Dr David Penman

dbpenman@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872839
STEM 5.13, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Open Door Policy in relation to queries about mathematics
I am originally from Edinburgh. I studied at Cambridge University for my first degree in Mathematicsand Part III (essentially a Master's course in pure mathematics), and subsequently attempted (unsuccessfully) to write a Ph.D thesis on algebraic number theory there.I subsequently became involved in probability, taking an M.Sc. and subsequently a Ph.D at Sheffield University, the Ph.D thesis being on Random Graphs with Correlation Structure. I had variouspart-time and/or temporary lecturing jobsat Sheffield, the then UMIST (now part of the University of Manchester)and the University of York. I have been at Essex since 2000, where I have taught a broad range of modules and have supervised eightresearch students, including sixPh.D. students, through to completion (all but one passed). I have two research students at present. I am also Editor of the British Combinatorial Bulletin http://www.essex.ac.uk/maths/BCB/ and as such an ex officio member of the British Combinatorial Committee. During the period Autumn 2013 to summer 2019, I will be Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Science and Health andas such will be less involved in Departmental activities.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
probabilistic combinatorics, especially random graphs with correlation structure
Paley graphs and other pseudo-random graphs
extremal Ramsey graphs
aspects of posets, quicksort-type algorithms
fixed point polynomials of finite permutation groups
aspects of additive combinatorics such as sets with more sums than differences
sandpile groups of graphs
Conferences and presentations
28th British Combinatorial conference
28th British Combinatorial conference, Durham, United Kingdom, 6/7/2021
London colloquia in combinatorics
London colloquia in combinatorics, London, 12/5/2021
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Graph Theory (MA314)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Pure Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/8/2022

Degree subject: Pure Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/5/2015

Degree subject: Pure Mathematics
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 10/4/2015

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/10/2014

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/2/2014

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 27/4/2012

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 6/7/2010

Degree subject: Mathematics
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/4/2010
Journal articles (7)
Penman, DB., McDiarmid, CJH. and Iliopoulos, V., (2018). Linear Extensions and Comparable Pairs in Partial Orders. Order. 35 (3), 403-420
Penman, DB. and Wells, MD., (2014). Sum-dominant sets and restricted-sum-dominant sets in finite abelian groups. Acta Arithmetica. 165 (4), 361-383
Harden, CM. and Penman, DB., (2013). Fixed Point Polynomials of Permutation Groups. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 20 (2)
Penman, DB. and Wells, MD., (2013). On Sets with More Restricted Sums than Differences. Integers. 13, creators-Penman=3ADavid_B=3A=3A
Iliopoulos, V. and Penman, DB., (2012). Dual Pivot Quicksort. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications. 04 (03), creators-Penman=3ADavid_B=3A=3A
Biggins, JD. and Penman, DB., (2009). Large deviations in randomly coloured random graphs. Electronic Communications in Probability. 14 (none), 290-301
Maistrelli, E. and Penman, DB., (2006). Some colouring problems for Paley graphs. Discrete Mathematics. 306 (1), 99-106
Book chapters (1)
Penman, DB. and Cannings, C., (2003). Models of random graphs and their applications. In: Stochastic Processes Modelling and Simulation. Editors: Shanbhag, DN. and Rao, CR., . Elsevier. 51- 91. 0444500138. 978-0-444-50013-7
Academic support hours:
Open Door Policy in relation to queries about mathematics