
Dr Daniela Pianezzi

Visiting Fellow
Essex Business School
Dr Daniela Pianezzi



After graduating in philosophy (2010), I completed a master in Business Administration at the Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (2012), where few years later I also discussed a PhD dissertation on Contemporary ethical issues in accounting and accountability (2016). My dissertation explored the implications of a neoliberal ethics on social phenomena as diverse as migration and corruption. The significance of critical theory for my research further grew after joining the University of Essex where I have been working as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer from April 2017 to January 2022. During these years, I have further refined my research interest in organizational ethics by exploring the way in which values and norms shape identity and identification processes within organizations, and their effects. Thus, my research largely focuses on work identity, organizational ethics, gender theories, management control and precarious work. I am currently developing this research agenda at Essex Business School as visiting fellow and at the University of Verona that I joined in January 2022 and where I teach work and organization studies. My ongoing research projects explore the working lives of transgender persons in Pakistan and in Italy, and initiatives of gender mainstreaming in Japan.


  • PhD in Management (Innovation, Sustainability and Healthcare)

  • MSc in Business Administration and Service Innovation (MAINS)

  • MSc in Philosophy

  • BA in Philosophy

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Syed Zain Ul Abidin
Syed Zain Ul Abidin
Thesis title: Celebritization of Political Corruption in Pakistan: A Bourdieusian Perspective.
Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2022
John AyUK Enombu
John AyUK Enombu
Thesis title: Informal Acquisition of Accounting Literacy and the Use of Accounting Information By Clinicians At the Board of Clinical Commissioning Group
Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/11/2022


Journal articles (15)

Benozzo, A., Bizjak, D., Pianezzi, D. and Sicca, LM., (2024). Nomads, thresholds, and leaves: Queer entanglements within the AcademicConferenceMachine. Gender, Work & Organization. 31 (5), 2264-2285

Columbano, C., PIanezzi, D. and Steccolini, I., (2024). Performing accountability during a crisis: insights from the Italian government’s response to the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Abacus: a journal of accounting, finance and business studies

Pianezzi, D., (2024). Useless bodies? Exploring the ethical potential of art. Gender, Work and Organization. 31 (4), 1366-1384

Ashraf, MJ., Pianezzi, D. and Awan, A., (2023). Doing Transgender ‘Right’: Bodies, Eroticism and Spirituality in Khwajasira Work. Human Relations. 76 (2), 286-309

Pianezzi, D., Mori, Y. and Uddin, S., (2023). Public-Private Partnership in a Smart City: a curious case in Japan. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 89 (3), 632-647

Ashraf, MJ. and Pianezzi, D., (2023). Gender, Money, and Sexuality: An Exploration into the Relational Work of Pakistani Khwajasiras. Work, Employment and Society. 38 (4), 1021-1040

Pianezzi, D. and Ashraf, J., (2022). Accounting for ignorance: An investigation into corruption, immigration and the State.. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Online, 102147-102147

Pianezzi, D., Cinquini, L., Grossi, G. and Sargiacomo, M., (2022). Migration and the neoliberal state: accounting ethics in the Italian response to the refugee crisis. Accounting Forum. 46 (2), 134-159

Mauro, SG., Cinquini, L. and Pianezzi, D., (2021). New Public Management between reality and illusion: Analysing the validity of performance-based budgeting. The British Accounting Review. 53 (6), 100825-100825

Pianezzi, D., (2021). We are what we tell: An inquiry into NGOs’ organizational identity and accountability. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 34 (8), 1824-1850

Pianezzi, D. and Grossi Giuseppe, (2020). Corruption in migration management: a network perspective. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 86 (1), 152-168

Pianezzi, D., Nørreklit, H. and Cinquini, L., (2020). Academia After Virtue? An Inquiry into the Moral Character(s) of Academics. Journal of Business Ethics. 167 (3), 571-588

Grossi, G. and Pianezzi, D., (2018). The new public corruption: Old questions for new challenges. Accounting Forum. 42 (1), 86-101

Grossi, G. and Pianezzi, D., (2017). Smart cities: Utopia or neoliberal ideology?. Cities. 69, 79-85

Pianezzi, D. and Cinquini, L., (2016). Assessing the validity of accounting for human rights: A pragmatic constructivist perspective. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. 13 (3), 370-391

Books (1)

Pianezzi, D., (2025). Corporeal Ethics for Feminist Work (Dis)organized Bodies. Bristol University Press. 1529241510. 9781529241518

Book chapters (1)

Cinquini, L., Campanale, C., Pianezzi, D. and Tenucci, A., (2017). Discovering and Understanding Performance Measurement in a Context of Ambiguity. In: A Philosophy of Management Accounting. A Pragmatic Constructivist Approach. Editors: N�rreklit, H., . Routledge. 188- 207. 9781138930094



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