Professor Riccardo Poli

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Coordinator of the Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Engineering (BCI-NE) group Riccardo Poli is a Professor in CSEE. His main research interests include brain-computer interfaces, human cognitive augmentation, neural engineering, genetic programming, particle swarm optimisation and the theory of evolutionary algorithms. He has published more than 300 refereed papers on evolutionary algorithms, biomedical engineering, neural networks and image/signal processing. He was a co-founder of the Essex BCI-NE group in 2004. He has co-authored the books Foundations of Genetic Programming, Springer, 2002 and A Field Guide to Genetic Programing, Lulu, 2008. He has been chair of numerous international conferences. He is an advisory board member of the Evolutionary Computation journal and was an associate editor of the Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines journal and a member of the editorial board of Swarm Intelligence. According to Google Scholar he has presently an H-index of 59, meaning that he has 59 publications which have been cited at least 59 times each. (See also:staff research interests by category)
Laurea (equivalent to a BSc plus an MSc) in Electronic Engineering (with Biomedical specialisation) from the University of Florence in Italy, in 1989.
PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Florence, in 1993.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Programming
Brain Computer Interfaces
Particle swarms
Schema Theory
Neural Nets
Machine Vision, Image and Signal Processing
Artificial Intelligence
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Programming (CE310)
Analysis and Classification of Neural Signals (CE345)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/1/2025

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/6/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/2/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/3/2021

Degree subject: Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/3/2019

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/7/2017

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/6/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/3/2017

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/1/2015

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/6/2013
Journal articles (85)
Rybar, M., Poli, R. and Daly, I., (2024). Corrigendum: Decoding of semantic categories of imagined concepts of animals and tools in fNIRS. Journal of Neural Engineering. 21 (2), 029501-029501
Rybar, M., Poli, R. and Daly, I., (2024). Using data from cue presentations results in grossly overestimating semantic BCI performance. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), 28003-
Jarvis, BW., Abolfathi, K., Poli, R. and Kafash Hoshiar, A., (2024). Haptic-Based Real-Time Platform for Microswarm Steering in a Multi-Bifurcation Vascular Network. Nanomaterials. 14 (23), 1917-1917
Poli, R. and Yilmaz, A., (2023). Incorrect Application of Yilmaz–Poli (2022) Initialisation Method in dePater–Mitici 2023 paper entitled “A mathematical framework for improved weight initialization of neural networks using Lagrange multipliers”. Neural Networks. 168, 57-58
Carli, V., Petros, NG., Hadlaczky, G., Vitcheva, T., Berchialla, P., Bianchi, S., Carletto, S., Christinaki, E., Citi, L., Dinis, S., Gentili, C., Geraldes, V., Giovinazzo, L., Gonzalez-Martinez, S., Meyer, B., Ostacoli, L., Ottaviano, M., Ouakinin, S., Papastylianou, T., Paradiso, R., Poli, R., Rocha, I., Settanta, C., Scilingo, EP. and Valenza, G., (2022). The NEVERMIND e-health system in the treatment of depressive symptoms among patients with severe somatic conditions: A multicentre, pragmatic randomised controlled trial. eClinicalMedicine. 48, 101423-101423
Tremmel, C., Fernandez-Vargas, J., Stamos, D., Cinel, C., Pontil, M., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2022). A meta-learning BCI for estimating decision confidence. Journal of Neural Engineering. 19 (4), 046009-046009
Cinel, C., Fernandez Vargas, J., Tremmel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2022). Enhancing performance with multisensory cues in a realistic target discrimination task. PLoS One. 17 (8), e0272320-e0272320
Yilmaz, A. and Poli, R., (2022). Successfully and Efficiently Training Deep Multi-layer Perceptrons with Logistic Activation Function Simply Requires Initializing the Weights with an Appropriate Negative Mean. Neural Networks. 153, 87-103
Rybář, M., Poli, R. and Daly, I., (2021). Decoding of semantic categories of imagined concepts of animals and tools in fNIRS. Journal of Neural Engineering. 18 (4), 046035-046035
Bhattacharyya, S., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2021). Anytime collaborative brain–computer interfaces for enhancing perceptual group decision-making. Scientific Reports. 11 (1), 17008-
Fernandez-Vargas, J., Tremmel, C., Valeriani, D., Bhattacharyya, S., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2021). Subject- and task-independent neural correlates and prediction of decision confidence in perceptual decision making. Journal of Neural Engineering. 18 (4), 046055-046055
Valeriani, D., Ayaz, H., Kosmyna, N., Poli, R. and Maes, P., (2021). Editorial: Neurotechnologies for Human Augmentation.. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15, 789868-
Carli, V., Wasserman, D., Hadlaczky, G., Petros, NG., Carletto, S., Citi, L., Dinis, S., Gentili, C., Gonzalez-Martinez, S., De Leonibus, A., Meyer, B., Ostacoli, L., Ottaviano, M., Ouakinin, S., Paradiso, R., Poli, R., Rocha, I., Settanta, C., Waldmeyer, MTA., Valenza, G. and Scilingo, EP., (2020). A protocol for a multicentre, parallel-group, pragmatic randomised controlled trial to evaluate the NEVERMIND system in preventing and treating depression in patients with severe somatic conditions. BMC Psychiatry. 20 (1), 93-
Christinaki, E., Papastylianou, T., Carletto, S., Gonzalez-Martinez, S., Ostacoli, L., Ottaviano, M., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2020). Well-being Forecasting using a Parametric Transfer-Learning method based on the Fisher Divergence and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Bioengineering and Bioinformatics. 1 (1), 166661-166661
Cinel, C., Valeriani, D. and Poli, R., (2019). Neurotechnologies for Human Cognitive Augmentation: Current State of the Art and Future Prospects. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13 (13), 13-
Valeriani, D., Cinel, C. and Poli, R., (2019). Brain–Computer Interfaces for Human Augmentation. Brain Sciences. 9 (2), 22-22
Valeriani, D. and Poli, R., (2019). Cyborg groups enhance face recognition in crowded environments. PLoS ONE. 14 (3), e0212935-e0212935
Valeriani, D. and Poli, R., (2019). Correction: Cyborg groups enhance face recognition in crowded environments. PLOS ONE. 14 (3), e0214557-e0214557
Matran-Fernandez, A., Rodriguez Martinez, IJ., Poli, R., Cipriani, C. and Citi, L., (2019). SEEDS, simultaneous recordings of high-density EMG and finger joint angles during multiple hand movements. Scientific Data. 6 (1), 186-
Matran-Fernandez, A. and Poli, R., (2017). Towards the automated localisation of targets in rapid image-sifting by collaborative brain-computer interfaces. PLoS ONE. 12 (5), e0178498-e0178498
Matran-Fernandez, A. and Poli, R., (2017). Brain-Computer Interfaces for Detection and Localization of Targets in Aerial Images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 64 (4), 959-969
Valeriani, D., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2017). Enhancement of group perception via a collaborative brain-computer interface. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 64 (6), 1238-1248
Valeriani, D., Cinel, C. and Poli, R., (2017). Group Augmentation in Realistic Visual-Search Decisions via a Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface.. Scientific Reports. 7 (1), 7772-
Koohestani, B. and Poli, R., (2015). Addressing the envelope reduction of sparse matrices using a genetic programming system. Computational Optimization and Applications. 60 (3), 789-814
Turkey, M. and Poli, R., (2014). A Model for Analysing the Collective Dynamic Behaviour and Characterising the Exploitation of Population-Based Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation. 22 (1), 159-188
Koohestani, B. and Poli, R., (2014). Evolving an Improved Algorithm for Envelope Reduction Using a Hyper-Heuristic Approach. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 18 (4), 543-558
Poli, R., Valeriani, D. and Cinel, C., (2014). Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for Aiding Decision-Making. PLoS ONE. 9 (7), e102693-e102693
Graff, M., Poli, R. and Flores, JJ., (2013). Models of Performance of Evolutionary Program Induction Algorithms Based on Indicators of Problem Difficulty. Evolutionary Computation. 21 (4), 533-560
Salvaris, M., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2012). Novel Protocols for P300-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 20 (1), 8-17
Poli, R., Salvaris, M. and Cinel, C., (2012). A genetic programming approach to the evolution of brain–computer interfaces for 2-D mouse–pointer control. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 13 (3), 377-405
Poli, R. and Galvan-Lopez, E., (2012). The Effects of Constant and Bit-Wise Neutrality on Problem Hardness, Fitness Distance Correlation and Phenotypic Mutation Rates. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 16 (2), 279-300
Kattan, A. and Poli, R., (2011). Evolution of human-competitive lossless compression algorithms with GP-zip2. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 12 (4), 335-364
Poli, R. and Salvaris, M., (2011). Comment on ‘Fast attainment of computer cursor control with noninvasively acquired brain signals’. Journal of Neural Engineering. 8 (5), 058001-058001
Galván-López, E., Poli, R., Kattan, A., O’Neill, M. and Brabazon, A., (2011). Neutrality in evolutionary algorithms… What do we know?. Evolving Systems. 2 (3), 145-163
Salvaris, M., Cinel, C., Poli, R., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Exploring multiple protocols for a brain-computer interface mouse. 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 2010, 4189-4192
Poli, R., Citi, L., Salvaris, M., Cinel, C. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Eigenbrains: the free vibrational modes of the brain as a new representation for EEG. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 2010, 6011-6014
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Reaction-time binning: A simple method for increasing the resolving power of ERP averages. Psychophysiology. 47 (3), 467-485
Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2010). Documenting, modelling and exploiting P300 amplitude changes due to variable target delays in Donchin's speller.. Journal of Neural Engineering. 7 (5), creators-Citi=3ALuca=3A=3A
Graff, M. and Poli, R., (2010). Practical performance models of algorithms in evolutionary program induction and other domains. Artificial Intelligence. 174 (15), 1254-1276
Poli, R., Vanneschi, L., Langdon, WB. and McPhee, NF., (2010). Theoretical results in genetic programming: the next ten years?. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 11 (3-4), 285-320
Bonabeau, E., Corne, D., Knowles, J. and Poli, R., (2010). Swarm intelligence theory: A snapshot of the state of the art. Theoretical Computer Science. 411 (21), 2081-2083
Bonabeau, E., Corne, D. and Poli, R., (2010). Swarm intelligence: the state of the art special issue of natural computing. Natural Computing. 9 (3), 655-657
Miller, JF. and Poli, R., (2010). Editorial to tenth anniversary issue on progress in genetic programming and evolvable machines. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 11 (3-4), 247-250
Poli, R., Citi, L., Sepulveda, F. and Cinel, C., (2009). Analogue evolutionary brain computer interfaces. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. 4 (4), 27-31
Poli, R., (2009). Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Particle Swarm Optimizers During Stagnation. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 13 (4), 712-721
Menon, C., de Negueruela, C., Millán, JDR., Tonet, O., Carpi, F., Broschart, M., Ferrez, P., Buttfield, A., Tecchio, F., Sepulveda, F., Citi, L., Laschi, C., Tombini, M., Dario, P., Maria Rossini, P. and De Rossi, D., (2009). Prospects of brain–machine interfaces for space system control. Acta Astronautica. 64 (4), 448-456
Poli, R., Engelbrecht, A. and Kennedy, J., (2009). Editorial for the special issue on Particle Swarm Optimization. Swarm Intelligence. 3 (4), 243-244
Bader-El-Den, M., Poli, R. and Fatima, S., (2009). Evolving timetabling heuristics using a grammar-based genetic programming hyper-heuristic framework. Memetic Computing. 1 (3), 205-219
Poli, R., McPhee, NF., Citi, L. and Crane, E., (2009). Memory with memory in genetic programming. Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications. 2009, 1-16
Citi, L., Poli, R., Cinel, C. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). P300-Based BCI Mouse With Genetically-Optimized Analogue Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 16 (1), 51-61
Langdon, WB., Poli, R. and Banzhaf, W., (2008). An eigen analysis of the GP community. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 9 (3), 171-182
Langdon, WB., Poli, R., McPhee, NF. and Koza, JR., (2008). Genetic Programming: An Introduction and Tutorial, with a Survey of Techniques and Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 115, 927-1028
Pujol, JCF. and Poli, R., (2008). Parameter Mapping: A genetic programming approach to function optimization. International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems. 12 (1), 29-45
Poli, R. and Stephens, CR., (2007). Understanding the Biases of Generalised Recombination: Part II. Evolutionary Computation. 15 (1), 95-131
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2007). Evolving Problems to Learn About Particle Swarm Optimizers and Other Search Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 11 (5), 561-578
Stephens, CR. and Poli, R., (2007). Coarse-Grained Dynamics for Generalized Recombination. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 11 (4), 541-557
(2007). Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue. Evolutionary Computation. 15 (4), iii-v
Poli, R. and Stephens, CR., (2006). Understanding the Biases of Generalised Recombination: Part I. Evolutionary Computation. 14 (4), 411-432
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2006). Backward-chaining evolutionary algorithms. Artificial Intelligence. 170 (11), 953-982
Quintana, MI., Poli, R. and Claridge, E., (2006). Morphological algorithm design for binary images using genetic programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 7 (1), 81-102
Poli, R. and Schoenauer, M., (2006). Editorial for the Special Issue on the Best of GECCO 2004. Evolutionary Computation. 14 (1), v-v
Poli, R., McPhee, NF. and Rowe, JE., (2004). Exact Schema Theory and Markov Chain Models for Genetic Programming and Variable-length Genetic Algorithms with Homologous Crossover. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 5 (1), 31-70
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2003). General Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with Subtree-Swapping Crossover: Part I. Evolutionary Computation. 11 (1), 53-66
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2003). General Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with Subtree-Swapping Crossover: Part II. Evolutionary Computation. 11 (2), 169-206
Poli, R. and Cagnoni, S., (2003). Editorial. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2003 (8), 733-739
Cinel, C., Humphreys, GW. and Poli, R., (2002). Cross-modal illusory conjunctions between vision and touch.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 28 (5), 1243-1266
Cinel, C., Humphreys, GW. and Poli, R., (2002). Cross-modal illusory conjunctions between vision and touch.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 28 (5), 1243-1266
Großmann, A. and Poli, R., (2001). Robust mobile robot localisation from sparse and noisy proximity readings using Hough transform and probability grids. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 37 (1), 1-18
Nowostawski, M. and Poli, R., (1999). Parallel genetic algorithm taxonomy. International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES, 88-92
Nowostawski, M. and Poli, R., (1999). Dynamic Demes parallel genetic algorithm. International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES, 93-98
Cagnoni, S., Dobrzeniecki, AB., Poli, R. and Yanch, JC., (1999). Genetic algorithm-based interactive segmentation of 3D medical images. Image and Vision Computing. 17 (12), 881-895
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (1998). Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with One-Point Crossover and Point Mutation. Evolutionary Computation. 6 (3), 231-252
Pujol, JCF. and Poli, R., (1998). Evolving the Topology and the Weights of Neural Networks Using a Dual Representation. Applied Intelligence. 8 (1), 73-84
Valli, G., Poli, R., Cagnoni, S. and Coppini, G., (1998). Neural networks and prior knowledge help the segmentation of medical images. Journal of Computing and Information Technology. 6 (2), 117-133
Poli, R. and Valli, G., (1997). Shape from Radiological Density. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 65 (3), 361-381
Poli, R. and Valli, G., (1997). An algorithm for real-time vessel enhancement and detection. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 52 (1), 1-22
Poli, R., Cagnoni, S. and Valli, G., (1995). Genetic design of optimum linear and nonlinear QRS detectors. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 42 (11), 1137-1141
Coppini, G., Poli, R. and Valli, G., (1995). Recovery of the 3-D shape of the left ventricle from echocardiographic images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 14 (2), 301-317
Poli, R., Coppini, G. and Valli, G., (1994). Recovery of 3D Closed Surfaces from Sparse Data. CVGIP: Image Understanding. 60 (1), 1-25
Poli, R., (1994). Recovery of 3D Closed Surfaces from Sparse Data. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 60 (1), 1-25
Caramella, D., Coppini, G., Poli, R., Rucci, M. and Valli, G., (1992). A neural network approach to MR and CT image understanding. Radiologia Diagnostica. 33 (5), 341-344
Coppini, G., Poli, R., Rucci, M. and Valli, G., (1992). A neural network architecture for understanding discrete three-dimensional scenes in medical imaging. Computers and Biomedical Research. 25 (6), 569-585
Poli, R., Cagnoni, S., Livi, R., Coppini, G. and Valli, G., (1991). A neural network expert system for diagnosing and treating hypertension. Computer. 24 (3), 64-71
Calamai, R., Coppini, G., Demi, M., Poli, R. and Valli, G., (1990). A computational approach to medical imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences. 34 (1), 42-50
Arcangeli, A., Del Bene, MR., Poli, R., Ricupero, L. and Olivotto, M., (1989). Mutual contact of murine erythroleukemia cells activates depolarizing cation channels, whereas contact with extracellular substrata activates hyperpolarizing Ca2+‐dependent K+ channels. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 139 (1), 1-8
Books (7)
Dorigo, M., Gambardella, LM., Birattari, M., Martinoli, A., Poli, R. and Stützle, T., (2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics: Preface
(2003). Genetic Programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 9783540009719
(2000). Genetic Programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 9783540673392
(2000). Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 9783540673538
(1999). Evolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Telecommunications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 9783540658375
Poli, R., Nordin, P., Langdon, WB. and Fogarty, TC., (1999). Preface
(1998). Genetic Programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 9783540643609
Book chapters (8)
Bhattacharyya, S., Cinel, C., Citi, L., Valeriani, D. and Poli, R., (2022). Walking improves the performance of a brain-computer interface for group decision making. In: Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology. Elsevier. 221- 233. 9780128214138
Valeriani, D., Cinel, C. and Poli, R., (2018). Hybrid Collaborative Brain–Computer Interfaces to Augment Group Decision-Making. In: Neuroergonomics The Brain at Work and in Everyday Life. Editors: Ayaz, H. and Dehais, F., . Academic Press. 187- 190. 0128119268. 9780128119266
Matran-Fernandez, A., Valeriani, D. and Poli, R., (2016). Toward BCIs Out of the Lab: Impact of Motion Artifacts on Brain-Computer Interface Performance. In: Wireless Medical Systems and Algorithms: Design and Applications. Editors: Salvo, P. and Hernandez-Silveira, M., . CRC Press. 219- 240. 1-4987-0076-4. 978-1-4987-0076-4
Poli, R. and Koza, J., (2014). Genetic Programming. In: Search Methodologies. Springer US. 143- 185. 9781461469391
Poli, R. and Stephens, CR., (2014). Taming the Complexity of Natural and Artificial Evolutionary Dynamics. In: Evolution, Complexity and Artificial Life. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 19- 39. 9783642375767
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2014). Parsimony pressure made easy: Solving the problem of bloat in GP. In: Natural Computing Series. 181- 204. 978-3-642-33205-0
Vanneschi, L. and Poli, R., (2012). Genetic Programming — Introduction, Applications, Theory and Open Issues. In: Handbook of Natural Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 709- 739. 9783540929093
Koza, JR. and Poli, R., (2005). Genetic Programming. In: Search Methodologies. Springer US. 127- 164. 9780387234601
Conferences (199)
Poli, R., (2023). Super-Human and Super-AI Cognitive Augmentation of Human and Human-AI Teams Assisted by Brain Computer Interfaces
Jarvis, BW., Poli, R. and Hoshiar, AK., (2022). Online real-time platform for microrobot steering in a multi-bifurcation
Garcia Vellisca, M., Matran-Fernandez, A., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2021). Hand-movement Prediction from EMG with LSTM-Recurrent Neural Networks
Fernandez-Vargas, J., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Sadras, N., Ahmadipour, P., Shanechi, MM., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2020). Confidence Prediction from EEG Recordings in a Multisensory Environment
Rybar, M., Daly, I. and Poli, R., (2020). Potential pitfalls of widely used implementations of common spatial patterns
Cinel, C., Vargas, JF., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2020). Benefits of Multisensory Cues in a Realistic Target Discrimination Task
Bhattacharyya, S., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2019). Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces to Enhance Group Decisions in an Outpost Surveillance Task
Bhattacharyya, S., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2019). Target Detection in Video Feeds with Selected Dyads and Groups Assisted by Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces
Christinaki, E., Papastylianou, T., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2019). Parametric Transfer Learning based on the Fisher Divergence for Well-being Prediction
Morosan, M. and Poli, R., (2018). Online-Trained Fitness Approximators for Real-World Game Balancing
Valeriani, D., Bhattacharyya, S., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2018). Augmenting group decision making accuracy in a realistic environment using collaborative brain-computer interfaces based on error-related potentials
Iacob, A., Morosan, M., Sepulveda, F. and Poli, R., (2018). Genetic optimisation of BCI systems for identifying games related cognitive states
Matran-Fernandez, A., Mastinu, E., Poli, R., Ortiz-Catalan, M. and Citi, L., (2018). Crosstalk Reduction in Epimysial EMG Recordings from Transhumeral Amputees with Principal Component Analysis
Christinaki, E., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2018). Bayesian Transfer Learning for the Prediction of Self-reported Well-being Scores
Morosan, M. and Poli, R., (2018). Lessons from Testing an Evolutionary Automated Game Balancer in Industry
Morosan, M. and Poli, R., (2017). Automated game balancing in Ms PacMan and starcraft using evolutionary algorithms
Valeriani, D., Cinel, C. and Poli, R., (2017). A Collaborative BCI Trained to Aid Group Decisions in a Visual Search Task Works Well with Similar Tasks
Valeriani, D., Cinel, C. and Poli, R., (2017). Augmenting Group Performance in Target-Face Recognition via Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces for Surveillance Applications
Li, X., Poli, R., Valenza, G., Scilingo, EP. and Citi, L., (2017). Self-reported well-being score modelling and prediction: Proof-of-concept of an approach based on linear dynamic systems
Morosan, M. and Poli, R., (2017). Evolving a designer-balanced neural network for Ms PacMan
Morosan, M. and Poli, R., (2017). Speeding up genetic algorithm-based game balancing using fitness predictors
Andreou, D. and Poli, R., (2016). Comparing EEG, its time-derivative and their joint use as features in a BCI for 2-D pointer control
Valeriani, D., Cinel, C. and Poli, R., (2016). Hybrid Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces to Augment Group Decision Making
Valeriani, D., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2015). A collaborative Brain-Computer Interface to improve human performance in a visual search task
Valeriani, D., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2015). A collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for improving group detection of visual targets in complex natural environments
Matran-Fernandez, A. and Poli, R., (2015). Event-Related Potentials induced by cuts in feature movies and their exploitation for understanding cut efficacy
Matran-Fernandez, A. and Poli, R., (2014). Collaborative brain-computer interfaces for target localisation in rapid serial visual presentation
Andreou, D. and Poli, R., (2014). Clustering simulated Event-Related Potentials based on similarity of centroids
Turkey, M. and Poli, R., (2014). A model for characterising the collective dynamic behaviour of evolutionary algorithms
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Sepulveda, F. and Stoica, A., (2013). Improving decision-making based on visual perception via a collaborative brain-computer interface
Cinel, C., Poli, R., Citi, L. and Roberson, D., (2013). An exploration of the effects of audio-visual entrainment on Parkinson's disease tremor
Matran-Fernandez, A., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2013). Collaborative brain-computer interfaces for the automatic classification of images
Stoica, A., Matran-Fernandez, A., Andreou, D., Poli, R., Cinel, C., Iwashita, Y. and Padgett, C., (2013). Multi-brain fusion and applications to intelligence analysis
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Matran-Fernandez, A., Sepulveda, F. and Stoica, A., (2013). Towards cooperative brain-computer interfaces for space navigation
Koohestani, B. and Poli, R., (2012). On the application of Genetic Programming to the envelope reduction problem
Koohestani, B. and Poli, R., (2012). A Genetic Programming Approach for Evolving Highly-Competitive General Algorithms for Envelope Reduction in Sparse Matrices
Turkey, M. and Poli, R., (2012). An Empirical Tool for Analysing the Collective Behaviour of Population-Based Algorithms
Salvaris, M., Cinel, C. and Poli, R., (2011). Novel sequential protocols for a ERP based BCI mouse
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Salvaris, M., (2011). A genetic programming approach to detecting artifact-generating eye movements from EEG in the absence of electro-oculogram
Poli, R., Salvaris, M. and Cinel, C., (2011). Evolution of a Brain-Computer Interface Mouse via Genetic Programming
Poli, R., Salvaris, M. and Cinel, C., (2011). Evolutionary Synthesis of a Trajectory Integrator for an Analogue Brain-Computer Interface Mouse
Koohestani, B. and Poli, R., (2011). A Hyper-Heuristic Approach to Evolving Algorithms for Bandwidth Reduction Based on Genetic Programming
Graff, M. and Poli, R., (2011). Performance Models for Evolutionary Program Induction Algorithms Based on Problem Difficulty Indicators
Koohestani, B. and Poli, R., (2011). A hyper-heuristic approach to evolving algorithms for bandwidth reduction based on genetic programming
Turkey, M. and Poli, R., (2011). A social behaviour evolution approach for evolutionary optimisation
Turkey, M. and Poli, R., (2011). Investigating a new paradigm for designing evolutionary optimisation algorithms using social behaviour evolution
Turkey, M. and Poli, R., (2011). Social adaptive groups
Poli, R., Salvaris, M. and Cinel, C., (2011). Evolution of an Effective Brain-Computer Interface Mouse via Genetic Programming with Adaptive Tarpeian Bloat Control
Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2010). High-Significance Averages of Event-Related Potential Via Genetic Programming
Kattan, A. and Poli, R., (2010). Evolutionary synthesis of lossless compression algorithms with GP-zip3
Koohestani, B. and Poli, R., (2010). A Genetic Programming Approach to the Matrix Bandwidth-Minimization Problem
Dignum, S. and Poli, R., (2010). Sub-tree Swapping Crossover and Arity Histogram Distributions
Kattan, A., Agapitos, A. and Poli, R., (2010). Unsupervised Problem Decomposition Using Genetic Programming
Poli, R., (2010). Solution-Locked Averages and Solution-Time Binning in Genetic Programming
Poli, R., (2010). Genetic programming theory
Kattan, A. and Poli, R., (2010). Genetic-Programming Based Prediction of Data Compression Saving
Kattan, A., Galván-López, E., Poli, R. and O’Neill, M., (2010). GP-Fileprints: File Types Detection Using Genetic Programming
Poli, R., McPhee, NF., Citi, L. and Crane, E., (2009). Memory with Memory in Tree-Based Genetic Programming
Poli, R. and Graff, M., (2009). There Is a Free Lunch for Hyper-Heuristics, Genetic Programming and Computer Scientists
Graff, M. and Poli, R., (2009). Automatic Creation of Taxonomies of Genetic Programming Systems
Poli, R., Graff, M. and McPhee, NF., (2009). Free lunches for function and program induction
Kattan, A., Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Poli, R., (2009). Detecting Localised Muscle Fatigue during Isometric Contraction using Genetic Programming.
Galván-López, E. and Poli, R., (2009). An Empirical Investigation of How Degree Neutrality Affects GP Search
Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2009). Exploiting P300 amplitude variations can improve classification accuracy in Donchin's BCI speller
Vanneschi, L., Valsecchi, A. and Poli, R., (2009). Limitations of the fitness-proportional negative slope coefficient as a difficulty measure
McPhee, NF., Crane, E., Lahr, SE. and Poli, R., (2009). Developmental plasticity in linear genetic programming
El Den, MB. and Poli, R., (2009). Grammar-based genetic programming for timetabling
Poli, R. and Graff, M., (2009). Free lunches for neural network search
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2009). Introduction to genetic programming
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2009). Genetic programming theory I & II
Bader-El-Den, M. and Poli, R., (2008). Generating SAT Local-Search Heuristics Using a GP Hyper-Heuristic Framework
Bader-El-Den, M. and Poli, R., (2008). Analysis and extension of the Inc* on the satisfiability testing problem
Galván-López, E., Dignum, S. and Poli, R., (2008). The Effects of Constant Neutrality on Performance and Problem Hardness in GP
Kattan, A. and Poli, R., (2008). Evolutionary lossless compression with GP-ZIP
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2008). A Linear Estimation-of-Distribution GP System
Keller, RE. and Poli, R., (2008). Cost-Benefit Investigation of a Genetic-Programming Hyperheuristic
Graff, M. and Poli, R., (2008). Practical Model of Genetic Programming’s Performance on Rational Symbolic Regression Problems
Dignum, S. and Poli, R., (2008). Operator Equalisation and Bloat Free GP
Dignum, S. and Poli, R., (2008). Crossover, Sampling, Bloat and the Harmful Effects of Size Limits
Bader-El-Den, M. and Poli, R., (2008). Inc*: An Incremental Approach for Improving Local Search Heuristics
Dignum, S. and Poli, R., (2008). Sub-tree Swapping Crossover, Allele Diffusion and GP Convergence
Keller, RE. and Poli, R., (2008). Self-adaptive hyperheuristic and greedy search
Keller, RE. and Poli, R., (2008). Toward subheuristic search
Pazienza, GE., Vilasis-Cardona, X. and Poli, R., (2008). An alternative proof of the universality of the CNN-UM and its practical applications
Keller, RE. and Poli, R., (2008). Subheuristic search and scalability in a hyperheuristic
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2008). Mapping non-conventional extensions of genetic programming
McPhee, NF. and Poli, R., (2008). Memory with memory: Soft assignment in genetic programming
Kattan, A. and Poli, R., (2008). Evolutionary lossless compression with GP-ZIP*
Poli, R., McPhee, NF. and Vanneschi, L., (2008). Elitism reduces bloat in genetic programming
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2008). Parsimony pressure made easy
Poli, R., (2008). Genetic programming theory
Poli, R., McPhee, NF. and Vanneschi, L., (2008). The impact of population size on code growth in GP: Analysis and empirical validation
Bader-El-Den, MB. and Poli, R., (2008). Evolving heuristics with genetic programming
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2007). Evolutionary Brain Computer Interfaces
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2007). Efficient Markov Chain Model of Machine Code Program Execution and Halting
Dignum, S. and Poli, R., (2007). Generalisation of the limiting distribution of program sizes in tree-based genetic programming and analysis of its effects on bloat
Poli, R., Langdon, WB. and Dignum, S., (2007). On the Limiting Distribution of Program Sizes in Tree-Based Genetic Programming
Graff, M., Poli, R. and Moraglio, A., (2007). Linear selection
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2007). Markov chain models of bare-bones particle swarm optimizers
Keller, RE. and Poli, R., (2007). Linear genetic programming of metaheuristics
Di Chio, C., Poli, R. and Di Chio, P., (2007). EcoPS
Poli, R., Bratton, D., Blackwell, T. and Kennedy, J., (2007). Theoretical derivation, analysis and empirical evaluation of a simpler Particle Swarm Optimiser
Bader-El-Den, MB. and Poli, R., (2007). A GP-based hyper-heuristic framework for evolving 3-SAT heuristics
Poli, R. and Broomhead, D., (2007). Exact analysis of the sampling distribution for the canonical particle swarm optimiser and its convergence during stagnation
Poli, R. and Vanneschi, L., (2007). Fitness-proportional negative slope coefficient as a hardness measure for genetic algorithms
Keller, RE. and Poli, R., (2007). Linear genetic programming of parsimonious metaheuristics
Galvan-Lopez, E. and Poli, R., (2007). How and why a bit-wise neutrality with and without locality affects evolutionary search
Poli, R., Woodward, J. and Burke, EK., (2007). A histogram-matching approach to the evolution of bin-packing strategies
Moraglio, A., Di Chio, C. and Poli, R., (2007). Geometric Particle Swarm Optimisation
Graff, M., Poli, R. and Moraglio, A., (2007). Linear selection
Poli, R. and Galván-López, E., (2007). On the Effects of Bit-Wise Neutrality on Fitness Distance Correlation, Phenotypic Mutation Rates and Problem Hardness
Poli, R., (2007). On the moments of the sampling distribution of particle swarm optimisers
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2007). Decomposition of Fitness Functions in Random Heuristic Search
Moraglio, A. and Poli, R., (2007). Inbreeding Properties of Geometric Crossover and Non-geometric Recombinations
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2007). Genetic programming theory
Poli, R., Langdon, WB., Clerc, M. and Stephens, CR., (2007). Continuous Optimisation Theory Made Easy? Finite-Element Models of Evolutionary Strategies, Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimizers
Di Chio, C., Moraglio, A. and Poli, R., (2007). Geometric particle swarm optimisation on binary and real spaces
Galván-López, E. and Poli, R., (2006). Some Steps Towards Understanding How Neutrality Affects Evolutionary Search
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2006). Information Perspective of Optimization
Galván-López, E. and Poli, R., (2006). An empirical investigation of how and why neutrality affects evolutionary search
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2006). Kolmogorov complexity, Optimization and Hardness
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2006). Classes of problems in the black box scenario
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2006). Structure and metaheuristics
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2006). The no free lunch and realistic search algorithms
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2006). Running Genetic Programming Backwards
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2006). Finding social landscapes for PSOs via kernels
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2006). The Halting Probability in Von Neumann Architectures
Moraglio, A. and Poli, R., (2006). Product Geometric Crossover
Poli, R., Wright, AH., McPhee, NF. and Langdon, WB., (2006). Emergent Behaviour, Population-based Search and Low-pass Filtering
Moraglio, A. and Poli, R., (2006). Geometric Crossover for Sets, Multisets and Partitions
Moraglio, A., Kim, Y-H., Yoon, Y., Moon, B-R. and Poli, R., (2006). Generalized cycle crossover for graph partitioning
Di Chio, C., Poli, R. and Di Chio, P., (2006). Extending the Particle Swarm Algorithm to Model Animal Foraging Behaviour
Poli, R., Langdon, WB., Marrow, P., Kennedy, J., Clerc, M., Bratton, D. and Holden, N., (2006). Communication, Leadership, Publicity and Group Formation in Particle Swarms
Moraglio, A., Poli, R. and Seehuus, R., (2006). Geometric Crossover for Biological Sequences
Di Chio, C., Poli, R. and Di Chio, P., (2006). Modelling Group-Foraging Behaviour with Particle Swarms
Menon, C., De Negueruela, C., Millán, JDR., Tonet, O., Carpi, F., Broschart, M., Ferrez, P., Buttfield, A., Dario, P., Citi, L., Laschi, C., Tombini, M., Seplveda, F., Poli, R., Palaniappan, R., Tecchio, F., Rossini, PM. and De Rossi, D., (2006). Prospects of brain-machine interfaces for space system control
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2006). Finding social landscapes for PSOs via kernels
Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2006). Analogue P300-based BCI pointing device
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2006). On Turing complete T7 and MISC F-4 program fitness landscapes
Poli, R., Di Chio, C. and Langdon, WB., (2005). Exploring extended particle swarms
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2005). Backward-chaining genetic programming
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2005). Evolutionary Solo Pong players
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2005). No free lunch, Kolmogorov complexity and the information landscape
Poli, R., Langdon, WB. and Holland, O., (2005). Extending Particle Swarm Optimisation via Genetic Programming
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2005). Information landscapes and problem hardness
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2005). Information landscapes
Yossi, B. and Poli, R., (2005). Information landscapes and the analysis of search algorithms
Langdon, WB., Poli, R., Holland, O. and Krink, T., (2005). Understanding particle swarm optimisation by evolving problem landscapes
Moraglio, A. and Poli, R., (2005). Geometric landscape of homologous crossover for syntactic trees
Poli, R., (2005). Tournament Selection, Iterated Coupon-Collection Problem, and Backward-Chaining Evolutionary Algorithms
Poli, R. and Stephens, CR., (2005). Theoretical analysis of generalised recombination
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2005). Evolving problems to learn about particle swarm and other optimisers
Stephens, CR. and Poli, R., (2005). Coarse graining in an evolutionary algorithm with recombination, duplication and inversion
Langdon, WB., Poli, R., Holland, O. and Krink, T., (2005). Understanding particle swarm optimisation by evolving problem landscapes
Moraglio, A. and Poli, R., (2005). Topological crossover for the permutation representation
Dignum, S. and Poli, R., (2004). Multi-agent Foreign Exchange Market Modelling Via GP
Borenstein, Y. and Poli, R., (2004). Fitness Distributions and GA Hardness
López, EG., Poli, R. and Coello, CAC., (2004). Reusing Code in Genetic Programming
Moraglio, A. and Poli, R., (2004). Topological Interpretation of Crossover
Pujol, JCF. and Poli, R., (2004). Optimization via Parameter Mapping with Genetic Programming
Poli, R. and Stephens, CR., (2004). Constrained Molecular Dynamics as a Search and Optimization Tool
Wright, A., Poli, R., Stephens, CR., Langdon, WB. and Pulavarty, S., (2004). An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on Maximum Entropy
Citi, L., Poli, R. and Sepulveda, F., (2004). An evolutionary approach to feature selection and classification in P300-based BCI
Cinel, C., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2004). Possible sources of perceptual errors in P300-based speller paradigm
Quintana, MI., Poli, R. and Claridge, E., (2003). On Two Approaches to Image Processing Algorithm Design for Binary Images Using GP
Poli, R., (2003). A Simple but Theoretically-Motivated Method to Control Bloat in Genetic Programming
Poli, R., Rowe, JE., Stephens, CR. and Wright, AH., (2002). Allele Diffusion in Linear Genetic Programming and Variable-Length Genetic Algorithms with Subtree Crossover
Poli, R. and Freitag McPhee, N., (2001). Exact Schema Theorems for GP with One-Point and Standard Crossover Operating on Linear Structures and Their Application to the Study of the Evolution of Size
Freitag McPhee, N. and Poli, R., (2001). A Schema Theory Analysis of the Evolution of Size in Genetic Programming with Linear Representations
Poli, R., (2001). General Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with Subtree-Swapping Crossover
McPhee, NF., Poli, R. and Rowe, JE., (2001). A schema theory analysis of mutation size biases in genetic programming with linear representations
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2001). Exact GP schema theory for headless chicken crossover and subtree mutation
Poli, R., (2000). Hyperschema Theory for GP with One-Point Crossover, Building Blocks, and Some New Results in GA Theory
Großmann, A. and Poli, R., (2000). Learning a Navigation Task in Changing Environments by Multi-task Reinforcement Learning
Poli, R., (2000). Why the schema theorem is correct also in the presence of stochastic effects
Radi, A. and Poli, R., (1999). Genetic Programming Discovers Efficient Learning Rules for the Hidden and Output Layers of Feedforward Neural Networks
Poli, R., (1999). Sub-machine-code GP: New Results and Extensions
Page, J., Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (1999). Mutation in Genetic Programming: A Preliminary Study
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (1999). Boolean Functions Fitness Spaces
Poli, R., (1999). Evolutionary computation teaching at Birmingham
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (1998). Fitness causes bloat: Mutation
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (1998). Genetic programming bloat with dynamic fitness
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (1998). A review of theoretical and experimental results on schemata in genetic programming
Großmann, A. and Poli, R., (1998). Continual Robot Learning with Constructive Neural Networks
Pujol, JCF. and Poli, R., (1998). Dual network representation applied to the evolution of neural controllers
Radi, A. and Poli, R., (1998). Discovery of backpropagation learning rules using genetic programming
Pujol, JCF. and Poli, R., (1998). Efficient evolution of asymmetric recurrent neural networks using a PDGP-inspired two-dimensional representation
Pujol, JCF. and Poli, R., (1998). Evolving neural networks using a dual representation with a combined crossover operator
Poli, R., (1997). Parallel distributed genetic programming applied to the evolution of natural language recognisers
Poli, R., (1996). Genetic Programming for feature detection and image segmentation
Sloman, A. and Poli, R., (1996). SIM_AGENT: A toolkit for exploring agent designs
(1995). Progress in Artificial Intelligence
Cagnoni, S., Dobrzeniecki, AB., Yanch, JC. and Poli, R., (1994). Interactive segmentation of multi-dimensional medical data with contour-based application of genetic algorithms
Poli, R. and Valli, G., (1993). Neural inhabitants of MR and echo images segment cardiac structures
Poli, R., Coppini, G., Nobili, R. and Valli, G., (1992). LV shape recovery from echocardiographic images by means of computer vision techniques and neural networks
Cagnoni, S., Coppini, G., Livi, R., Poli, R., Scarpelli, PT. and Valli, G., (1992). A neural network expert system for computer-assisted analysis of blood-pressure data
Poli, R., Coppini, G., Demi, M. and Valli, G., (1991). An artificial vision system for coronary angiography
Reports and Papers (16)
Valeriani, D. and Poli, R., (2018). Cyborg Groups Enhance Face Recognition in Crowded Environments
Poli, R., Valeriani, D. and Cinel, C., (2014). CES-530: Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for Aiding Decision-making
Matran-Fernandez, A. and Poli, R., (2014). CES-533: Analysis of the Event-related Potentials induced by cuts in feature movies and evaluation of the possibility of using such ERPs for understanding the effects of cuts on viewers
Poli, R. and Matran-Fernandez, A., (2014). CES-531: Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces for Target Detection and Localisation in Rapid Serial Visual Presentation
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2008). CES-479 A Linear Estimation-of-Distribution GP System
Poli, R. and McPhee, NF., (2008). CES-480 Covariant Parsimony Pressure for Genetic Programming
Poli, R., (2007). CSM-465: The Sampling Distribution of Particle Swarm Optimisers and their Stability
Poli, R., Langdon, WB. and Dignum, S., (2006). CSM-464: On the Limiting Distribution of Program Sizes in Tree-based Genetic Programming
Poli, R. and Stephens, CR., (2005). CSM-426: Theoretical Analysis of Generalised Recombination
Poli, R. and Stephens, CR., (2005). CSM-427: Coarse Graining in an Evolutionary Algorithm with Recombination, Duplication and Inversion
Poli, R. and Langdon, WB., (2005). CSM-425: Backward-Chaining Genetic Programming
Langdon, WB. and Poli, R., (2005). CSM-423 - Evolutionary Solo Pong Players
Poli, R. and Moraglio, A., (2005). CSM-430: Geometric Landscape of Homologous Crossover for Syntactic Trees
Poli, R. and Moraglio, A., (2005). CSM429: Abstract Geometric Crossover for the Permutation Representation
Poli, R. and Dignum, S., (2004). CSM-400 - Multi-agent Foreign Exchange Market Modelling via GP
Poli, R. and Freitag McPhee, N., (2002). CSM-365 - Using schema theory to explore interactions of multiple operators
Grants and funding
Semantic brain to computer communication
Leverhulme Trust
Collaborative Brain Computer Interfaces (cBCI) for Decision Making
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
HS 1.052 Technical Proposal: Decision-Making Augmentation via Human-Machine Teams Assisted by Brain Interfaces
BAE Systems (Operations) Limited
Closed-Loop Multisensory Brain-Computer Interface for Enhanced Decision Accuracy - Additional Funds 2019
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Adaptive joint cognitive systems for complex and strategic decision making: building trust in human-machine teams through brain-computer-interface augmentation, social interaction and mutual learning
Ministry of Defence
MURI Topic #3
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Brain computer interace assisted confidence estimation for group decision making, performance/attention tracking, and personnel selection and training
BAE Systems Operations Ltd
European Commission (H2020)
European Commission (H2020)
Improving Group Decision Making with Collaborative Brain Computer Interfaces
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
R Poli - Saudi Ministry of Labour - Consultancy
QINETIQ - Prof. R Poli Consultancy
VF N Mcphee Bringing Contemporary Biolog
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Analogue Revolutionary Brain Computer In
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
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