Caitlin Phillips

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2S2.5.07, Colchester Campus
Caitlin Phillips is a Lecturer in the School of Health and Human Sciences (SHSC) working within the Division of Psychological Therapies for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DCP). She contributes to different modules and academic activities within the DCP programme. Caitlin originally trained as a Clinical Psychologist at UCL (MSc) in the mid-1990’s and has previously worked in NHS mental health services for adults in London and in the East of England, with a special interest in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). She has also lived and worked overseas, taking on a range of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) roles for various organisations (including UNDPKO and NGOs).
MA (Distinction) Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies School of Advanced Study, (2019)
MSc Clinical Psychology University College London,
BA (Hons) Psychology and Philosophy University of Oxford,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Personal and Professional Development 1 (HS764)
Clinical Interventions and Skills 1 (HS765)
Personal and Professional Development 2 (HS774)
Personal and Professional Development 3 (HS784)
Clinical Applications 1 (HS762)
Current supervision
Journal articles (1)
Phillips, CM., Cooke, MA., Cooke, A. and Peters, ER., (2007). Identity and Cause of Problems: The Perceptions of Patients with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 35 (02), 237-237
Book chapters (1)
Hayes, R., Blumenfeld, F., McPherson, S. and Cavenagh, P., (2023). Escape, autonomy, friendship, and resilience: Positive experiences of British boarding school. In: The Psychological Impact of Boarding School The Trunk in the Hall. Editors: Cavenagh, P., McPherson, S. and Ogden, J., . Routledge. 1003280498. 9781003280491
Reports and Papers (1)
Phillips, C., (2020). In-between lives: Attending to age-position in adolescent refugees’ experiences of forced migration in the Horn of Africa