliver

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5NW.4.3, Colchester Campus
Susan joined Essex in 2010. She was elected a Fellow of the English Association in 2024. She is the author of two monographs, Walter Scott and the Greening of Scotland: Emergent Ecologies of a Nation (Cambridge University Press, 2021) and Scott, Byron and the Poetics of Cultural Encounter (Palgrave), for which she was awarded the British Academy’s Rose Mary Crawshay Prize (2007). She was invited editor of the Yearbook of English Studies 47 (2017) titled "Walter Scott: New Interpretations.” Other publications include many articles and book chapters on Romantic studies, Scottish literature, and environmental writing. Her most recent publications focus on coastal Romanticisms; art, science and writing about the soil; and writing the ecologies of war. Susan is writing a new monograph about Transatlantic periodicals in the period 1790-1860, looking at the rise of a culture of principled independent journalism, and covering topics ranging from editors to multi-media reporting to environmentalism and travel. Susan has held research Fellowships at institutions including the American Philosophical Society, the Armstrong Browning Library, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia, The Huntington Library, the Modern Language Association, and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh. She is a Senior Member of Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, and in 2013 was made an Honorary Fellow in Literary Studies at The University of Wyoming. The latter appointment included several years of annual collaborative work with colleagues and students on their Laramie campus. A longstanding member of several professional associations, she is a Trustee of the Charles Lamb society and serves on the Editorial Boards of Romanticism on the Net (RoN), The Wordsworth Circle, and the Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture. The UKRI appointed Susan as a member of their Interdisciplinary Assessment College (IAC) and she is a member the AHRC Peer Review College. She is currently Director of Partnerships for Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies. She served as Faculty Dean of Research for Arts and Humanities between July 2019 and December 2022. Susan was the first person to be awarded PhD Supervisor of the Year in the Humanities in 2018, and had been earlier honoured with the University’s Motivational, Inspiring, and Empowering Women Award in 2017. Susan welcomes applications for postgraduate supervision in her fields of expertise. She has supervised 11 PhD students to the award of their doctorates.
B.A. (Hons) English and European Literature University of Essex,
Ph.D. English University of Cambridge,
University of Essex
Faculty Dean (Research), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Essex (22/7/2019 - 31/12/2022)
Director of Research, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (10/8/2015 - 17/8/2018)
Academic Staffing Committee, Literature, Film, and Thatre Studies, University of Essex (1/8/2014 - 31/7/2020)
Collaborative Board, Centre for Environment and Society, University of Essex (31/1/2016 - present)
Athena SWAN Institutional Self Assessment Team, University of Essex (3/12/2013 - present)
Deputy Head of the Department, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (1/1/2024 - present)
Director of Partnerships, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (1/1/2024 - present)
Other academic
External Examiner, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University (1/9/2018 - 31/8/2022)
Honorary Fellow in Literary Studies, English, University of Wyoming (1/1/2013 - present)
Advisory Committee, MLA International Bibliography, Modern Language Association (1/7/2015 - 30/6/2018)
Senior Bibliographer, MLA International Bibliography, Modern Language Association (1/7/2015 - present)
Bibliographer, MLA International Bibliography, Modern Language Association (1/7/2009 - 30/6/2015)
Bibliography Fellow, MLA International Bibliography, Modern Language Association (1/7/2005 - 30/6/2009)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Romanticism and Romantic period literature and culture
Scottish literature
Late 18th Century British and American literature
19th century British and American literature
Periodicals and magazines
Transatlantic studies
I am a leading specialist in transatlantic studies, with a focus on the 18th, 19th and 21st centuries. My published work in this field includes many journal articles and book chapters. My current monograph project is on transatlantic periodicals 1790-1860 and the 21st century, looking at how those publications encouraged freedom of thought and created an exchange for knowledge and ideas that changed the world.
Borders and cultural encounters
Environmental literature
Walter Scott
I am a leading scholar in the study of Walter Scott and his writing. My recent focus has been on his interest in the land and environment. I have authored many publications on Scott, including two monographs, a journal special issue, several journal articles and several book chapters. I have given numerous public and academic talks on Scott and his work.
Charles Lamb studies
I am a leading scholar in Charles Lamb studies and a Trustee of The Charles Lamb Society. My publications include journal articles and book chapter. Lamb features prominently in a new monograph that I am writing on transatlantic periodical culture. I gave the Charles Lamb Birthday Lecture in 2023.
Current research
Climate Fiction of the Anthropocene
I am a specialist in environmental literature, ecocriticism, environmental humanities, and interdisciplinary environmental studies. I am Guest Co-Editor of, and a contributor to, this special edition of the Australian Journal of Environmental Eduction (Cambridge University Press). The other co-editors are Cassandra Tytler (Edith Cowan University), Joseph Paul Ferguson (Deakin University), and Peta J. White (Deakin University).
More information about this project
Sounding Scotland's Waters, 1800-1900: History, Literature, Science
I am an invited participant in this interdisciplinary project run by the University of St. Andrews and funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh. There will be a series of workshops in Autumn 2024, followed by the publication of a collection of essays in 2025/26. My interdisciplinary contribution is on interrelationships between literature, art, and maritime meteorology in the early 19th Century. The project leader/PI at St Andrews is Dr Katie Garner. CI at St Andrews is Dr Asha Hornsby.
More information about this project
Climate Fiction of the Anthropocene
Co-editorship with Cassandra Tytler (Edith Cowan University), Joseph Paul Ferguson (Deakin University), and Peta J. White (Deakin University) of special edition of the Australian Journal of Environmental Education for August 2025. The edition will showcase contributions that: (1) theorise Cli-Fi and its vital role in environmental education; (2) investigate innovative interdisciplinary research that engages with Cli-Fi;
(3) and/or provide Cli-Fi as creative practice-as-research with various visual and auditory representations.
More information about this project
Conferences and presentations
Byron and the Mediterranean "Cult of the South": a Bicentennial Symposium
Invited presentation, Conference, Rome, Italy, 20/6/2024
Maritime Weather: Meteorology and the North, from Macpherson and Scott to J.M.W. Turner.
Invited presentation, “Walter Scott, North and South,” The Thirteenth International Walter Scott Conference., University of South Carolina, Columbia, United States, 23/5/2024
“Life Below Ground: James Hutton, Theories of the Earth, and Imagined Animals.”
Invited presentation, Soil-Dirt-Earth: Ecologies Below Ground (1750-1850)., University of Passau, Passau, Germany, 22/6/2023
Romanticism on the Coast, BARS/NASSR Salon
Invited presentation, New Romanticisms, Ormskirk, United Kingdom, 3/8/2022
"Fields of Conflict and Ecologies of War: Walter Scott’s Paul’s Letters to his Kinsfolk and the Site of Waterloo."
Invited presentation, British Romanticism and Europe, Ascona, Switzerland, 23/6/2022
The Bass Rock: J. M. W. Turner, Ecologies, and Transmutable Forms of an Inshore Island.
Invited presentation, Scotland’s Coastal Romanticisms Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5/2/2022
Transformative Geologies: Scott, Byron and the Stones of Italian Romance.
Invited presentation, Eco-Romanticism: Human-Nonhuman Conversations (plenary panel), Parma, Italy, 25/11/2021
Romanticism and Posthumansim - Session presider and co-organiser with Professor Richard Sha (American University, DC)
Invited presentation, Modelr Language Association Annual Convention, Seattle, United States, 11/1/2020
"Managed Extinction? The Scottish Clearances as an Anthropocene Event."
Invited presentation, Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Seattle, United States, 10/1/2020
“Curtis’s Botanical Magazine and Romantic Plant Poetry: Seeking Spirituality in Real-Life Flowers”
Invited presentation, Ecology and Religion in 19th Century Studies, Waco, United States, 21/9/2019
“Exposed to the Elements: Romantic Time, Weather, and Science Then and Now”
Romantic Elements: North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) 27th Annual Conference, Chicago, United States, 11/8/2019
"Sea Stories and Freshwater Tales: Washington Irving, Walter Scott and the Transatlantic Romantic Imagination."
Invited presentation, Symbiosis 12th Biennial Conference., Dundee, United Kingdom, 13/7/2019
"David Douglas’ Canadian Trees: The Romantic Imagination versus the Lumber Industry."
The Transatlantic Studies Association 18th Annual Conference., Lancaster, United Kingdom, 10/7/2019
Transatlantic Romanticisms Reviewed
Invited presentation, Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago, United States, 3/1/2019
“Towards an Aesthetics of the Unseen: or, Romanticism Below and Beyond the Horizon."
Open: North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) 26th Annual Conference, Providence, United States, 23/6/2018
"The MLA International Bibliography as an Active Archive: Knowledge Creation for the Twenty-First Century."
Invited presentation, Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New York, United States, 5/1/2018
"Rocks and Hard Places: Romanticism and the Agency of Stone."
Invited presentation, Romantic Improvement: British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) 15th International Conference, York, United Kingdom, 28/7/2017
“Ecologies of Destruction: The Politics and Poetics of the Planetary: Oil, Coal and Air in 1820s Scotland.”
Invited presentation, Dialogues and Diasporas: 2nd World Congress of Scottish Literatures., Vancouver, Canada, 22/6/2017
“The Road to Publication Begins with Research.”
Invited presentation, Modern Language Association Annual Convention., Philadephia, United States, 6/1/2017
“Transatlantic Discontent: Homecoming from the American Tropics in Walter Scott’s Rokeby.”
Romanticism and Its Discontents: North American Society for the Study of Romanticism 24th Annual Conference., Berkeley, United States, 13/8/2016
“Reading the Land: Interpreting Forms of Violence.”
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Environments: British Comparative Literature Association PG Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 8/6/2016
“Cloaking and Hiding: Dressing Up in Robert Louis Stevenson's The Master of Ballantrae.”
Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Austin, United States, 9/1/2016
“Romantic Ecocriticism: Thinking Forward.”
Invited presentation, Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Austin, United States, 8/1/2016
Conference co-organiser
Invited presentation, Trauma, Conflict, and Reconciliation: 10th Symbiosis Transatlantic Studies Biennial International Conference., Colchester, United Kingdom, 9/9/2015
“Environmental Justice and the Romantic Ballad: Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border versus Lyrical Ballads.”
Romanticism and Rights: North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) 23rd Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Canada, 15/8/2015
"Teaching Transatlantic Romanticisms."
Romantic Imprints: British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) 14th International Conference., Cardiff, United Kingdom, 18/7/2015
“Publishing in Academic Journals and Edited Essay Collections.”
Romantic Imprints: 14th British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) International Conference, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 18/7/2015
"The Land Writes Back: Walter Scott, Ballads and Grounding the Imagination."
Invited presentation, Notes from Underground: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) 11th Biennial Conference., Moscow, United States, 27/6/2015
“Scottish Literature: Into the Great Unknowns.”
Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Vancouver, Canada, 9/1/2015
“Woodland as Cultural Archive in The Lay of the Last Minstrel.”
Invited presentation, Activating the Archive: 10th International Walter Scott Conference., Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 12/7/2014
"“Walter Scott and the Presence of Place: An Ecocritical Phenomenology for the Twenty-First Century.”"
World Congress of Scottish Literatures, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 3/7/2014
“Green Scotland: Seeds of Independence.”
Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago, United States, 11/1/2014
“Narratives of western travel in the Edinburgh Review 1802-1815.”
Invited presentation, The Journey and Its Portrayals: Explorers, Sailors, (Im)migrants.", Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, Province of China, 25/11/2012
“The Slipperiness of Genre: Thomas De Quincey’s 'On Murder' Essays and Catastrophic Spaces in the Romantic Press.”
Romantic Catastrophes: International Conference on Romanticism (ICR) Annual Conference, Tempe, United States, 9/11/2012
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Origins and Transformations in Literature and Drama (LT111)
Text Up Close: Reading for Criticism (LT182)
Criticism: Practice and Theory (LT204)
The Romantics: Poetry, Prose, Imagination (LT215)
Transatlantic Romanticisms (LT378)
Climate Fiction (LT899)
Literature and the Environmental Imagination: 19th to 21st Century Poetry and Prose (LT978)
Independent Literature Project (LT831)
Independent Creative Writing Project (LT832)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/8/2024

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/1/2023

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/3/2020

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/9/2019

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/5/2017

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/4/2017

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/11/2016

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/6/2015
Journal articles (22)
Oliver, S., Ecologies of War and Fields of Conflict: Re-imagining the Environment of the Battle of Waterloo. (Publication due 2025). European Romantic Review
Steel, N., Bauer-Staeb, CMM., Ford, JA., Oliver, S. and et al, (2025). Changing life expectancy in European countries 1990–2021: a subanalysis of causes and risk factors from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet Public Health. 10 (3), e172-e188
Oliver, S., (2024). A Coastal Knowledge Ecology and Aesthetics of Data: Environmental Science, J. M. W. Turner, and the Bass Rock. Romanticism On the Net (79)
Oliver, S. and Schumacher, AEEA., (2024). Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet. 403 (10440), 1989-2056
Baker, S., Dick, A., Gidal, E., McKeever, G. and Oliver, S., (2023). “Better Lore” of the Romantic Coast: Maritime Ecologies and Cultural Infrastructure from England, Scotland, and Beyond.. European Romantic Review. 34 (3), 303-315
Oliver, S., (2017). "Trees, Rivers, and Stories: Walter Scott Writing the Land". Yearbook of English Studies. 47, 279-299
Oliver, S., (2017). "Introduction to 'Walter Scott: New Interpretations'". Yearbook of English Studies. 47, 1-15
Oliver, S., (2016). "Cloaking and Hiding: Dressing up in Robert Louis Stevenson's The Master of Ballantrae.". The Bottle Imp. [Supplement 3] (Supplement Issue 3), [no-pagination]
Oliver, S., (2016). Byron and the Discourses of History. EUROPEAN ROMANTIC REVIEW. 27 (1), 96-101
Oliver, S., (2015). "Introduction: Scottish Literature at the MLA 2015". The Bottle Imp. 2 (Supp)
Oliver, S., (2014). "Green Scotland: Literature and the Seeds of Independence". The Bottle Imp. [Supplement 1] (Supp 1), [no-pagination]
Oliver, S., (2014). Walter Scott and the Matter of Landscape: Ecologies of Violence for our Time.. The Bottle Imp. 16 (16), 1-5
Oliver, S., (2013). Sir Walter Scott's Transatlantic Ecology. The Wordsworth Circle. 44 (2-3), 115-120
Oliver, S., (2013). DeQuincey's “On Murder“: The Generic Conflict. The Wordsworth Circle. 44 (1), 44-51
Oliver, S., (2012). Review Essay: Robert Burns in Global Culture (Bucknell UP, 2011) ed. Murray Pittock; James Hogg and the Literary Marketplace (Ashgate, 2009) ed. Sharon Alker and Holly Faith Nelson.. The Wordsworth Circle. 43 (4), 209-212
Oliver, S., (2011). Walking and Imagining the City: The Transatlanticity of Charles Lamb's Essays for the London Magazine. Charles Lamb Bulletin. 154, 115-130
Oliver, S., (2009). Planting the Nation's ‘Waste Lands’: Walter Scott, Forestry and the Cultivation of Scotland's Wilderness. Literature Compass. 6 (3), 585-598
Oliver, S., (2009). Silencing Joseph Johnson and the "Analytical Review". The Wordsworth Circle. 40 (2-3), 96-102
Oliver, S., (2009). Romantic 'Dantism,' Travel, Visions and Exile: Byron, Ugo Foscolo and Henry Francis Cary. Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies. 10, 1-16
Oliver, S., (2008). Crossing "Dark Barriers": Intertextuality and dialogue between Lord Byron and Sir Walter Scott. Studies in Romanticism. 47 (1), 15-34
Oliver, S., (2005). Transatlantic Influences in Periodical Editing: From Francis Jeffrey's Edinburgh Review to Horace Greeley's New-York Tribune. Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations. 9 (1), 45-62
Oliver, S., (2002). Resisting Radical Energies: Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border and the Re-Fashioning of the Border Ballads. Cycnos. 19 (1), 49-63
Books (3)
Oliver, S., (2021). Walter Scott and the Greening of Scotland: Emergent Ecologies of a Nation. Cambridge University Press. 978-1108831574
Oliver, S., (2017). Walter Scott: New Interpretations. Modern Humanities Research Association. 9781781882931
Oliver, S., (2005). Scott, Byron and the Poetics of Cultural Encounter. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230555006
Book chapters (13)
Oliver, S., (2022). "Private Thoughts and Public Display: Gender, Genre and Lives.". In: The International Companion to Nineteenth-Century Scottish Literature. Editors: Kidd, S., McNeil, K. and McCracken-Flesher, C., . Scottish Literature International, Association for Scottish Literature. 42- 49. 978-1-908980-35-9
Oliver, S., (2021). "Reading Walter Scott in the Anthropocene". In: Walter Scott at 250: Looking Forward.. Editors: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Wickman, M., . Edinburgh University Press. 161- 180. 9781474429863
Oliver, S., (2021). 9 Reading Walter Scott in the Anthropocene. In: Walter Scott at 250. Edinburgh University Press. 161- 180
Oliver, S., (2019). Walter Scott and Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso.. In: Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso and English Culture.. Editors: Everson, JE., Hiscock, A. and Jossa, S., . Oxford University Press. 186- 209. 9780197266502
Oliver, S., (2016). "Transatlantic Magazines and the Rise of Environmental Journalism". In: The Edinburgh Companion to Atlantic Literary Studies. Editors: Eckel, L. and Elliott, C., . Edinburgh Companions to Literature. 340- 353. 1474402941. 9781474402941
Oliver, S., (2016). 23. Transatlantic Magazines and the Rise of Environmental Journalism. In: The Edinburgh Companion to Atlantic Literary Studies. Edinburgh University Press. 340- 354
Oliver, S., (2013). Stevenson as Transatlantic Romanticism. In: Approaches to Teaching the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. Modern Language Association of America. 130- 134. 9781603291217
Oliver, S., (2013). Horror and Melancholia in Romantic Greece: British Reviews of John Keats’s Lamia and John Polidori’s The Vampyre.. In: Southern Horrors: Northern Visions of the Mediterranean World. Editors: Bonifas, G. and Monacelli, M., . Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 201- 211. 1443850306. 9781443850308
Oliver, S., (2013). Reading Morocco in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press before National Geographic.. In: Beyond Colonial/postcolonial Interventions Revisiting the Debate of Morocco in English Writings and Moroccan Writings in English.. Editors: Essrhir, A., Amine, K., Ennassiri, MK., El Assad, YR., Younes, R., Mars, A. and El Ayadi, R., . Abdelmalek Assadi University Press and The British Council. 191- 212. 9981610542. 9789981610545
Oliver, S., (2013). A Royal and Romantic Nation. In: La Donna del Lago. Royal Opera. 31- 37
Oliver, S., (2012). "Contagion and the City: Writing Boston as a Transatlantic City in the Early Nineteenth Century.". In: The City and the Ocean: Journeys, Memory, Imagination. Editors: White, JC. and Wang, I., . Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 60- 74. 9781443837194
Oliver, S., (2010). Ecologies of Disaffection: Interpreting Wastelands in Charles Brockden Brown's Edgar Huntly and Walter Scott's The Bride of Lammermoor. In: An Interpretive Turn: Essays on Cultural Expressions of Art and Literature. Bookman Books, Ltd.. 23- 40. 9789574453429
(2007). Romanticism's Debatable Lands. In: Romanticism's Debatable Lands. Editors: Lamont, C. and Rossington, M., . Palgrave Macmillan UK. 39- 51. 9781349353743
Conferences (11)
Oliver, S., Impact Metrics in the Humanities: Administrative Perspective of Impact Metrics:
Oliver, S., 12th International Walter Scott Conference, University of Edinburgh. Paper titled 'Inshore Fishing in Scotland in the 21st Century: the Romance and Realism of Scott’s Legacy.'
Oliver, S., (2019). The Transatlantic Studies Association 18th Annual Conference. Paper 'David Douglas’ Canadian Trees: The Romantic Imagination versus the Lumber Industry.'
Oliver, S., (2019). Symbiosis 2019, University of Dundee. Paper titled 'Sea Stories and Freshwater Tales: Washington Irving, Walter Scott and the Transatlantic Romantic Imagination.'
Oliver, S., (2019). Exposed to the Elements: Romantic Time, Weather, and Science Then and Now
Oliver, S., (2018). Towards an Aesthetics of the Unseen: or, Romanticism Below and Beyond the Horizon
Oliver, S., (2016). Walter Scott and Ariosto's Orlando Furioso.
Oliver, S., (2015). Environmental Justice and the Romantic ballad: Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border versus Lyrical Ballads
Oliver, S., (2014). Getting to the Roots of the Matter: Trees and the Environmental Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Oliver, S., (2013). “Melancholia and horror in Romantic Greece: British reviews of John Keats’s Lamia and John Polidori’s The Vampyre.”
Oliver, S., (2013). “Reading Morocco in the nineteenth-century periodical press before National Geographic.”
Media (7)
Oliver, S., Walter Scott and the Greening of Scotland.. Video
Oliver, S., Riding, C., Hopper, J. and Greenberg, R., Life Inside The Hay Wain: Constable's Landscapes 200 years on. The National Gallery, panel and webinar.. Video
Pretty, J., Dixon, M., Tearne, R., Oliver, S., Shaheed, A. and Lichtenstein, J., Louder than Words Podcast: Migration. Audio
Jones, K., Marsh, H., Ward, P. and Oliver, S., ‘The myth of hyperabundance’: the environmental history of the Americas.' Available online: Audio
Oliver, S., Jones, K., Marsh, H. and Ward, P., ‘There is no revolution without songs’: environment & art in the Americas.. Audio
Oliver, S., 'Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic! Contagion, the Doctors, and the Press in Early-19th-Century Boston.' Essex Explores (public lecture series). Available online Video
Oliver, S., 'Getting to the Roots of the Matter: Trees in 19th Century Literature,' Interdisciplinary Explorations: The Idea of Nature (public lecture series). Available online: Video
Other (11)
Oliver, S., (2021).The Hay Wain at 200 years and how it helps us to think about the climate emergency.,University of Essex, Essex Blogs
Oliver, S., (2016).Ice Thoughts: 2,
Oliver, S., (2016).Plants and Antibiotics: some thoughts on reading the NY Times article ?Could Ancient Remedies Hold the Answer to the Looming Antibiotics Crisis??,
Oliver, S., (2016).Seeing beyond the Sandhill Cranes: a trip from Eastern Wyoming into Nebraska.,blogpost.
Oliver, S., (2016).Ice thoughts.,blogpost.
Oliver, S., (2015).Wildflower thoughts . . .,
Oliver, S., (2015).Sculptured Coast.,blogpost.
Oliver, S., (2014).City of Trees: Boise, Idaho and an Urban Natural Experience.,Blogpost.
Oliver, S., (2014).Hot Springs, Atomic Cities, and Craters of the Moon . . . on the Road in Idaho.,Blogpost.
Oliver, S., (2014).Sage Grouse Lekking and Canyon Fiction.,Blogpost.
Oliver, S., (2014).Of Rocks and Hard Places . . .,Blogpost -
Grants and funding
Coastal Scotland: The Bass Rock, J. M. W. Turner, and the ecologies of an inshore island
Natural Environment Research Council
Green Scott: Walter Scott's Environmentalism and Writing the Ecologies of a Nation
The British Academy