
Dr Haris Pervaiz

Senior Lecturer
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Haris Pervaiz
  • Email

  • Location

    3A.528, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    My Academic Support Hours will be 1600-1700 on Tuesday (in Person). Also, 1000-1100 on Friday via Zoom. The Zoom link for this is available from my profile on my course MOODLE page. Please feel free to drop me an email to discuss.



Haris Pervaiz received his PhD degree in Communication Systems from Lancaster University, UK in Apr. 2016. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering in University of Essex, UK. From Sept. 2018 to Jan. 2023, he was an Assistant Professor at School of Computing and Communications in Lancaster University, UK. From 2016 to April 2017, he was an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow at School of Computing and Communications (SCC) in Wireless Communications Research Group, at Lancaster University, UK. From Apr. 2017 to Sept. 2018, he was Research Fellow at 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) of University of Surrey, UK. Dr. Pervaiz has contributed more than 90 leading international technical journal and peer reviewed conference papers. His research interests include 5G & Beyond, Green Communication, mmWave Communication, Energy & Backhaul Energy Efficiency and Green HetNets. He is an associate editor for IEEE Access, Wiley ETT, Wiley ITL, IET Networks and IET Communications. He also organised various workshops and special sessions as lead workshop chair in various IEEE flagship conferences.


University of Essex

  • Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), CSEE, University of Essex (13/1/2023 - present)

Other academic

  • Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Computer Science, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University (24/9/2018 - 13/1/2023)

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, 5G/6G IC, University of Surrey (18/4/2017 - 3/10/2018)

  • EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University (29/4/2016 - 29/4/2017)

Research and professional activities

Research interests


eXtreme ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (xURLLC) is about looking into URLLC by first examining the limitations of 5G URLLC, and putting forward key research directions for the next generation of URLLC, coined eXtreme ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (xURLLC). xURLLC is underpinned by three core concepts: (1) it leverages recent advances in machine learning (ML) for faster and reliable data-driven predictions; (2) it fuses both radio frequency (RF) and non-RF modalities for modeling and combating rare events without sacrificing spectral efficiency; and (3) it underscores the much needed joint communication and control co-design, as opposed to the communication-centric 5G URLLC.

Key words: 5G/beyond 5G
Open to supervise


Open to supervise

AI/ML for Networks and Communication Systems

Open to supervise

Semantic Communications for 6G

Open to supervise

AI/ML for Healthcare

Open to supervise

Integration of Terrestrial and Non Terrestrial Networks

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Mobile Communications (CE740)

  • Mathematical Research Techniques Using Matlab (CE885)


Journal articles (69)

Awais, M., Pervaiz, H., Jamshed, MA., Yu, W. and Ni, Q., Energy-Aware Resource Optimization for Improved URLLC in Multi-hop Integrated Aerial Terrestrial Networks. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking

Zheng, G., Ni, Q., Navaie, K. and Pervaiz, H., (2024). Semantic Communication in Satellite-borne Edge Cloud Network for Computation Offloading. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 42 (5), 1145-1158

Zheng, G., Ni, Q., Navaie, K., Pervaiz, H., Min, G., Kaushik, A. and Zarakovitis, C., (2024). Mobility-Aware Split-Federated With Transfer Learning for Vehicular Semantic Communication Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (10), 17237-17248

Awais, M., Pervaiz, H., Jamshed, MA., Yu, W. and Ni, Q., (2024). Energy-Aware Resource Optimization for Improved URLLC in Multi-Hop Integrated Aerial Terrestrial Networks. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 8 (1), 252-264

Zheng, G., Navaie, K., Ni, Q., Pervaiz, H. and Zarakovitis, C., (2024). Energy-efficient secure dynamic service migration for edge-based 3-D networks. Telecommunication Systems. 85 (3), 477-490

Zheng, G., Ni, Q., Navaie, K., Pervaiz, H., Kaushik, A. and Zarakovitis, C., (2024). Energy-Efficient Semantic Communication for Aerial-Aided Edge Networks. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 8 (4), 1742-1751

Yang, G., Sang, J., Li, H., He, X., Sun, F., Wang, J. and Pervaiz, H., (2024). Efficient Group Collaboration for Sensing Time Redundancy Optimization in Mobile Crowd Sensing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (15), 1-1

Liu, R., Pervaiz, H. and Robinson, S., (2024). Starting a new era for quantum technologies: In conversation with the deputy EiCs and the managing editor. IET Quantum Communication. 5 (3), 197-197

Awais, M., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Yu, W., (2024). Task Dependency Aware Optimal Resource Allocation for URLLC Edge Network: A Digital Twin Approach Using Finite Blocklength. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 9 (1), 177-190

Usman, M., Basharat, S., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ding, Z. and Jung, H., (2024). Performance Analysis of NOMA-Enabled RIS-Assisted Backscatter Communication. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (12), 18961-18973

Khan, WU., Mahmood, A., Bozorgchenani, A., Jamshed, MA., Ranjha, A., Lagunas, E., Pervaiz, H., Chatzinotas, S., Ottersten, B. and Popovski, P., (2024). Opportunities for Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces in 6G Empowered V2X Communications. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. 7 (6), 72-79

Alshmrani, GMM., Ni, Q., Jiang, R., Pervaiz, H. and Elshennawy, NM., (2023). A deep learning architecture for multi-class lung diseases classification using chest X-ray (CXR) images. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 64, 923-935

Jamshed, MA., Ismail, M., Pervaiz, H., Atat, R., Bayram, IS. and Ni, Q., (2023). Reinforcement learning-based allocation of fog nodes for cloud-based smart grid. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy. 4, 100144-100144

Nie, D., Yu, W., Ni, Q., Pervaiz, H. and Min, G., (2023). Cluster Control and Energy Consumption Minimization for Cooperative Prediction Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 71 (9), 5580-5594

Zheng, G., Ni, Q., Navaie, K., Pervaiz, H. and Zarakovitis, C., (2023). A Distributed Learning Architecture for Semantic Communication in Autonomous Driving Networks for Task Offloading. IEEE Communications Magazine. 61 (11), 64-68

Li, Y., Li, T., Li, Y., Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2022). Outage Performance Enhancement for NOMA-Based Cooperative Relay Sharing Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 11 (12), 2665-2669

Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ni, Q., Dong, M., Pervaiz, H., Zarakovitis, C. and Alsolami, F., (2022). Interference Avoidance in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Cooperative Localization. IEEE Systems Journal. 16 (4), 5120-5130

Waqar, N., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Jung, H. and Dev, K., (2022). Deep multi-agent reinforcement learning for resource allocation in NOMA-enabled MEC. Computer Communications. 196, 1-8

Moqurrab, SA., Tariq, N., Anjum, A., Asheralieva, A., Malik, SUR., Malik, H., Pervaiz, H. and Gill, SS., (2022). A Deep Learning-Based Privacy-Preserving Model for Smart Healthcare in Internet of Medical Things Using Fog Computing. Wireless Personal Communications. 126 (3), 2379-2401

Basharat, S., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Ansari, RI., Jung, H., Dev, K. and Huang, G., (2022). Intelligent radio resource management in reconfigurable IRS-enabled NOMA networks. Physical Communication. 53, 101744-101744

Kumar, A., Yadav, AS., Gill, SS., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Buyya, R., (2022). A secure drone-to-drone communication and software defined drone network-enabled traffic monitoring system. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 120, 102621-102621

Rahimi, P., Chrysostomou, C., Pervaiz, H., Vassiliou, V. and Ni, Q., (2022). Joint Radio Resource Allocation and Beamforming Optimization for Industrial Internet of Things in Software-Defined Networking-Based Virtual Fog-Radio Access Network 5G-and-Beyond Wireless Environments. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 18 (6), 4198-4209

Khan, WU., Nguyen, TN., Jameel, F., Jamshed, MA., Pervaiz, H., Javed, MA. and Jantti, R., (2022). Learning-Based Resource Allocation for Backscatter-Aided Vehicular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23 (10), 19676-19690

Raja, AA., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Garg, S., Hossain, MS. and Jalil Piran, M., (2022). Coverage Analysis of mmWave and THz-Enabled Aerial and Terrestrial Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23 (11), 22478-22491

Sharma, N., Kumar, A., Pervaiz, H., Magarini, M., Musavian, L., Muhammad, MA., Jindal, A. and Imran, MA., (2021). Aerial Base Station Assisted Cellular Communication: Performance and Trade-off. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 8 (4), 2765-2779

Sharma, V., Sharma, N., Rehmani, MH. and Pervaiz, H., (2021). Control Over Skies: Survivability, Coverage, and Mobility Laws for Hierarchical Aerial Base Stations. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 20 (3), 51-59

Basharat, S., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Mahmood, A., Ding, Z. and Gidlund, M., (2021). Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Potentials, Applications, and Challenges for 6G Wireless Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications. 28 (6), 184-191

Abbas, Q., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2021). A Markovian Model for the Analysis of Age of Information in IoT Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 10 (7), 1596-1600

Yang, G., Wang, B., He, X., Wang, J. and Pervaiz, H., (2021). Competition-Congestion-Aware Stable Worker-Task Matching in Mobile Crowd Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 18 (3), 3719-3732

Su, B., Ni, Q., Yu, W. and Pervaiz, H., (2021). Optimizing Computation Efficiency for NOMA-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing With User Cooperation. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 5 (2), 858-867

Alabbas, AR., Hassnawi, LA., Ilyas, M., Pervaiz, H., Abbasi, QH. and Bayat, O., (2021). Performance enhancement of safety message communication via designing dynamic power control mechanisms in vehicular ad hoc networks. Computational Intelligence. 37 (3), 1286-1308

Malik, SUR., Kanwal, T., Khan, SU., Malik, H. and Pervaiz, H., (2021). A User-Centric QoS-Aware Multi-Path Service Provisioning in Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Access. 9, 56020-56030

Shah, SA., Ahmad, J., Masood, F., Shah, SY., Pervaiz, H., Taylor, W., Imran, MA. and Abbasi, QH., (2021). Privacy-Preserving Wandering Behavior Sensing in Dementia Patients Using Modified Logistic and Dynamic Newton Leipnik Maps. IEEE Sensors Journal. 21 (3), 3669-3679

Khan, OA., Malik, SUR., Baig, FM., Islam, SU., Pervaiz, H., Malik, H. and Ahmed, SH., (2021). A cache‐based approach toward improved scheduling in fog computing. Software: Practice and Experience. 51 (12), 2360-2372

Malik, SUR., Akram, H., Gill, SS., Pervaiz, H. and Malik, H., (2021). EFFORT: Energy efficient framework for offload communication in mobile cloud computing. Software: Practice and Experience. 51 (9), 1896-1909

Zaidi, KS., Hina, S., Jawad, M., Khan, AN., Khan, MUS., Pervaiz, HB. and Nawaz, R., (2021). Beyond the Horizon, Backhaul Connectivity for Offshore IoT Devices. Energies. 14 (21), 6918-6918

Umer, A., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L., Ni, Q. and Imran, MA., (2020). Secrecy Spectrum and Energy Efficiency Analysis in Massive MIMO-enabled Multi-Tier Hybrid HetNets. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 4 (1), 246-262

Saleem, A., Khan, A., Malik, SUR., Pervaiz, H., Malik, H., Alam, M. and Jindal, A., (2020). FESDA: Fog-Enabled Secure Data Aggregation in Smart Grid IoT Network. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 7 (7), 6132-6142

Ansari, RI., Ashraf, N., Hassan, SA., C., DG., Pervaiz, H. and Politis, C., (2020). Spectrum on Demand: A Competitive Open Market Model for Spectrum Sharing for UAV-Assisted Communications. IEEE Network. 34 (6), 318-324

Li, J., Zhao, H., Chen, X., Chu, Z., Zhen, L., Jiang, J. and Pervaiz, H., (2020). Secrecy Wireless-Powered Sensor Networks for Internet of Things. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2020, 1-12

Shah, SA., Tahir, A., Ahmad, J., Zahid, A., Pervaiz, H., Shah, SY., Abdulhadi Ashleibta, AM., Hasanali, A., Khattak, S. and Abbasi, QH., (2020). Sensor Fusion for Identification of Freezing of Gait Episodes Using Wi-Fi and Radar Imaging. IEEE Sensors Journal. 20 (23), 14410-14422

Jameel, F., Javaid, U., Khan, WU., Aman, MN., Pervaiz, H. and Jäntti, R., (2020). Reinforcement Learning in Blockchain-Enabled IIoT Networks: A Survey of Recent Advances and Open Challenges. Sustainability. 12 (12), 5161-5161

Kiani, AY., Hassan, SA., Su, B., Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2020). Minimizing the Transaction Time Difference for NOMA-Based Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Communications Letters. 24 (4), 853-857

Khan, WU., Jameel, F., Jamshed, MA., Pervaiz, H., Khan, S. and Liu, J., (2020). Efficient power allocation for NOMA-enabled IoT networks in 6G era. Physical Communication. 39, 101043-101043

Malik, H., Alam, MM., Pervaiz, H., Moullec, YL., Al-Dulaimi, A., Parand, S. and Reggiani, L., (2020). Radio Resource Management in NB-IoT Systems: Empowered by Interference Prediction and Flexible Duplexing. IEEE Network. 34 (1), 144-151

Gill, SS., Tuli, S., Xu, M., Singh, I., Singh, KV., Lindsay, D., Tuli, S., Smirnova, D., Singh, M., Jain, U., Pervaiz, H., Sehgal, B., Kaila, SS., Misra, S., Aslanpour, MS., Mehta, H., Stankovski, V. and Garraghan, P., (2019). Transformative effects of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence on cloud computing: Evolution, vision, trends and open challenges. Internet of Things. 8, 100118-100118

Jamshed, MA., Amjad, O., Maqsood, M., Rehman, MU., Jayakody, DNK. and Pervaiz, H., (2019). A Dipole Sub-Array With Reduced Mutual Coupling for Large Antenna Array Applications. IEEE Access. 7, 171495-171502

Wang, Y., He, Y., Xu, C., Zhou, Z., Mumtaz, S., Rodriguez, J. and Pervaiz, H., (2019). Correction to: Joint rate control and power allocation for low-latency reliable D2D-based relay network. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2019 (1)

Yahya, A., Islam, SU., Zahid, M., Ahmed, G., Raza, M., Pervaiz, H. and Yang, F., (2019). Cooperative Routing for Energy Efficient Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access. 7, 141888-141899

G.C., D., Ladas, A., Sambo, YA., Pervaiz, H., Politis, C. and Imran, MA., (2019). An Overview of Post-Disaster Emergency Communication Systems in the Future Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications. 26 (6), 132-139

Ansari, RI., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Chrysostomou, C., Imran, MA., Mumtaz, S. and Tafazolli, R., (2019). A New Dimension to Spectrum Management in IoT Empowered 5G Networks. IEEE Network. 33 (4), 186-193

Shi, J., Pervaiz, H., Xiao, P., Liang, W., Li, Z. and Ding, Z., (2019). Resource Management in Future Millimeter Wave Small-Cell Networks: Joint PHY-MAC Layer Design. IEEE Access. 7, 76910-76919

Ansari, RI., Pervaiz, H., Chrysostomou, C., Hassan, SA., Mahmood, A. and Gidlund, M., (2019). Control-Data Separation Architecture for Dual-Band mmWave Networks: A New Dimension to Spectrum Management. IEEE Access. 7, 34925-34937

Wang, Y., He, Y., Xu, C., Zhou, Z., Mumtaz, S., Rodriguez, J. and Pervaiz, H., (2019). Joint rate control and power allocation for low-latency reliable D2D-based relay network. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2019 (1)

Mudassir, A., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Akhtar, S., Kamel, H. and Tafazolli, R., (2019). Game theoretic efficient radio resource allocation in 5G resilient networks: A data driven approach. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 30 (8)

Shi, J., Lv, L., Ni, Q., Pervaiz, H. and Paoloni, C., (2019). Modeling and Analysis of Point-to-Multipoint Millimeter Wave Backhaul Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 18 (1), 268-285

Haider, SK., Jiang, A., Jamshed, MA., Pervaiz, H. and Mumtaz, S., (2019). Performance Enhancement in P300 ERP Single Trial by Machine Learning Adaptive Denoising Mechanism. IEEE Networking Letters. 1 (1), 26-29

Pervaiz, H., Imran, MA., Mumtaz, S., Dulaimi, A. and Thomos, N., (2018). Editorial: Spectrum extensions for 5G and beyond 5G networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 29 (10)

Munir, H., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Musavian, L., Ni, Q., Imran, MA. and Tafazolli, R., (2018). Computationally Intelligent Techniques for Resource Management in MmWave Small Cell Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications. 25 (4), 32-39

Omar, MS., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q., Musavian, L., Mumtaz, S. and Dobre, OA., (2018). Multiobjective Optimization in 5G Hybrid Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 5 (3), 1588-1597

Naqvi, SAR., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Musavian, L., Ni, Q., Imran, MA., Ge, X. and Tafazolli, R., (2018). Energy-Aware Radio Resource Management in D2D-Enabled Multi-Tier HetNets. IEEE Access. 6, 16610-16622

Pervaiz, H., Onireti, O., Mohamed, A., Ali Imran, M., Tafazolli, R. and Ni, Q., (2018). Energy-Efficient and Load-Proportional eNodeB for 5G User-Centric Networks: A Multilevel Sleep Strategy Mechanism. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. 13 (4), 51-59

Aman, W., Rahman, MMU., Qadir, J., Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2018). Impersonation Detection in Line-of-Sight Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. IEEE Access. 6, 44459-44472

Malik, H., Pervaiz, H., Mahtab Alam, M., Le Moullec, Y., Kuusik, A. and Ali Imran, M., (2018). Radio Resource Management Scheme in NB-IoT Systems. IEEE Access. 6, 15051-15064

Akbar, A., Kousiouris, G., Pervaiz, H., Sancho, J., Ta-Shma, P., Carrez, F. and Moessner, K., (2018). Real-Time Probabilistic Data Fusion for Large-Scale IoT Applications. IEEE Access. 6, 10015-10027

Naqvi, SAR., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2018). Drone-Aided Communication as a Key Enabler for 5G and Resilient Public Safety Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine. 56 (1), 36-42

Munir, H., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). Resource Optimization in Multi-Tier HetNets Exploiting Multi-Slope Path Loss Model. IEEE Access. 5, 8714-8726

Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L., Ni, Q. and Ding, Z., (2015). Energy and Spectrum Efficient Transmission Techniques Under QoS Constraints Toward Green Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE Access. 3, 1655-1671

Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Zarakovitis, CC., (2014). User adaptive QoS aware selection method for cooperative heterogeneous wireless systems: A dynamic contextual approach. Future Generation Computer Systems. 39, 75-87

Book chapters (5)

alshammari, N., gill, SS., Pervaiz, H., ni, Q. and ahmed, H., (2024). Resource Scheduling in Integrated IoT and Fog Computing Environments: A Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions. In: Resource Management in Distributed Systems. Springer Nature. 63- 77. 9819726441. 9789819726448

Jamshed, MA., Khan, WU., Pervaiz, H., Imran, MA. and Rehman, MU., (2022). Emission-aware resource optimization for backscatter-enabled NOMA networks. In: Low Electromagnetic Field Exposure Wireless Devices: Fundamentals and Recent Advances. 213- 224

Sharma, N., Ansari, RI., Khan, R., Malik, H. and Pervaiz, H., (2022). Adaptive Interference Aware Device‐to‐Device‐Enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications. In: Interference Mitigation in Device-to-Device Communications. Wiley. 133- 148. 9781119788799

Jamshed, MA., Pervaiz, H., Ahmed, SH. and Alam, AS., (2021). Cooperative Communication Techniques in Wireless-Powered Backscatter Communication: Preambles and Technical Perspective. In: Internet of Things. Springer International Publishing. 1- 24. 9783030462000

Sharma, N., Awais, M., Pervaiz, H., Malik, H. and Ni, Q., (2021). Network‐Assisted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communication for Smart Monitoring of Lockdown. In: Autonomous Airborne Wireless Networks. Wiley. 195- 216. 9781119751687

Conferences (51)

Shah, S. and Pervaiz, H., (2024). 6G Near-field Technologies White Paper

Shawky, MA., Abdellatif Ibrahim, AG., Ahmed, MM., Hadhouda, M., Zahran, S., Moussa, M., Zaghlool, AS., Pervaiz, H. and Shah, ST., (2024). Smart Contract-Based Blockchain for Delegation of Trustworthiness Between Intra-Communicating Vehicles in VANET

Alshammari, N., Pervaiz, H., Ahmed, H. and Ni, Q., (2023). Delay and Total Network Usage Optimisation Using GGCN in Fog Computing

Umer, M., Mohsin, MA., Hassan, SA., Jung, H. and Pervaiz, H., (2023). Performance Analysis of STAR-RIS Enhanced CoMP-NOMA Multi-Cell Networks

Usman, M., Basharat, S., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA. and Jung, H., (2022). On the BER Performance of RIS-Enhanced NOMA-Assisted Backscatter Communication under Nakagami-m Fading

Jamshed, MA., Khan, WU., Pervaiz, H., Imran, MA. and Ur-Rehman, M., (2022). Emission-aware Resource Optimization Framework for Backscatter-enabled Uplink NOMA Networks

Hassaan, M., Azhar, MB., Syed, KN., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H. and Jung, H., (2022). Performance Analysis of THz Enabled HetNets in Diverse Building Densities

Awais, M., Pervaiz, H., Jamshed, MA., Yu, W. and Ni, Q., (2022). Enhancing URLLC in Integrated Aerial Terrestrial Networks: Design Insights and Performance Trade-offs

Zheng, G., Ni, Q., Navaie, K., Pervaiz, H. and Zarakovitis, C., (2022). Efficient Pruning-Split LSTM Machine Learning Algorithm for Terrestrial-Satellite Edge Network

Nie, D., Yu, W., Ni, Q. and Pervaiz, H., (2022). Optimization for Prediction-Driven Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

Rahimi, P., Chrysostomou, C., Pervaiz, H., Vassiliou, V. and Ni, Q., (2021). Dynamic Resource Allocation for SDN-based Virtual Fog-RAN 5G-and-Beyond Networks

Akhtar, MW., Hassan, SA., Jung, H. and Pervaiz, H., (2021). On the Performance of Alamouti-Coded Cooperative NOMA with Imperfect Channel State Information

Azam, MFI., Ni, Q., Dong, M. and Pervaiz, HB., (2021). Cooperative Localization Based Interference Avoidance in Cognitive Radio Networks

Zeb, S., Mahmood, A., Pervaiz, H., Hassan, SA., Ashraf, MI., Li, Z. and Gidlund, M., (2020). On TOA-based Ranging over mmWave 5G for Indoor Industrial IoT Networks

Raja, AA., Jamshed, MA., Pervaiz, H. and Hassan, SA., (2020). Performance Analysis of UAV-assisted Backhaul Solutions in THz enabled Hybrid Heterogeneous Network

Jameel, F., Khan, WU., Jamshed, MA., Pervaiz, H., Abbasi, Q. and Jantti, R., (2020). Reinforcement Learning for Scalable and Reliable Power Allocation in SDN-based Backscatter Heterogeneous Network

Zarakovitis, CC., Chien, SF., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q., Cosmas, J., Jawad, N., Kourtis, M-A., Koumaras, H. and Anagnostopoulos, T., (2020). Three-dimensional Access Point Assignment in Hybrid VLC, mmWave and WiFi Wireless Access Networks

Jameel, F., Jamshed, MA., Chang, Z., Jantti, R. and Pervaiz, H., (2020). Low Latency Ambient Backscatter Communications with Deep Q-Learning for Beyond 5G Applications

Basir, R., Qaisar, S., Ali, M., Pervaiz, H., Naeem, M. and Imran, MA., (2020). Resource Allocation and Throughput Maximization for IoT Real-time Applications

Khan, SZ., Kakar, R., Alam, MM., Moullec, YL. and Pervaiz, H., (2020). A Green IoT Node Incorporating Transient Computing, Approximate Computing and Energy/Data Prediction

Sharma, N., Sharma, V., Magarini, M., Pervaiz, H., Alam, MM. and Le Moullec, Y., (2019). Cell Coverage Analysis of a Low Altitude Aerial Base Station in Wind Perturbations

Haider, SK., Jamshed, MA., Jiang, A., Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2019). UAV-assisted Cluster-head Selection Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Haider, SK., Jamshed, MA., Jiang, A. and Pervaiz, H., (2019). An Energy Efficient Cluster-Heads Re-Usability Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks

Aman, W., Ijaz, A., Rahman, MMU., Jayakody, DNK. and Pervaiz, H., (2019). Shared Secret Key Generation via Carrier Frequency Offsets

Gilani, SQ., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H. and Ahmed, SH., (2019). Performance Analysis of Flexible Duplexing-enabled Heterogeneous Networks Exploiting Multi Slope Path Loss Models

Su, B., Ni, Q., Yu, W. and Pervaiz, H., (2019). Outage Constrained Robust Beamforming Design for SWIPT-Enabled Cooperative NOMA System

Umer, A., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q., Musavian, L. and Ahmed, SH., (2018). Secrecy Outage Analysis for Massive MIMO-Enabled Multi-Tier 5G Hybrid HetNets

Ahmed, A., Nawaz, SJ., Gulfam, SM., Wyne, S., Patwary, MN. and Pervaiz, H., (2018). Angular Spread Quantification of Multi-Antenna Vehicular Radio Communication Channels

Khan, R., Jayakody, DNK., Pervaiz, H. and Tafazolli, R., (2018). Modulation Based Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Resilient Networks

Xilouris, GK., Batistatos, MC., Athanasiadou, GE., Tsoulos, G., Pervaiz, HB. and Zarakovitis, CC., (2018). UAV-Assisted 5G Network Architecture with Slicing and Virtualization

Onireti, O., Mohamed, A., Pervaiz, H. and Imran, M., (2018). A Tractable Approach to Base Station Sleep Mode Power Consumption and Deactivation Latency

Wang, Y., Xu, C., Zhou, Z., Pervaiz, H. and Mumtaz, S., (2018). Contract-Based Resource Allocation for Low-Latency Vehicular Fog Computing

Umer, A., Hassan, S., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). Coverage and Rate Analysis for Massive MIMO enabled Heterogeneous Networks with Millimeter wave Small Cells

Bhatti, OW., Suhail, H., Akbar, U., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2017). Performance analysis of decoupled cell association in multi-tier hybrid networks using real blockage environments

Munir, H., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). User association in 5G heterogeneous networks exploiting multi-slope path loss model

Munir, H., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2017). Energy efficient resource allocation in 5G hybrid heterogeneous networks: A game theoretic approach

Mohamed, A., Onireti, O., Imran, M., Pervaiz, H., Xiao, P. and Tafazolli, R., (2017). Predictive Base Station Activation in Futuristic Energy-Efficient Control/Data Separated RAN

Onireti, O., Mohamed, A., Pervaiz, H. and Imran, M., (2017). Analytical approach to base station sleep mode power consumption and sleep depth

Naqvi, SAR., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H., Ni, Q. and Musavian, L., (2016). Self-Adaptive Power Control Mechanism in D2D Enabled Hybrid Cellular Network with mmWave Small Cells: An Optimization Approach

Omar, MS., Anjum, MA., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H. and Niv, Q., (2016). Performance analysis of hybrid 5G cellular networks exploiting mmWave capabilities in suburban areas

Munir, H., Hassan, SA., Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2016). A Game Theoretical Network-Assisted User-Centric Design for Resource Allocation in 5G Heterogeneous Networks

Pervaiz, H., Song, Z., Musavian, L., Ni, Q. and Ge, X., (2015). Throughput and backhaul energy efficiency analysis in two-tier HetNets: A multiobjective approach

Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Energy and spectrum efficiency trade-off for Green Small Cell Networks

Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Ni, Q., (2015). Area energy and area spectrum efficiency trade-off in 5G heterogeneous networks

Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ni, Q., Ansari, EA. and Pervaiz, H., (2015). Energy-Efficient Location Estimation Using Variable Range Beacons in Wireless Sensor Networks

Pervaiz, H., Musavian, L. and Qiang Ni, (2013). Joint user association and energy-efficient resource allocation with minimum-rate constraints in two-tier HetNets

Pervaiz, H. and Ni, Q., (2012). User Preferences-Adaptive Dynamic Network Selection Approach in Cooperating Wireless Networks: A Game Theoretic Perspective

Pervaiz, H., Mei, H., Bigham, J. and Jiang, P., (2010). Enhanced cooperation in heterogeneous wireless networks using coverage adjustment

Pervaiz, H., (2010). A Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) network selection model providing enhanced QoS differentiation to customers

Pervaiz, H., Bigham, J., Jiang, P. and Chan, MP., (2009). A game theoretic based Call Admission Control scheme for competing WiMAX networks

Pervaiz, H. and Bigham, J., (2009). Game Theoretical Formulation of Network Selection in Competing Wireless Networks: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Model



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