Professor Onyeka Osuji

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Onyeka K. Osuji is Dean and Professor of Law at Essex Law School, University of Essex. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Social Responsibility Journal. While he has made significant contributions to legal scholarship, the interdisciplinary nature of the subjects of Professor Osuji's research and publications shows a wider range of scholarly contributions. He has presented papers in several international conferences and has published extensively in books and reputable international journals in the areas of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, globalization, regulation, consumer protection, social and non-financial reporting, banking and asset management and multinational enterprises. He is a member of the College of Advisors of the Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending (GPSSL) and the Sustainable Finance, the Law and Stakeholders Network. His AHRC-funded “A Technological Licensing Framework for 3D Printed Content: A Focus on China” was cited by Baroness Neville-Rolfe, then Minister for Intellectual Property (; He is leading the application of contract law to 3D printed watermarks, training sessions on contract and development of the best practice code in an ongoing multidisciplinary research project on “Licensing System for 3D Printing in China – Impact Follow on” being funded by the AHRC. Professor Osuji obtained a PhD in law from the University of Manchester (as a School of Law Scholar) and a BCL (Law) from the University of Oxford (as a Shell Centenary/FCO Chevening Scholar). He has an LLB from the University of Nigeria where he graduated as the Best Student of the Faculty of Law. He also has a barrister-at-law licentiate degree from the Nigerian Law School and was awarded the Best Overall Performance (Second Prize) and two prizes in Legal Drafting and Conveyancing. Professor Osuji previously practised in corporate and commercial law before becoming an academic. He is qualified as a barrister and solicitor of Nigeria and a (non-practising) solicitor of England and Wales and has advised individuals, corporations, and national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations. He has acted as an external assessor for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and has undertaken training programmes for judicial officers, legal practitioners and business organisations in different jurisdictions. Professor Osuji was once a visiting professor at Université Grenoble Alpes, France and has taught subjects such as Company Law, Corporate Social Responsibility and Law, Corporate Social Responsibility: Globalization, Law and Regulation, Law of Contract and Commercial Law in different institutions. His current teaching responsibilities include corporate responsibility and business law, commercial conflict of laws, consumer contract law and commercial contract law. Professor Osuji is willing to supervise research students and has a number of past and present PhD students in different areas of business and commercial law.
PhD (Law) - The University of Manchester
BCL (Law) - University of Oxford
LLB - University of Nigeria
Barrister-at-Law licentiate degree Nigerian Law School,
Barrister and Solicitor - Nigeria
Solicitor (non-practising) - England and Wales
FHEA (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy) Higher Education Academy,
FAcSS (Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences) Academy of Social Sciences,
University of Essex
Reader in Law, School of Law, University of Essex (1/8/2017 - 30/9/2020)
Professor of Law, Law, University of Essex (1/12/2020 - 3/7/2022)
Dean, Essex Law School, University of Essex (4/7/2022 - present)
Member of Council and Trustee of the University of Essex, University of Essex (22/9/2023 - present)
Other academic
Visiting Professor, Coal City University (1/5/2020 - present)
Visiting Professor, Law, Université Grenoble Alpes (2/2/2020 - 2/3/2020)
College of Advisors, Sustainable Finance, the Law and Stakeholders (1/9/2018 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Corporate Governance
Corporate Social Responsibility
Consumer Protection
Corporate Regulation
Current research
H. Chan, J. Griffin, A. Jones, P. Li, and O. Osuji,* A Technological Licensing Framework for 3D Printed Content: A Focus on China AHRC Centre for Digital Copyright and IP Research in China
Conferences and presentations
Technology, Globalisation, Legal Pluralism and Business Responsibility: An Irresolvable Contestation?
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Law, International Commerce & Technology in the 21st Century & Beyond, Commercial & Maritime Law Research Group, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, 9/12/2022
Academic Legal Research in a Globalised World- Paradigms, Opportunities and Limitations
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 3rd GPDRL College of Law Internal Seminar, 3rd GPDRL College of Law Internal Seminar, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 7/12/2022
Asymmetrical International Economic System, Law “Institutions” and Sustainable Development – Public Health Illumination of Pitfalls for All
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Perspectives for Post-COVID 19 Recovery and Sustainable Development: A Law and Development Discourse, Perspectives for Post-COVID 19 Recovery and Sustainable Development: A Law and Development Discourse, London, United Kingdom, 15/9/2022
3D Printing Licensing: Contract, Tort, Data Protection, Consumer and Social Responsibility Considerations
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Licensing System for 3D Printing in China Training, University of Exeter and University of Essex, 17/6/2022
Conceptualising Wholesome Financing for Corporate Accountability in Natural Resources Governance
Invited presentation, Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses and Natural Resources Governance: A Study in Global Law, Development and Justice Workshop, Centre for Human Rights and Public Law, Cardiff School of Law and Politics, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 12/5/2022
Corporate Responsibility of Banking and Banking Regulation in Developing and Emerging Markets
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Book Launch: Banking Regulation in Africa - The Case of Nigeria and Other Emerging Economies by Folashade Adeyemo, The Commercial Law Research Network Nigeria, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom, 23/3/2022
Deconstructing Sustainable Consumption: Dimensions, Significance and Implications
Invited presentation, (in)Corporate Sustainability Conference, (in)Corporate Sustainability Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 8/9/2021
Corporate Governance in CAMA 2020: Modest or Radical Change?
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Nigerian Bar Association, Lagos Branch, General Meeting, Nigerian Bar Association, Lagos Branch, Lagos, Nigeria, 8/2/2021
Situating Mandatory Modern Slavery Disclosure in Hierarchy of Legislated Corporate Social Responsibility
CfP: Critical Perspectives on “Modern Slavery”: Law, Policy and Society, Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull, Wednesday 30 October 2019, Wilberforce Institute, Hull, United Kingdom, 30/10/2019
Hierarchy of Legislated Corporate Social Responsibility, Supply Chains and Assumptions in Mandatory Modern Slavery Disclosure
18th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and 9th Organisational Governance Conference, CSR: Public and Private Perspectives, Barcelos, Portugal, 10-13 September 2019, Barcelos, Portugal, 11/9/2019
Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Needs and Sustainable Development- Overcoming Contextual and Regulatory Challenges through the Values Paradigm
Invited presentation, Kuwait International Law School’s Sixth Annual Conference Contemporary Legal Developments: Issues and Challenges, Kuwait International Law School’s Sixth Annual Conference Contemporary Legal Developments: Issues and Challenges, Kuwaiti City, Kuwait, 1/5/2019
Complementary Stakeholder Private Enforcement Regime for AU Law?
African Union Law Research Network Workshop, Brighton, United Kingdom, 21/9/2018
Resolving 4 sets of corporate social responsibility dilemma
3rd Critical Law and Corporate Social Responsibility Network Event of the Inner Temple,13 June 2018, London, United Kingdom, 13/6/2018
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Challenge of Relational and Solidarity Signals in Cybersecurity Enforcement
Cyber Challenges to International Human Rights, 12/12/2017
African Code of Corporate Responsibility – Futile or Worthwhile?
Invited presentation, African Union Law Research Network Workshop, London, United Kingdom, 7/12/2017
An Optimal Consumer Protection Regime for African Union?
Invited presentation, African Union Law Research Network Workshop, Brighton, United Kingdom, 30/6/2017
Inventive Interventionist Regulation of Sports through Corporate Social Responsibility Potential and Limitations? (Law and Sports: Contemporary Perspectives International Conference College of Law, Qatar University in collaboration with Qatar Olympic Committee, Doha Qatar, 19th and 20th February, 2017)
Doha, Qatar, 2017
Coupling CSR and Informal Relational and Solidarity Signals Panacea for Harassment in Digital Peer-to-Peer Platforms? (7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility: CSR in an Age of Digitization Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany, 14-16 September 2016)
Berlin, Germany, 2016
Green Bonds: A Sustainable Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Climate Change Mitigation? with K. Kila, (Energy Policy & Law Workshop: Consumers, Citizens and Communities, University of Exeter 14 April 2016)
Exeter, United Kingdom, 2016
The Protection from Harassment Act and Harassment Responsibility/Liability of Peer-to-Peer Online Platforms Enrolling Internet Intermediaries in the Law Enforcement Process - Challenges and Opportunities, iCLIC Conference University of Southampton 17-18 September 2015
Southampton, United Kingdom, 2015
Consumer Online Reviews New Battleground or Opportunity for Consumer Protection? (15th Conference of the International Association of Consumer Law Universiteit van Amsterdam 29 June-1 July 2015)
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015
Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalization of Best Standards: Incoherence of Prescriptive Regulation in Developing Countries (Third International Conference on Management in Africa, University of Manchester 5-6 September 2013)
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2013
Responsible Lending (Consumer Credit Symposium, TC Beirne School of Law University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 8 July 2013)
Brisbane, Australia, 2013
Online Peer-to-Peer Lending Rationale, Regulation and Consumer Protection with U. Amajuoyi, (14th International Association of Consumer Law Conference 2013, Sydney Australia, 1-4 July 2013)
14th International Association of Consumer Law Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2013
Responsible Lending, Consumer Protection and Financial Regulation Homogeneity, Multifariousness or Conflation? Durham, (Conceptualising Consumers of Financial Services: A New Approach? Workshop 12 April 2013)
Durham, United Kingdom, 2013
Online Peer-to-Peer Lending and Consumer Protection Clearing the Regulatory Fog with U. Amajuoyi, Durham, (Conceptualising Consumers of Financial Services: A New Approach? Workshop 12 April 2013)
Durham, United Kingdom, 2013
Responsible Lending and Affordability-Financial Regulation or Consumer Protection? Exeter, (Re-orientating Consumer Law: Simplification, Conceptualisation & Subsidiarity, University of Exeter and De Montfort University Leicester, 17 December 2012)
Exeter, United Kingdom, 2012
CSR and Compulsory Regulation: A Case Study of the Nigerian Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative with B. Ihugba, (British Academy of Management Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 12-16 September 2011)
Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2011
Corporate Social Responsibility as a Market Governance Mechanism with KM Amaeshi and J. Doh, (Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas USA, 12-16 August 2011)
San Antonio, United States, 2011
Consumers, CSR Messages, and Social Labels: Charting a Role for the Unfair Commercial Practices System (13th International Conference on Consumer Law, Brunel University West London, 27-29 June 2011)
Uxbridge, United Kingdom, 2011
Corporate Social Responsibility as a Market Governance Mechanism: Any Implications for Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies? with KM Amaeshi and J. Doh (Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets Conference, Seoul, 28-29 May 2011)
Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2011
Meeting the Corporate Regulation Challenge: Dynamic Approaches to CSR Accountability with B. Ihugba (CR3 Research Conference, Hankel School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, 8-9 April 2011)
Helsinki, Finland, 2011
Stakeholder Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility: Setting a Sustainability Agenda with B. Ihugba (CR3 Research Conference, Hankel School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, 8-9 April 2011)
Helsinki, Finland, 2011
Fluidity of Regulation-CSR Nexus and Social Reporting: The Multinational Corporate Corruption Model (9th International Conference on CSR, Zagreb, Croatia, June 2010)
Zagreb, Croatia, 2010
The Tort of Harassment in Consumer Protection: An Emerging Issue (International Conference on Teaching Consumer Law, Houston US, May 2010)
Houston, United States, 2010
Multinational Enterprises and the Protection of Human Rights- Non-Financial Reporting as an Option (Globalization and Human Rights AAGS Conference, Calgary Canada, March 2009)
Calgary, Canada, 2009
Consumer Protection Issues in Non-Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance and Social Reporting: Any Role for the Law (International Conference on Teaching Consumer Law, Houston US, May 2008)
Houston, United States, 2008
MNEs, Non-Financial Reporting, Process Advertising and Globalization (Knowledge Globalization Conference, Boston US, April 2008)
Boston, United States, 2008
Corporate Non-Financial Reporting, Process Advertising and Consumer Protection (11th International Conference on Consumer Law, Cape Town South Africa, 11-13 April 2007)
Cape Town, South Africa, 2007
Reporting of Corporate Governance Issues: Self-Regulation or External Regulation (6th International Conference on CSR, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 11-14 June 2007)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007
Governance Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility: the States Role in the Regulation of Corporate Non-Financial Reporting (Beyond CSR? Business, Poverty and Social Justice London, 22 May 2006)
Corporate Personality, Corporate Social Responsibility and Multinational Enterprises: Trans-national Solution for a Trans-boundary Problem (5th International Conference on CSR, Edirne Turkey, 1-5 May 2006)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Dissertation (LW600)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/4/2024

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/1/2024

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/12/2023

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/6/2022

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/2/2022

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/12/2020

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/4/2020
Journal articles (16)
Osuji, O., Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Needs and Sustainable Development – Overcoming Contextual and Regulatory Challenges through the Values Paradigm. Kilaw Journal. 4 (2), 125-161
Alshaleel, M. and Osuji, O., (2025). Mutual Funds, ESG and Gatekeeper Responsibility: Challenges and Resolution of Agency Conflicts. European Business Law Review. 36 (1), 75-102
Osuji, OK., (2018). Inventive interventionist regulation of sports through corporate social responsibility – potential and limitations?
Osuji, OK. and Obibuaku, UL., (2016). Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility: Competing or Complementary Approaches to Poverty Reduction and Socioeconomic Rights?. Journal of Business Ethics. 136 (2), 329-347
Osuji, OK., (2015). Corporate social responsibility, juridification and globalisation: ‘inventive interventionism’ for a ‘paradox’. International Journal of Law in Context. 11 (3), 265-298
Osuji, OK. and Amajuoyi, UC., (2015). Online Peer-to-Peer Lending: Challenging Consumer Protection Rationales, Orthodoxies and Models?. Journal of Business Law. 2015 (6), 485-509
Osuji, OK. and Umahi, OT., (2012). Pharmaceutical companies and access to medicines – social integration and ethical CSR resolution of a global public choice problem. Journal of Global Ethics. 8 (2-3), 139-167
Osuji, O., (2012). Asset management companies, non-performing loans and systemic crisis: A developing country perspective. Journal of Banking Regulation. 13 (2), 147-170
Osuji, OK., (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility- Fairness and Promise as the Fundaments for Juridification of Social Disclosures. Contemporary Issues in Law. 12 (1), 46-76
Osuji, OK., (2011). Business-to-Consumer Harassment, Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and the UK—A Distorted Picture of Uniform Harmonization?. Journal of Consumer Policy. 34 (4), 437-453
Osuji, O., (2011). Fluidity of Regulation-CSR Nexus: The Multinational Corporate Corruption Example. Journal of Business Ethics. 103 (1), 31-57
Osuji, OK. and Ihugba, BU., (2011). Corporate Citizenship and Stakeholder Engagement: Maintaining an Equitable Power Balance. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies. 16 (2), 28-38
Osuji, OK., (2009). Nigerian Financial Institutions and Non-Financial Reputation- Disconnection or Convergence. Zenith Quarterly. 4 (4), 48-58
Amaeshi, KM., Osuji, OK. and Nnodim, P., (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains of Global Brands: A Boundaryless Responsibility? Clarifications, Exceptions and Implications. Journal of Business Ethics. 81 (1), 223-234
Osuji, OK., (2008). MNEs, Non-Financial Reporting, Process Advertising and Globalization. Journal of Knowledge Globalization. 1 (2), 65-83
Osuji, OK., (2003). Removal of a Director under the Nigerian Company Law and Practice. Modern Journal of Finance and Investment Law. 7 (3-4), 355-378
Books (6)
Osuji, OK., Griffin, J., Chan, HK. and Choo, H., 3D Printing: The development of a technical licensing framework with a focus on China. Routledge
Osuji, OK., Ngwu, FN., Pillay, R. and Lynch-Wood, G., CSR in Developing and Emerging Markets – Innovative Public and Private Regulation Dimensions. Cambridge University Press
Osuji, OK., Ngwu, FN. and Lynch-Wood, G., (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Globe Innovative Resolution of Regulatory and Governance Challenges. Cambridge University Press. 1108470025. 9781108470025
Osuji, OK., Ngwu, FN. and Jamali, D., (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press. 9781108472111
Osuji, OK., Ngwu, FN., Ogbechi, C. and Williamson, D., (2019). Enhancing Board Effectiveness – Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets. Routledge. 1138048321. 9781138048324
Amaeshi, K., Nnodim, P. and Onyeka, O., (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Routledge
Book chapters (26)
Osuji, OK., Advocacy and Mooting Skills. In: Nigerian Legal Methods. Editors: Ohuruogu, CC. and Umahi, OT., . Cambridge Scholars
Osuji, OK., Aviation Financing in Nigeria. In: Essays in Honour of Justice Umaru Abdullahi: the Challenges to Nigerian Commercial Law. Editors: Irabor, K., . 260- 280
Osuji, OK., Improving Transparency, Fairness and Accountability in University Assessment. In: Effective Teaching and Learning: A Practical Handbook for Educators in Nigerian Universities. Editors: Icha-Ituma, A. and Nwajiuba, . FUNAI Press
Osuji, O., Club Theory and Directors' Performance Evaluation. In: Enhancing Board Effectiveness Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets, 1st Edition. Editors: Ngwu, F., Osuji, O., Ogbechie, C. and Williamson, D., . Routledge. 9781138048324
Osuji, O., Ngwu, F. and Jamali, D., Introduction: CSR in Developing and Emerging Markets – Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development. In: CSR in Developing and Emerging Markets – Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press
Osuji, OK., (2021). Equity and Regulation. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer International Publishing. 103- 127. 9783030424640
Osuji, OK. and Taiwo, OD., (2021). Contextual Centrality of Institutional Arbitration Framework for AU Legal Order. In: The Emergent African Union Law Conceptualization, Delimitation, and Application. Editors: Amao, O., Olivier, M. and Magliveras, K., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 130- 153. 0198862156. 9780192606778
Flynn, T., Fujita, S., Marique, Y., Osuji, O. and Sandoval, C., (2020). Global, Regional and Comparative Perspectives: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 29- 30. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Osuji, O., (2020). African Union and Public Health Crises in a Regional Legal Order. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 41- 50. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Osuji, O., (2020). Equity and Regulation. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. Editors: Crowther, D. and Seifi, S., . Palgrave Macmillan. 9783030224387
Osuji, O. and Abba, P., (2019). Domestic adjudicative institutions, developing countries and sustainable development: Linkages and limitations. In: Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development. Editors: Osuji, O., Ngwu, FN. and Jamali, D., . Cambridge University Press. 49- 84. 9781108472111
Osuji, OK., (2019). Tackling Corruption through Corporate Social Responsibility. In: Corruption, Social Sciences and the Law: Explorations Across Disciplines. Editors: Seabrook, J., . Routledge. 101- 132. 9780367186418
Osuji, O., Ngwu, F., Ogbechie, C. and Williamson, D., (2019). Introduction: Enhancing Board Effectiveness – Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets. In: Enhancing Board Effectiveness Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets, 1st Edition. Editors: Ngwu, F., Osuji, O., Ogbechie, C. and Williamson, D., . Routledge. 1- 12. 9781138048324
Williamson, D., Ogbechie, C., Osuji, O. and Ngwu, F., (2019). Effective Boards in Developing and Emerging Markets: Looking Ahead. In: Enhancing Board Effectiveness Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets, 1st Edition. Editors: Ngwu, F., Osuji, O., Ogbechie, C. and Williamson, D., . 375- 381. 9781138048324
Osuji, O., Ngwu, F. and Jamali, D., (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Developing and Emerging Markets: Looking Forward. In: CSR in Developing and Emerging Markets – Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press. 438- 448
Osuji, O. and Amajuoyi, U., (2019). Sustainable consumption, consumer protection and sustainable development: Unbundling institutional septet for developing economies. In: Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets – Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development. Editors: Osuji, O., Ngwu, F. and Jamali, D., . Cambridge University Press. 395- 437. 9781108579360
Osuji, OK., Ngwu, FN. and Jamali, D., (2019). Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development. In: Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press. 1- 14
Osuji, OK., (2019). Club Theory and Directors' Performance Evaluation. In: Enhancing Board Effectiveness: Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets. Editors: Ngwu, FN., Osuji, OK., Ogbechie, C. and Williamson, D., . Routledge. 151- 183
Osuji, OK. and Moore, I., (2017). Director Disqualification as a Corporate Governance Tool in Developing and Emerging Markets. In: Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets. Editors: Ngwu, FN., Osuji, OK. and Stephen, F., . Routledge. 270- 290. 978-1-138-95585-1
Osuji, OK., Stephen, F. and Ngwu, FN., (2017). Corporate Governance in developing and emerging markets: the way forward. In: Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets. Editors: Ngwu, FN., Osuji, OK. and Stephen, F., . Routledge. 323- 325. 978-1-138-95585-1
Osuji, OK., (2017). Responsible Lending: Consumer Protection and Prudential Regulation Perspectives. In: Credit, Consumers and the Law: After the Global Storm. Editors: Fairweather, K., O'Shea, P. and Grantham, R., . Routledge. 62- 85. 978-1-4724-5234-4
(2016). Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets. In: Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets. Editors: Ngwu, F., Osuji, O. and Stephen, F., . Routledge. 3- 13. 1317353870. 9781317353874
Osuji, OK., (2011). Transnational Corporations and the Protection of Human Rights: Non-Financial Reporting as an Option. In: Globalization and Human Rights in the Developing World. Editors: Nault, D. and England, SL., . Palgrave Macmillan. 83- 117
Osuji, OK. and Eze, E., (2008). Civil Liability of ISPs, the Internet, and Law. In: Developing Successful ICT Strategies. IGI Global. 95- 112
Osuji, OK., (2008). Reporting of Corporate Governance Issues: Self-Regulation or External Legal Regulation. In: Culture and Governance. Editors: Aras, G. and Crowther, D., . SSRNet
Osuji, OK., (2007). CSR Reporting and Multinational Enterprises: A Multinational Approach. In: New Perspectives on CSR. Editors: Crowther, D. and Zain, MM., . UPENA
Media (1)
Griffin, J., Jones, A., Osuji, O., Li, P. and Mok, E., A Technological Licensing Framework for 3D Printed Content: A Focus on China” (promotional video, 2016). Video
Other (3)
Osuji, O. and Griffin, J., Questionnaire on Contract Rules for Online Purchases of Digital Content and Tangible Goods
Osuji, O., Corporate bosses could soon take the rap for staff criminality
Osuji, OK., (2016).Anna Beckers: Enforcing Corporate Social Responsibility Codes. On Global Self-Regulation and National Private Law. International Company and Commercial Law Review. 10
Grants and funding
Licensing System for 3D Printing in China - impact follow on
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Academic support hours:
Monday 1-2