Dr Beatrice Piccoli

b.piccoli@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876636
EBS.1.11C, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911
Dr Beatrice Piccoli is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Essex Business School. Before joining the University of Essex (in September 2017), she held a Post-Doctoral position at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium) thanks to a 2-year individual project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement (a prestigious European competition). She is still affiliated with the University of Leuven (Belgium), in the Research Group Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology. Beatrice received a joint PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology from the University of Verona (Italy) and the University of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium). After her PhD, she was appointed as a Researcher Associate at the University of Verona (Italy) for a 1-year individual project on aging and well-being (funding by Banco Popolare). Thanks to the individual grant "COOPERINT" (University Internationalization Programme), she also was a visiting scholar at St. John’s University in New York City (US).
Postdoctoral researcher (funding by European Commission, Horizon 2020) University of Leuven (KU Leuven),
PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology, joint PhD from the University of Verona (Italy) and the University of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium),
MSc in Management of Training Services, University of Verona (Italy),
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Job insecurity
Organizational justice
Organisational identification
Psychological well-being
Organisational behaviours
Current research
Job insecurity perceptions
Her research interests lie in job insecurity perceptions, i.e. concerns about the future permanence of the job. During her PhD, in particular, she studied the individual and organizational consequences of job insecurity and the role of organizational justice.
For her Post-Doctoral position, she proposed a research project titled "Micro- and Macro-Level Determinants of Job Insecurity Perceptions: Individual, Organizational and Social Consequences. Multilevel Analysis and Comparisons among Countries".
Ongoing projects aim to increase the understanding of the nature of job insecurity by examining its causes and consequences through a multilevel perspective, taking into account the view of the employee, the organization and the characteristics of the country. In so doing, Beatrice adopts a multidisciplinary approach integrating factors related to the economic conditions, social policies and labour market features, in addition to aspects concerning work and organizational psychology. The goal is to achieve a comprehensive picture of the job insecurity phenomenon in order to better understand how to cope with it.
Her recent studies propose a cross-national comparison that evaluates the generalizability of job insecurity with the aim to identify more resourceful contexts and common strategies at the country level to deal with it. By combining international data sources (ESS, Eurostat, OECD, ISSP), she tested the role of some institutional conditions and labour market factors in Europe (e.g., Employment Protection Legislation, Labour Market Policies) as moderators of the individual-level relationship between job insecurity and consequences.
For her research, she only uses a quantitative approach by analysing data with Structural Equation Modeling and Multilevel Modeling.
More information about this project
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (BE486)
Strategic Human Resource Management (BE733)
Student Success Tutorial (BE917)
Foundations of Human Resource Management (BE708)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/10/2023
Journal articles (18)
Jolles, D., Juanchich, M. and Piccoli, B., (2023). Too Old to Be a Diversity Hire. Choice Bundling Shown to Increase Gender-Diverse Hiring Decisions Fails to Increase Age Diversity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 153 (11), 2771-2788
Jolles, D., Holford, D., Juanchich, M., Buchannan, K. and Piccoli, B., (2022). Frontline employees are ready to accept smart energy-saving technologies, especially when they are engaged at work and concerned about climate change. Occupational Psychology Outlook. 1 (1), 33-39
Piccoli, B., Reisel, WD. and De Witte, H., (2021). Understanding the Relationship Between Job Insecurity and Performance: Hindrance or Challenge Effect?. Journal of Career Development. 48 (2), 150-165
Canterino, F., Cirella, S., Piccoli, B. and Shani, R., (2020). Leadership and Change Mobilization: The Mediating Role of Distributed Leadership. Journal of Business Research. 108, 42-51
De Cuyper, N., Piccoli, B., Fontinha, R. and De Witte, H., (2019). Job Insecurity, Employability and Satisfaction Among Temporary and Permanent Employees in Post-Crisis Europe. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 40 (2), 173-192
Piccoli, B., Callea, A., Urbini, F., Chirumbolo, A., Ingusci, E. and De Witte, H., (2017). Job insecurity and performance: the mediating role of organizational identification. Personnel Review. 46 (8), 1508-1522
Piccoli, B., De Witte, H. and Reisel, WD., (2017). Job insecurity and discretionary behaviors: Social exchange perspective versus group value model. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 58 (1), 69-79
Filippi, Z., Giorgi, G., Piccoli, B. and Bellotto, M., (2016). The Relationship Between Psychological Capital, Creative Behavior and the Moderating Role of Felt Accountability. International Journal of Psychology. 51, 751-751
Piccoli, B. and De Witte, H., (2015). Job insecurity and emotional exhaustion: Testing psychological contract breach versus distributive injustice as indicators of lack of reciprocity. Work and Stress. 29 (3), 246-263
Setti, I., Dordoni, P., Piccoli, B., Bellotto, M. and Argentero, P., (2015). Proactive personality and training motivation among older workers. European Journal of Training and Development. 39 (8), 681-699
Argentero, P., Setti, I., Piccoli, B. and Bellotto, M., (2015). The impact of mindfulness on psychosomatic complaints among firefighters: The mediator role of vicarious traumatisation. The International Journal of Business Research. 15 (2), 7-12
Piccoli, B. and Bellotto, M., (2015). New Insights for the Management of the Job Insecurity-Psychological Wellbeing Relationship. Journal of Economics, Business and Management. 3 (11), 1080-1086
Piccoli, B. and Bellotto, M., (2014). Threat of Losing the Job and Deviant Behaviours as Consequence: Comparing Social Exchange Perspective and Justice Control Model as Theoretical Explanations. European Journal of Management. 14 (2), 82-90
Setti, I., Piccoli, B., Bellotto, M. and Argentero, P., (2014). Mindful Attention Awareness Scale: A first contribution to Italian validation. Counselling. 7 (1), 61-72
Piccoli, B., (2013). Counterproductive Work Behaviours: Clarify the Role of Job dissatisfaction and Organizational Injustice as Attitudinal Predictors. International Journal of Business Research. 13 (4), 91-98
Piccoli, B., Setti, I., Filippi, Z., Argentero, P. and Bellotto, M., (2013). The Influence of Job Insecurity on Task and Contextual Performance: The Mediational Role of Overall Job Attitude. International Journal of Business Research. 13 (3), 155-162
Piccoli, B., (2013). Counterproductive Work Behaviours: Clarify the Role of Job Dissatisfaction and Organizational Injustice as Attitudinal Predictors.. International Journal of Business Research. 13 (4), 91-98
Piccoli, B., De Witte, H. and Pasini, M., (2011). Job Insecurity and Organizational Consequences: How Justice Moderates this Relationship. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology. 13 (2), 37-49
Reports and Papers (2)
Jolles, D., Juanchich, M. and Piccoli, B., (2022). Too old to be a diversity hire. Choice bundling shown to increase gender-diverse hiring decisions fails to increase age diversity
Piccoli, B., (2018). Addressing job insecurity improves well-being and productivity.
Grants and funding
Enhancing Collective Creativity in Contexts of Job Insecurity
British Academy
Academic support hours:
You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911