Victoria Poole

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874863
WFH, Colchester Campus
As a Project Manager I deliver strategic projects and initiatives within the University, which have been identified as institutional priority areas. I am currently supporting the development of the Centre for Coastal Communities, and a project to create a Centre of Dental Excellence. Previous projects have included: - Graduate Outcomes programme review - Virtual Classrooms (Zoom Rooms) roll out - ITS Infrastructure response to COVID-19 and remote working and learning - University of Sanctuary initiatives and award - the creation of the new School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences - supporting the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Designate in the development of the University's next Strategic Plan for the period 2019 -2015 - a strategic review of the School of Biological Sciences - support to the Faculty of Humanities in relation to the formal Planning process and Area Reviews - monitoring of the current year's and drafting of next year's Education Action Plan and Research Action Plan. As a member of the Strategic Projects Office, I am also involved in areas of work such as the Universitys Project Management Framework, Continuous Improvement programme and efforts to enhance capabilities to deliver change across the University.
BA (Hons) History University of Sheffield (2010)
+44 (0) 1206 874863
WFH, Colchester Campus
Working pattern:
I work part-time, with Monday as my non-working day