
Professor Reinhard Pekrun

Department of Psychology
Professor Reinhard Pekrun



Reinhard Pekrun is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Essex, United Kingdom, and a Professorial Fellow at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University, Sydney. His research areas include achievement emotion and motivation, personality development, and psychological assessment and evaluation. Pekrun pioneered research on emotions in achievement settings and originated the Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions. He has published over 350 books, articles, and chapters. He is listed as a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher, ranking among the top twenty currently most highly cited researchers in the social sciences. Pekrun is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, the American Educational Research Association, and the International Academy of Education. He served as President of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society and Vice-President for Research at the University of Munich. Pekrun received the 2015 John G. Diefenbaker Award from the Canada Council, which acknowledges outstanding research accomplishments across fields in the humanities and social sciences. He is also the recipient of the Sylvia Scribner Award 2017 (AERA, Division C), the EARLI Oeuvre Award 2017 (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), and the Lifetime Achievement Award 2018 of the German Psychological Society.


  • Habilitation University of Munich, (1986)

  • PhD University of Munich, (1982)

  • Dipl.-Psych. (equivalent to M.Sc.) Technical University of Braunschweig, University of Tübingen, (1977)


University of Essex

  • Professor, Department of Psychology (2019 - present)

  • Director of Employability, Department of Psychology (2021 - present)

Other academic

  • Professorial Fellow, Australian Catholic University (2017 - present)

  • Professor and Research Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Munich (2001 - 2019)

  • Chair of University Advisory Board, University of Munich (2010 - 2019)

  • Honorary Professor, Australian Catholic University (2015 - 2016)

  • Vice-President for Research, University of Munich (2007 - 2009)

  • Associate Director, Department of Psychology, University of Munich (2002 - 2007)

  • Member of Senate, University of Munich (2002 - 2007)

  • Director, Institute of Educational Psychology, University of Munich (2001 - 2002)

  • Dean, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Regensburg (2000 - 2001)

  • Associate Dean, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Regensburg (1998 - 2000)

  • Full Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Regensburg (1994 - 2001)

  • Director, Institute of Psychology, University of Regensburg (1992 - 1994)

  • Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Regensburg (1991 - 1994)

  • Interim Professor, Universities of Heidelberg & Frankfurt a.M. (1988 - 1991)

  • Assistant Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Munich (1982 - 1988)

  • Graduate Assistant, Universities of Bochum & Munich (1977 - 1982)

Research and professional activities

Conferences and presentations

Symposium "Putting tasks under the microscope: Task features triggering emotions and modulating their effects on learning"

annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, 4/2023

Emotional and metacognitive processes in technology-based learning: Challenges and future directions.

Invited presentation, EARLI conference “SIG Metacognition Meets SIG Motivation and Emotion, Dresden, Germany, 8/2022

Control-Value Theory: State of the Art, Challenges, and New Directions

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 17th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6/7/2022

Emotion in education: State of the art, challenges, and future directions

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Educational Research Association and the Flemish Forum for Educational Research, Utrecht / online, The Netherlands, 7/2021

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Experiencing Emotion (PS103)

  • Introduction to Personal Development and Employability (PS117)

  • Applied Psychology (PS118)

  • Enhancing employability and career planning (PS417)

  • Advanced employability skills and career progression (PS492)

  • The Psychology of (Self)-Improvement (PS515)

  • Psychology in the Real World (PS516)


Publications (5)

Stockinger, K., Dresel, M., Marsh, H. and Pekrun, R., (2025). Strategies for Regulating Achievement Emotions: Conceptualization and Relations with University Students’ Emotions, Well-Being, and Health

Stockinger, K., Dresel, M., Marsh, H. and Pekrun, R., (2024). Strategies for Regulating Achievement Emotions: Conceptualization and Relations with University Students’ Emotions, Well-Being, and Health

Stockinger, K., Dresel, M., Marsh, H. and Pekrun, R., (2024). Strategies for Regulating Achievement Emotions: Conceptualization and Relations with University Students’ Emotions, Well-Being, and Health

Stockinger, K., Vogl, E. and Pekrun, R., (2023). The School-Related Well-Being Scale (SWBS): A brief and reliable measure of students’ overall psychological well-being (User’s manual)

Lavelle-Hill, RE., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Lichtenfeld, S., Marsh, H., Pekrun, R., Sakaki, M., Smith, G. and Murayama, K., (2023). How the Predictors of Math Achievement Change over Time: A Longitudinal Machine Learning Approach

Journal articles (211)

Pekrun, R., Self-Report is Indispensable to Assess Students’ Learning. Frontline Learning Research. 8 (3), 185-193

Danielson, RW., Sinatra, GM., Trevors, G., Muis, KR., Pekrun, R. and Heddy, BC., Can multiple texts prompt causal thinking? The role of epistemic emotions.. The Journal of Experimental Education

Pekrun, R., Brief Use of Behavioral Activation Features Predicts Benefits of Self-help App on Depression Symptoms: Secondary Analysis of a Selective Prevention Trial in Young People. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Pekrun, R., An ecological momentary assessment study assessing repetitive negative thinking as a predictor for psychopathology. PLOS ONE

Moreno, M., Patino-Melo, L., Grewal, K., Pekrun, R., Lajoie, S., Hadwin, A., Wiseman, J., Brydges, R., Fried, GM., Sun, N-Z., Khalil, E., Azher, S. and Harley, JM., (2025). The role of leadership in medical trainee team-regulation dynamics in crisis resource management simulation education. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 40 (1)

Pekrun, R., (2025). Emotions in Mathematics Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. ZDM: Mathematics Education

Pekrun, R., Stockinger, K., Dresel, M. and Marsh, HW., (2025). Strategies for Regulating Achievement Emotions: Conceptualization and Relations with Students’ Emotions, Well-Being, and Health. Learning and Instruction, 102089-102089

Muis, KR., Kohatsu, M., Pekrun, R. and Li, S., (2025). Confusion and confusion regulation: An empirical investigation of the emotion regulation in achievement situations model. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 80, 102350-102350

Goetz, T., Fries, J., Stempfer, L., Kraiger, L., Stoll, S., Baumgartner, L., Diamant, Y., Porics, C., Sonntag, B., Würglauer, S., Van Tilburg, W. and Pekrun, R., (2025). Spiritual boredom is associated with over- and underchallenge, lack of value, and reduced motivation.. Communications Psychology. 3 (1), 35-

Kohatsu, M., Muis, KR., Pekrun, R., Sinatra, GM., Kendeou, P., Robinson, KA., Kennedy, A. and Potola, S., (2025). The Struggle is Real: An Intervention to Regulate and Resolve Confusion During Complex Statistics Problem Solving. The Journal of Experimental Education, 1-27

Sakaki, M., Murayama, K., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Marsh, HW., Lichtenfeld, S. and Pekrun, R., (2024). Developmental Trajectories of Achievement Emotions in Mathematics During Adolescence. Child Development. 95 (1), 276-295

Frenzel, AC., Dindar, M., Pekrun, R., Reck, C. and Marx, AKG., (2024). Joy is reciprocally transmitted between teachers and students: Evidence on facial mimicry in the classroom. Learning and Instruction. 91, 101896-101896

Pekrun, R., (2024). Overcoming Fragmentation in Motivation Science: Why, When, and How Should We Integrate Theories?. Educational Psychology Review. 36 (1)

Marsh, HW., Guo, J., Pekrun, R., Lüdtke, O. and Núñez-Regueiro, F., (2024). Cracking Chicken-Egg Conundrums: Juxtaposing Contemporaneous and Lagged Reciprocal Effects Models of Academic Self-Concept and Achievement’s Directional Ordering. Educational Psychology Review. 36 (2)

Putwain, DW., Daumiller, M., Hussain, T. and Pekrun, R., (2024). Revisiting the relation between academic buoyancy and coping: A network analysis. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 78, 102283-102283

Schwartze, MM., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Lohbeck, A., Bednorz, D., Kleine, M. and Pekrun, R., (2024). Boredom due to being over‐ or under‐challenged in mathematics: A latent profile analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 94 (3), 947-958

Oakley, CM., Pekrun, R. and Stoet, G., (2024). Sex differences of school grades in childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal analysis. Intelligence. 107, 101857-101857

Hu, Y., Elliot, AJ., Wouters, P., van der Schaaf, M., Kester, L. and Pekrun, R., (2024). Effects of peers’ emotions on students’ emotions, achievement goals, mental effort, and performance.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 116 (7), 1283-1299

Lavelle-Hill, R., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Lichtenfeld, S., Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Sakaki, M., Smith, G. and Murayama, K., (2024). How the predictors of math achievement change over time: A longitudinal machine learning approach.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 116 (8), 1383-1403

Watkins, ER., Warren, FC., Newbold, A., Hulme, C., Cranston, T., Aas, B., Bear, H., Botella, C., Burkhardt, F., Ehring, T., Fazel, M., Fontaine, JRJ., Frost, M., Garcia-Palacios, A., Greimel, E., Hößle, C., Hovasapian, A., Huyghe, VEI., Karpouzis, K., Löchner, J., Molinari, G., Pekrun, R., Platt, B., Rosenkranz, T., Scherer, KR., Schlegel, K., Schuller, BW., Schulte-Korne, G., Suso-Ribera, C., Voigt, V., Voß, M. and Taylor, RS., (2024). Emotional competence self-help mobile phone app versus cognitive behavioural self-help app versus self-monitoring app to promote mental wellbeing in healthy young adults (ECoWeB PROMOTE): an international, multicentre, parallel, open-label, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Digital Health. 6 (12), e904-e913

Watkins, ER., Warren, FC., Newbold, A., Hulme, C., Cranston, T., Aas, B., Bear, H., Botella, C., Burkhardt, F., Ehring, T., Fazel, M., Fontaine, JRJ., Frost, M., Garcia-Palacios, A., Greimel, E., Hößle, C., Hovasapian, A., Huyghe, VEI., Karpouzis, K., Löchner, J., Molinari, G., Pekrun, R., Platt, B., Rosenkranz, T., Scherer, KR., Schlegel, K., Schuller, BW., Schulte-Korne, G., Suso-Ribera, C., Voigt, V., Voß, M. and Taylor, RS., (2024). Emotional competence self-help app versus cognitive behavioural self-help app versus self-monitoring app to prevent depression in young adults with elevated risk (ECoWeB PREVENT): an international, multicentre, parallel, open-label, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Digital Health. 6 (12), e894-e903

Pekrun, R., (2024). Control-Value Theory: From Achievement Emotion to a General Theory of Human Emotions. Educational Psychology Review. 36 (3), 83-

Pekrun, R., Marsh, HW., Suessenbach, F., Frenzel, AC. and Goetz, T., (2023). School grades and students’ emotions: Longitudinal models of within-person reciprocal effects. Learning and Instruction. 83, 101626-101626

Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Dicke, T., Guo, J., Parker, PD. and Basarkod, G., (2023). Disentangling the Long-term Positive Effects of School-Average SES and Negative Effects of School-Average Achievement: A Substantive-Methodological Synergy. Educational Psychology Review. 35 (3)

Danielson, RW., Sinatra, GM., Trevors, G., Muis, KR., Pekrun, R. and Heddy, BC., (2023). Can Multiple Texts Prompt Causal Thinking? The Role of Epistemic Emotions. Journal of Experimental Education. 91 (4), 621-635

Bieleke, M., Goetz, T., Yanagida, T., Botes, E., Frenzel, AC. and Pekrun, R., (2023). Measuring emotions in mathematics: the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire—Mathematics (AEQ-M). ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 55 (2), 269-284

Shao, K., Stockinger, K., Pekrun, R. and Marsh, HW., (2023). Applying Control-Value Theory for Examining Multiple Emotions in Second Language Classrooms: Validating the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Second Language Learning. Language Teaching Research, 136216882211444-136216882211444

Marsh, HW., Reeve, J., Guo, J., Pekrun, R., Parada, R., Parker, P., Basarkod, G., Craven, R., Jang, H., Dicke, T., Ciarocci, J., Baljinder, S., Devine, E. and Cheon, S., (2023). Overcoming Limitations in Peer Victimization Research that Impede Successful Intervention: Challenges and New Directions. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 18 (4), 812-828

Schubert, S., Pekrun, R. and Ufer, S., (2023). The role of epistemic emotions in undergraduate students’ proof construction. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 55 (2), 299-314

Pekrun, R., (2023). Mind and body in students' and teachers' engagement: New evidence, challenges, and guidelines for future research. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 93 (S1), 227-238

Pekrun, R., Marsh, HW., Elliot, AJ., Loderer, K., Perry, RP., Elisabeth, V., Goetz, T., Van Tilburg, WAP., Lüdtke, O. and Vispoel, W., (2023). A Three-Dimensional Taxonomy of Achievement Emotions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 124 (1), 145-178

Bardach, L., Yanagida, T., Goetz, T., Jach, H. and Pekrun, R., (2023). Self-Regulated and Externally Regulated Learning in Adolescence: Developmental Trajectories and Relations with Teacher Behavior, Parent Behavior, and Academic Achievement. Developmental Psychology. 59 (7), 1327-1345

Beaumont, J., Putwain, DW., Gallard, D., Elizabeth, E., Marsh, HW. and Pekrun, R., (2023). Students’ Emotion Regulation and School-Related Wellbeing: Longitudinal Models Juxtaposing Between- and Within-Person Perspectives. Journal of Educational Psychology. 115 (7), 932-950

Schukajlow, S., Rakoczy, K. and Pekrun, R., (2023). Emotions and Motivation in Mathematics Education: Where We are Today and Where We Need to Go. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 55 (2), 249-267

Basarkod, G., Marsh, HW., Guo, J., Parker, PD., Dicke, T. and Pekrun, R., (2023). The Happy-Fish-Little-Pond Effect on Enjoyment: Generalizability Across Multiple Domains and Countries. Learning and Instruction. 85, 101733-101733

Marsh, HW., Lüdtke, O., Pekrun, R., Parker, PD., Murayama, K., Guo, J., Basarkod, G., Dicke, T., Donald, JN. and Morin, AJS., (2023). School Leaders’ Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction Over Nine Annual Waves: A Substantive-Methodological Synergy Juxtaposing Competing Models of Directional Ordering. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 73, 102170-102170

Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Guo, J., Hattie, J. and Karin, E., (2023). Too Much of a Good Thing Might Be Bad: the Double-Edged Sword of Parental Aspirations and the Adverse Effects of Aspiration-Expectation Gaps. Educational Psychology Review. 35 (2)

Marsh, HW., Guo, J., Parker, PD., Pekrun, R., Basarkod, G., Dicke, T., Parada, RH., Reeve, J., Craven, R., Ciarrochi, J., Sahdra, B. and Devine, EK., (2023). Peer Victimization: an Integrative Review and Cross-National Test of a Tripartite Model. Educational Psychology Review. 35 (2)

Goetz, T., Bieleke, M., Yanagida, T., Krannich, M., Roos, A-L., Frenzel, AC., Lipnevich, AA. and Pekrun, R., (2023). Test Boredom: Exploring a Neglected Emotion. Journal of Educational Psychology. 115 (7), 911-931

Putwain, DW., Symes, W., Marsh-Henry, Z., Marsh, HW. and Pekrun, R., (2023). COVID-19 Meets Control-Value Theory: Emotional Reactions to Canceled High-Stakes Examinations. Learning and Individual Differences. 105, 102319-102319

Goetz, T., Gogol, K., Pekrun, R., Lipnevich, AA., Becker, ES., Krannich, M. and Sticca, F., (2023). Our individual order of things directs how we think we feel. Cognition and Emotion. 37 (5), 990-996

Muis, KR., Sinatra, GM., Pekrun, R., Kendeou, P., Mason, L., Jacobson, NG., Van Tilburg, WAP., Orcutt, E., Zaccoletti, S. and Losenno, KM., (2023). Corrigendum: Flattening the COVID-19 curve: Emotions mediate the effects of a persuasive message on preventive action. Frontiers in Psychology. 14, 1148252-

Pekrun, R., (2022). Emotions in Reading and Learning from Texts: Progress and Open Problems. Discourse Processes. 59 (1-2), 116-125

Niepel, C., Marsh, HW., Guo, J., Pekrun, R. and Möller, J., (2022). Revealing dynamic relations between mathematics self-concept and perceived achievement from lesson to lesson: An experience-sampling study.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 114 (6), 1380-1393

Lichtenfeld, S., Pekrun, R., Marsh, HW., Nett, UE. and Reiss, K., (2022). Achievement Emotions and Elementary School Children’s Academic Performance: Longitudinal Models of Developmental Ordering. Journal of Educational Psychology. 115 (4), 552-570

Guo, J., Hu, X., Marsh, HW. and Pekrun, R., (2022). Relations of epistemic beliefs with motivation, achievement, and aspirations in science: Generalizability across 72 societies.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 114 (4), 734-751

Putwain, DW., Wood, P. and Pekrun, R., (2022). Achievement emotions and academic achievement: Reciprocal relations and the moderating influence of academic buoyancy.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 114 (1), 108-126

Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R. and Lüdtke, O., (2022). Directional Ordering of Self-Concept, School Grades, and Standardized Tests Over Five Years: New Tripartite Models Juxtaposing Within- and Between-Person Perspectives. Educational Psychology Review. 34 (4), 2697-2744

Van Tilburg, WAP., Pekrun, R. and Igou, ER., (2022). Consumed by Boredom: Food Choice Motivation and Weight Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Behavioral Sciences. 12 (10), 366-366

Graham, MC., Husman, J., Pekrun, R., Villanueva, I. and Christensen, D., (2022). The dynamic experience of taking an examination: Ever changing cortisol and expectancy for success.. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 93 (S1), 195-210

Muis, KR., Sinatra,, GM., Pekrun, R., Kendeou, P., Mason, L., Jacobs, N., Van Tilburg, W., Orcutt, E., Zaccoletti, S. and Losenno, KM., (2022). Flattening the COVID-19 curve: Emotions mediate the effects of a persuasive message on preventive action. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 1047241-

Forsblom, L., Pekrun, R., Loderer, K. and Peixoto, F., (2022). Cognitive appraisals, achievement emotions, and students’ math achievement: A longitudinal analysis.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 114 (2), 346-367

Pekrun, R. and Marsh, HW., (2022). Research on situated motivation and emotion: Progress and open problems. Learning and Instruction. 81, 101664-101664

Roos, A-L., Goetz, T., Voracek, M., Krannich, M., Bieg, M., Jarrell, A. and Pekrun, R., (2021). Test Anxiety and Physiological Arousal: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review. 33 (2), 579-618

Schwartze, MM., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Pekrun, R., Reck, C., Marx, AKG. and Fiedler, D., (2021). Boredom Makes Me Sick: Adolescents' Boredom Trajectories and Their Health-Related Quality of Life.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18 (12), 6308-6308

Putwain, DW., Schmitz, EA., Wood, P. and Pekrun, R., (2021). The role of achievement emotions in primary school mathematics: Control–value antecedents and achievement outcomes. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 91 (1), 347-367

Goetz, T., Bieleke, M., Gogol, K., van Tartwijk, J., Mainhard, T., Lipnevich, AA. and Pekrun, R., (2021). Getting along and feeling good: Reciprocal associations between student-teacher relationship quality and students’ emotions. Learning and Instruction. 71, 101349-101349

Bieleke, M., Gogol, K., Goetz, T., Daniels, L. and Pekrun, R., (2021). The AEQ-S: A short version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 65, 101940-101940

Camacho-Morles, J., Slemp, GR., Pekrun, R., Loderer, K., Hou, H. and Oades, LG., (2021). Activity Achievement Emotions and Academic Performance: A Meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review. 33 (3), 1051-1095

Hofmans, J., Morin, AJS., Breitsohl, H., Ceulemans, E., Chénard-Poirier, LA., Driver, CC., Fernet, C., Gagné, M., Gillet, N., González-Romá, V., Grimm, KJ., Hamaker, EL., Hau, K-T., Houle, SA., Howard, JL., Kline, RB., Kuijpers, E., Leyens, T., Litalien, D., Mäkikangas, A., Marsh, HW., McLarnon, MJW., Meyer, JP., Navarro, J., Olivier, E., O’Neill, TA., Pekrun, R., Salmela-Aro, K., Solinger, ON., Sonnentag, S., Tay, L., Tóth-Király, I., Vallerand, RJ., Vandenberghe, C., van Rossenberg, YGT., Vantilborgh, T., Vergauwe, J., Vullinghs, JT., Wang, M., Wen, Z. and Wille, B., (2021). The baby and the bathwater: On the need for substantive–methodological synergy in organizational research. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 14 (4), 497-504

Marsh, HW., Xu, KM., Parker, PD., Hau, K-T., Pekrun, R., Elliot, A., Guo, J., Dicke, T. and Basarkod, G., (2021). Moderation of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect: Juxtaposition of Evolutionary (Darwinian-Economic) and Achievement Motivation Theory Predictions Based on a Delphi Approach. Educational Psychology Review. 33 (4), 1353-1378

Pekrun, R., (2021). Teachers need more than knowledge: Why motivation, emotion, and self-regulation are indispensable. Educational Psychologist. 56 (4), 312-322

Parker, PC., Perry, RP., Hamm, JM., Chipperfield, JG., Pekrun, R., Dryden, RP., Daniels, LM. and Tze, VMC., (2021). A motivation perspective on achievement appraisals, emotions, and performance in an online learning environment. International Journal of Educational Research. 108, 101772-101772

Lajoie, SP., Pekrun, R., Azevedo, R. and Leighton, JP., (2020). Understanding and measuring emotions in technology-rich learning environments. Learning and Instruction. 70, 101272-101272

Thacker, I., Sinatra, GM., Muis, KR., Danielson, RW., Pekrun, R., Winne, PH. and Chevrier, M., (2020). Using persuasive refutation texts to prompt attitudinal and conceptual change.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 112 (6), 1085-1099

Marsh, HW., Parker, PD., Guo, J., Pekrun, R. and Basarkod, G., (2020). Psychological Comparison Processes and Self–Concept in Relation to Five Distinct Frame–Of–Reference Effects: Pan–Human Cross–Cultural Generalizability over 68 Countries. European Journal of Personality. 34 (2), 180-202

Tracey, D., Morin, AJS., Pekrun, R., Arens, AK., Murayama, K., Lichtenfeld, S., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T. and Maïano, C., (2020). Mathematics Motivation in Students With Low Cognitive Ability: A Longitudinal Study of Motivation and Relations With Effort, Self-Regulation, and Grades. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 125 (2), 125-147

Loderer, K., Gentsch, K., Duffy, MC., Zhu, M., Xie, X., Chavarría, JA., Vogl, E., Soriano, C., Scherer, KR. and Pekrun, R., (2020). Are concepts of achievement-related emotions universal across cultures? A semantic profiling approach. Cognition and Emotion. 34 (7), 1480-1488

Frenzel, AC., Fiedler, D., Marx, AKG., Reck, C. and Pekrun, R., (2020). Who Enjoys Teaching, and When? Between- and Within-Person Evidence on Teachers’ Appraisal-Emotion Links. Frontiers in Psychology. 11, 1092-

Shao, K., Pekrun, R., Marsh, HW. and Loderer, K., (2020). Control-value appraisals, achievement emotions, and foreign language performance: A latent interaction analysis. Learning and Instruction. 69, 101356-101356

Guo, J., HU, X., Marsh, H. and Pekrun, R., (2020). Knowing “What Is Science” Boosts Students’ Science Learning Globally

Newbold, A., Warren, FC., Taylor, RS., Hulme, C., Burnett, S., Aas, B., Botella, C., Burkhardt, F., Ehring, T., Fontaine, JRJ., Frost, M., Garcia-Palacios, A., Greimel, E., Hoessle, C., Hovasapian, A., Huyghe, VEI., Lochner, J., Molinari, G., Pekrun, R., Platt, B., Rosenkranz, T., Scherer, KR., Schlegel, K., Schulte-Korne, G., Suso, C., Voigt, V. and Watkins, ER., (2020). Promotion of mental health in young adults via mobile phone app: study protocol of the ECoWeB (emotional competence for well-being in Young adults) cohort multiple randomised trials. BMC Psychiatry. 20 (1), 458-

Schwartze, MM., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Marx, AKG., Reck, C., Pekrun, R. and Fiedler, D., (2020). Excessive boredom among adolescents: A comparison between low and high achievers. PLOS ONE. 15 (11), e0241671-e0241671

Loderer, K., Pekrun, R. and Lester, JC., (2020). Beyond cold technology: A systematic review and meta-analysis on emotions in technology-based learning environments. Learning and Instruction. 70, 101162-101162

Duffy, MC., Lajoie, SP., Pekrun, R. and Lachapelle, K., (2020). Emotions in medical education: Examining the validity of the Medical Emotion Scale (MES) across authentic medical learning environments. Learning and Instruction. 70, 101150-101150

Vogl, E., Pekrun, R., Murayama, K. and Loderer, K., (2020). Surprised-curious-confused: Epistemic emotions and knowledge exploration.. Emotion. 20 (4), 625-641

Thacker, I., Sinatra, GM., Muis, KR., Danielson, RW., Pekrun, R., Winne, PH. and Chevrier, M., (2020). Using Persuasive Refutation Texts to Prompt Attitudinal an Conceptual Change. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 112 (6), 1085-1099

Pekrun, R., (2019). Inquiry on emotions in higher education: progress and open problems. Studies in Higher Education. 44 (10), 1806-1811

Stupnisky, RH., Hall, NC. and Pekrun, R., (2019). Faculty enjoyment, anxiety, and boredom for teaching and research: instrument development and testing predictors of success. Studies in Higher Education. 44 (10), 1712-1722

Shao, K., Pekrun, R. and Nicholson, LJ., (2019). Emotions in classroom language learning: What can we learn from achievement emotion research?. System. 86, 102121-102121

Stupnisky, RH., Hall, NC. and Pekrun, R., (2019). The Emotions of Pretenure Faculty: Implications for Teaching and Research Success. The Review of Higher Education. 42 (4), 1489-1526

Chevrier, M., Muis, KR., Trevors, GJ., Pekrun, R. and Sinatra, GM., (2019). Exploring the antecedents and consequences of epistemic emotions. Learning and Instruction. 63, 101209-101209

Marsh, HW., Parker, PD. and Pekrun, R., (2019). Three Paradoxical Effects on Academic Self-Concept Across Countries, Schools, and Students. European Psychologist. 24 (3), 231-242

Camacho-Morles, J., Slemp, GR., Oades, LG., Pekrun, R. and Morrish, L., (2019). Relative incidence and origins of achievement emotions in computer-based collaborative problem-solving: A control-value approach. Computers in Human Behavior. 98, 41-49

Putwain, DW., Nicholson, LJ., Pekrun, R., Becker, S. and Symes, W., (2019). Expectancy of success, attainment value, engagement, and Achievement: A moderated mediation analysis. Learning and Instruction. 60, 117-125

Harley, JM., Pekrun, R., Taxer, JL. and Gross, JJ., (2019). Emotion Regulation in Achievement Situations: An Integrated Model. Educational Psychologist. 54 (2), 106-126

Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Parker, PD., Murayama, K., Guo, J., Dicke, T. and Arens, AK., (2019). The murky distinction between self-concept and self-efficacy: Beware of lurking jingle-jangle fallacies.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 111 (2), 331-353

Pekrun, R., Murayama, K., Marsh, HW., Goetz, T. and Frenzel, AC., (2019). Happy fish in little ponds: Testing a reference group model of achievement and emotion.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 117 (1), 166-185

Kaufmann, M., Goetz, T., Lipnevich, AA. and Pekrun, R., (2019). Do positive illusions of control foster happiness?. Emotion. 19 (6), 1014-1022

Vogl, E., Pekrun, R., Murayama, K., Loderer, K. and Schubert, S., (2019). Surprise, Curiosity, and Confusion Promote Knowledge Exploration: Evidence for Robust Effects of Epistemic Emotions. Frontiers in Psychology. 10, 2474-

Pekrun, R., (2019). The Murky Distinction Between Curiosity and Interest: State of the Art and Future Prospects. Educational Psychology Review. 31 (4), 905-914

Putwain, DW., Pekrun, R., Nicholson, LJ., Symes, W., Becker, S. and Marsh, HW., (2018). Control-Value Appraisals, Enjoyment, and Boredom in Mathematics: A Longitudinal Latent Interaction Analysis. American Educational Research Journal. 55 (6), 1339-1368

Muis, KR., Sinatra, GM., Pekrun, R., Winne, PH., Trevors, G., Losenno, KM. and Munzar, B., (2018). Main and moderator effects of refutation on task value, epistemic emotions, and learning strategies during conceptual change☆. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 55, 155-165

(2018). Corrigendum. Discourse Processes. 55 (8), x-x

Dicke, T., Marsh, HW., Parker, PD., Pekrun, R., Guo, J. and Televantou, I., (2018). Effects of school-average achievement on individual self-concept and achievement: Unmasking phantom effects masquerading as true compositional effects.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 110 (8), 1112-1126

Haager, JS., Kuhbandner, C. and Pekrun, R., (2018). To Be Bored or Not To Be Bored—How Task‐Related Boredom Influences Creative Performance. The Journal of Creative Behavior. 52 (4), 297-304

Frenzel, AC., Becker-Kurz, B., Pekrun, R., Goetz, T. and Lüdtke, O., (2018). Emotion transmission in the classroom revisited: A reciprocal effects model of teacher and student enjoyment.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 110 (5), 628-639

Buechner, VL., Pekrun, R. and Lichtenfeld, S., (2018). The Achievement Pride Scales (APS). European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 34 (3), 181-192

Putwain, DW., Becker, S., Symes, W. and Pekrun, R., (2018). Reciprocal relations between students’ academic enjoyment, boredom, and achievement over time. Learning and Instruction. 54, 73-81

Chipperfield, JG., Perry, RP., Pekrun, R., Hamm, JM. and Lang, FR., (2018). Paradoxical Effects of Perceived Control on Survival. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 73 (7), 1166-1174

Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Murayama, K., Arens, AK., Parker, PD., Guo, J. and Dicke, T., (2018). An integrated model of academic self-concept development: Academic self-concept, grades, test scores, and tracking over 6 years.. Developmental Psychology. 54 (2), 263-280

Gentsch, K., Loderer, K., Soriano, C., Fontaine, JRJ., Eid, M., Pekrun, R. and Scherer, KR., (2018). Effects of achievement contexts on the meaning structure of emotion words. Cognition and Emotion. 32 (2), 379-388

Pekrun, R., Muis, KR., Frenzel, AC. and Goetz, T., (2017). Emotions at School. Emotions at School, 1-169

Pekrun, R., (2017). Emotion and Achievement During Adolescence. Child Development Perspectives. 11 (3), 215-221

Arens, AK., Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S., Murayama, K. and vom Hofe, R., (2017). Math self-concept, grades, and achievement test scores: Long-term reciprocal effects across five waves and three achievement tracks.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 109 (5), 621-634

Pekrun, R., Vogl, E., Muis, KR. and Sinatra, GM., (2017). Measuring emotions during epistemic activities: the Epistemically-Related Emotion Scales. Cognition and Emotion. 31 (6), 1268-1276

Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Parker, PD., Murayama, K., Guo, J., Dicke, T. and Lichtenfeld, S., (2017). Long-term positive effects of repeating a year in school: Six-year longitudinal study of self-beliefs, anxiety, social relations, school grades, and test scores.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 109 (3), 425-438

Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S., Marsh, HW., Murayama, K. and Goetz, T., (2017). Achievement Emotions and Academic Performance: Longitudinal Models of Reciprocal Effects. Child Development. 88 (5), 1653-1670

Trevors, GJ., Muis, KR., Pekrun, R., Sinatra, GM. and Muijselaar, MML., (2017). Exploring the relations between epistemic beliefs, emotions, and learning from texts. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 48, 116-132

Lauermann, F., Eccles, JS. and Pekrun, R., (2017). Why do children worry about their academic achievement? An expectancy-value perspective on elementary students’ worries about their mathematics and reading performance. ZDM. 49 (3), 339-354

Schukajlow, S., Rakoczy, K. and Pekrun, R., (2017). Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: theoretical considerations and empirical contributions. ZDM. 49 (3), 307-322

Butz, NT., Stupnisky, RH., Pekrun, R., Jensen, JL. and Harsell, DM., (2016). The Impact of Emotions on Student Achievement in Synchronous Hybrid Business and Public Administration Programs: A Longitudinal Test of Control‐Value Theory*. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. 14 (4), 441-474

Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., Patall, EA. and Pekrun, R., (2016). Adaptive Motivation and Emotion in Education. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 3 (2), 228-236

Murayama, K., Pekrun, R., Suzuki, M., Marsh, HW. and Lichtenfeld, S., (2016). Don’t aim too high for your kids: Parental overaspiration undermines students’ learning in mathematics.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 111 (5), 766-779

Trevors, GJ., Muis, KR., Pekrun, R., Sinatra, GM. and Winne, PH., (2016). Identity and Epistemic Emotions During Knowledge Revision: A Potential Account for the Backfire Effect. Discourse Processes. 53 (5-6), 339-370

Spachtholz, P., Kuhbandner, C. and Pekrun, R., (2016). Affect influences feature binding in memory: Trading between richness and strength of memory representations.. Emotion. 16 (7), 1067-1073

Frenzel, AC., Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Daniels, LM., Durksen, TL., Becker-Kurz, B. and Klassen, RM., (2016). Measuring Teachers’ enjoyment, anger, and anxiety: The Teacher Emotions Scales (TES). Contemporary Educational Psychology. 46, 148-163

Marsh, HW., Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S., Guo, J., Arens, AK. and Murayama, K., (2016). Breaking the double-edged sword of effort/trying hard: Developmental equilibrium and longitudinal relations among effort, achievement, and academic self-concept.. Developmental Psychology. 52 (8), 1273-1290

Lee, M., Pekrun, R., Taxer, JL., Schutz, PA., Vogl, E. and Xie, X., (2016). Teachers’ emotions and emotion management: integrating emotion regulation theory with emotional labor research. Social Psychology of Education. 19 (4), 843-863

(2016). Corrigendum: Correction to Supporting Information. Child Development. 87 (5), 1646-1646

Xie, X., Mulej Bratec, S., Schmid, G., Meng, C., Doll, A., Wohlschläger, A., Finke, K., Förstl, H., Zimmer, C., Pekrun, R., Schilbach, L., Riedl, V. and Sorg, C., (2016). How do you make me feel better? Social cognitive emotion regulation and the default mode network. NeuroImage. 134, 270-280

Stupnisky, RH., Pekrun, R. and Lichtenfeld, S., (2016). New faculty members' emotions: a mixed-method study. Studies in Higher Education. 41 (7), 1167-1188

Chipperfield, JG., Perry, RP., Pekrun, R., Barchfeld, P., Lang, FR. and Hamm, JM., (2016). The Paradoxical Role of Perceived Control in Late Life Health Behavior. PLOS ONE. 11 (3), e0148921-e0148921

Goetz, T., Sticca, F., Pekrun, R., Murayama, K. and Elliot, AJ., (2016). Intraindividual relations between achievement goals and discrete achievement emotions: An experience sampling approach. Learning and Instruction. 41, 115-125

Butz, NT., Stupnisky, RH. and Pekrun, R., (2015). Students’ emotions for achievement and technology use in synchronous hybrid graduate programmes: a control-value approach. Research in Learning Technology. 23 (1)

Kuhbandner, C., Spitzer, B., Lichtenfeld, S. and Pekrun, R., (2015). Differential binding of colors to objects in memory: red and yellow stick better than blue and green. Frontiers in Psychology. 6 (MAR), 231-

Muis, KR., Pekrun, R., Sinatra, GM., Azevedo, R., Trevors, G., Meier, E. and Heddy, BC., (2015). The curious case of climate change: Testing a theoretical model of epistemic beliefs, epistemic emotions, and complex learning. Learning and Instruction. 39, 168-183

Peixoto, F., Mata, L., Monteiro, V., Sanches, C. and Pekrun, R., (2015). The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire: Validation for Pre-Adolescent Students. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 12 (4), 472-481

Frenzel, AC., Becker-Kurz, B., Pekrun, R. and Goetz, T., (2015). Teaching This Class Drives Me Nuts! - Examining the Person and Context Specificity of Teacher Emotions. PLOS ONE. 10 (6), e0129630-e0129630

Pekrun, R., Hall, NC., Goetz, T. and Perry, RP., (2014). Boredom and academic achievement: Testing a model of reciprocal causation.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 106 (3), 696-710

Artino, AR. and Pekrun, R., (2014). Using Control-Value Theory to Understand Achievement Emotions in Medical Education. Academic Medicine. 89 (12), 1696-1696

Spachtholz, P., Kuhbandner, C. and Pekrun, R., (2014). Negative affect improves the quality of memories: Trading capacity for precision in sensory and working memory.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 143 (4), 1450-1456

Goetz, T., Frenzel, AC., Hall, NC., Nett, UE., Pekrun, R. and Lipnevich, AA., (2014). Types of boredom: An experience sampling approach. Motivation and Emotion. 38 (3), 401-419

Murayama, K., Pekrun, R. and Fiedler, K., (2014). Research Practices That Can Prevent an Inflation of False-Positive Rates. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 18 (2), 107-118

Haager, JS., Kuhbandner, C. and Pekrun, R., (2014). Overcoming fixed mindsets: The role of affect. Cognition and Emotion. 28 (4), 756-767

Sakaki, M., Kuhbandner, C., Mather, M. and Pekrun, R., (2014). Memory suppression can help people “unlearn” behavioral responses—but only for nonemotional memories. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21 (1), 136-141

Pekrun, R., Cusack, A., Murayama, K., Elliot, AJ. and Thomas, K., (2014). The power of anticipated feedback: Effects on students' achievement goals and achievement emotions. Learning and Instruction. 29, 115-124

D’Mello, S., Lehman, B., Pekrun, R. and Graesser, A., (2014). Confusion can be beneficial for learning. Learning and Instruction. 29, 153-170

(2014). Frontline Learning Research. Frontline Learning Research. 2 (3), 28-45

Murayama, K., Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S. and vom Hofe, R., (2013). Predicting Long‐Term Growth in Students' Mathematics Achievement: The Unique Contributions of Motivation and Cognitive Strategies. Child Development. 84 (4), 1475-1490

Maier, MA., Elliot, AJ., Lee, B., Lichtenfeld, S., Barchfeld, P. and Pekrun, R., (2013). The influence of red on impression formation in a job application context. Motivation and Emotion. 37 (3), 389-401

Goetz, T., Bieg, M., Lüdtke, O., Pekrun, R. and Hall, NC., (2013). Do Girls Really Experience More Anxiety in Mathematics?. Psychological Science. 24 (10), 2079-2087

Kuhbandner, C. and Pekrun, R., (2013). Joint effects of emotion and color on memory.. Emotion. 13 (3), 375-379

Kuhbandner, C. and Pekrun, R., (2013). Affective State Influences Retrieval-Induced Forgetting for Integrated Knowledge. PLoS ONE. 8 (2), e56617-e56617

Frenzel, AC., Pekrun, R., Dicke, A-L. and Goetz, T., (2012). Beyond quantitative decline: Conceptual shifts in adolescents' development of interest in mathematics.. Developmental Psychology. 48 (4), 1069-1082

Lichtenfeld, S., Elliot, AJ., Maier, MA. and Pekrun, R., (2012). Fertile Green. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 38 (6), 784-797

Goetz, T., Nett, UE., Martiny, SE., Hall, NC., Pekrun, R., Dettmers, S. and Trautwein, U., (2012). Students' emotions during homework: Structures, self-concept antecedents, and achievement outcomes. Learning and Individual Differences. 22 (2), 225-234

Lichtenfeld, S., Pekrun, R., Stupnisky, RH., Reiss, K. and Murayama, K., (2012). Measuring students' emotions in the early years: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Elementary School (AEQ-ES). Learning and Individual Differences. 22 (2), 190-201

Schukajlow, S., Leiss, D., Pekrun, R., Blum, W., Müller, M. and Messner, R., (2012). Teaching methods for modelling problems and students’ task-specific enjoyment, value, interest and self-efficacy expectations. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 79 (2), 215-237

Kunter, M., Frenzel, A., Nagy, G., Baumert, J. and Pekrun, R., (2011). Teacher enthusiasm: Dimensionality and context specificity. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 36 (4), 289-301

Elliot, AJ., Murayama, K. and Pekrun, R., (2011). A 3 × 2 achievement goal model.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 103 (3), 632-648

Kuhbandner, C., Lichtenfeld, S. and Pekrun, R., (2011). Always look on the broad side of life: Happiness increases the breadth of sensory memory.. Emotion. 11 (4), 958-964

Kuhbandner, C., Spitzer, B. and Pekrun, R., (2011). Read-Out of Emotional Information From Iconic Memory. Psychological Science. 22 (5), 695-700

Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. and Pekrun, R., (2011). Students’ emotions and academic engagement: Introduction to the special issue. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 36 (1), 1-3

Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Frenzel, AC., Barchfeld, P. and Perry, RP., (2011). Measuring emotions in students’ learning and performance: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ). Contemporary Educational Psychology. 36 (1), 36-48

Dettmers, S., Trautwein, U., Lüdtke, O., Goetz, T., Frenzel, AC. and Pekrun, R., (2011). Students’ emotions during homework in mathematics: Testing a theoretical model of antecedents and achievement outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 36 (1), 25-35

Obersteiner, A., Dresler, T., Reiss, K., Vogel, ACM., Pekrun, R. and Fallgatter, AJ., (2010). Bringing brain imaging to the school to assess arithmetic problem solving: chances and limitations in combining educational and neuroscientific research. ZDM. 42 (6), 541-554

Leiss, D., Schukajlow, S., Blum, W., Messner, R. and Pekrun, R., (2010). The Role of the Situation Model in Mathematical Modelling—Task Analyses, Student Competencies, and Teacher Interventions. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik. 31 (1), 119-141

Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Pekrun, R. and Watt, HMG., (2010). Development of Mathematics Interest in Adolescence: Influences of Gender, Family, and School Context. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 20 (2), 507-537

Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Daniels, LM., Stupnisky, RH. and Perry, RP., (2010). Boredom in achievement settings: Exploring control–value antecedents and performance outcomes of a neglected emotion.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 102 (3), 531-549

Kuhbandner, C., Pekrun, R. and Maier, MA., (2010). The role of positive and negative affect in the “mirroring” of other persons' actions. Cognition & Emotion. 24 (7), 1182-1190

Lichtenfeld, S., Maier, MA., Elliot, AJ. and Pekrun, R., (2009). The semantic red effect: Processing the word red undermines intellectual performance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45 (6), 1273-1276

Pekrun, R. and Stephens, EJ., (2009). Goals, Emotions, and Emotion Regulation: Perspectives of the Control-Value Theory. Human Development. 52 (6), 357-365

Dresler, T., Obersteiner, A., Schecklmann, M., Vogel, ACM., Ehlis, A-C., Richter, MM., Plichta, MM., Reiss, K., Pekrun, R. and Fallgatter, AJ., (2009). Arithmetic tasks in different formats and their influence on behavior and brain oxygenation as assessed with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS): a study involving primary and secondary school children. Journal of Neural Transmission. 116 (12), 1689-1700

Daniels, LM., Stupnisky, RH., Pekrun, R., Haynes, TL., Perry, RP. and Newall, NE., (2009). A longitudinal analysis of achievement goals: From affective antecedents to emotional effects and achievement outcomes.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 101 (4), 948-963

Maier, MA., Barchfeld, P., Elliot, AJ. and Pekrun, R., (2009). Context specificity of implicit preferences: The case of human preference for red.. Emotion. 9 (5), 734-738

Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Lüdtke, O., Pekrun, R. and Sutton, RE., (2009). Emotional transmission in the classroom: Exploring the relationship between teacher and student enjoyment.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 101 (3), 705-716

Richter, MM., Zierhut, KC., Dresler, T., Plichta, MM., Ehlis, A-C., Reiss, K., Pekrun, R. and Fallgatter, AJ., (2009). Changes in cortical blood oxygenation during arithmetical tasks measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Neural Transmission. 116 (3), 267-273

Kuhbandner, C., Hanslmayr, S., Maier, MA., Pekrun, R., Spitzer, B., Pastötter, B. and Bäuml, K-H., (2009). Effects of mood on the speed of conscious perception: behavioural and electrophysiological evidence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 4 (3), 286-293

Elliot, AJ., Maier, MA., Binser, MJ., Friedman, R. and Pekrun, R., (2009). The Effect of Red on Avoidance Behavior in Achievement Contexts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 35 (3), 365-375

Pekrun, R., Elliot, AJ. and Maier, MA., (2009). Achievement goals and achievement emotions: Testing a model of their joint relations with academic performance.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 101 (1), 115-135

Ruthig, JC., Perry, RP., Hladkyj, S., Hall, NC., Pekrun, R. and Chipperfield, JG., (2008). Perceived control and emotions: interactive effects on performance in achievement settings. Social Psychology of Education. 11 (2), 161-180

Daniels, LM., Haynes, TL., Stupnisky, RH., Perry, RP., Newall, NE. and Pekrun, R., (2008). Individual differences in achievement goals: A longitudinal study of cognitive, emotional, and achievement outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 33 (4), 584-608

Preckel, F., Goetz, T., Pekrun, R. and Kleine, M., (2008). Gender Differences in Gifted and Average-Ability Students. Gifted Child Quarterly. 52 (2), 146-159

Goetz, T., Frenzel, AC., Hall, NC. and Pekrun, R., (2008). Antecedents of academic emotions: Testing the internal/external frame of reference model for academic enjoyment. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 33 (1), 9-33

Reiss, K., Heinze, A. and Pekrun, R., (2007). Mathematic competency and its development in primary education. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ERZIEHUNGSWISSENSCHAFT. 10, 107-127

Frenzel, AC., Pekrun, R. and Goetz, T., (2007). Girls and mathematics —A “hopeless” issue? A control-value approach to gender differences in emotions towards mathematics. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 22 (4), 497-514

Frenzel, AC., Pekrun, R. and Goetz, T., (2007). Perceived learning environment and students' emotional experiences: A multilevel analysis of mathematics classrooms. Learning and Instruction. 17 (5), 478-493

Goetz, T., Frenzel, AC., Pekrun, R., Hall, NC. and Lüdtke, O., (2007). Between- and within-domain relations of students' academic emotions.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 99 (4), 715-733

Goetz, T., Preckel, F., Pekrun, R. and Hall, NC., (2007). Emotional experiences during test taking: Does cognitive ability make a difference?. Learning and Individual Differences. 17 (1), 3-16

Frenzel, AC., Thrash, TM., Pekrun, R. and Goetz, T., (2007). Achievement Emotions in Germany and China. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 38 (3), 302-309

Maier, MA., Berner, MP., Hau, RC. and Pekrun, R., (2007). Priming the trait category “hostility”: The moderating role of trait anxiety. Cognition & Emotion. 21 (3), 577-595

Pekrun, R., (2006). The Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions: Assumptions, Corollaries, and Implications for Educational Research and Practice. Educational Psychology Review. 18 (4), 315-341

Goetz, T., Hall, NC., Frenzel, AC. and Pekrun, R., (2006). A hierarchical conceptualization of enjoyment in students. Learning and Instruction. 16 (4), 323-338

Goetz, T., Frenzel, AC., Pekrun, R. and Hall, NC., (2006). The Domain Specificity of Academic Emotional Experiences. The Journal of Experimental Education. 75 (1), 5-29

Pekrun, R., Elliot, AJ. and Maier, MA., (2006). Achievement goals and discrete achievement emotions: A theoretical model and prospective test.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 98 (3), 583-597

Goetz, T., Pekrun, R., Hall, N. and Haag, L., (2006). Academic emotions from a social‐cognitive perspective: Antecedents and domain specificity of students' affect in the context of Latin instruction. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 76 (2), 289-308

Perry, RP., Hladkyj, S., Pekrun, RH., Clifton, RA. and Chipperfield, JG., (2005). Perceived Academic Control and Failure in College students: A Three-Year Study of Scholastic Attainment. Research in Higher Education. 46 (5), 535-569

Kleine, M., Goetz, T., Pekrun, R. and Hall, N., (2005). The structure of students' emotions experienced during a mathematical achievement test. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik. 37 (3), 221-225

Pekrun, R., (2005). Progress and open problems in educational emotion research. Learning and Instruction. 15 (5), 497-506

Maier, MA., Bernier, A., Pekrun, R., Zimmermann, P., Strasser, K. and Grossmann, KE., (2005). Attachment state of mind and perceptual processing of emotional stimuli. Attachment & Human Development. 7 (1), 67-81

Goetz, T., Pekrun, R., Zirngibl, A., Jullien, S., Kleine, M., Hofe, RV. and Blum, W., (2004). Academic achievement and emotions in mathematics: A longitudinal multilevel analysis perspective. Zeitschrift fur Padagogische Psychologie. 18 (3-4), 201-212

Goetz, T., Pekrun, R., Zirngibl, A., Jullien, S., Kleine, M., vom Hofe, R. and Blum, W., (2004). Leistung und emotionales Erleben im Fach Mathematik. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie. 18 (3/4), 201-212

Maier, MA., Bernier, A., Pekrun, R., Zimmermann, P. and Grossmann, KE., (2004). Attachment working models as unconscious structures: An experimental test. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 28 (2), 180-189

Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Perry, RP., Kramer, K., Hochstadt, M. and Molfenter, S., (2004). Beyond test anxiety: Development and validation of the test emotions questionnaire (TEQ). Anxiety, Stress & Coping. 17 (3), 287-316

Stöber, J. and Pekrun, R., (2004). Advances in test anxiety research. Anxiety, Stress & Coping. 17 (3), 205-211

Maier, MA., Berner, MP. and Pekrun, R., (2003). Directionality of Affective Priming: Effects of Trait Anxiety and Activation Level. Experimental Psychology. 50 (2), 116-123

Meinhardt, J. and Pekrun, R., (2003). Attentional resource allocation to emotional events: An ERP study. Cognition and Emotion. 17 (3), 477-500

Vom Hofe, R., Pekrun, R., Kleine, M. and Götz, T., (2002). Projekt zur analyse der leistungsentwicklung in mathematik (PALMA): Konstruktion des regensburger mathematikleistungstests für 5: Bis 10. Klassen. Zeitschrift fur Padagogik. 48 (SPEC. ISS. 45), 83-100

vom Hofe, R., Pekrun, R., Kleine, M. and Götz, T., (2002). Project for analysis of performance skills in mathematics:: Design of the Regensburg Mathematics Performance Test for 5th to 10th graders. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PADAGOGIK, 83-100

Spangler, G., Pekrun, R., Kramer, K. and Hofmann, H., (2002). Students' Emotions, Physiological Reactions, and Coping in Academic Exams. Anxiety, Stress & Coping. 15 (4), 413-432

Pekrun, R., (2002). Large scale assessments: Implications for further research. Zeitschrift fur Padagogik. 48 (1), 111-128

Pekrun, R., Goetz, T., Titz, W. and Perry, RP., (2002). Academic Emotions in Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Achievement: A Program of Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Educational Psychologist. 37 (2), 91-105

Perry, RP., Hladkyj, S., Pekrun, RH. and Pelletier, ST., (2001). Academic control and action control in the achievement of college students: A longitudinal field study.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 93 (4), 776-789

Reisenzein, R., (2000). Buchbesprechung. Experimental Psychology. 47 (1), 73-74

Pekrun, R., (1998). Analyzing and enhancing students' emotions: A neglected topic of educational research. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht. 45 (3), 230-248

Hobfoll, SE. and Pekrun, R., (1996). Untitled. ANXIETY STRESS AND COPING. 9 (1), R3-R3


Pekrun, R., (1992). The Impact of Emotions on Learning and Achievement: Towards a Theory of Cognitive/Motivational Mediators. Applied Psychology. 41 (4), 359-376


Pekrun, R., (1988). Anxiety and motivation in achievement settings: towards a systems-theoretical approach. International Journal of Educational Research. 12 (3), 307-323

Books (4)

(2014). International Handbook of Emotions in Education. Routledge

(2007). Emotion in Education. Elsevier. 9780123725455

Schutz, PA. and Pekrun, R., (2007). Preface. Elsevier. 9780123725455

Schutz, PA. and Pekrun, R., (2007). Introduction to Emotion in Education. Elsevier. 9780123725455

Book chapters (34)

Goetz, T., Stempfer, L., Pekrun, R., Van Tilburg, WAP. and Lipnevich, AA., (2024). Academic boredom.. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Editors: Bieleke, M., Wolff, W. and Martarelli, C., . Routledge. 225- 249. 9781003271536

Pekrun, R. and Goetz, T., (2024). Boredom. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge. 74- 89

Pekrun, R., (2024). Open Access: Emotions in Reading and Learning from Texts: Progress and Open Problems. In: Emotions in Reading, Learning, and Communication. Routledge. 116- 125

Pekrun, R. and Goetz, T., (2024). Boredom: A Control-Value Theory approach. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. 74- 89

Bieleke, M., Wolff, W., Martarelli, CS., Artak, CET., Asani, N., Baillifard, A., Bertrams, A., Brielmann, A., Caldwell, LL., Chan, CS., Coppin, G., Danckert, J., Dang, V., Daniels, L., Dayan, P., Drody, A., Elpidorou, A., Erdemli, A., Fischer, U., Goetz, T., Igou, ER., Jost, NS., Lench, HC., Lipnevich, AA., Marshall, CA., Moynihan, AB., O'Dea, MK., Parker, P., Pekrun, R., Pfattheicher, S., Radtke, VC., Reed, NT., Velasco, JR., Stempfer, L., Tam, KYY., Tze, V., van Hooff, MLM., van Hooft, EAJ., van Tilburg, WAP., Weibel, D., Weich, C., Weybright, E., Wissmath, B. and Yakobi, O., (2024). Overview of Current Directions in Boredom Research. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge. 382- 391

Pekrun, R., (2023). A Control-Value Approach to Affective Growth. In: Motivation Science. Oxford University PressNew York. 328- 334. 0197662358

Pekrun, R., (2023). Jingle-Jangle Fallacies in Motivation Science. In: Motivation Science. Oxford University PressNew York. 52- 58. 0197662358

Pekrun, R., (2023). Dissecting the Elephant. In: Motivation Science. Oxford University PressNew York. 227- 231. 0197662358

Goetz, T., Frenzel, AC., Stockinger, K., Lipnevich, AA., Stempfer, L. and Pekrun, R., (2023). Emotions in education. In: International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition). Elsevier. 149- 161. 9780128186299

Pekrun, R. and Goetz, T., (2023). How Universal Are Academic Emotions?. In: Motivation and Emotion in Learning and Teaching across Educational Contexts. Routledge. 85- 99. 9781032301099

Pekrun, R., (2022). Development of Achievement Emotions. In: The Oxford Handbook of Emotional Development. Oxford University Press. 446- 462. 9780198855903

Pekrun, R. and Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., (2022). Academic Emotions and Student Engagement. In: Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. Springer International Publishing. 109- 132. 9783031078521

Putwain, DW., Pekrun, R., Rainbird, E. and Roberts, C., (2022). Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention for Test Anxiety: Could Teachers Deliver the STEPS Program and What Training Would They Require?. In: Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety. Springer International Publishing. 381- 399. 9783031127366

Vogl, E., Pekrun, R. and Loderer, K., (2021). Epistemic Emotions and Metacognitive Feelings. In: Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research across the Life Span. Springer International Publishing. 41- 58. 9783030516727

Denton, CA., Muis, KR., Munzar, B. and Etoubashi, N., (2020). Putting Self-Regulated Learning and Metacognition into Multiple Representations and Perspectives. In: Handbook of Learning from Multiple Representations and Perspectives. Routledge. 314- 328

(2016). Handbook of Motivation at School. In: Handbook of Motivation at School: Second Edition. Editors: Wentzel, KR. and Miele, DB., . Routledge. 120- 144

Pekrun, R., (2016). Using Self-Report to Assess Emotions in Education. In: Methodological Advances in Research on Emotion and Education. Springer International Publishing. 43- 54. 9783319290478

Vogl, E. and Pekrun, R., (2016). Emotions that matter to achievement: Student feelings about assessment. In: Handbook of Human and Social Conditions in Assessment. 111- 128

Marsh, HW., Möller, J., Parker, P., Xu, MK., Nagengast, B. and Pekrun, R., (2015). Internal/External Frame of Reference Model. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. 425- 432. 9780080970875

Boekaerts, M. and Pekrun, R., (2015). Emotions and emotion regulation in academic settings. In: Handbook of Educational Psychology: Third Edition. 76- 90

Pekrun, R. and Stephens, EJ., (2015). Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. 244- 249. 9780080970875

Pekrun, R. and Stephens, EJ., (2015). Self-Concepts: Educational Aspects. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. 469- 474. 9780080970875

Perry, RP., Chipperfield, JG., Hladkyj, S., Pekrun, R. and Hamm, JM., (2014). Attribution-Based Treatment Interventions in Some Achievement Settings. In: Advances in Motivation and Achievement. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1- 35

Kim, C. and Pekrun, R., (2014). Emotions and Motivation in Learning and Performance. In: Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. Springer New York. 65- 75. 9781461431848

Pekrun, R. and Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., (2014). Conclusions and future directions. In: International Handbook of Emotions in Education. 659- 675

Pekrun, R. and Bühner, M., (2014). Self-report measures of academic emotions. In: International Handbook of Emotions in Education. 561- 579

Pekrun, R. and Perry, RP., (2014). Control-value theory of achievement emotions. In: International Handbook of Emotions in Education. 120- 141

(2014). Teacher Motivation. In: Teacher Motivation: Theory and Practice. Editors: Richardson, PW., Karabenick, SA. and Watt, HMG., . Routledge. 69- 82

Pekrun, R. and Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., (2012). Academic Emotions and Student Engagement. In: Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. Springer US. 259- 282. 9781461420170

Elliot, AJ. and Pekrun, R., (2007). Emotion in the Hierarchical Model of Approach-Avoidance Achievement Motivation. In: Emotion in Education. Elsevier. 57- 73. 9780123725455

Pekrun, R. and Schutz, PA., (2007). Where Do We Go from Here? Implications and Future Directions for Inquiry on Emotions in Education. In: Emotion in Education. Elsevier. 313- 331. 9780123725455

Pekrun, R., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T. and Perry, RP., (2007). The Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions. In: Emotion in Education. Elsevier. 13- 36. 9780123725455

Pekrun, R., (2000). A Social-Cognitive, Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions. In: Advances in Psychology. Elsevier. 143- 163. 9780444506016

Pekrun, R., (2000). 7 A social-cognitive, control-value theory of achievement emotions. In: Advances in Psychology. 143- 163

Conferences (13)

Grewal, K., Azher, S., Moreno, M., Pekrun, R., Wiseman, J., Fried, GM., Lajoie, S., Brydges, R., Hadwin, A., Sun, N-Z., Khalil, E. and Harley, JM., (2023). C-CASE 2023: Promoting Excellence in Surgical Education 12. Exploring residents’ emotion-regulation strategies and their effectiveness in team-based surgical simulations

Becker, S., Pekrun, R., Ufer, S. and Meier, E., (2016). The function of epistemic emotions for complex reasoning in mathematics

Cada, J., Pekrun, R. and Murayama, K., (2012). The influence of boredom on creativity

VanLehn, K., Miyake, N., Pea, R., Pekrun, R., Catrambone, R. and Vosniadou, S., (2012). Governing Board Symposium Cognitive Science and the Learning Sciences

Kuhbandner, C., Pekrun, R., Mueller, HJ. and Zehetleitner, M., (2009). Positive affect in the additional singletons paradigm: Initial global dimensional attention mode and intact top-down control

Jacob, B., Frenzel, A., Becker, S. and Pekrun, R., (2008). What makes your lesson a success? A qualitative study on teachers' goals for mathematics

Pekrun, R., (2008). Assumptions of the control-value theory of achievement emotions

Meinhardt, J., Sauerbrey, M., Döhnel, K., Falk, G. and Pekrun, R., (2004). Interaction between task- and emotion-related processing resources

Meinhard, J., Pollatos, O. and Pekrun, R., (2004). Affective modulation of task related processing resources

Meinhardt, J., Döhnel, K., Falk, G. and Pekrun, R., (2003). Emotional impact on dual-task performance and problem solving:: Effect on cognitive capacity




Reports and Papers (7)

Bieleke, M., Gogol, K., Goetz, T., Daniels, L. and Pekrun, R., (2022). The AEQ-S: A short version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire

Basarkod, G., Marsh, H., Guo, J., Parker, PD., Dicke, T. and Pekrun, R., (2022). The Happy-Fish-Little-Pond Effect on Enjoyment: Generalizability Across Multiple Domains and Countries

Goetz, T., Bieleke, M., Gogol, K., van Tartwijk, J., Mainhard, T., Lipnevich, A. and Pekrun, R., (2022). Getting Along and Feeling Good: Reciprocal Associations between Student-Teacher Relationship Quality and Students’ Emotions

Bardach, L., Yanagida, T., Goetz, T., Jach, H. and Pekrun, R., (2022). Self-Regulated and Externally Regulated Learning in Adolescence: Developmental Trajectories and Relations with Teacher Behavior, Parent Behavior, and Academic Achievement

Schwartze, MM., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Pekrun, R., Reck, C., Marx, AKG. and Fiedler, D., (2021). Boredom Makes Me Sick: Adolescents’ Boredom Trajectories and Their Health-Related Quality of Life

Marsh, H., Guo, J., Parker, PD., Pekrun, R., Basarkod, G., Dicke, T., Parada, RH., Reeve, J., Craven, R., Ciarrochi, J., Sahdra, BK. and Devine, E., (2021). An Integrative Review of Cross-National Comparisons of Verbal, Relational, and Physical Peer Victimization: Gender Differences, Paradoxical Anti-Bullying Attitudes, and Well-Being

Schwartze, MM., Frenzel, AC., Goetz, T., Marx, AKG., Reck, C., Pekrun, R. and Fiedler, D., (2020). Excessive Boredom Among Adolescents: A Comparison Between Low and High Achievers

Other (1)

Pekrun, R., Perry, RP., Goetz, T., Stockinger, K. and Marsh, HW., (2022).Achievement Emotions Questionnaire - Revised (AEQ-R),University of Essex

Grants and funding


Ed-Heads Motivational Assessment and Messaging

Ed-Heads Ltd

Ed-Heads Motivational Assessment and Messaging - Phase 2

Ed-Heads Ltd

Dynamic processes in the development of learning motivation in higher education

Deutsch Forshungsgemeinschaft


Fostering epistemic cognition and self-regulated learning in mathematics and science

McGill University

Fostering epistemic cognition and self-regulated learning in mathematics and science

McGill University



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