Professor David O'Mahony

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David O'Mahony is University Dean of Partnerships (Research) and Professor of Law at the University of Essex. His research focuses on the meaning of justice in the context of criminal justice systems, with particular sensitivity to the rights of individuals and the use of restorative justice and alternative ways of responding to crime. His research is based on analyses of the needs of victims, communities and offenders and he has applied a range of empirical methods to explore concepts of justice and rights in criminal justice. He has developed a distinctive critical theory of restorative justice and its application in criminal justice systems. His books include: Reimagining Restorative Justice: Agency and Accountability in the Criminal Process (with J. Doak; Bloomsbury, Hart Publishing, 2017); Vulnerable demons? Moral rhetoric and the criminalisation of squatting (with Fox O'Mahony and Hickey, Eds; Routledge, 2015); Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe (with Dunkel, Grzywa, Horsfield, Pruin, Gensing and Burman, Eds.Vols.1-4; Forum Verlag Godesberg, 2010); The Northern Ireland Youth Conferencing Scheme (with Campbell, Devlin, Doak, Jackson, Corrigan and McEvoy; Northern Ireland Office, 2006); Crime, Community and Locale: The Northern Ireland Communities Crime Survey (with Geary, McEvoy and Morrison; Ashgate, 2000); and Juvenile Crime and Justice: Review of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland (with Deazley; HMSO The Stationary Office, London, 2000). His current projects include research applying restorative justice perspectives to the criminalisation of squatting in England and Wales and theorising the role of restorative justice within modern criminal justice. Most of his publications are available online at researchgate or at Academia His research has been supported by over £1.3m in research grants and has directly impacted on the reform of criminal justice in several jurisdictions. He has conducted a national evaluation of the youth justice system in England and Wales for the Home Office, and was commissioned by the Criminal Justice Review Group, set up after the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement, to conduct a fundamental review of Juvenile Justice in Northern Ireland. This research was published as Juvenile Crime and Justice (Criminal Justice Review Group Research Report 17, London: HMSO, 2000) and led to the enactment of the Justice (NI) Act 2002, which established the first mainstreamed restorative youth conferencing system in Europe. His study of the use of restorative practices for dealing with young offenders, using a large-scale quantitative analysis and qualitative observations of police practice, led to the adoption of new police cautioning procedures. David started his academic career at the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University, and previously taught at Durham University and Queens University, Belfast. He has held a fully funded visiting research fellowship at Cornell Law School, USA under the Gender, Sexuality and the Family: Expanding International Human Rights Norms programme. He is a member of the editorial board for the journal 'Youth Justice', and a member of the Northern Ireland Crime Prevention Panel and the Restorative Justice Working Group. David is a governor of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust Hospital. His teaching interests include the legal regulation of young people, restorative justice, crime and social control, criminal law and legal and social research methods. David welcomes PhD applications in the areas of restorative justice, youth justice, criminal justice and broader criminological research.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Restorative justice.
Criminal justice.
Transitional justice.
Youth crime and justice.
Youth Crime and Justice
Current research
Restorative justice and criminal justice.
The regulation of squatting.
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/1/2018
Journal articles (26)
Doak, J., Field, S., Jackson, J. and O'Mahony, D., (2016). Editorial: Procedural traditions in flux. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof. 20 (4), 263-265
O'Mahony, D., (2012). Criminal Justice Reform in a Transitional Justice Context: Restorative Youth Conferencing in Northern Ireland. International Criminal Law Review. 12 (3), 549-572
O'Mahony, D., (2012). Bringing Restorative Justice into Youth Justice - Youth Conferencing in Northern Ireland. International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates Chronicle. 2012 (1), 66-71
O'Mahony, D., (2012). Restorative Justice and Youth Justice in England and Wales: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. Nottingham Law Journal. 21, 86-106
Doak, J. and O'Mahony, D., (2012). Transitional Justice and Restorative Justice. International Criminal Law Review. 12 (3), 305-311
O'Mahony, D., Doak, J. and Clamp, KL., (2012). The politics of youth justice reform in post-conflict societies : mainstreaming restorative justice in Northern Ireland and South Africa.. Northern Ireland legal quarterly.. 63 (2), 267-290
Doak, J. and O'Mahony, D., (2011). In search of legitimacy: restorative youth conferencing in Northern Ireland. Legal Studies. 31 (2), 305-325
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2009). Restorative Justice and Police-led Cautioning Practice: Tensions in Theory and Practice. Journal of Police Studies. 11 (2), 139-159
O'Mahony, D., (2009). Victims' Rights, Human Rights and Criminal Justice. By Jonathan Doak (Oxford: Hart Publications, 2008, 325pp. 30.00 pb). British Journal of Criminology. 49 (4), 582-585
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2006). The Enigma of 'Community' and the Exigency of Engagement: Restorative Youth Conferencing in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Community Justice. 4 (3), 9-24
Devlin, R. and O'Mahony, D., (2006). Restorative Youth Conferencing: Involving Victims in Criminal Justice. Criminal Justice Matters. 64 (1), 18-47
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2006). The Vengeful Victim: Assessing the Attitudes of Victims Participating in Restorative Youth Conferencing. International Review of Victimology. 13 (2), 157-177
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2005). Restorative Justice - Is More Better? The experience of police-led restorative cautioning pilots in Northern Ireland. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 43 (5), 484-505
O'Mahony, JD., Beckett, H., Campbell, C., Jackson, J. and Doak, J., (2005). Interim Evaluation of the Northern Ireland Youth Conferencing Scheme.. Northern Ireland Office Research and Statistics Bulletin, 1-16
O'Mahony, JD. and Mullan, S., (2003). A Review of Recent Youth Justice Reforms in England and Wales. Northern Ireland Office Research and Statistical Series. 7, 1-64
O'Mahony, JD., Chapman, T. and Doak, J., (2002). A Study of Police Based Restorative Cautioning in Northern Ireland.. Northern Ireland Office Research and Statistical Series, 1-88
O'Mahony, D., (2000). Young People, Crime and Criminal Justice; Patterns and Prospects for the Future. Youth and Society. 32 (1), 60-80
O'Mahony, JD. and Quinn, K., (2000). The Community Dimension on Attitudes towards the Police.. Police Authority for Northern Ireland Research Series, 1-63
O'Mahony, D. and Quinn, K., (1999). Fear of Crime and Locale: The Impact of Community Related Factors upon Fear of Crime. International Review of Victimology. 6 (3), 231-251
McEvoy, K., O'Mahony, D., Horner, C. and Lyner, O., (1999). The Home Front: Families of Politically Motivated Prisoners in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Criminology. 39 (2), 175-197
O'Mahony, JD., (1999). Juvenile Crime and Justice in Northern Ireland. Lay Panel Magazine: Northern Ireland Youth and Family Courts Association. 42
O'Mahony, JD. and Haines, K., (1996). An Evaluation of the Introduction and Operation of the Youth Court In England and Wales.. Home Office Research Study. 152, 1-70
O'Mahony, JD. and Haines, K., (1995). The Youth Court: A Nation Survey of Service Delivery and Management Arrangements. Home Office Research and Statistics Bulletin. 37, 25-31
O'Mahony, D. and Haines, K., (1993). Magistrates' Views on the Proposals for Secure Training Centres. Justice of the Peace and Local Government Law. 157 (46), 726-728
O'Mahony, D., (1988). Theories of Delinquency; an examination of the explanations of delinquent behaviour. Crimcare Journal. 2 (2)
O'Mahony, D., (1987). Juvenile Delinquency and Corrections; The Gap Between Theory and Practice. Crimcare Journal. 1 (2)
Books (5)
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2017). Reimagining Restorative Justice Agency and Accountability in the Criminal Process. Hart Publishing. 1782251979. 978-1849460569
Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2014). Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Routledge Cavendish. 9780415740616
Campbell, C., Devlin, R., O'Mahony, D., Doak, J., Jackson, J., Corrigan, T. and McEvoy, K., (2006). Evaluation of the Northern Ireland Youth Conferencing Service. Northern Ireland Office,. 1 90 3686 19 9
O'Mahony, D., Geary, R., McEvoy, K. and Morison, J., (2000). Crime, Community and Locale: The Northern Ireland Communities Crime Survey. Ashgate. 1 84014 555 2
O'Mahony, JD. and Deazley, R., (2000). Juvenile Crime and Justice: Review of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland. The Stationary Office. 0 33 703123 1
Book chapters (24)
O'Mahony, D., (2023). Restorative justice and youth justice in England and Wales: One step forward, two steps back. In: Juvenile Offending. 299- 319
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2023). Restorative justice - Is more better? The experience of police-led restorative cautioning pilots in Northern Ireland. In: Juvenile Offending. 255- 276
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2019). Evaluating the success of restorative justice confrencing: A values-based approach. In: Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice. Editors: Gavrielides, T., . Routledge. 211- 223. 9781472480705
O'Mahony, D. and Dunkel, F., (2015). Restorative Justice and Youth Justice in Northern Ireland. In: European Research on Restorative Juvenile Justice, volume 1: Research and Selection of the Most Effective Juvenile Restorative Justice Practices in Europe: Snapshots from 28 EU Member States. Editors: Dunkel, F., Horsfield, P. and P?ro?anu, A., . International Juvenile Justice Observatory. 125- 130. 978-2-930726-07-6
O'Mahony, D. and Fox O'Mahony, L., (2014). Crime as Property: a Restorative Perspective on the Criminalisation of squatting and the 'ownership' of unlawful occupation. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., . Routledge Cavendish. 38- 63. 9780415740616
Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2014). Criminalising Squatting: Setting an Agenda. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., . Routledge Cavendish. 9780415740616
Daok, J. and O'Mahony, JD., (2014). Restorative Justice and Practice. In: Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Editors: Bruinsma, G. and Weisbund, D., . Springer. 4422- 4430. 9781461456896
Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., (2014). Developing critical perspectives on the criminalisation of squatting. In: Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting Vulnerable Demons?. Editors: Fox O'Mahony, L., O'Mahony, D. and Hickey, R., . Routledge. 9780415740616
Breen, J., Manning, U., O'Donnell, I., O'Mahony, D. and Seymour, M., (2010). Ireland: Self-Reported Crime and Delinquency in Ireland. In: Juvenile Delinquency in Europe and Beyond: Results of the Second International Self-Report Delinquency Study. Springer New York. 113- 123. 9780387959818
O'Mahony, D. and Ellison, G., (2010). Crime and Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland. In: Crime and punishment around the world ; volume 4 : Europe. Editors: Newman, GR., . ABC-Clio. 371- 379. 978-0-313-35133-4
Doak, J. and O'Mahony, D., (2010). Developing mediation and restorative justice for young offenders across Europe.. In: Juvenile justice systems in Europe : current situation and reform developments.. Editors: Dunkel, F., Grzywa, J., Horsfield, J. and Pruin, P., . Forum Verlag Godesberg. 1691- 1720
O'Mahony, D., (2010). Innovations in Youth Justice and Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland. In: Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe, Vol 2. Editors: Dunkel, F., Grzywa, J., Horsfield, P. and Pruin, I., . Forum Verlag. 957- 990. 978 3 936999 54 9
O'Mahony, D. and Doak, J., (2009). Restorative Justice and Youth Justice: Bringing Theory and Practice Closer Together in Europe. In: Reforming Juvenile Justice. Editors: Junger-Tas, J. and Dunkel, F., . Springer. 165- 182. 978-0-387-89294-8
Doak, J. and O'Mahony, D., (2009). State, Community and Transition: Restorative Youth Conferencing in Northern Ireland. In: Urban Crime Prevention, Surveillance and Restorative Justice. Editors: Knepper, P., Doak, J. and Shapland, J., . CRC Press. 9781420084375
Doak, J. and O'Mahony, JD., (2009). State, Community and Transition: Restorative Youth Conferencing in Northern Ireland. In: Urban Crime Prevention, Surveillance and Restorative Justice. Editors: Knepper, P., Doak, J. and Shapland, J., . Taylor and Francis
Doak, J. and O’Mahony, D., (2009). State, Community, and Transition. In: Urban Crime Prevention, Surveillance, and Restorative Justice. CRC Press. 149- 156. 9781420084375
O'Mahony, D., (2008). Restorative Cautioning; Restorative Youth Conferencing; The Youth Diversion Scheme. In: Dictionary of Youth Justice. Editors: Goldston, B., . Willan Publishing. 9781843922940
O'Mahony, D. and Chapman, T., (2007). Probation, the State and Community ? Delivering Probation Services in Northern Ireland. In: Handbook of Probation. Editors: Gelsthorpe, L. and Morgan, R., . Willan Publishing. 155- 178. 9781843921905
O'Mahony, D. and Chapman, T., (2007). Youth and Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland. In: Developments in Social Work with Offenders. Editors: McIvor, G. and Raynor, P., . Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 1-84310-538-1. 978-1-84310-538-1
O'Mahony, D. and Campbell, C., (2006). Mainstreaming Restorative Justice for Young Offenders through Youth Conferencing: The Experience of Northern Ireland. In: International Handbook of Juvenile Justice. Editors: Junger-Tas, J. and Decker, S., . Springer. 93- 116. 978-1-4020-4400-7
O'Mahony, D. and Haines, K., (2006). Restorative Approaches: Young People and Youth Justice. In: Youth Crime and Justice. Editors: Goldson, B. and Muncie, J., . Sage Publications. 110- 124
O'Mahony, D., (2002). Juvenile Crime and Justice in Northern Ireland. In: Juvenile Justice Systems: An International Comparison of Problems and Solutions. Editors: Hornick, JP., Bala, N., Paetsch, JJ. and Snyder, H., . Thompson Educational Publishing. 135- 152
O'Mahony, D., Haines, K. and Bottoms, A., (1998). Youth Justice and Crime Prevention in England and Wales. In: Confronting Youth in Europe - Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice. Editors: Mehlbye, J. and Walgrave, L., . AKF Forlaget. 139- 216
O'Mahony, JD., (1998). Juvenile Justice in Northern Ireland.. In: Youth Justice: An International Perspective on Problems and Solutions. Editors: Paetsch, J., . Canadian esearch Institute for Law and the Family
Reports and Papers (9)
O'Mahony, JD. and Doak, J., (2009). 'Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: International Developments in Theory and Practice'. Department of Justice and Equality, Government of Ireland.
Breen, J., Manning, U., O'Donnell, I., O'Mahony, JD. and Seymour, M., (2006). 'The International Self-Reported Delinquency Study: Results from the Survey in the Republic of Ireland'. Department of Justice and Equality, Government of Ireland.
O'Mahony, JD., (2006). 'Self-reported crime and lifestyles: The Northern Ireland Crime and Justice Survey'. Northern Ireland Office, Statistics and Research.
O'Mahony, JD. and Higgins, B., (2005). 'An Evaluation of the Positive Steps Through-care Programme in The Young Offenders Centre, Hydebank Wood, Northern Ireland' Northern Ireland Prison Service
O'Mahony, JD., Beckett, H., Campbell, C., Jackson, J. and Doak, J., (2005). 'Evaluation of the Youth Conference Pilot Scheme'. Northern Ireland Office, Research and Statistics Series 1-117.
O'Mahony, JD. and Livingstone, S., (2004). 'British Council: Young Prisoners and Human Rights in the Ukraine'. British Council: Kiev. 1-195.
O'Mahony, JD. and Chapman, T., (2002). 'Evaluation of the Positive Steps Programme and the Partnership between the Young Offenders Centre and Opportunity Youth'. Northern Ireland Prison Service, Belfast. 1-175
O'Mahony, JD., McEvoy, K., Geary, R., Morison, J. and Brogden, M., (1997). 'The Northern Ireland Communities Crime Survey'. Northern Ireland Office, Statistics and Research Branch, 1-197
Haines, K. and O'Mahony, JD., (1995). 'Providing and Managing Youth Court Services'. Home Office Research and Statistics Department.
Academic support hours:
Monday 11:00-12:00