Jo Pearce

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Colchester Campus
- Psychotherapy for children & adolescents experiencing gender related distress
Jo is a Group Analytic Psychotherapist registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and a Mentalization Based Therapy practitioner accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC. She has worked in a variety of NHS, local authority, youth service and third sector settings and currently provides reflective practise for staff teams and a range of art and talking therapies to individuals, groups and families within NHS specialist mental health services. She also works in the voluntary sector delivering group and family interventions and providing clinical supervision for adolescent therapy groups. She has overseen the development of several community support initiatives, one of which - a therapy service for children and young people experiencing gender-related distress - is the subject of her research at the University of Essex.
Research and professional activities
Group Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Gender-Related Distress: experiences of young people and their parents/carers
The rapid increase in children and young people seeking help with gender related distress over the last decade has focussed attention on the contribution psychological therapies can make to meeting their needs. This qualitative study explores service user experience of a creative group psychotherapy approach and considers its benefits, limitations and potential as a meaningful therapeutic support to this growing population.
Supervisor: Dr Deborah Wright