Luke Olsson
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+44 (0) 1206 876210
ESA.3.32, Colchester Campus
Dr Luke Olsson is a Lecturer in Sport Psychology within the School of Sport, Rehabilitation, and Exercise Sciences at the University of Essex. Prior to his appointment, Luke worked at York St John University as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, delivering across the Sport and Exercise Science undergraduate degree with a specific focus on sport psychology and quantitative research methods. Luke's research interest is understanding the personal and social psychological factors that underpin mental health, well-being, and performance in athletes. He primarily examines two key areas. The first is examining the causes and consequences of being perfectionistic in sport. The second is focusing on ascertaining the key factors that make an athlete vulnerable to experience burnout alongside quantifying how burnout can influence an athlete. Undertaking this research has allowed him to work with several local and regional sport organisations to help educate coaches, parents, and athletes regarding the how perfectionistic pressures may influence athlete experiences and help better understand the what we mean by mental health problems and the role they can play in sport.
PhD York St John University, (2023)
MSc Psychology of Sport (Distinction) University of Stirling, (2017)
BA (Hons) Psychology and Sports Studies (First Class) University of Stirling, (2016)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Sport Psychology, Sport, Rehabilitation, and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/9/2021 - present)
Other academic
Postgraduate Doctoral Research Assistant, York St John University (1/1/2021 - 31/8/2021)
Visiting Lecturer, Southampton Solent University (1/2/2021 - 31/5/2021)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, York St John University (1/1/2018 - 1/1/2021)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and competitive swimming performance
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Conference, 15/11/2023
The coach social support-athlete burnout relationship: The mediating role of perceived stress.
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Student Conference, 24/4/2023
Athlete burnout reduces sports performance: evidence from multiple samples.
the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Conference, 16/11/2022
Does perfectionism predict sport performance?
North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference (NASPSPA), North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference (NASPSPA), Kona, United States, 26/5/2022
Athlete burnout: What is it and how important is the coach?
Invited presentation, Psychological Insights into Coaching Practice, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 23/6/2021
Perfectionism and Burnout in Athletes: The Mediating role of Perceived Stress.
California Conference on Motor Behavior and Sport & Exercise Psychology, Fullerton, United States, 1/3/2021
Perfectionism and Burnout in Sport: Moving Beyond the Individual.
Affect, Personality, and Embodied Brain International Meeting, 1/9/2020
Development of perfectionism in sport: Examining the role of actual and perceived perfectionism in athlete-parent dyads.
European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC Congress), European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC Congress), 1/7/2019
Why are athletes burnout out? A meta-analytic review of 18 years of research.
European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC Congress), European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC Congress), 1/7/2019
Initial development of the Perfectionistic Climate Questionnaire-Sport (PCQ-S)
European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC Congress), European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC Congress), 1/7/2019
Perfectionism and Burnout in Sport: Moving Beyond the Individual.
Northern Research & Applied Practice Showcase for Sport and Exercise Psychology, Northern Research & Applied Practice Showcase for Sport and Exercise Psychology, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 1/6/2019
A longitudinal examination of the relationships between perfectionism and coping tendencies in male soccer players.
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), 1/11/2018
Parents’ Perfectionism and Junior Athlete’s Perfectionism: A Test of the Importance of Actual and Perceived Parental Perfectionism and the Same-Sex Hypothesis.
British Society of Personality and Individual differences (BSPID), British Society of Personality and Individual differences (BSPID), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1/7/2018
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Sport and Exercise Psychology (SE104)
Sport and Performance Psychology (SE207)
Developing Self and Others (SE231)
Research Project (SE309)
Research Project (SE318)
Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health (SE738)
Research Project (SE740)
Professional practice in sport and exercise psychology (SE741)
Psychological Skills and Strategies (SE742)
Social psychology in sport and exercise (SE743)
Research Project (SE777)
Current supervision
Journal articles (13)
Grugan, M., Olsson, L., Andrew, H. and Madigan, D., Perfectionism, School Burnout, and School Engagement in Gifted Students: The Role of Stress. Gifted Child Quarterly
Olsson, LF., Glandorf, HL., Black, JF., Jeggo, REK., Stanford, JR., Drew, KL. and Madigan, DJ., (2025). A multi-sample examination of the relationship between athlete burnout and sport performance. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 76, 102747-102747
Nordin-Bates, SM., Madigan, DJ., Hill, AP. and Olsson, LF., (2024). Perfectionism and performance in sport: Exploring non-linear relationships with track and field athletes.. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 70, 102552-102552
Grugan, MC., Olsson, LF., Vaughan, RS., Madigan, DJ. and Hill, AP., (2024). Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ).. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 73, 102638-102638
Glandorf, H., Madigan, D., Kavanagh, O., Mallinson Howard, S., Donachie, T., Olsson, L. and Rumbold, J., (2024). Athlete burnout and mental and physical health: A three-wave longitudinal study of direct and reciprocal effects. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. 13 (4), 412-431
Olsson, LF., Madigan, DJ., Hill, AP. and Grugan, MC., (2022). Do Athlete and Coach Performance Perfectionism Predict Athlete Burnout?. European Journal of Sport Science. 22 (7), 1073-1084
Olsson, LF., Grugan, MC., Martin, JN. and Madigan, DJ., (2022). Perfectionism and Burnout in Athletes: The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. 16 (1), 55-74
Madigan, DJ., Olsson, LF., Hill, AP. and Curran, T., (2022). Athlete Burnout Symptoms are Increasing: A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Average Levels from 1997 to 2019. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 44 (3), 153-168
Klockare, E., Olsson, LF., Gustafsson, H., Lundqvist, C. and Hill, AP., (2022). Sport Psychology Consultants’ Views on Working With Perfectionistic Elite Athletes. Sport Psychologist. 36 (3), 219-227
Klockare, E., Olsson, LF., Gustafsson, H., Lundqvist, C. and Hill, AP., (2022). Sport Psychology Consultants’ Views on Working With Perfectionistic Elite Athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 1-9
Grugan, MC., Hill, AP., Madigan, DJ., Donachie, TC., Olsson, LF. and Etherson, ME., (2021). Perfectionism in Academically Gifted Students: A Systematic Review. Educational Psychology Review. 33 (4), 1631-1673
Grugan, MC., Hill, AP., Mallinson-Howard, SH., Donachie, TC., Olsson, LF., Madigan, DJ. and Vaughan, RS., (2021). Development and initial validation of the Perfectionistic Climate Questionnaire-Sport (PCQ-S). Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 56, 101997-101997
Olsson, LF., Hill, AP., Madigan, DJ. and Woodley, G., (2020). Development of perfectionism in junior athletes: Examination of actual and perceived parental perfectionism. Journal of Sports Sciences. 38 (6), 669-675
Book chapters (2)
Madigan, D., Gustafsson, H. and Olsson, L., (2023). Reducing burnout in athletes.. In: Routledge handbook of mental health in elite sport.. Editors: Nixdorf, I., Beckmann, J., MacIntyre, T., Martin, S. and Nixdorf, R., . Routledge.. 177- 187
Grugan, M., Fenwick, L. and Olsson, L., (2023). Studying Perfectionistic Climates. In: The Psychology of Perfectionism in Sport, Dance, and Exercise. Editors: Hill, A., . Routledge. 260- 282. 9781032263786
Conferences (1)
Fleming, DJM., Olsson, LF., Mallinson-Howard, SH. and Dorsch, TE., (2022). Does Perfectionism Predict Sport Performance?
Grants and funding
Sport psychology workshop
Culford School
Royal Ballet PhD Studentship
Royal Ballet School